The Six Predictions Summit – What Is All About?

The Six Predictions Summit is scheduled to go LIVE on October 14th at 1 pm ET. Find out all the details, participants and discussion topics here…

The World’s First Quadrillion-Dollar Technology? (And $25 Lets You Play It)

The Six Predictions Summit Details

At this event you’re going to get to hear from some of the greatest financial minds in the world today.

People like:

Leading macroeconomist and former CIA and Pentagon advisor Jim Rickards.

Jim Rickards

Futurist, Silicon Valley insider, and former technology advisor to the Reagan administration George Gilder.

George Gilder

Cryptomillionaire and Bitcoin expert James Altucher.

James Altucher

Ray Blanco – Tech investor and man who called this rise of NVIDIA and 5G

Ray Blanco

Income expert and bestselling author Zach Scheidt

Zach Sheidt

Legendary trader and commodities expert Alan Knuckman

Alan Knuckman

The Six Predictions Summit Discussion Topics

Each of these investors is going to release a major prediction that could affect your financial future as soon as this October.


The Exact Day Stocks Will Crash in 2021Here’s the Exact Day Stocks Will Crash in 2021

The truth about the greatest threat to your wealth today plus name of the most dangerous stock in the world revealed. Don’t get blindsided by another major downturn…

Here’s what to do immediately…

Things like:

  • Why China’s Evergrande situation isn’t over (and why you need to start preparing your portfolio now)
  • The number one reason that most tech stocks will FAIL in the coming years (and the one trend that will replace them all)
  • Why Bitcoin won’t succeed as the dominant cryptocurrency (and the coin already set to replace it in 2022)
  • The strange reason why billionaires and Silicon Valley elite like Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and Ray Kurzweil are pouring money into “anti-aging technology” (and the one stock poised to rock the entire health industry in the coming year)

You’ll get access to all this at The Six Predictions Summit private zoom event.

FREE Gifts to attendees of the Six Prediction Summit

All these investors will bring along a special gift that aligns with the prediction they’ll be making on the call…

Gifts that they will giveaway for FREE to attendees of the Six Prediction Summit…

Ray Blanco is giving two bottles of Tesla Tequila

Take tech investor Ray Blanco for example: He’ll give away two bottles of Tesla Tequila on the call…

Now if you haven’t heard of Tesla Tequila before it’s no surprise, most people haven’t. It started out as an April Fool’s joke that Elon Musk posted on his twitter account. And as with most things with Elon Musk what started out as a joke turned into a thriving business…

Because he wanted to make his tequila cheaper and better than anyone else and that’s exactly what he did.

In fact, even though it’s only listed at $250 on Tesla’s website it has completely sold out almost immediately after each release.

Tesla website showing Tesla Tequila as being out of stock

And now it’s retailing for almost $1,100 through online resellers.

Screen shot of a webpage selling Tesla Tequila for $1,099.99. The price is circled in the screenshot

But don’t spend your money on a bottle just yet…

Because Ray Blanco has two bottles that he will be giving away completely free on the call.

You’ll have more details once you are in the VIP Room.

But you should know that in addition to Ray’s gift…


A Massive Wave of Bankruptcies Is Coming

A major shock is coming to the U.S. financial system. Months of stock gains could go up in smoke. But there’s an easy way to make sure your money and prospective gains are LEGALLY PROTECTED. The last time something similar happened, you could have seen 772% gains.

A real reader explains how he does it, in plain English, right here.

George Gilder’s book Wealth and Poverty

You’ll have a chance to get one of the THREE signed copies of George Gilder’s book Wealth and Poverty.

For those of you familiar with George’s work, you know that Ronald Reagan thought very highly of him. In fact, he was Ronald Reagan’s most quoted living author. George even visited the Reagan White House on more than one occasion.

And it was this New York Times best selling book that put George on the map…

In fact, when it was first released in 1981 the New York Times said that it was “a Guide to Capitalism” and that “a creed for capitalism worthy of intelligent people”.

That might be why many of the intellectual underpinnings of Reagan’s economic policies can be traced back to this single book.

And even though some collectible editions of George’s books retail for hundreds of dollars online (and that’s without being signed)…

Amazon screenshot for Wealth and Poverty by George Gilder. Paperback price is circled at $228.01

And some are out of print entirely, and can no longer be bought anywhere, at any price. You’ll have a chance to get a newer edition of George’s most popular work signed by George Gilder himself…

Signed by the man who placed one of the first microchips in Ronald Reagan’s hands…

Imagine having a book signed by a living legend to show off to your family and friends just before the holidays! We couldn’t think of a more perfect gift for George Gilder to bring.

But George isn’t the only person who brought a fitting gift…

Jim Rickards has something special planned for all of the attendees as well…

Jim Rickards is going to be giving away a special type of gold investment called a “Goldback”…

Now this is something else that 99% of people have no clue they even exist.

In fact, they were only released in August 2020, and since then have increased in value at twice the rate of physical gold.

Even though these may look like old continental dollars, or gold certificates they are not…

They are actually thinly printed sheets of REAL gold wrapped in a nearly indestructible polymer. And what makes them so special is that instead of carrying around a one ounce gold eagle (which can go for as much as $1,900).

These “goldback” can be printed in denominations as small as 1/1000th of an ounce or as large as 1/20th of an ounce…

Which makes them as easy to spend as a $100 bill.

They even come with their own built in government level security features making them easier to spend just like regular cash.

You’ll find more information about them in the group, but Jim has brought these to give away on the call as prizes for select attendees.

You’ll get the chance to win all these prizes and more by attending the event.

But the full list of giveaways will only be made available to members of the VIP Facebook Group…

In addition to that, you’ll have a few surprises lined up that will ONLY be made available in the VIP Facebook Group.

So if you want to join in the fun you need to act now…


His Crypto Picks Humiliate Stock Gains
(And You Can Get His New Pick Free!)


If you believe a 10-bagger – the rare investment that delivers 1,000% returns – is impressive, then check this out….


That is an actual gain from just one of Teeka Tiwari’s best crypto picks.

And you can get his next crypto pick for FREE!

Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

But a $100 investment into just this one pick would be worth over $151,000 today.

Click here for Teeka’s next top free crypto pick… no strings attached…

Joining the VIP Facebook Group before the event

You see, all these investors plan on delivering special content inside the VIP Room, content that won’t be available anywhere else. Chats, live videos, and they will even be livestreaming the video inside this private VIP room.

And as a VIP member all this content will be available to you in the weeks up to the Summit for as long as you want. It’s almost like you’ll have your own private library of actionable investment ideas and research leading up to the event.

Again this during the weeks leading up to the event this content is yours to do with as you please.


Elon Musk & His Wife Make Quick Millions from Bizarre Tech Investment (Here’s How to Join)


Investors are BAFFLED…

  • The pop star wife of Elon Musk just pocketed $5.8 Million from her investment in this bizarre new technology…
  • 17 Days later, the eccentric Tesla CEO announced he, too, would be investing.
  • Then there’s Billionaires like Richard Branson, Mark Cuban & Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey – ALL lining up to invest.

One brain trust of research analysts discovered a way to invest alongside them… for just $25.

Watch This Video to Learn More.

So what do you need to do to get access?

It’s simple.

#1. Click the link below, which will take you to the VIP Six Prediction Summit Facebook Group where they will be posting giveaway details and exclusive content.

Click Here To Secure Your Spot To This Private VIP Group

#2. Click ‘Join Group’

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