2023 Retirement Warning Event – Is Doc Eifrig Prediction Legit?

When inflation and rate hikes took over, the top investment strategies of the past decade-plus turned upside down. But now, these changes are quietly generating the best income yields we’ve seen in years – in quality, low-risk stocks. So, Doc Eifrig is stepping forward with a plan to profit… one that has nothing to do with options or any complicated techniques. He’s even giving away a FREE recommendation to walk you through it…

Check out the full details here.

Doc Eifrig 2023 Retirement Warning Event Recap

If you missed Doc Eifrig 2023 Retirement Warning Event – click here to watch it

Doc was talking about interest rates. And Stansberry Director of Research Matt Weinschenk, Doc’s longtime right-hand man, had just mentioned that a lot of people might find interest rates “boring” or don’t even care.

Doc countered that if you don’t care about this stuff, you should. And while most people don’t know this about him, Doc made the majority of his money not from his “regular” work back on Wall Street or everything he has done since, but from his income investments…

They’re boring until they set you up for an income that lets you do everything you want in retirement with very little effort.

Till you’re collecting cash yields of 10%… 15%… 20%… that could pay back your entire upfront investment in a few years and keep growing more or less forever.

“Boring” let me open a vineyard and restaurants. “Boring” paid for my houses around the country… let me travel the world… and eat at the best restaurants.

The results of these income-producing investments, you see, aren’t boring.

If you’re in or close to retirement – or any age, really – you want your investments to be boringly lucrative. You want your money to keep growing with minimal risk. You want your portfolio to produce enough income for you to do what you want.

Ask any successful long-term investor and they’ll say some version of this…

You don’t want to be chasing the headlines…

Don’t feel bad if you missed a chance to put up crazy numbers by trading GameStop (GME) or any other “meme stock.” Instead, there’s a much less stressful way – that doesn’t rely on timing the moves of any one stock or even the market in general – to live a rich life or retirement.

Instead, let the market work for you and your goals.

It’s such a simple part of investing – real investing – that most people never learn, they or ignore or forget in favor of whatever is trending at the moment…

I can’t even begin to describe how much better your life could be when you stop worrying about the news or guessing at the next big thing and just make the market pay you.

If I could only share one line from Doc’s new presentation, it might be this.

Of course, you can only make the market pay you and work for you if you understand its fundamentals and the best places to make money with the lowest risk. Barring that, at least follow a trusted guide who understands these dynamics.

Doc (and Matt) fit that bill…

Why interest rates matter?

Doc and Matt’s new presentation debuted yesterday (4/13/2023) . It’s totally free, and you can watch it in its entirety here. In it, host Amy Gamper asked simple yet powerful questions – like “what are interest rates all about and why should I care?” – that a lot of people are afraid to ask.

These are the type of questions that people should ask. With inflation still higher than it has been in 40 years, and interest rates higher than they’ve been in 15, there hasn’t been a better time to collect income from “more expensive” money in many, many years.

As Doc said…

Interest rates are the price of money.

It really is that simple.

If you need money that you don’t have – to buy a house, for example – you can get it. But there’s a price, which is the interest you pay on your loan, in addition to eventually paying back what you borrowed.

Anyone who has ever had a mortgage understands this, but as Doc continued…

What most people don’t think about is that this price of money is set the same way as the price of everything else – by supply and demand.

If there’s a lot of money around and not many folks clamoring for it, rates are low.

If there’s less money available and lots of people that want to fund things – houses or businesses or whatever – then rates will be high.

And as longtime readers know, interest rates in the market are heavily influenced by the Federal Reserve and what people think the central bank will or won’t do. (That’s why we write about the Fed often, even if we’d prefer not to.)

Since the Fed went on a furious rate-hiking cycle from near zero to around 5% in a single year, dollars have become relatively more expensive.

As Matt said during the presentation…

Your money is worth something.

These days, it’s worth a lot more than usual.

Understanding this concept is the first step to truly recognizing the path to achieving your investment goals. (This assumes you have goals and aren’t simply making trades based on your “gut” and a vague idea of “getting rich.”)

Thinking this way is always useful, but especially when big trends are changing

If you’re expecting the broader U.S. stock market to pick up where it left off before the Fed started raising rates about a year ago, be careful. It’s not as simple as interest-rate changes sending all stock prices automatically back up.

Today, as Doc sees it, the broader U.S. stock market may not generate the type of returns that many people have come to expect in the past few decades. However, there’s another difference… The right investments could compound wealth in ways he hasn’t seen in decades, too.

You likely hear all the time how much this decade in the market resembles the 1970s, the last time inflation was this high. Well, as Matt said…

The secret that Doc and I came forward to share today accounted for 71% of all the gains in the market during that decade.

In the 1940s, another time of high inflation, it was 65%. Long story short, if you weren’t using this approach, you were toast.

If there’s anything that 2022 should tell you, it’s to expect the unexpected in the markets

About that…

The last time Doc and Matt got together for an event like this was nearly two years ago. In June 2021, they warned that the conventional 60/40 stock-bond portfolio was going to be in deep trouble soon.

With inflation on the rise and the Fed way behind the curve, it was the most likely scenario – stock prices down, and bond prices too (as interest rates and yields could only go higher). It’s a simple idea, but most people didn’t take the time to understand it… and suffered painful losses in their portfolios.

Those who followed Doc’s alternative Intelligent Retirement model, though, outperformed the market significantly and have more money to put to work today… with strategies that they see as worthwhile now. Hence the reason for Doc’s new presentation. As he said…

I think it really opens your eyes when you start to understand that money is just another commodity that follows the laws of supply and demand. When there’s lots of money out there looking for a place to go, it’s cheap to get your hands on some. When money is scarce or demand is high, obviously the interest rates will be a lot higher. Money becomes more expensive.

And if you have money to invest, you’re basically in the lender position, even if you’re not lending money directly.

Look, banking is complicated and I’m simplifying here a bit, but when you make a deposit, you’re essentially lending the bank your money. And they can then turn around and use it to make loans.

You should be compensated for that.

So high rates can work for you, big time.

The thing is, though, the big banks are still offering only paltry returns on deposits today… There are better places to put cash today…

Without giving too much away, what Doc is talking about is a lower-risk investment strategy that can set you up for a series of cash yields as high as 29% and potentially hundreds of percent of capital gains in the longer term… even if interest rates go down.

And these are not speculations or junky investments. As Doc said, what he’s talking about is…

[A] way to collect income that grows over time, in world-class, rock-solid companies, which are the only kind you should own in this environment.

Tune in to Doc’s new, free event for all the details and how you can put the big idea he’s talking about in action right now… Just for tuning in, you’ll also hear the name and ticker symbol of one of Doc’s top income recommendations today.

Stansberry Alliance members and Doc’s existing Income Intelligence subscribers can also feel free to watch… But you already have access to this new research, including two brand-new special reports and an exclusive “Portfolio Booster” video with additional insight.

Doc Eifrig 2023 Retirement Warning Event – What Is It?

As you probably already know… Doc Eifrig has been in the financial markets as a professional trader… investor… and analyst for close to half a century.

He has been through every big crisis you can imagine – 1987… 2000… 2008.

But people are more worried right now than ever.

Worried they’re not on track for retirement and they don’t see how they’re going to get there.

And with good reason…

The bull market of the last dozen years has dramatically reversed. Inflation is near the highest levels in 40 years, eating the value of your savings.

(All of which Doc Eifrig predicted, in detail and on camera, more than 18 months ago.)

Over the last year, Doc Eifrig has gotten more messages asking what to do – from family… friends… subscribers… you name it – more than at any time in his entire career.

But this Thursday, April 13, Doc Eifrig is going to give you the answer…

It’s his clear-cut, no-doubt No. 1 favorite investing strategy, ever.

And this is the absolute best time to put the strategy to work in many years… a window to get started that could be a few months or less.

The amazing thing is – this approach takes advantage of the exact same market forces we’re facing today…  like high interest rates and inflation, that are wreaking havoc on everyone else.

It gives you a BIG way to potentially make money while rates are high… and a second way to make even more when they eventually come back down.

This doesn’t involve options, shorting, or anything like that…

But it’s a way to position yourself to collect snowballing income streams (as high as 29%) that could provide a huge, reliable income stream for your retirement, with little worry.

I think that’s more than worth putting on your calendar and being sure not to miss it…

Reserve your spot here.

(Note: You can claim a valuable bonus for free the moment you sign up.)

And by the way…

I’m definitely aware that in financial research, it can seem like everyone is always saying something is their “No. 1 favorite” idea.

But Doc Eifrig wants to give you a big reason to listen, and believe him…

THIS strategy is exactly what Doc Eifrig does with about 80% of his money.

He has always been very private about his own finances.

But if he can’t help people today, he shouldn’t be in this line of work.

He hasn’t wavered from this approach in more than 40 years. And he never get caught in whatever the latest investing craze might be.

Doc Eifrig does this , and collect a big, reliable, low-risk stream of income… on top of huge capital gain potential.

It pays for his travel… his houses around the country… dining at the best restaurants… pretty much everything he wants in life.

I can’t even begin to describe how much better your life could be when you stop worrying about the news or guessing at the next big thing and just make the market pay YOU… like Doc Eifrig does.

When you see what Doc Eifrig has to say this Thursday, you won’t ever look back to the old way of doing things – I promise that.

Best of all, you won’t have to spend a penny to hear the strategy in FULL.

Doc Eifrig will even be sharing one of his favorite live income recommendations… yielding around 8% today, for free – the name and ticker.

I can all but promise you this conversation is going to completely change your outlook on investing… and leave you feeling much more confident about your wealth and income in retirement.

And if you feel like you’ve never really understood what’s going on with the Fed… inflation… interest rates… and what it all means – you will after Thursday.

You’ll never be scared about these ideas again….

You’ll be excited about them.

Right now, they’re creating one of the most lucrative market anomalies I’ve ever seen… and it’s critical that you take advantage while it’s still available.

Doc Eifrig will explain everything this Thursday, April 13…

Please make sure you sign up now (and claim your free bonus).

When is Doc Eifrig 2023 Retirement Warning Event scheduled to take place?

Doc Eifrig 2023 Retirement Warning has been scheduled to take place on Thursday, April 13 @ 10 a.m. ET. It is important to note here that this event has limited spacing, so the sooner one signs up, the more likely they are guaranteed a seat.

How to sign up for Doc Eifrig 2023 Retirement Warning Event?

To get access to Doc Eifrig 2023 Retirement Warning, all individuals have to do is enter their respective emails here. Upon entering, those residing in the U.S. (or have a U.S.-based phone number) will also be presented with the chance of becoming VIPs.

As a VIP Member, you’ll receive a text message reminder just before Doc goes live on Thursday, April 13, at 10 a.m. Eastern time…

Plus, you’ll also instantly receive an exclusive VIP bonus:

Special Report: How to Protect Your Income from Big Banks, Big Pharma, Big Everything

In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn quick steps you can take right now to defend your financial privacy and security…

Plus, little-known ways to make the big institutions that want your money… pay YOU instead.

Including insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, the IRS, and the big banks on Wall Street.

Again, as a “thank you” for joining Doc’s VIP Member list, you’ll instantly receive a free digital copy.

Who Is Doc Eifrig?

Dr. David “Doc” Eifrig Jr., MD, MBA is the editor of Retirement Millionaire, a monthly advisory that shows readers how to live a millionaire lifestyle on less money than you’d imagine possible.

“Doc” is also the editor of Retirement Trader, a trading advisory which shows readers a safe way to double or triple the gains in your retirement account, with much less risk,  Income Intelligence, a monthly investment advisory which shows investors how to expertly time their purchases to maximize their returns and Prosperity Investor – here he’s going to show you how to thrive in the markets… your retirement… your total wealth… and your health.

Before joining Stansberry & Associates in 2008, Dr. Eifrig worked in arbitrage and trading groups with major Wall Street investment banks, including Goldman Sachs, Chase Manhattan, and Yamaichi in Japan.

In 1995, Dr. Eifrig retired from Wall Street, went to UNC-Chapel Hill medical school, and became an ophthalmologist. Now, in his latest “retirement,” he joined S&A full-time to share his experiences and ideas with readers.

Final Word

Right now, folks have a chance to actually profit from inflation and high interest rates.

Doc Eifrig has been waiting for this moment for more than a decade.

So on Thursday, April 13, at 10 a.m. Eastern time, he’s appearing on camera to explain why this is the perfect time to lock in huge income streams from a simple secret… and how it could boost your retirement gains, without any complicated strategies.

Get the details here.

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