Louis Navellier AI Retirement Formula Review [I Bought It]

Louis Navellier found the best working AI retirement formula. As the AI sector continues to grow rapidly, using this little-known opportunity you will be able to consistently earn large lump sums of money rather than waiting for one or two huge winners. Read further for details how to start exploiting this unique situation as soon as today without doing anything extra risky.

Key Takeaways

  • Louis Navellier discovered new “Retirement Formula for AI.” The idea here is that if you use this “formula” as early as today, you will have the opportunity to generate a steady stream of money going forward. This system could bring you hundreds of dollars per payout on a continual basis, depending on how much you invest.

What Is Louis Navellier AI Retirement Formula?

Many of the AI companies, including large corporations and smaller firms, decide to enter a special arrangement that contractually obligates them to funnel money into specific ventures.

These ventures that collect the money are legally obligated to pay out 90% of their profits in the form of a special type of dividend.

Navellier is talking about $3 billion on an annual basis. This suggests that the people who already take advantage of the “AI Retirement Plan” are currently receiving an annual payout of $2.7 billion.

Following this retirement formula will allow you to earn dividends of…

Louis Navellier AI Retirement Formula Review

These payouts can fluctuate. But based on the recent history, you can look forward to payouts that could regularly increase. If you wait too long, you could miss the next payout opportunity.

But before we get into further details, let me share with you some background info of who is Louis Navellier and what is his track record.

Who Is Louis Navellier?

By training, Louis Navellier is a quantitative analyst, and he currently manages about $1 billion.

Back in the late ’70s as a teenager, while he was assigned to work to develop an investing formula that could match the overall return of the S&P 500, Louis noticed some stocks that kept beating the market in a major way.

Running his formulas to build an index product he quickly realized he had stumbled onto something much more exciting than a boring index fund. Soon he took his discovery and started his own investment firm.  He became one of the youngest money managers on Wall Street.

The major difference between Louis and the rest is while other money managers were focused reading company reports and hobnobbing with executives, he was using computers to help him find tomorrow’s big winners.

Later he will create one of the most successful stock-picking algorithms in Wall Street history.

High-profile publications like The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Barron’s, and The New York Times have published research.

Today, he manages a quant-based financial research firm, where he employs some of the best programmers.

Louis considers “AI Retirement Formula” one of the most important discoveries of his career.

How To Start Earning Your First Payout?

Mutual funds, Wall Street money managers, and financial gurus all want you to think that the average person cannot outperform the market. They want you to believe that if you choose to do so, you must pay exorbitant costs.

Nothing could be further from the reality, though. And Louis is confident he can prove it. In order to do this, he wants to grant you access to his monthly advisory letter, Growth Investor. Here is more about his project.

What Is Growth Investor and How It Works?

The goal of Growth Investor is simple: To find tomorrow’s next big stock market winners today.

Throughout Louis’ career, his unique technique has found multiple ways to increase subscriber’s money many times over by finding the biggest opportunities in the stock market.

So far, they’ve recommended more than 675 stocks that have at least DOUBLED in price.

Louis Navellier AI Retirement Formula Review

Not sure if any other research advisory in the world would match this record.

Here how it works: Every month you will receive a new edition of Growth Investor recommendation letter via email. Usually containing at least one new investment opportunity that Louis identified using his proprietary system. These might be fresh opportunities in the “AI Retirement Formula” or in other sectors of the economy that are about to boom for quite different reasons.

Then every Friday, you will also receive a Weekly Update giving you Navellier’s take on events of the week, as well as what impacted the market. This is pretty much all the information you’ll need to remain ahead of Wall Street. Everything sent straight to your email.

Additionally, you’ll receive emails for important news about the market or stocks, or when it’s time to take profits, to let you know what’s going on and how it affects your Growth Investor suggestions.


As soon as you start a trial membership to Growth Investor through this risk-free offer, you’ll get full access to Navellier’s research.

What Is Included With Growth Investor Subscription?

Here’s everything you’ll get:

Growth Investor Subscription

  • One Year of Growth Investor: You’ll get 12 monthly investment recommendations. Typically, Growth Investor monthly issue includes at least one new investment opportunity.
  • 12 Month Access to the Growth Investor model portfolio.
  • 24/7 Access to all Special Reports, podcasts, flash alerts.
  • Direct phone number to their customer service team for any questions about the service.
  • Monthly Issues: Every month, you’ll receive information regarding new buy opportunities, sells, and top stocks.
  • Bonus special report, The AI Retirement Formula: How to Earn Your First Payout Today. Everything you need to know about the “AI Retirement Formula” and how to start benefiting from it right now is covered in this research.
  • Bonus report: Three Incredible AI Stocks for a Six-Figure Payday. Inside you’ll find all the details on another opportunity that could generate outsized gains. It’s all about the chips. The demands of AI are growing at an exponential rate, and current CPUs cannot keep up with their capabilities. There is a great potential for you right now in this space between the development of AI and the required processing power of chips. Louis has discovered three additional companies that, in my opinion, will be very important to this new chip generation. In this report you will receive extensive guidance on how to profit from this situation.
  • Special Report Three Secret AI Engines for Big Gains detail three of the best chip companies. Strong computers are needed for AI, and chips are needed for computers. Because of this, the top semiconductor makers will benefit greatly from the AI boom. Following crude oil, refined oil, and automobiles on the list of the most traded goods worldwide, chips are currently ranked fourth. Because of the continuous chip shortage, businesses in this industry could benefit greatly from skyrocketing pricing. Everything boils down to demand and supply. Those that take advantage stand to make enormous returns in a short amount of time.
  • 24/7 access to Navellier’s Portfolio Grader Tool. With Portfolio Grader, you can plug in more than 6,000 stock tickers and Navellier’s powerful stock assessment tool will grade it with grades from A through F.

How Much Is Growth Investor Subscription?

Growth Investor’s retail price is $299. With this special offer you won’t pay that much. Instead, you’ll gain instant access to it today for just $49.

This offer is 100% risk-free for you. Here’s why…

You can go over everything in the following three months. Read every report, look at all of the market updates and follow their recommendations. After that, if you’re not entirely satisfied, you can request a full refund.

Navellier shared that their customers stick with them because they work really hard to make sure readers benefit from their research.

It makes sense as they’ve quickly grown into one of the most respected financial research firms in the nation… with readers from all over the world.

Louis Navellier AI Retirement Formula Verdict

AI Retirement formula is a way to potentially unlock the AI industry’s biggest stream of payouts. As any investment it carries potential risk but with nowhere near the amount of risk of investing in a startup.

With the proper guidance and track record behind you, you could find some of the most explosive AI opportunities in the stock market. That’s where Growth Investor comes in.

Right now, there are four open recommendations that are triple-digit gains, and one that could pay you as much as 15x your money. Keep in mind that past performance is no guarantee for future results.

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