Shah Gilani’s 23 Best Stocks: Buy This Not That Event for Money Map Report

Shah Gilani’s 23 Best Stocks: Buy This, Not That is a monthly online event for Money Map Report Service, where Shah Gilani shares his favorite stocks to buy and the list of the stocks to stay away from.

Shah Gilani’s Buy This, Not That Event – What Is It?

If you’ve got any money in the market, you’ll want to see this now.

Shah Gilani is giving you a front-row seat at his first-ever stock-picking lightning round event – BUY THIS, NOT THAT.

And we’re not sparing any feelings here.
Because right now, we’re in the midst of a generational buying opportunity – a paradigm shift with unprecedented upward potential.

But it’s only possible if – and only if – you have the full story.

In fact, you may personally own – and love – some of the picks on Shah Gilani’s “stocks to drop immediately” list.

Like Dell, IBM, Shopify, and more: Millions of shares of these stocks trade hands every day.

And Shah Gilani doesn’t think you should go anywhere near them. (Here’s why)

To give you the complete picture, Shah Gilani is going to be flying through more than 50 stocks, telling you which to consider buying NOW and which to drop like a bad habit.

You’ll want to take notes.

There are “screaming buys” that are hardly on anyone’s radar that can make you a fortune right now.

Go here, and to get started immediately.

Shah Gilani’s 23 Best Stocks: Names and Tickers

It’s rare for a hedge fund manager to step away from Wall Street at the height of his career…

But Shah Gilani did exactly that.

Because even as he made a fortune from running two successful hedge funds he was tired of watching ordinary Americans get left behind.

So now Shah is using every skill and connection he ever made to show everday people how they could make a fortune in the stock market.

How? By blowing the lid on the financial industry’s best kept plans…

Shah released a brand-new video listing some of Wall Street’s BIGGEST bets – for example…

The data management company Vanguard has gone “all in” on buying 24 million shares…

The international software company BlackRock has accumulated seven million shares in…

And the supply chain empire that Fidelity has taken a four-million-share position in.

With 75% of Americans already managing their own money, the last thing Wall Street needs is one of their own going rogue and releasing their plans to the public.

All told, Shah has named 23 stocks he thinks you should consider buying ASAP (Plus, 12 popular stocks you shouldn’t touch with a 10-foot pole.)

But be quick…

It probably won’t take long for Wall Street to set their plan into motion.

Give yourself a shot at profiting off their plans…

Click here to watch the video right now.

You can find the full list of these 23 stocks plus, 12 popular stocks you shouldn’t touch in Shah Gilani’s Master Stock Investor Series. This is a five-part collection. Everything you’ll need to know to help you become successful at investing.

All of these guides come with Shah Gilani’s personal invitation for you to join his Money Map Report newsletter.

Money Map Report – What Is it?

Money Map Report is a monthly newsletter by where Shah Gilani and his team of investing specialists pool their huge network of contacts and 100+ years of combined experience to identify the biggest profit opportunities, well before Main Street catches on. Find out which fast-moving trend is about to reward investors, the best way to play it, and how to structure your portfolio for the biggest gains.

What’s Included With Your Money Map Report Subscription?

There’s an entire portfolio to be built from the paradigm shifts that are underway. To make it as easy as possible for you to do just that – Shah Gilani is going to send you all FIVE of his Master Stock Investing Guides:

Investor Guide #1: BUY THIS, NOT THAT

You’ll find all the details you’ll need on the three “Buy” stocks Shah Gilani covered today, along with two more stock recommendations that he didn’t have time to get to in today’s event. This guide includes complete, easy-to-understand instructions, “buy-up-to” prices, and his honest analysis of each opportunity at hand.

This guide is a MUST-HAVE because it also includes Shah Gilani’s list of stocks that could crater portfolios if you don’t sell them right now. (Odds are you own a few of these and might want to do something about it.)

Investor Guide #2: Tricks of the Trade: The Ultimate Tools to Secure Your Profits

You’ll get the straight scoop on some of the most powerful techniques Shah Gilani learned in his 37 years in the markets. These are simple, one-click features programmed into every brokerage account platform… yet I’ll bet 99% of American investors have no idea they exist.

For example – one of these tactics absolutely guarantees that you WILL NOT lose more money than you decide to risk. Another “set-it-and-forget-it” tactic will automatically buy shares of stocks you want at the price YOU decide.

Investor Guide #3: The Best Income Plays on the Market

Your complete road map to investing in stocks that pay YOU just to hold shares.

But Shah Gilani is not going to send you stocks that pay pennies each quarter. He’s strictly looking for stocks with compounded dividends. It’s a simple (almost obvious) strategy to multiply your regular investing income five times over.

Investor Guide #4: 8 Stocks You’ll Want to Own Forever

Buy these stocks today, and odds are you could be sharing them with your grandkids and beyond.

These are the key foundational stocks – the ones that can weather any market storm. But they aren’t just “safe” plays. These stocks have kicked back some major returns for investors in the past… and I don’t see that changing any time soon.

Investor Guide #5: Moonshot Stocks: Your Chance at the Biggest Returns on the Market

The potential return on some of these speculative “moonshot” plays could be astronomical.

And Shah Gilani already has two lined up right now…

One is a micro-cap biotech stock working to treat some of the world’s rarest diseases. Another is a small cap at the forefront of the 5G tech revolution, and Shah Gilani believes it’s positioned to be the go-to chip provider for some of the world’s largest telecom firms.

All of these are yours for FREE with your risk-free membership to Money Map Report.

Each monthly edition of Money Map Reportwill provide you with a streamlined analysis of two massive trends and a thorough examination of two investment targets.

Your membership also includes 24/7 access to the Money Map Report model portfolio, research reports, bonus investing guides, and more.

This exclusive website is where Shah Gilani stores every briefing, investment recommendation, and alert.

And if you have any questions about your subscription, you can take advantage of the Money Map Report Concierge Service.

Money Map Report Price

Normally, Money Map Report retails for $299 per year. But if you’re one of the first people to secure a membership today, you’ll pay just $49 – about 10 cents per day.

That’s about an 80% discount, and you’ll SAVE $250 by joining now!

Is there any Guarantee or Refund Policy in Place?

Your complete satisfaction is guaranteed. Your membership includes a 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee! If at any time over the next two months, you don’t like what you see, simply contact Shah Gilani’s team and you’ll receive a complete refund.

Meet Shah Gilani

Shah Gilani is considered one of the world’s foremost experts on the credit crisis.

He not only called for the implosion of the U.S. financial markets, he also predicted the historic rebound that began in March 2009. Shah’s open letters to the White House, Congress, and U.S. Treasury secretaries outlined detailed policy options that have been lauded by academics and legislators alike.

His experience and knowledge uniquely distinguish Shah as a “trader’s trader.” Shah ran his first hedge fund in 1982 from his seat on the floor of the Chicago Board of Options Exchange. When the OEX (options on the Standard & Poor’s 100) began trading on March 11, 1983, Shah was working in the pit as a market maker. And along with other traders, he popularized what later became known as the VIX (volatility index). He left Chicago to run the futures and options division of the British banking giant Lloyd’s TSB.

Shah went on to originate and run a packaged fixed-income trading desk for Roosevelt & Cross Inc., an old-line New York boutique bond firm, and established that company’s listed and OTC trading desks. Shah started another hedge fund in 1999, which he ran until 2003, when he retired to develop land holdings with partners.

Today Shah is the editor of Zenith Trading Circle and The Money Zone. He also writes our most talked-about publication, an e-letter called Wall Street Insights & Indictments, where he reveals how Wall Street’s high-stakes game is really played, and how to win it.

Shah studied economics and psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Final Word

We are in the middle of a generational buying opportunity.

And by joining Shah Gilani today, you’ll have everything you need to turn this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity into cash in the bank…

  • The best stocks in the world are trading at bargain prices.
  • New stocks are rising to the top of the pack faster than ever before.
  • Unprecedented paradigm shifts are creating endless opportunities for investors.

Shah Gilani already covered three stocks he thinks everyone should consider investing in right now. You could buy any one of those stocks today and set yourself up for life.

Click Here to Take Full Advantage of Shah Gilani’s Money Map Report Special Offer Today

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