Strategic Trends Investor Review:[The OPECALYPSE Teaser]

Review of The OPECALYPSE

Investment newsletter Strategic Trends Investor has launched a new marketing campaign “The OPECALYPSE” – The cunning Saudi-led plan to destroy America’s oil industry and ruin the U.S. dollar, and what you can do today to get ahead and plan for the future.

If you subscribe to Strategic Trends Investor today, you’ll get 12 copies of the Strategic Trends Investor newsletter along with a handful of bonus reports – including a report called “Seven Popular Stocks to Dump Before the Petrodollar Collapse.”

What is Strategic Trends Investor? What is The OPECALYPSE the team is talking about? Keep reading to find out as we explain everything you need to know about Strategic Trends Investor and its new “The OPECALYPSE” marketing campaign.

Millions of U.S. citizens and investors will soon be in a world of hurt from “The OPECalypse” and the resulting demise of the petrodollar. Matthew Carr and his steam has launched a new marketing campaign “The OPECALYPSE” – How the Saudis Exploited the Pandemic to Quietly Wage an All-Out Oil War Against the U.S.

Here are the details:

  • Seven Stocks on the Saudi “Hit List” You Must DUMP Now
  • Three Bulletproof Investments to Take Shelter in Today
  • One Epic Winner From the Coming Global Money Shift.

The American energy boom started as a “rebirth”… an “economic revival.”

Trillions of gallons of fuel… billions of dollars in profits… dirt-cheap gas… and landowners turned into millionaires overnight. But while America cheered its status as the new oil superpower, the rest of the oil-producing world has been growing angry.

Very angry.

Russia, Saudi Arabia and the members of OPEC… They’ve enjoyed huge profit margins on oil for years. It’s driven their economies. And made their leaders some of the richest in the world. The U.S. grabbing all their profits? Well, that doesn’t make them very happy.

And they’ve been waiting years for the perfect moment to strike back. The scary thing is… it’s finally happening.

You see, the coronavirus panic made the U.S. vulnerable for the first time ever.

Consider the timeline… On February 12, the U.S. saw its stock market hit an all-time high.

But around the same time, we started to hear mainstream reports of the global pandemic.

By late February, U.S. businesses started sending workers home in order to combat the virus…

And the markets fell.

Then on Sunday, March 8, as the stock market was down about 4,000 points from its high, the Saudis decided to attack.

They set off the first of a two-phase “oil weapon” into action.

First move?

Flood the market with cheap oil and drive prices down so low U.S. energy companies can’t survive.

And boom!

Instantly, oil futures dropped 30% overnight. And that triggered a far more dramatic market sell-off. The Dow started dropping 1,000… 2,000… even nearly 3,000 points in single days in March…

TRILLIONS in stock market wealth gone in a flash.

U.S. energy companies now face massive losses, major project shutdowns and millions of layoffs.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz confirms…

The Saudis are exploiting the coronavirus crisis to drive a bunch of American producers out of business.”

But still, the second and more powerful phase of OPEC’s “oil weapon” is yet to come.

As Forbes reports…

“The [Oil Weapon] Hits U.S. Economy Hard.”

The Washington Post reports…

Make no mistake about it… The ultimate loser – and a probable intended target – is the world’s No. 1 crude producer, the United States.”

Now, look, the second part of this two-phase plan could crush U.S. oil, the stock market and, most importantly, our currency

Far worse than anything we’ve seen before.

Everything you’ve seen going on in energy stocks – for example, the huge 50% drops in value – well, all of that could be just a taste of what’s to come.

And the U.S. dollar, which has been the world’s most powerful currency for five decades? Well, that’s about to end.

Matthew Carr’s research shows all the dominoes are lined up for a severe disruption of the American way of life.

When the blocks begin tumbling down, they’ll take with them the stocks you own…

They’ll take with them your buying power. Food, gas and housing costs will start rising, perhaps slowly at first… but soon skyrocketing at rates we haven’t seen in decades.

The falling dominoes will pull down pension funds, retirement plans, small and large businesses alike… and, worst of all, the dreams of millions of Americans.

If you were hurt by the 2008 financial crisis, you’re going to want to be prepared.

Because Matthew Carr expects the final phase of the Saudi “oil weapon” will trigger a massive shift in the global economy.

Specific high-danger zones Matthew Carr identified include…

  • Particular stock sectors that are likely to be hit very hard. For example, many U.S. oil and energy companies could crumble an additional 70%, 80% or more… and dozens will go bankrupt.
  • Inflation soars too, with a corresponding crater in many widely held bonds.
  • As inflation soars, real estate may go through another crisis… Think 2007 to 2008, but worse.
  • And unemployment could also soar even higher than the 10%-plus rates we last saw in 1982 and 2009.

Sound far-fetched?

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin just said unemployment could surge to more than 20%!

The coronavirus is driving all of this.

But Matthew Carr’s intensive research shows Saudi Arabia’s “oil weapon” could ultimately do the most long-term damage to our currency and our economy.

CNN Business reports…

Saudi Arabia has launched the ultimate power play.”

Some American energy companies will be prepared for the battle ahead…

Sadly, others will not.

Some Americans will know what to do with their U.S. dollars.

Others will not.

Matthew Carr urges you to hear him out so you’re in the know.

Here are the details of his presentation:

In a moment, Matthew Carr will reveal the final stage of the sinister Saudi “oil weapon.” He’ll detail the seven soon-to-be-worthless investments that many Americans likely have in their portfolio right now.

He will also reveal three simple steps you can take as a U.S. citizen to protect yourself and your money.

Finally, Matthew Carr will tell you about the No. 1 opportunity for you to actually turn the tables and prosper in the face of the imminent Saudi threats.

Watch Matthew Carr’s Presentation Here

Strategic Trends Investor – What is All About?

Strategic Trends Investor is a monthly entry-level “trend following” newsletter, promises that “Emerging Trends Strategist Matthew Carr will offer you access to the most compelling investments in a variety of sectors – wherever the disruptive, breakthrough companies may be.”

Strategic Trends Investor is your essential guide to groundbreaking investments before they’re the talk of Wall Street.

We discover market patterns and trends – both time-tested and emerging – that are poised to deliver tremendous profits. Each month, Emerging Trends Strategist Matthew Carr and Energy and Infrastructure Strategist David Fessler will offer you access to the most compelling investments in a variety of sectors – wherever the disruptive, breakthrough companies may be.

Strategic Trends Investor – How Much Does It Cost?

Three subscription options are available:

  • Premium Subscription – $79

Includes digital (via email and website) AND print one-year subscriptions to Strategic Trends Investor plus special reports.

PLUS, you get three bonus reports:

    • “The No. 1 Real Estate Marijuana Stock” (Value: $149 – Yours FREE!)
    • “How to Score a Double on the Next Tesla” (Value: $149 – Yours FREE!)
    • “Collect Ninefold Gains on the Company That’s Perfected ‘Ultra-Lithium’” (Value: $149 – Yours FREE!)
  • Standard Subscription – $129 – Includes digital (via email and website) AND print one-year subscriptions to Strategic Trends Investor.
  • Basic Subscription – $49 – Includes digital-only one-year subscription to Strategic Trends Investor.

What Do You Get For Your Money with Your Strategic Trends Investor?

Your subscription to Strategic Trends Investor includes all of the following:

Each month in the Strategic Trends Investor newsletter, you’ll be filled in on the biggest upcoming winners in the natural resource and energy sectors. The latest technology breakthroughs and, of course, critical events like the demise of the petrodollar.

Every week, you will also receive timely updates in Strategic Trends Investor Weekly Wire email. In it, you’ll find breaking news on the most excitingopportunities in the markets. Matthew Carr will tell you when to take profits on recommended plays… and he gives you time-sensitive updates on key situations and companies.

And every day, you’ll enjoy secure access to Strategic Trends Investor password-protected subscriber website, including Matthew Carr four model portfolios packed with open recommendations poised to surge next.

When you register for Strategic Trends Investor, you’ll immediately receive…

  • FREE Research Report No. 1: “Seven Popular Stocks to Dump Before the Petrodollar Collapse.”
    Millions of Americans now own one or more of these “critical list” stocks and don’t even realize it. That could spell serious trouble ahead. For example, one is a component of no fewer than 15 popular stock indexes and 10 major mutual funds… yet we’re looking at negative earnings for the next seven quarters. You can sidestep the coming bloodbath with this brand-new intelligence on the seven popular stocks you must avoid right now.
  • FREE Research Report No. 2: “Three Ways to Prosper From the Rise of the Petroyuan.”
    Every major economic disruption triggers winners and losers. We have our eyes on a special triple-digit winning play on gold… an extremely underpriced airline business ideally poised for skyrocketing profits… and the one ground transportation company lined up to become the next Goliath of the industry. Now’s the time to position yourself for big gains from these three winners in the upcoming dollar crisis.
  • FREE Research Report No. 3: “One Major Winner in the Coming U.S.-China Money Shift.”
    We expect the demise of the petrodollar to instantly create a massive profit opportunity for this special trade. And the bottom line is simply this: Don’t just expect this investment to merely double. It could triple… and maybe even surge as much as 695%.
  • FREE Research Report No. 4: “The Next Tech Giant: The Small Cap Stock Behind the 5G Revolution.”
    Just ONE device is the linchpin of the potential $11.2 trillion 5G revolution that will reshape America forever. The small cap stock company behind this mind-blowing device could make first-in investors very rich. You can get all the details on this company, including its ticker symbol, in this report.
  • FREE Research Report No. 5: “How to STAY Wealthy Once You’re Rich.”
    Here’s an invaluable guide with secrets that will help you protect your wealth as you build it.

Strategic Trends Investor Refund Policy

Over the next year, if you decide that Strategic Trends Investor isn’t right for you, simply give them a call or send them an email and they ’ll refund 100% of your subscription fee, no questions asked. So there’s zero risk to you.

Meet the Editor Matthew Carr

Matthew Carr is the Chief Trends Strategist of The Oxford Club.

He is the Editor of Strategic Trends InvestorThe VIPER AlertDynamic FortunesTrailblazer Pro and Profit Trends.

His unique take on investing has led to countless outsized gains, including the largest returns in Club history. With almost two decades of financial experience under his belt, Matthew’s expertise ranges from classic industries such as oil and mining to cutting-edge markets like small cap tech, cannabis, 3D printing and cloud computing. If it’s moving the markets, you can bet Matthew is there.

Strategic Trends Investor Verdict

Strategic Trends Investor has launched a new marketing campaign “The OPECALYPSE” – The cunning Saudi-led plan to destroy America’s oil industry and ruin the U.S. dollar, and what you can do today to get ahead and plan for the future.

In a bonus report included with your subscription called “Seven Popular Stocks to Dump Before the Petrodollar Collapse”, readers can sidestep the coming bloodbath with this brand-new intelligence on the seven popular stocks you must avoid right now.

To get access to that report, subscribe to Strategic Trends Investor today.

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