Michael Robinson’s Nova X-Report Review

Click Here To Try Michael Robinson’s Nova X-Report – Best Offer + Bonuses

Michael Robinson’s Nova X-Report – What is it?

Michael Robinson’s Nova X-Report is a monthly newsletter that aims to pick stocks to benefit from big technology trends. Michael Robinson also edits the more expensive Radical Technology Profits for the same publisher. The Nova-X Report is focused on tiny, little-known companies on the verge of breaking out. These companies could be tech companies from Silicon Valley; they could be pot stocks…Or biotech firms… defense contractors… whatever. In Nova-X Report, Michael Robinson takes folks behind the curtain so they can tap into all these huge potential paydays.


Why Everyone is Getting Rich Right Now … And You’re Not


Thousands of Americans have been hit by a wave of wealth in the wake of COVID-19. Stocks are up 40% since the crash, yet some lucky retirees have the opportunity to see 100%+ gains because of what’s coming next. How are they doing it?

For the first time in history, two millionaire investors have joined forces to help you learn the secret moneymaking strategy of the wealthy and connected.

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Meet Michael Robinson, the man behind the Nova X Report?

Michael Robinson, the founder of the Nova-X Report is one of the gurus behind Money Map Press.  These guys are committed to bringing the best financial research to their members.  Robinson has three and a half decades experience within Silicon Valley, and he’s one of the top technological financial analysts around today.

This is THE go-to guy for the Silicon Valley venture capital firms, and he enjoys privileged accessed to high profile industry insiders, CEOs, and cutting edge scientists.

He’s also a regular on CNBC and Fox Business, as well as being a Pulitzer nominated writer and reporter.  It’s certainly safe to say that this is a guy who certainly knows his stuff…

Michael Robinson has two other services: Radical Technology Profits and Nexus-9 Network .


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What do you get for your money with Nova X Report?

As part of your subscription, you’ll receive…

  • 12 Monthly Editions of the Nova-X Report – Michael Robinson is going to identify the massive investment opportunities that could deliver million-dollar windfalls to those who get in early. Each monthly edition of Nova-X Report will be delivered to both your mailbox and email inbox.
  • Regular updates – so you know the latest news when it comes to your investment opportunities…
  • Cash-In Alerts – giving you the full details on how to sell an investment and maximize any profits…
  • Intelligence briefings – handing you the “insiders view” of the most profitable, breakthrough industries…
  • Cell phone notifications – an optional extra that notifies you of every update, alert, and briefing as soon as they’re issued…
  • Video alerts – with the inside scoop on the latest opportunities…
  • 24/7 access to the Nova-X HQ – where you can access every archived briefing, update, and alert whenever you like…
  • The Nova-X Connection – where you get to connect with thousands of like-minded investors and discuss the latest technology advancements…

Michael Robinson’s Nova X-Report Pricing

For limited time, investors will have access to the Nova-X Report membership for as low as $39. In addition, it will be backed by a 60-day money back guarantee.

If within the first 60 days you decide Michael Robinson’s Nova-X Report isn’t right for you, you can claim a FULL refund. Simply contact his team, and they will return every penny you pay – no questions asked.

Michael Robinson’s customer support team’s telephone number and email will be given to you in your new member package.


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It’s not 5G, artificial intelligence, or the internet of things.

The answer will surprise you. And, for those who take early action, it could lead to an eventual $1.6 million payout.

See #1 Pick

Nova X-Report Real User Reviews


I have been following the Nova-X Report for 3 or 4 years now. I have not traded many of the stocks recommended. Over all, Micheal has a pretty good track record. One recommendation I did act on was NVIDIA . Bought at 33 sold at 42. Wish I could take that sale back . Nova- x is full of good info on Tech stocks and I would say a good value for the price.

money tree

i’m impressed with Nova-X so here goes…

I am loathe to recommend anything to do with Money Map Press because they are so corrupt in my opinion. They come as close to lying about their results in every way possible, without allowing the SEC shutting them down. And I have even written them emails with documented times and prices showing they were lying about results on quick options trades to their subscribers. I see Money Map as the worst of the worst. They are purely a marketing company to get peoples money. If any of their trading services were as good as they say, they would already all be billionaires. But instead, they offer 7 Newsletters; Over 20 trading services, and six or more crazy expensive memberships as well.

HOWEVER, Michael Robinson’s Nova-X is their saving grace. I am very diligent and keep lots of records. He has absolutely crushed the market over the last two years. Fact. And I like hearing his perspective about the companies he recommends and how they are positioned to succeed in the changing world of tech.
What I do not like is a relative quick turnover relative to my investing style. I like to buy a good company and hold it forever until something changes. Nova X uses stop loss triggers, like 20 – 30% loss. But, if you keep watching, a lot of his recommendations go back up after they are sold. He has had some losers, but overall incredible returns.
I will be honest though, I don’t go that heavy into his rec’s because I can’t figure out if he will get crushed in a bear market. The last market downturn triggered half of his stop loss triggers because these young tech companies are very volatile. He does still have one rec that is 3 1/2 years old, and 4 recommendations that are 2 1/2 years old out of a total 24 recs right now. His portfolio seems to range from 22 to 36 stocks at any given time, so he is always looking for the best returns he sees in technology. And he is right about one thing for sure: Technology is clearly the road to wealth right now. (we could see an ugly rebalancing of valuations- sell-off at any time though)

I first got Nova X for $79. year for two years, and then a mail in offer for several years for $49. a year. Good deal in my opinion. They want like $2000. for a lot of their trading services. Don’t do that.

I share all of this because I am really impressed with Micheal Robinson’s first hand knowledge of the technology and the companies he recommends. He personally travels to companies and events to collaborate and gain insight.
And I am grateful that Travis has created a platform for honest reviews in a world filled with such trickery. Thx.

Source: StockGumshoe

Michael Robinson’s Nova X-Report Final Verdict

Nova-X Report puts you directly in touch with high-tech research, analysis, stock picks, and strategies that can double, triple, even quadruple your retirement savings faster than any other sector on earth.

It’s led by 35-year Silicon Valley insider Michael Robinson, who has uncovered nearly every major tech breakthrough since the personal computer, making a fortune for his readers in the process.

The key to winning in tech investing is to ignore the hype, while pouncing only on companies that offer real growth.

Michael shows you how to do this every month. Today, he’s following some of the most lucrative tech trends in history – including mobile technology, “Big Data,” the Cloud, biotechnology… and more.

Each issue shows you exactly how to capitalize on these opportunities for the biggest gains… while safely protecting your retirement.

Click Here To Try Michael Robinson’s Nova X-Report – Best Offer + Bonuses


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