The Checkpoint Trader Review – Are Chris Rowe’s Freedom Trades Legit?

Looking for more information about Chris Rowe’s Checkpoint Trader and the Freedom Trades strategy? I’ve put an honest Checkpoint Trader Review, containing everything you need to know about Chris Rowe’s Freedom Trades strategy and his trading service The Checkpoint Trader.


Joel Litman Crash Warning‘All Signals Are Flashing Red!’

The Pentagon consultant who predicted the 2008 and 2020 market crashes is now stepping forward with another big warning: “This next crisis will affect $50 trillion and wipe out HUNDREDS of stocks. You don’t need to panic… but you DO need to prepare – immediately.”

Click here for the full story

The Checkpoint Trader Review: Overview

Chris Rowe’s CheckPoint Trader can save you hours of time and boatloads of stress when it comes to managing your portfolio… while multiplying your profits by 3X… 5X… even 17X.

The secret is a little-known technique for pulling cash out of your positions without having to sell a single share of stock.

Using Chris’ CheckPoint Trader method, you can actually remove more than 100% of your initial capital and STILL stay in the position to ank added gains – even after you’ve taken 100% of your risk off the table.

Countless CheckPoint Trader members have written to share their triumphs with this strategy.

Like Jay W.: “I have made more money in a shorter time than I thought possible… $79,600 year to date.”

You too can have results like this.

And you get it all this by pressing a few buttons everyone overlooks in their online brokerage account platforms.


WARNING: This strange force will reshape America

PORTER STANSBERRY Big Secret On Wall Street

America’s next great wealth transfer is here. A strange, unseen force that could forever transform America. You’ll discover all the details of this strange economic force… how it’s shaping America… how to prepare for the disruption it will trigger… and how you can profit from it.

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Chris Rowe Review

Founder of True Market Insiders, Chris Rowe, has been involved with some of the most dynamic companies to emerge from the financial services sector.

Working within the financial services industry since 1995, Chris held various senior positions at money management and investment banking firms where he served high-net worth and institutional investors.

Since 1996, he has been analyzing and managing investment portfolios of publicly traded equities, debt securities, derivatives, options, commodities and private securities.  Since 2003, he has been publishing financial analysis, education and editorial.

He consulted for large hedge funds identifying attractive investment opportunities, writing reports and helping them hedge positions.

He was as an active underwriter of both initial public offerings and secondary/follow-on offerings, some of which acted as the investment banker placing angel investors’ money into the private placements.

As mentioned, Chris Rowe currently is the CIO of Rowe Wealth Management, a registered investment advisory firm.  He is the non-executive chairman of True Market Insiders.

In 2004, Rowe co-founded a financial publishing firm, Tycoon Publishing LLC, which published sophisticated and unbiased research for individual as well as professional investors.

The Checkpoint Trader Review: What’s Included?

As a VIP Charter Member, You’ll Immediately Receive: 

  • 1 Year of CheckPoint Trader — the recommendation service — including instant access to the active trades you can get in on NOW- A $4,997 value
  • Accelerated CheckPoint Trading Course (12 Educational Sessions with Chris) – That’s a $3,095 value and you’ll get it for FREE
  • The Technical Knockouts 3-part mini-course – That’s a $399 value, and you’ll get it for FREE

The Checkpoint Trader Pricing

As of moment of writing, three options are available:

One Full Year of the Checkpoint Trader for  $2,497

  • Every One of Chris Rowe’s Freedom Trades For the Next 12 Months
  • Instant access to all active trades you can get in on NOW
  • Chris’ 300% Gain Guarantee
  • BONUS: Access to the complete “Checkpoint Trader Package”
  • And Much More!

Two Years of the Checkpoint Trader for $2,997

  • Every One of Chris Rowe’s Freedom Trades For the Next 24 Months
  • Instant access to all active trades you can get in on NOW
  • Chris’ 300% Gain Guarantee
  • BONUS: Access to the complete “Checkpoint Trader Package”
  • And Much More!

LIFETIME ACCESS to the Checkpoint Trader for $3,497

  • Every One of Chris Rowe’s Freedom Trades — For LIFE!
  • Instant access to all active trades you can get in on NOW
  • You never have to worry about paying a renewal fee ever again and will have access to all Freedom Trades and updates to the platform For LIFE!
  • BONUS: Access to the complete “Checkpoint Trader Package” — For LIFE!


A.I.-driven stock forecasting tool known as An-E

Predictive Alpha Prime

Project An-E is a breakthrough, A.I.-driven market forecasting system that accurately predicts stock prices one month into the future.

Its predictions are so accurate, it’s as if you have next month’s stock prices, today… The ultimate tool that could help you make huge gains and avoid big losses.

Details here.

The Checkpoint Trader Review: Money Back Guarantee

Chris Rowe guarantees that if you don’t see your account grow AT LEAST 300% or more, in the next 12 months – he will give you a second FULL year of The Checkpoint Trader absolutely FREE…

Please note that there will be no money back, but you will have 60 days from the date of the purchase to request a credit to be issued and put into another service of equal value.

The Checkpoint Trader Reviews By Members

By committing to be a Checkpoint Trader member, you’ll have the chance to potentially transform your financial future for the better.

Here’s what Chrie Rowe’s Checkpoint Trader subscribers are saying:

Closing Remarks On Checkpoint Trader Review

Right now, you have the rare opportunity to take advantage of the 70% OFF Discount offered to you.

Keep in mind that by taking action today you’ll embark on a whole new way to set yourself up for life changing gains in 2021.

While dropping 100% of your risk off the table in some instances.

And by becoming a VIP Member to The Checkpoint Trader – you could have the chance to see returns large enough to pay for the entire cost of your membership and then some within a few weeks time.

Because with the Checkpoint Trading positions you can get into today you could take a small amount of money and potentially turn it into a family fortune overtime.

Payouts can be like …

  • 123% on Amazon in 4 months…
  • 425% on Netflix in 10 months…
  • 452% on Square in only 9 months…
  • 122% on Nvidia in 10 months…
  • 947% on AMAT in 19 months…
  • 776% on IRBT in 17 months.

And the best part about these Freedom Trades, is you can take these profits at each “checkpoint” when you log into your trading account once a month…

While at the same time, take 100% of your risk off the table while still holding your position…

It’s the best of both worlds… maximum upside… and way less risky than any other trading strategy out there.

And by committing to be a Checkpoint Trader, you’ll have the chance to potentially transform your financial future for the better.

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