Jason Bond Small Account Journey: Is It Good? [Real Member]

Jason Bond Small Account Journey real-time training is going LIVE at 8PM ET on Thursday January 18th.

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Jason Bond Small Account Journey: Trading $2,000 in 3 steps

How to get started with the $2,000 Small Account Journey?

It involves 3 Step Starter:

Small Account Journey Step 1

Pick a line in the sand you think AMZN will trade above at Friday’s close. I went with $143 on this trade.

I then sold the $143 put (red line).

Jason Bond Small Account Journey

At the same time I bought a put a bit lower to define risk. I went with the $142 put on the chart above (green line). I actually made this trade on Tuesday.

Alerting subscribers in what looks like a text message on their smartphone.

Jason Bond Small Account Journey

Small Account Journey Step 2

Now I sit back and relax because the option’s TIME DECAY is working for me. That’s why this strategy is perfect for $2,000 balances.
The trades are to be active for a few days so no worries about the dreaded PDT rule.

Small Account Journey Step 3

I entered the trade Tuesday.

The goal is to get 30% overnight or 50% within a few days. Again, TIME DECAY works for the seller.

Wednesday AMZN went higher.

Jason Bond Small Account Journey

The trader who bought the $133 AMZN puts was now holding a near worthless position.

Which put me up 71% or $1,000 overnight. Not bad for a balance that started at $2,000 a few days earlier.

So I sent another smartphone alert to subscribers.

Jason Bond Small Account Journey

And logged the trade in my journal.

Jason Bond Small Account Journey

Results aren’t typical. Trading is hard. Nothing is guaranteed.

I want to point out that I cannot speak for my members’ performance, as results may not be typical and trading is HARD. And I cannot guarantee you will make money. But what I can guarantee is that I will work my BUTT OFF to teach you WHY I trade WHAT I trade.

The best way to learn this strategy is to jump right in.

Not by trading real money, but by joining the service and watching me execute. You’ll get a daily watchlist and smartphone alerts before I enter and exit all trades. And a boatload of education.
My goal is to turn one of my $2,000 balances into $100,000.

$2,000 to $32,000 in about 4-months is the best I’ve done so far before a draw down at which point I decided to take profit.

This is a great edge in the market.

Jason Bond Small Account Journey

We’re about to start our next Journey. Subscribers get:

  1. ALL the education!
  2. ALL the daily watchlists!
  3. And ALL the trade alerts, before I enter and exit, like a text, on your smartphone.

CLICK HERE to register for my next LIVE Training and access to your exclusive offer.

Jason Bond Small Account Journey: 7 Eye Opening Trading Advantages

The $2,000 Small Account Journey has 7 Eye Opening Trading Advantages:

Advantage 1: The odds are always in your favor

Jason Bond Small Account Journey

Why, you ask?

A three-year study came to three major conclusions:

  1. On average, three of every four options held to expiry, expire worthless;
  2. The puts and calls that expired worthless played off the primary trend of the underlying;
  3. Option sellers still come out ahead even if they go against the trend.

In fact, of put options alone, 82.6% expired worthless.

In some of the studies, up to 96% of puts or calls expire worthless if sold favoring the trend. This is one of the reasons the $2,000 Small Account Journey has a high win rate.

For example, here’s the current balance.

Jason Bond Small Account Journey

This sounds like common sense, but a lot of traders bet against the trend.

When it comes to selling options, the old adage most definitely holds true: The trend is your friend.

Sell options with the trend and you boost your odds the options will expire worthless.

Source: The Complete Guide To Options Selling 3rd Edition by Cordier and Gross

Advantage 2: You don’t have to pick market direction anymore

The hard part of buying options is you must get the direction right and predict when the move will occur.

Predicting where prices will go is like trying to predict the direction of a hurricane.

Smart option sellers bet that the storm will not make a 180-degree turnaround into the wind. That’s ALL!

They don’t play the game of guessing where the storm will hit. That’s a low odds game. Guessing where it will not hit is much easier.

  • Short-term trading (day trading) is too difficult.
  • Markets can be sporadic over short-term periods.
  • As a seller of options 1-2 weeks out, day to day market gyration does not concern me.

Advantage 3: Accrued profits can be large

Taking time to learn a strategy and allocating capital likely means you want a bigger payoff.

Most traders don’t know this strategy and that’s fine, but option selling has the horsepower to deliver.

On November 13 I started a fresh $2,000 balance. It’s at $9,065 now or up 353%.

Jason Bond Small Account Journey

Results not typical. Trading is hard. Nothing is guaranteed.

My best performance so far is $2,000 into $32,000 in about 4-months before a draw down, at which point I took profits.

And subscribers’ smartphones get every alert before I enter and exit. My goal is to get one of these $2,000 balances to $100,000.

Advantage 4: Time is on your side

As an option seller, the passage of time is your greatest ally.

Jason Bond Small Account Journey

As a seller of an option, you are like a football team that plays defense for an entire game. How much time is on the clock when you start the game is up to you.

You give yourself a predetermined point lead and your opponent so much time to beat you. For example, give yourself a 50-point lead and give your opponent two quarters to beat you.

Point is. The option buyer works against the market and time. Same as the offense, trailing, has to work against the defense and time left on the clock.

Here’s what that looks like on a recent trade I made. See how the options prices decay inside the same day?

Jason Bond Small Account Journey

It’s like the buyer is holding a bucket of water with holes in it and the seller is below collecting it.

Jason Bond Small Account Journey

Advantage 5: Taking profits becomes simple

Most books on trading tell you not to be emotional about your trading. How can you not be emotional about your trading? This is your money that we’re talking about! You’re going to be emotional about it no matter what you tell yourself.

As the seller, the decision of when to take profits generally becomes one that you no longer have to make.

The market makes it for you.

If the option is not in-the-money, the value will deteriorate to zero at expiry.

I teach taking 30% early in the trade or 50% halfway through expiry. It’s that easy.

Advantage 6: Perfect timing is no longer necessary

In a bull trend, sell far beneath the market, allowing for wide price fluctuations.

For this I teach the 10-day EMA, inside bar breakouts, and Keltner Channels. See how well META trades above the green line? That’s the 10-day EMA. Even today, the last trading day of 2023, META is still above the 10-day EMA.

Jason Bond Small Account Journey

Advantage 7: Many methods of risk control

When entering a bull put, like this example on TSLA, I know exactly what I can make or lose. My risk on this TSLA bull put was $3,870 to try and make $2,130.

I took home $1,248 overnight or 59%.

This is an actual trade I alerted subscribers to recently.

Jason Bond Small Account Journey

Jason Bond Small Account Journey

Jason Bond Small Account Journey

My entry was $3.55 on a $10 wide spread which tells me my probability of profit was ~65%. That means the buyer had ~35% probability of profit.

Stop loss strategy #1 is to get out if the stock breaks below the sold strike of $250. A more aggressive stop loss strategy, #2, is to exit on a break of the bought strike. Ever wonder why there are so many insurance commercials on TV?

It’s because they are making billions of dollars a year by selling policies to people like you and me.

Jason Bond Small Account Journey

What a fantastic business!

And if you have a billionaire uncle, I would suggest you start an insurance company. Next best thing?

Learn how to sell options to other traders.

Insurance companies make calculated odds against people making claims. Option sellers bet against buyers making profits.

And in the $2,000 Small Account Journey that’s my edge!

This is my most popular service and I think you’ll love it too. So here’s the deal.

We are opening our next Small Account Journey to a limited number of seats.

Our analytics nerds are currently working on the total number of seats vs price and once we nail that down, we’ll let you know.

However, to ensure your lock in a spot, you need to sign up for the free event Thursday, January 25, at 8pm EST by CLICKING HERE and entering your information.

I want to point out that I cannot speak for my members’ performance, as results may not be typical and trading is HARD. And I cannot guarantee you will make money. But what I can guarantee is that I will work my BUTT OFF to teach you WHY I trade WHAT I trade.

Jason Bond Small Account Journey: The Ultimate Options Trading Blueprint For Traders With Small Accounts

With 1000s of traders already taught, Jason Bond is confident you’ll be the next happy trader taught by him as he reveals the strategies he’s employing to turn $2,000 into $100,000 as quickly as possible.

Let me be clear: Jason Bond does not promising he’ll reach $100,000…

He has already turned $2,000 into $7,071 – selling options on a handful of the most liquid stocks in the market!

That’s a +254% account growth in a few weeks, and you’re about to learn the technicals and fundamentals he’s applying to his Journey.

The education alone will thrill you!

Jason Bond Small Account Journey is going LIVE at 8PM ET on Thursday January 18th.

My suggestion is to bring a notepad for this rare live training!

Jason Bond Small Account Journey training is your next step in developing as a trader, and Jason wants you to benefit from everything he’ll teach.

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