Do you want to continue gambling your money away on stocks that could turn against you at the drop of a hat?
Or do you want to be a middleman on the S&P each week, and give yourself a potential 93% chance of making money on the SAME investment, over and over again?
The choice, as always, is yours to make.
But now, it’s that time.
After eight years of secrecy, Shah Gilani is revealing a new way to make money in America – up to $11,000 a week – without touching a single stock or stock option again. He calls his new project The Money Zone Program.
What’s The Money Zone – Shah Gilani’s new Program?
Shah Gilani doesn’t need stocks anymore. He’s uncovered a new way to make up to $11,000 PER WEEK without touching a single stock or stock option ever again.
How is he doing this?
By executing a very obscure trade that allows you to AUTOMATICALLY make money so long as the market goes in the direction it’s expected to over the following week.
And thanks to his ‘master algorithm,’ Shah is the ONLY person in the world who can predict what direction that’s going to be – with 93% certainty.
Who is Shah Gilani – the man behind The Money Zone Program?
Shah Gilani is considered one of the world’s foremost experts on the credit crisis.
He not only called for the implosion of the U.S. financial markets, he also predicted the historic rebound that began in March 2009. Shah’s open letters to the White House, Congress, and U.S. Treasury secretaries outlined detailed policy options that have been lauded by academics and legislators alike.
His experience and knowledge uniquely distinguish Shah as a “trader’s trader.” Shah ran his first hedge fund in 1982 from his seat on the floor of the Chicago Board of Options Exchange. When the OEX (options on the Standard & Poor’s 100) began trading on March 11, 1983, Shah was working in the pit as a market maker. And along with other traders, he popularized what later became known as the VIX (volatility index). He left Chicago to run the futures and options division of the British banking giant Lloyd’s TSB.
Shah went on to originate and run a packaged fixed-income trading desk for Roosevelt & Cross Inc., an old-line New York boutique bond firm, and established that company’s listed and OTC trading desks. Shah started another hedge fund in 1999, which he ran until 2003, when he retired to develop land holdings with partners.
Today Shah is the editor of Zenith Trading Circle and The Money Zone. He also writes our most talked-about publication, an e-letter called Wall Street Insights & Indictments, where he reveals how Wall Street’s high-stakes game is really played, and how to win it.
Shah studied economics and psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles.
What You Gonna Get when you invest your money in The Money Zone Program?
So what can you expect as a founding member?
The Money Zone Signal Alerts:
On Monday morning Shah Gilani will send you a Money Zone Signal Alert, telling you what direction the Master Algorithm expects the S&P to move in that week. Each alert will contain one new middleman trade. If available, he will also include a Hyper Trade when extra profits are available.
The Money Zone Closeout:
On Friday, when the market closes, Shah will send you a Money Zone Closeout email that goes over their results for that week and prepares you for the week to follow.
The Money Zone Ledger:
To make sure you’re always on track, Gilani will be recording all of their trade recommendations in a Money Zone Ledger. You can access this ledger at any time. It will be updated regularly.
The Money Zone Network:
He has handpicked a personal team of representatives who are trained to assist you in any way possible. If you have questions about the service or about your subscription, feel free to contact these folks whenever you want, as often as you want.
The Money Zone Master Kit:
Here, you will find links to all FIVE of Shah Gilani brand-new videos, including:
Part I: The Master Algorithm
Part II: Collecting Middleman Payments
Part III: Money Zone: Ascending
Part IV: Money Zone: Descending
Part V: Hyper Trades: How to Amplify Your Winnings With No Extra Effort
In these videos, he does’t only reveal the math behind his Master Algorithm, but also explain the mechanics behind a middleman trade. He will show you how to position yourself to automatically receive as much as $11,000 per week from doing just 30 seconds of work.
Who is The Money Zone For?
- If you’re looking for someone to tell you what stocks to dump your money into each week, The Money Zone is NOT for you.
- If you want to “diversify” your portfolio by investing in tech, energy, or any other sector, The Money Zone is NOT for you.
- If you want to take the “set it and forget it” approach to growing your wealth, The Money Zone is NOT for you.
Shah is not just looking to make you a few bucks from time to time, but THOUSANDS of dollars every single week.
If the market is going DOWN, his goal is to make you money.
If the market is going UP, his goal is to make you money.
If the market is going NOWHERE, his goal is to make you money.
This is what separates The Money Zone from every single research advisory in existence.
They don’t care if the stock market is going up.
All they care about is that the S&P 500 goes where they expect it to. And, with the Master Algorithm, he pretends that he knows with 93% certainty where that’s going to be.