Dan Ferris Warning: AI’s #1 Threat to Your Money Just Arrived

You probably heard on the news that thanks to AI (artificial intelligence) applications criminals may now mimic ANY voice by using a short audio clip of a few phrases. They can use AI to literally “speak” whatever they type, in your voice. There is very little that law enforcement can do to stop it.

It is estimated that within the next 18 months, AI-driven crimes might rob unsuspecting Americans of up to $100 billion. This is an almost 3,800% rise over the previous year.

Why am I telling you this? Because AI is THE most significant and disruptive technical development that humanity has experienced since the creation of the internet.

It has almost limitless risks. But so are its capabilities.

In their most recent annual reports, about one in seven publicly traded corporations highlighted artificial intelligence.

Information about AI could be found everywhere now. But we’ve never received satisfactory responses to questions like:

What information should I be sharing with AI?

What kind of transactions should I trust AI to do?

And most importantly… How do I protect my money, my personal information and privacy from it?

This is the reason why Dan Ferris is stepping forward with important warning: AI’s #1 Threat to Your Money Just Arrived. Because unlike so many other financial analysts out there, he believes we’ve arrived at an incredibly dangerous moment in this artificial intelligence story.


Dan Ferris Major Market EventDan Ferris: ‘A Rare Market Event 50 Years in the Making Is Happening NOW’

A predictable shift is playing out once again, which could hand you huge profits if you know what’s coming. A small number of folks have been preparing for this exact moment, but 99% of investors will miss out.

Click here for full details.

Dan Ferris’ AI Safety Tips

There’s a simple and foolproof way of guarding against phone “imposter scams” where AI can replicate someone’s voice and try to fool you.

AI Safety Tip #1: Establish a secret code word for your family that a criminal would never guess.

This way, you can ask for the code word first before acting upon a caller acting as your child or grandchild and requesting assistance that involves sending money or revealing private information.

The word of your choice should be something completely random. Not the name of your dog, not the type of vehicle you drive… or anything at all that someone could easily discover by searching you on the internet or social media.

AI Safety Tip #2: If you get a call from a friend or family number in distress and asking for money – politely hang up and call back on a verified number you’ve used for them before.

They can verify whether or not it was them if they respond. And if they don’t respond, the likelihood is that it wasn’t them calling.

AI Safety Tip #3: Wipe the internet clean of ANY identifiable public photos of you.

Make it difficult for someone to deepfake and steal your face. Avoid posting a clear, straight picture of your face. Display a group photo… or a photograph obtained at a distance.

AI Safety Tip #4: Create unbreakable password protection.

You’d be shocked how many people still use the same pass code for everything. NEVER do that. It will be simple for hackers to attempt using the same password for your email account or cloud storage if your Facebook password has been compromised.

Create a unique password for everything. Passwords should be “strong and long.” That means a nearly random combination of numbers, letters, and symbols.

Lastly, make frequent password changes. If you find that difficult, try this fantastic tip: switch up your passwords during the daylight-saving time when you move your clocks forward and backward. What an excellent reminder.

You’ll be able to find Ferris’ safety tips in his FREE special report he just published, called “How to AI-Proof Your Money, Privacy, and Life.”

How to AI-Proof Your Money, Privacy, and Life

Inside you’ll discover useful, simple-to-follow instructions that you can follow to protect your money and your data from thieves and scammers trying to steal it from you by using artificial intelligence.

Dr. David Eifrig’s Protection Guide

In addition to Ferris’ tips, there is another report written by Dr. David Eifrig. It’s called “Safeguard Your Privacy: Four Areas of Your Life You Need to Protect.”

Safeguard Your Privacy: Four Areas of Your Life You Need to Protect

David, often known as “Doc,” has spent the last twenty years developing his skills in the area of leading a prosperous and healthy retirement. He’s one of America’s most influential and important advocates for retirees and those nearing retirement.

AI’s #1 Threat to Your Money Right Now

You know, right now there’s NO hotter investment than artificial intelligence companies. This will make what Dan Ferris say next sound crazy… But his exact words are: “I believe this is the absolute WORST time for you to invest in AI stocks.”

He believes you could end up losing MORE money buying AI stocks than all of the scams we discussed above. Here’s why…

An AI Bubble Fueled by FOMO

All the money being flooded into AI stocks right now is because of fear of missing out, or “FOMO”.

It’s the fear that, even though artificial intelligence is still very much in its infancy, later on you will regret not making the investment.

This year, the S&P 500 has increased by up to 20%. And the enthusiasm surrounding artificial intelligence is largely responsible for those gains.

If it seems illogical that a single technological advancement might change the direction of the stock market, even though inflation is still extremely high, Americans are still being crushed by mortgage and other consumer loan rates, and most equities are still flat.

Dan is confident that currently we are in a danger of pretty much the exact same scenario playing out with AI stocks as we saw during the dot com crash. He is referring specifically about AI stocks.

His 24 years’ experience working in the markets tells him that what we ARE seeing IS a bubble in AI investing. That’s why he believes this is the #1 threat AI poses to your financial security right now.

Because no one really knows which companies are going to emerge as the true winners of the AI boom.


Must See: Incredible New Stock-Predicting AI System

Predictive Alpha Prime

The financial industry is the next in line to be completely disrupted by artificial intelligence. And leading that charge is a groundbreaking AI algorithm called An-E.

What makes An-E so revolutionary? There are two reasons: 1) An-E can predict stock prices four weeks in the future with incredible accuracy… and 2) It’s specifically designed for the everyday person – NOT Wall Street.

And you can begin using it today on 3,000 stocks.

Click here to see it in action

Dan Ferris’ AI Recommendation

Dan suggests do not buy directly into speculative AI stocks or big overpriced tech stocks. Instead invest in established companies with proven track records that have quietly made some very smart stealth connections to the AI boom.

I know it’s easy to say this…but here is more info about this:

Ferris spotted three companies that existed long before AI became the hot new trend. He believes they’ll have no problem surviving if, and most likely when, this bubble bursts.

Additionally, as this sector develops and actual money begins to be made, there will be an increasing number of opportunities to invest in AI with significantly lower risk.

But in the meantime, this step could help you to be in a prime spot to take advantage of the best AI has to offer right now, while still managing to stay far away from the biggest risks.

If you are interested to learn more about these three opportunities, you’ll find everything in Ferris’ most recent report called “3 Stealth Trades With Huge AI Upside.”

3 Stealth Trades With Huge AI Upside

Inside you will find the names of the companies, their tickers, buy up to prices and all the details of how they work. You will know what to expect going forward, including how each of these companies could explode in value in the years ahead from the future market for AI.

How To Get All Three Reports?

The Ferris Report

You can get a copy of Ferris’ brand-new special report, 3 Stealth Trades with Huge AI Upside, along with two more incredibly important briefings, How to AI-Proof Your Money, Privacy, and Life… and Safeguard Your Privacy: Four Areas of Your Life You Need to Protect by subscribing to his monthly research service: The Ferris Report. Here is more about this service.

What Is The Ferris Report?

The Ferris Report

The Ferris Report is more accessible and affordable compared to Dan’s other services.

It is created with main goals to help you preserve what you’ve got, and also safely grow it.

On the fourth Wednesday of every month he’ll update you on everything you need to know about this AI bubble – the investments to avoid, opportunities to grow your wealth with less risk, and more.

How much does it all cost?

Normally, a one-year subscription to Dan’s work costs $199 per year. That’s what most folks pay, and it’s an incredible deal.

Use this link to save 75% OFF the regular subscription price… and pay just $49 for the next full year.

The Ferris Report

So, you’re getting $398 worth of research over the course of the next year for just $49. And it is 100% RISK-FREE for 30 days.

What Is Included In The Ferris Report?

Here is a list of what is included with current promotion:

  • One year of The Ferris Report at 75% OFF the regular price (a $199 value).
  • Dan’s model portfolio featuring over 20 of his best trade recommendations.
  • Special Ferris Report updates & alerts.
  • Dan’s complete archive of issues and special reports, including research and recommendations on things like compounding wealth stocks… the most valuable assets to own during a financial crisis… and havens for your money during recessions.
  • Doc’s complete archive of issues and special reports. Topics include America’s #1 Retirement Stock… 8 “Forever Stocks” that could double in value every year… and even the best states to retire in for my taxes, healthcare, housing, safety and more.
  • FREE Special Report #1: How to AI-Proof Your Money, Privacy, and Life.
  • FREE Special Report #2: Safeguard Your Privacy: Four Areas of Your Life You Need to Protect.
  • FREE Special Report #3: 3 Stealth Trades with Huge AI Upside.
  • A FREE Bonus one-year subscription to Dr. David Eifrig’s Retirement Millionaire (a $199 value).
  • The Stansberry Digest delivered every weekday after the market closes.
  • Health and Wealth Bulletin – Dr. David Eifrig’s wellness-focused newsletter, chockful of ideas, hacks, and tips.
  • Stansberry Investor Hour podcast on Mondays. Each week, Dan interviews some of the best minds in business, investing, and the political world.


The No. 1 AI Stock of 2023 (Not Nvidia)

It’s not Nvidia, Meta Platforms, Alphabet, or Amazon. But thanks to a recent major deal, an under-the-radar stock could become the No. 1 winner of the 2023 AI boom. “This company just teamed up with one of the biggest power players in the AI industry… yet you can still buy it for just one-twelfth the price of Nvidia – the time to buy is NOW,” says Marc Chaikin.

Click here for the name and ticker.

Final Words

Dan Ferris’ message is especially directed toward retired people or those approaching that point in the next few years. The information he shared could potentially save you from unimaginable financial loss. If you follow his recommendations, you could swing this potential catastrophe in the complete opposite direction… and end up growing your wealth as a result.

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