The Ultimate COVID-19 Market Recovery Blueprint Review: Marc Lichtenfeld’s Presentation

Welcome to my review of The Ultimate COVID-19 Market Recovery Blueprint.

I recently received an invitation to check the presentation out, so I decided to take a closer look and see what it is all about. As the title suggests, it has to do with COVID-19 Market Recovery and the details on the No. 1 biotech leading the “race to the cure.”

If you’d like to learn more about how this investment strategy works, you have landed on the right page. In this review of “The Ultimate COVID-19 Market Recovery Blueprint,” I will discuss how it works, its pros and cons, and its viability as a good investment.

The Ultimate COVID-19 Market Recovery Blueprint – What Is It?

The Ultimate COVID-19 Market Recovery Blueprint is a brand new report by Oxford Club biotech expert Marc Lichtenfeld. It’s all about a biotech company which leading the COVID-19 “race to the cure.”
It’s safe to say, if this company wins out in the race for the cure, you can bet its stock could absolutely skyrocket.

In fact, Oxford Club biotech expert Marc Lichtenfeld says you should consider making the company behind the drug “the cornerstone of your portfolio.”
This situation is so urgent that Marc put together this quick presentation from his home in Palm Beach Co., Florida, to get you the critical details…

A major FDA announcement is expected at any moment…

The New York Times says “The FDA plans to announce its plans for emergency use of a virus treatment after a trial showed shortened recovery time.”

Very optimistic,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said of the drug’s potential.

This could be a godsend for humanity…
And GIGANTIC for the maker of the drug…

The Ultimate COVID-19 Market Recovery Blueprint includes the ticker symbol and simple buy instructions on the No. 1 biotech leading the race to the coronavirus cure.

The type of special FDA designation this company received as a “first mover” for its prized drug has historically led to extraordinary gains such as…

  • 521% on Vertex Pharmaceuticals
  • 809% on Alexion Pharmaceuticals
  • And 2,381% on AbbVie.

These are the types of huge wins that can power up your portfolio…

But please understand, this situation requires urgency.

This leading biotech that’s taking on the coronavirus is moving extremely fast on its potential solution. It’s already seeing “early positive signs” in testing its drug with patients. And if this company wins out in the race to the cure, there’s no telling how high the company’s stock could climb. The sky’s the limit, really.

There’s no doubt this company will be championed worldwide.

And you’ll be able to tell people down the line that YOU invested in this company as it set out to rid the world of its worst pandemic in 100 years.

The Ultimate COVID-19 Market Recovery Blueprint” also includes complete details on how to play, hands down, the WORST biotech out there.

It’s a sham of a company.

So make sure you don’t own it. And in fact, Marc will give you a way to profit as this company rightly drops in value.

Last, but not least, you’ll get the top three dividend payers as the market recovers. You’ll see insane blue chip yields of 7.3%… 10.3%… and 11%. You’ll get the ticker symbols of all three and paint-by-numbers buy instructions.

These are the types of huge dividends that can power your retirement income indefinitely.

Who is Behind The Ultimate COVID-19 Market Recovery Blueprint?

Marc Lichtenfeld is The Oxford Club’s Chief Income Strategist. He has worked as a trader, senior analyst and fund manager, outperforming the S&P 500 and, thanks to his expertise in the biotech sector, the S&P Healthcare Index by a wide margin.

He is an editor of the VIP services Lightning Trend Trader,  Closing Bell Profits and Oxford Bond Advantage. Marc also serves as Senior Editor for The Oxford Income Letter. He guides his monthly newsletter’s investment strategies with his “10-11-12 System,” detailed in his book, Get Rich With Dividends: A Proven System for Double-Digit Returns.

A regular on CNBC, Marc has also appeared on Fox Business, Bloomberg radio and countless radio programs through the country. He currently hosts his own weekly broadcast, the Get Rich With Dividends radio show. Additionally, he has written for The Wall Street Journal,BarronsUS News & World Report and others. He is also a regular contributor to Investment Uand Wealthy Retirement.

After starting out as a trader at Carlin Equities, Marc moved onto the contrarian Avalon Research Group as a senior analyst. He also obtained his NASD Series 86 & 87 licenses (required for all sell-side analysts). At Weiss Research, he co-managed the Real Wealth Portfolio and beat the S&P 500 by 17% over a six-month period.

Marc joined the team following a successful stint as senior columnist at A contrarian investor by nature, Marc loves to shoot holes in conventional thinking and take profits where nobody else is looking. He’s broken several major stories on biotech companies and his investment approach blends thorough fundamental research with the timing tools of technical analysis.


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How Does The Ultimate COVID-19 Market Recovery Blueprint Work?

The strategy that Marc Lichtenfeld uses in his “Ultimate COVID-19 Market Recovery Blueprint” presentation is meant to reveal the ticker symbol and simple buy instructions on the No. 1 biotech leading the race to the coronavirus cure.

To gain access to the report that he has drafted sharing details of his strategy, you have to subscribe to Marc Lichtenfeld’s Oxford Income Letter, which is published by The Oxford Club.

When you become a member, you will gain access to the following special gifts:

Special Gift No. 1 – Marc’s Book of the Year Award-Winner: Get Rich with Dividends

It won the coveted Book of the Year honors from the Institute for Financial Literacy.

Simply put, you’ll be blown away by the dozens of retirement-powering income secrets in the book.

Just like this reader, who wrote, pardon any typos…

“Since reading (no that’s the wrong word)… since devouring Get Rich with Dividends, (which I read three times and bought the book for both sons), i knew that I had finally found the right path for my investing mentality (it’s become my financial bible).”

There’s no doubt Get Rich with Dividends will quickly become your go-to retirement income guide too.

Better yet, you’re NOT getting some flimsy paperback or cheap digital version… rather, you’re getting the REAL McCoy.


It sells for up to $41.87 on Amazon.

Special Gift No. 2 – Marc’s EXCLUSIVE REPORT: “Retire 600% Richer With a ‘Section-703’ Plan”

Special Gift No. 3 – Marc’s EXCLUSIVE REPORT: “How to Live a First-Class Life for Pennies on the Dollar”

The goal of Marc Lichtenfeld’s Oxford Income Letter is to give you a genuine chance at collecting safe and ever-increasing income, week after week, year after year.

With your subscription to The Oxford Income Letter, Marc will deliver timely research, privileges and benefits, starting the moment you sign up.

Those benefits include…

  • 12 monthly issues of The Oxford Income Letter, including the recommended portfolios and the best upcoming income opportunities
  • 52 issues of Oxford Income Weekly, featuring updates on current payouts… and special ways to increase them
  • Oxford Income Blasts, short but informative “email blasts” featuring new recommendations and cash payout opportunities so urgent they cannot wait another moment.

In the coming months, you’ll also receive additional Special Income Reports straight from Marc, loaded with new blockbuster opportunities for you to collect EVEN MORE cash payouts.

And that’s still not all…

You’re completely covered by Marc’s special 365-day, risk-free guarantee.

How much does The Oxford Income Letter membership cost?

As of moment of wiritng you have 3 options:

Premium Subscription  – only $79 (Limitted time offer!)

  • Includes digital AND print subscriptions to The Oxford Income Letter (Value: $249)
  • Also includes your special gifts:
    • “Ultimate COVID-19 Market Recovery Blueprint” (Value: $199)
    • Get Rich with Dividends (Value: $41.87)
    • “Retire 600% Richer With a ‘Section-703’ Plan” (Value: $99)
    • “How to Live a First-Class Life for Pennies on the Dollar” (Value: $99)
  • As an ADDED BONUS for acting now on this limited-time premium subscription, you’ll immediately receive these two additional exclusive bonus reports, absolutely FREE!
    • “Extreme Dividends: How to Achieve 100% Income Yields on Your Savings” (Value: $99)
    • “101 Ways to Protect and Grow Your Retirement Savings” (Value: $99)

Standard Subscription – $129

  • Includes digital AND print subscriptions to The Oxford Income Letter
  • Also includes your gifts


Basic Subscription – $49

  • Digital ONLY subscription to The Oxford Income Letter
  • Also includes your gifts

Final Words on The Ultimate COVID-19 Market Recovery Blueprint and The Oxford Income Letter

Here’s what Oxford Income Letter readers are saying about their experience…

“I still have most of the stocks from Marc’s Perpetual Income Portfolio and most of his Compound Income Portfolio. Together they produce about $150K per year.”

“I have 21 positions in this portfolio. Gain so far is $41,601. I am always interested in investing in dividend growers. My goal is to increase our wealth… We live under our means, travel and enjoy life. Money will come in handy further down in life. ”

“I’m making $140,000 a year – have gains on numerous recommendations – Marc is the single best thing that has happened to my investment/financial affairs.”

“I’m now primarily an income investor. Half my portfolio is from The Oxford Club… This year my income will be about $170,000. The income I generate pays for my medical bills as well as all out-of-pocket bills for my in-laws and for an 8-year-old grandson with a heart defect.”

“I generate more than $150,000 per year in dividends and interest through bonds and stocks. Many of them have been Marc’s recommendations. Marc’s recommendations have reinforced some of the investment philosophies I believe in, and his recommendations have really given me a better breadth of positions.”

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