Stansberry’s Investment Advisory “Big Lie” Presentation: Porter Stansberry’s Battle for America Book

What is Porter Stansberry’s Big Lie Presentation?

How many times have you heard these phrases this year…

We’re all in this together…

The new normal…


Challenging times…

Hundreds, maybe even thousands?

But Porter Stansberry is urging you to look a little deeper…

He says:

While most people are focusing on face masks and stimulus checks… they’re ignoring what’s really happening… the NEXT big and inevitable event, which will determine your financial future… and how much you have for retirement.

Now, he’s released a bombshell new presentation you’ll never see anywhere in the mainstream media.

He claims most Americans are falling for a “Big Lie” right now that’ll make the rich richer while most folks get left behind.

To see if you’re buying into the “Big Lie” check out his controversial free presentation while it’s still online here.

No one believed Porter Stansberry years ago when he said the world’s largest mortgage bankers (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) would soon go bankrupt.

And no one believed him when he said GM would fall apart… or that the same would happen to General Growth Properties (America’s biggest mall owner)… or that oil would fall from over $100 per barrel to less than $40 a barrel.

But in each case, that’s exactly what happened.

And now Stansberry says something new and terrible is unfolding in America:

We’re all being told a “Big Lie” that’s leading to a political event unlike anything we’ve seen in our country in more than 50 years.

Stansberry says there’s a surprising twist to this event, which will dramatically affect you and your money. In fact, Stansberry says this looming crisis will threaten your way of life, whether you own a single stock or not.

Stansberry says this development, which is already underway thanks to COVID-19, will change everything about our normal way of life:

  • Where you vacation…
  • Where you send your kids or grandkids to school…
  • How and where you shop…
  • The way you protect your family and home…

I strongly encourage you to check out Mr. Stansberry’s recent write-up on this situation today while there’s still time.

You can see his written analysis – free of charge – on his website, right here…

Porter Stansberry’s Steps To Protect Your Wealth

In order to protect and possibly even grow your wealth in the next few years, there’s a series of simple financial moves Porter Stansberry believes you should begin making, immediately.

Here are the specific steps he strongly recommends you take…


Porter Stansberry would like to send you the latest edition of his book Battle for America.

Inside you’ll see:

  • How financial Jubilees unfolded in America during the 1930s and the 1970s. What laws were passed… how it affected regular folks like you and me, and how some assets soared thousands of percent during these periods. (page 10)
  • The 9 things you need to do to survive a dollar collapse. These secrets cost you almost nothing but could save your life. (page 105)
  • The incredible way the U.S. government took nearly 69% of Americans’ hard-earned savings, practically overnight, during a previous Jubilee. (page 14)
  • A unique way of owning U.S. currency that will soar in a crisis. This is a clever way of holding real U.S. money. But you can’t get this money from your bank. In 2009, during the last big crisis, it went up 50% in a single year… and could easily soar 500% during the next financial crisis. (page 115)
  • Why the debts Americans owe today on college, autos, and credit cards are actually much more dangerous than the money owed during the mortgage crisis of 2008. (page 17)
  • And much, much more… including how to buy the world’s “Trophy Assets” when they are selling at fire sale prices (page 125)… and how to earn Crisis-Proof, Inflation-Proof income streams that’ll protect you no matter how the pandemic or looming election plays out. (page 213)

But since this story is developing so quickly, Porter Stansberry is also going to send you the brand-new “missing chapter” of Battle for America.

This report is called The Stimulus Survival Plan… and it’ll walk you through all the components of the stimulus money flooding out of the U.S. Treasury.


Why Everyone is Getting Rich Right Now … And You’re Not


Thousands of Americans have been hit by a wave of wealth in the wake of COVID-19. Stocks are up 40% since the crash, yet some lucky retirees have the opportunity to see 100%+ gains because of what’s coming next. How are they doing it?

For the first time in history, two millionaire investors have joined forces to help you learn the secret moneymaking strategy of the wealthy and connected.

Click here to watch their presentation


What Porter Stansberry is talking about here is getting money out of cash and into alternative currencies.

The first is gold.

The thing to keep in mind though is that buying gold is primarily meant to PRESERVE your wealth.

Porter Stansberry will walk you through how to do it and how to buy his two favorite gold plays right now in The Currency Trade, a new special report he would also like to send you today.

Second one – bitcoin

Everything you need to know is in Porter’s brand-new volume called, The Bitcoin Quick-Start Guide.


finally today I’d like to send you a copy of my latest report called The Forever Secret.

Porter Stansberry considers this report the single most important research his firm has ever produced.

If you read nothing else… please just read this one report.

It explains the Forever Secret in more detail and gives you a full list of “Forever Stocks” you can buy right now at a great price.

You can get everything I’ve mentioned here, at absolutely no risk or obligation when you take a trial subscription to Stansberry’s Investment Advisory.


The Extra Income Project

Want the chance to put $2,500, $5,000, $10,000, or more in your pocket every Thursday?

Don’t Just Ask Me…SHOW ME!!!

What is Stansberry’s Investment Advisory Newsletter?

On the first Friday of each month, Porter will send you his monthly newsletter Stansberry’s Investment Advisory.

Here’s where Porter and his team will keep you up to date on exactly what’s going on regarding this financial crisis. His team will show you some unusual and incredible ways to make money now and as the incredible events happening in our economy play out.

Now of course, all investments carry risk and you should not invest more than you are willing to lose.

But they have found some great ways to make a fortune as the government continues to try to bail out one failing industry after another.

Porter Stansberry will also keep you up to date on what he’s doing to protect himself.

He will make sure you stay abreast of changes to the laws and government interventions.

And… every day the markets are open, he will send you his paid-subscribers-only email called the Stansberry Digest.

Here’s where Porter and his team report on all the work his firm is doing… the most interesting investment ideas… what they are researching now… and what they expect to happen in the months to come.

What is included with your Stansberry’s Investment Advisory Subscription?

Here’s everything that you gonna get when you subscribe for this service:

  • Porter Stansberry’s latest e-Book: The Battle for America

This book explains in detail how we got to where we are today in America. It explains the history of financial jubilees in our country and elsewhere around the globe.

And most importantly: It also explains what you need to know and the exact steps you should take with your money as soon as possible.

  • The Missing Chapter: The Stimulus Survivial Plan

Porter had just hit publish on the latest version of The Battle for America when Congress passed the largest stimulus plan in history and pumped trillions of dollars into the economy. He immediately called up his team and told them to become experts on all the new rules, regulations, and free-money opportunities the government was churning out. This “Missing Chapter” puts everything you’ll read about in The Battle for America into perspective… because Porter is no longer predicting what might happen, he’s talking about what’s happening as we speak.

  • Research Report #1: The Currency Trade

There’s a huge opportunity to make a fortune thanks to major currency fluctuations – and you’ll learn about an asset that has soared more than 1,000% over several years. This trade is already up around 60% since this time last year It has much, much further to go, even if the rest of the markets fall. Get in now.

  • Research Report #2: The Bitcoin Quick-Start Guide

Porter Stansberry will show you the secrets of how the wealthy and regular folks are buying Bitcoin. he will show you by far the best and safest way… and exactly when to buy it. The timing is critical.

You’ll also learn: Why bitcoin is the most important development in money in centuries… Why everyone should own some bitcoin… How to buy cryptocurrencies and other forms of digital money… with step-by-step instructions that walk you through the process. You’ll even learn how to avoid the ticking time bombs in the investment world today.

  • Research Report #3: The Forever Secret

When you understand the power of this investing secret, you’ll never need to worry about fluctuations in the markets, or whether or not you made the right moves with your money.


New investment recommendations are delivered on the first Friday of each month, around 6 p.m. Eastern Time. Every month, you’ll get Porter Stansberry and his team best investment ideas, and full access to their complete “buy” and “sell” list of the best places to put your money to work.

Right now, they have open recommendations with recent gains as high as 568%…177%… 288% and 146%, just to name a few.


You Could Make 843% in Your Sleep From 24-Hour Trades

You could have massive overnight gains throughout this entire crisis.

“Blitz Tracker” shrinks your exposure by controlling your time spent in the market and regularly delivers powerful 24-hour gains.

Click HERE now to see how to join folks already making money during this market chaos

Stansberry’s Investment Advisory Pricing

The regular price for a one-year subscription to Stansberry’s Investment Advisory is $199.

However, when you accept Porter’s invitation today, you’ll get a 75% new-reader discount.

That means you can subscribe for as little as $49.

Stansberry’s Investment Advisory Refund Policy

Everything I’ve described here comes with a full 30-day money-back guarantee.

If you’re not happy with Porter’s work for any reason, simply contact his customer service team at 1-888-261-2693. They’ll refund your money any time within those 30 days- no questions asked.

Click Here To Try Stansberry’s Investment Advisory- Best Offer + Bonuses

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