Zach Scheidt’s 5G Cash Towers Teaser Review

Are you looking for a Zach Scheidt’s 5G Cash Towers Teaser Review?

I received an email invitation from Zach Scheidt prompting me to check out his new teaser that is about “The 5G technology enveloping America is creating towers of cash for Americans like you to raid.”

I researched what he put out in the teaser and put together this review discussing the merits of his recommendations.

Keep reading below to get all the info.

Watch Zach Scheidt’s 5G Cash Towers Presentation Here

Zach Scheidt’s 5G Cash Towers Introduction

If you are like most Americans, you might think 5G is just another smartphone upgrade.

I don’t blame you.

As mobile phones went from 1G to 2G to 3G to 4G… they either got faster or better or both. So it’s fair to assume that 5G will make your smart phone even faster and better.

But speed is just one tiny fraction of the 5G story.

Because unlike 2G, 3G, and 4G, where the technology was limited to the phones…5G is going to upgrade your car, your home, your internet, your clothes, your heart… your entire life.

No wonder…

The smart money is already pouring in to capitalize on this WINDFALL

Billionaires like George Soros and Bill Gates (the father of modern technology) are backing this tech revolution. Between them and others like Jim Simons, D.E. Shaw, and Paul Tudor Jones, millions are pouring in from every industry.

Even NYSE and NASDAQ are using every tactic possible to grab the largest slice of the 5G pie.

Best of all…

There’s no political red tape. Not anymore. In its place is a red carpet…Rolled out by President Trump himself with the signing of an executive order a few months ago. In fact, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) even initiated the 5G FAST plan to Facilitate America’s Superior Technology in 5G.

Watch Zach Scheidt’s 5G Cash Towers Presentation Here

With each day that passes, more businesses are virtually pressing the reset button to get this new tech on board.

Even the eagerly awaited innovations of tomorrow — Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), robotics, driverless cars, drones, space tech have been virtually put on hold for this one technology.

Now that 5G is here, tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Intel, Apple, Netflix, are racing ahead to accommodate it.

Even start-up companies are eager to cash in on this wave. While everyone is trying to jump in on the 5G bandwagon… Some savvy Americans found a strategy that allows them to generate money from 5G even before it is fully rolled out.

By the time 5G blankets America…

People taking advantage of this strategy will have the opportunity to dip into a pool worth BILLIONS

But only those with their name on a special investors list will have the chance at life-changing retirement cash to prove it. It’s all thanks in part to a brilliant idea by President Dwight David Eisenhower…

Zach Scheidt’s 5G Cash Towers – How it works?

Eisenhower’s Interstate Highway System
Paved The Way For 5G Riches!

Like President Trump, Eisenhower was obsessed with Making America Great… starting with an Interstate Highway System.

To fund the project… he hit upon a plan and signed it into law — PL 86-779.

In a nutshell… the law incentivized big corporations to invest in the infrastructure of the country. But it also forced the corporations to hand out a large majority of their revenue to the American public.

In return, the corporations would get MASSIVE tax breaks…

In other words, it was a win-win-win.

  • America wins
  • American corporations win
  • Individual Americans win

Over the years, Eisenhower’s masterplan proved to be runaway success.

What started with highways… soon spread into other infrastructure projects.

Look at what happened with oil and gas pipelines. The United States has more than 2.4 million miles of pipeline. At today’s rate, that’s a whopping $19.8 trillion worth of pipelines.Raising that kind of money was only possible because large energy companies pitched in (to get the tax breaks).

And as a part of the Eisenhower law, thousands of Americans who invested in these special energy companies got (and are still getting) a lion’s share of the profits. In addition to the energy companies, many special infrastructure projects like roads, bridges, corporate offices, hotels, hospitals also started taking advantage of this strategy…

And Americans “in the know” have been taking advantage of this situation. In fact, even as you read this, more than 87 million Americans are getting paid every month by different companies who are using this same strategy.

That’s one in every four Americans.

But here is the thing…

While PL 86-779 was good for infrastructure industries… It was not applicable to non-infrastructure businesses like communications. That is, till the Department of Treasury (DoT) stepped in.

An IRS intervention opens up the “5G Cash” investment opportunity

Just before 5G came into the picture…

The IRS made a small tweak to the terminology of Eisenhower’s Law … Because of this tweak, certain 5G companies can also get the same tax breaks as many of these other companies.

I don’t want to get into all the legal small print but the important thing is… The IRS tweak opened the floodgates for ordinary Americans to get a shot at collecting “5G Cash.”

If you haven’t heard of “5G Cash” I’m not surprised.

You see, the law that made “5G Cash” possible (Public Law 86-779) is buried under “other purposes” of a binder, titled Cigar Excise Tax Extension Act

But now, I’m blowing the lid wide open.

Watch Zach Scheidt’s 5G Cash Towers Presentation Here

The Secret Behind “5G Cash”

For the first time you will be able to see how this huge income opportunity which is being used by companies in charge of pipelines, bridges, buildings etc… Is now hiding in plain sight in the form of…

Cellular Towers.

Behind the scenes, these towers hide a MASSIVE secret.

You see, while you and I pay our monthly cell phone bills to the cell phone companies…

The cell phone companies DO NOT actually OWN the towers.

When I first found out about this, I was stunned. Companies like Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, pay huge RENT to use these wireless towers.

Crazy, right?

Now here’s where it gets interesting. Because these towers are now classified as real property under the new law, the owners can take advantage of the massive tax breaks. In return, they are forced to distribute a huge part of the rent.

This distributed rent is the key to “5G Cash.”

To be clear, “5G Cash” is an ROI (return on investment) in tower owning companies. And as far as I know, it is the best way for ordinary Americans to cash in on the 5G craze. So far, there are 605,000 Cell Towers in the U.S.

The Eisenhower law is very clear.

A maximum share (at least 90%) of the profits generated by the companies that own the towers… Has to be distributed to people who invest to receive “5G Cash.” Currently, there are over 205,000 towers and 400,000 smaller cell towers (nodes) in the US.

When you add up all the rent paid for all the towers…

And remove the day-to-day maintenance costs for the towers…

What’s left is a massive pool of money… that investors can dip into.

Let me break that down for you.

Step One

Giant telecom companies like Verizon and AT&T pay rent to the companies that own the cell towers.

Step Two

Because of the Eisenhower-era law, these cell tower companies can only keep a small part of the rent.

Step Three

The rest of the rent has to be distributed to the ordinary Americans who invested (by law).

That’s how these cellular towers have become a source of income for Americans.

Meet Zach Scheidt

Zach Scheidt is the editor of a library of investment advisories dedicated to finding Wall Street’s best yields. He brings to the table impeccable investment management experience and a solid record of identifying oversized payout opportunities.

In Zach’s flagship service, Lifetime Income Report he has given readers over ten positions with 80-145% gains — as well as yields of up to 8.7% on KKR Group. And most recently he holds a stunning 96.5% success rate in his options advisory, Income on Demand.

Zach is also the editor of Family Wealth Circle, Zach’s Weekly Squawk Box, Buyout Millionaires Club.and co-founder of The Dollar Trade Club with Alan Knuckman.

Zach’s work has also appeared in Seeking Alpha, Motley Fool, and The Wall Street Journal.

He had started his career as a cost accountant for SunTrust Bank before he left for a more exciting career as an analyst for an Atlanta-based investment advisory. The company catered to wealthy clients with a minimum account balance of $1 million. It also ran two hedge funds with combined assets above $100 million. Zach was personally responsible for $20 million of the firm’s money, as well as $20 million in individual client accounts.

Zach graduated with honors from Lee University, a small private university in Cleveland, Tennessee. Upon entering the investment business, Zachary simultaneously worked full-time as an analyst and portfolio manager and earned his MBA from Georgia State University.

When he is not scouring Wall Street for ultra-high dividends, Zach enjoys running, playing poker and spending time with his wife and seven children.

What are Lifetime Income Report member benefits?

To gain access to all the information that you need before the next “5G Cash“ payout – you have to subscribe to Zach’s Lifetime Income Report Newsletter

That’s how you’ll get FREE access to the 5G Cash Command Center with the 5G Calendar, 5-Star 5G Index, and other exclusive benefits.

These benefits are designed to help you collect what Zach calls “5G Cash.“

Along with the access to the 5G Cash Command Center, Zach is also going to send you an exclusive report on Big Data Payouts, a copy of his latest book — Income 2020, your very own Cash Register, and as a special bonus, The Little Booklet of Retirement Discounts.

With all the information in these bonuses, you’ll be able to set yourself up with multiple streams of income that could last you for the rest of your life.

All these exclusive bonuses are yours to keep. All Zach asks in return is that you take a 7 month RISK-FREE trial of his research, called Lifetime Income Report.

Watch Zach Scheidt’s 5G Cash Towers Presentation Here

Just to recap, here’s everything you get once you begin your no-risk trial subscription:

  • MEMBERSHIP BENEFIT #1: The full scoop on earning “5G Cash…” with your encrypted passcode to 5G Cash Command Center (5GCCC). This special website has all the information you need to get started on collecting “5G Cash.”
  • MEMBERSHIP BENEFIT #2: The secret to earning thousands of dollars every month via Big Data Payouts… how to earn a small cut every time someone watches a film on Netflix… orders stuff on Amazon… books a hotel on Airbnb… or does any activity that involves the use of data.
  • MEMBERSHIP BENEFIT #3: My long awaited new book — Income 2020 (an upgraded version of my bestselling — over 300,000 copies in circulation — book). See which of these 47 incredible proven methods for legally and easily collecting income, work best for you.
  • MEMBERSHIP BENEFIT #4: Your very own 5G 2020 Cash Register… and…
  • MEMBERSHIP BENEFIT #5The Little Booklet of Retirement Discounts (Fast action bonus). Learn how to get gifts at massive discounts… how a program gives FREE electricity to seniors… Free college degrees for people over 50… and other great deals.
  • LIR Subscription Bonus #1: Monthly FAQ sessions with me
  • LIR Subscription Bonus #2: Special “members-only” email updates

All told, that’s more than $940 worth of value.

However, right now, you can get an entire year’s worth of Zach’s best income-generating research, plus all those membership benefits, for as little as $49.

That works out to just 14 cents a day for information that some financial analysts and gurus charge $250 an hour.

Fourteen cents a day is a small price to pay when you consider that your first 5G payout alone could fetch you hundreds of dollars, if not more.

If you keep collecting the payouts, in a year’s time, you could be richer by thousands, if not tens of thousands.

And with Zach’s 100%-money-back guarantee, there’s absolutely no risk to you.

Here’s how this guarantee works:

It’s important to know that your subscription is backed by Zach’s unique, complete SATISFACTION GUARANTEE.

This means that he personally pledges you’ll never find better ways to safely maximize your income. If you decide that he’s wrong, simply cancel at any time during the first 210 days and he will return 100% of your subscription fee. It’s that simple. You don’t even need to give him a reason. And you get to keep all the bonuses and all the issues of Lifetime Income Report that you received until the day you canceled. After those 210 days, there are no refunds.

Watch Zach Scheidt’s 5G Cash Towers Presentation Here

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