Teeka Tiwari Catch-Up Coin Hyper Boom – All Your Questions Answered

Last night, 23,075 people showed up for Teeka Tiwari’s “Catch-Up Coin” Hyper Boom event. It was all about a new opportunity he sees in a small subset of coins in the crypto market. Teeka calls them “Catch-Up Coins.” They’re smaller, less well-known cryptos. And they’re a chance to catch up on the life-changing gains that have been on offer in this sector.

If you missed Teeka’s event, you can watch the free replay here. Then read the Q&A we had with him below. We talked about how this subset of the crypto market can help you achieve financial freedom quicker than you may think possible.


Did You Get Teeka’s Free Pick Last Night?

Teeka Tiwari Model Portfolio revealed

Did you see Teeka last night?

He was fired up about his #1 “Catch Up Coin”… a coin he never revealed publicly before…

And he actually gave the name away… 100% free. Click below to see it.

When Teeka gives away a pick, it pays to listen. His average peak gain on free picks is more than 1,700%… so 18 times your money.

But hurry, this expires at midnight tomorrow.

Click here to watch the official replay.

Question: Last night, more than 23,000 people attended your “Catch-Up Coin” Hyper Boom event. If folks reading this are just joining the conversation, what was the main message you had for attendees?

Teeka: The main thing I want people to know is that the opportunity to make life-changing gains in crypto is still available. But it’s not as easy as it was two… three… or four years ago.

Question: What’s changed?

Teeka: You used to be able to invest in almost any cryptocurrency projects with great ideas and plenty of funding… and make a killing.

Just three years ago, a good white paper and a strong development team were enough for a project to quadruple… or even quintuple in value.

But as I’ve been showing my readers, those days are now gone. We’ve moved away from a world where you can invest in almost anything crypto-related and make money.

The crypto market has developed and matured. Investors are getting smarter. You now need more than just an exciting white paper and a strong development team to make a ton of money.

That’s why you have to be laser-focused on the right coins to make the kinds of gains we previously saw in crypto.


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Question: Last night, you introduced “Catch-Up Coins.” I know a lot of people have crypto FOMO [fear of missing out]. So a chance to catch up with the gains others have made in crypto sounds great.

What exactly are Catch-Up Coins? Why did you make them the focus of your latest event?

Teeka: “Catch-Up Coins” are smaller, less-well known cryptocurrencies – or “altcoins” – that are poised for explosive growth. And they’re the best way I’ve found for you to have the chance at bridging the financial gap between where you are now and where you want to be in as little as 10 months.

My Palm Beach Confidential subscribers saw this when I recommended a tiny coin called Neo (NEO) in February 2017. At the time, it was trading at $0.12.

Neo rocketed 156,753% in less than 10 months. That’s enough to turn $1,000 into over $1.5 million.

The right altcoins can do things for your financial life no other asset class on the planet can. Not private [pre-IPO] shares, public shares, commodities, hedge funds, or futures.

I’ve been working in the investment business for more than 30 years. I worked as a broker on Wall Street. After that I ran my own hedge fund. And there’s nothing else I know of that can move the needle on your net worth as quickly as these investments can.

The ugly truth is most people never reach the level of financial freedom they want… not even after decades of investing. They’re stuck on Wall Street’s treadmill while being told financial freedom is just around the corner.

A 2019 survey by Charles Schwab (SCHW) revealed that the average American believes he’ll need to save at least $1.7 million to retire comfortably. But the average American in his 50s actually has only $203,000 in retirement savings.

That’s a $1.5 million gap. And I see a lot of people making the mistake of believing the stock market will bridge that gap.

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Question: Isn’t that the message most folks in the mainstream are getting from their advisors?

Teeka: It is. And it’s not going to cut it…

Even if the S&P 500 goes up 20% a year for the next five years – and that would be an incredible run – it won’t bridge the gap between the life you have and the retirement life you want.

Since 2009, when the bull market began, the S&P 500 has averaged a yearly gain of 16%. So if you put $10,000 into a fund that tracks the S&P 500 at the start of the bull market, it’d be worth $66,100 today.

This is one of the longest-running bull markets in history. And it would still take you 35 years to save $1.7 million.

My mission is to get my readers off Wall Street’s treadmill. And in my experience, no other asset class can create more overnight millionaires than crypto.


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Question: A lot of folks are sitting on the sidelines and not getting involved. What would you say to them about where we are in the crypto megatrend?

Teeka: If you expect to throw a dart at a bunch of crypto coins and make life-changing gains, I’d say that time is over. In 2015, 2016, and 2017, that was possible. Not anymore. A lot of the best projects are reaching a level of maturity now. So the gains on offer will be lower than they were at the start, when nobody knew if these projects would work out.

“Catch-Up Coins” are different. They’re still tiny. So when what I call the Hyper Boom kicks in, their prices have lots of room to run. That’s why I put together last night’s event. These coins are your second chance at the kinds of gains we saw in the early days of crypto.

If you have any interest in learning how to select coins that can rapidly change your life, I suggest you tune in to the free replay of my event before my publisher takes it down. I go into a lot of detail over the course of the two-hour recording.

In terms of this idea that it’s too late to get in on life-changing gains from crypto, let’s pull back the camera and look at the big picture. The entire crypto market has more than a $2 trillion valuation. If you look at the stock market, it’s worth more than $100 trillion. Real estate is worth over $100 trillion. The bond market is worth over $100 trillion.

So this new asset class, relative to traditional asset classes, is a pimple on an elephant’s behind. It’s still tiny. There’s still massive growth ahead. But the key is being in the right projects. You’ve got to be in these “Catch-Up Coins.”

These are the coins that meet the same criteria as coins I’ve recommended in the past that have given my paid-up subscribers the chance to make life-changing gains. Recommendations that have allowed folks to take $1,000 and turn it into $300,000… $500,000… or in one case, as much as $1.5 million.

I can’t guarantee these six new “Catch-Up Coins” I’ve selected will do that. What I can guarantee is I used the same selection methodology I’ve used to find all my other “Catch-Up Coins.” I’ve also used this methodology to select another 22 coins that have risen more than 10x in value over the last five years. All those gains from the same set of criteria I revealed last night on camera.

Question: Thanks, Teeka. And thanks for all the effort you put into making last night’s event. I know these are huge productions that cost your video team thousands of dollars to put on.

And I just got through reading the 28-page research report you put together on the Hyper Boom for new subscribers. It goes into a ton of detail. And it lays out a clear case for why you’ve selected your six “Catch-Up Coins.”

I’m excited to see how your new recommendations turn out. If it’s anything close to what happened after your past events, it’s going to be huge.

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