Shah Gilani’s 2021 Financial Freedom Action Plan: The Biden-Harris Wealth Wipeout

Shah Gilani is out with a new presentation – The Biden-Harris Wealth Wipeout – for his Money Map Report newsletter. Here Shah Gilani reveals his 2021 Financial Freedom Action Plan.


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What Is The Biden-Harris Wealth Wipeout?

The Biden-Harris relief bill means we’re at the advent of a radical spending spree…
One that will be coupled by a major tax and wealth redistribution.

The winners will be big. The losers will be bigger.

And you’ll be doing yourself a great disservice if you ignore the “capital shift” put in place by the Biden-Harris administration.

It could cost American households, on average, $60,000.

The takeaway: You need a plan.

Thankfully Shah Gilani has the plan for you. It’s called the 2021 Financial Freedom Action Plan, and in it he dives into the impending Biden-Harris Wealth Wipeout, and how it’s set up to devastate the money you’ve worked so hard for…

And put it right into the pockets of those in power.

Now’s the time to step up, get ready, and fight for what’s yours – before it’s too late.

To help you Shah Gilani put together FIVE Master Stock Investing Guides. They are absolutely FREE when you join his Money Map Report newsletter.



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What’s Inside Shah Gilani’s 2021 Financial Freedom Action Plan

These guides alone have the power to change your financial future – FOREVER!

Investor Guide #1: The 2021 Financial Freedom Action Plan

You’ll find all the details you’ll need about the moneymaking, profit-taking potential of the “Buy This” stocks we covered in my special report today – along with even more stock recommendations that we didn’t have time to get into.

This critical guide also includes Shah Gilani’s vitally important list of “Not That” stocks that could crater your portfolio if you don’t sell them right now.

Investor Guide #2: The Wall Street Insiders’ Tips and Tricks for Protecting Your Profits

You’ll also get the straight inside scoop on some of the most powerful techniques Shah Gilani learned in his 37 years in the markets.

This guide includes Shah Gilani’s newest and most popular “pick-and-click” automatic stock-buying methods. This lets you set the price you need on a hot stock – to lock in the profits you’re targeting.

Investor Guide #3: The Cash-Flow Expansion Plan

As your taxes skyrocket… prices soar… and your own income is at risk, you need to protect your cash flow.

That’s why your complete Guide #3 includes stocks that pay YOU just to hold shares.

Even more, you’ll discover a simple, secret strategy to multiply regular dividends on any stock in the course of a year! No one on Wall Street is going to share this with you.

Investor Guide #4: 8 Cash Cows You’ll Want to Own Forever

Generational wealth…

Get used to the sound of that – because in Guide #4, you are going to learn about the top eight stocks that Shah Gilani is convinced could provide a path toward generational wealth for decades to come.

But they aren’t just low-yield “safe” plays. These stocks have kicked back some major returns for investors in the past…

Investor Guide #5: Speculator’s Guide: Emerging Moonshot Companies That Could 100X Your Money

The potential return on some of the speculative moonshot plays in this guide could be absolutely astronomical.

One is a microcap biotech stock working to treat some of the world’s rarest diseases…

Another is a small cap at the forefront of the 5G tech revolution, which Shah Gilani believes is positioned to be the go-to chip provider for some of the world’s largest telecom firms.


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What Is Money Map Report?

Money Map Report is a monthly newsletter by where Shah Gilani and his team of investing specialists pool their huge network of contacts and 100+ years of combined experience to identify the biggest profit opportunities, well before Main Street catches on. Find out which fast-moving trend is about to reward investors, the best way to play it, and how to structure your portfolio for the biggest gains.

What’s Included With Your Money Map Report Subscription?

Here’s everything that you’ll get when you subscribe for Money Map Report.

  • Insider Action Trade Alert – Anytime, we need to add to a position or scale out – or whatever the smart money move may be – Shah Gilani will immediately reach out to you with a complete, confidential Insider Action Trade Alert email.

    It will give you everything you need to know to start buying in. If the recommendation looks good to you, just follow Shah Gilani’s exact, easy-to-do instructions, step by step. You’ll receive precise details including his buy-in prices, his research and analysis, instructions on asset allocation, how to set automatic trailing stops, and more. You’ll even receive screenshots that show you everything to fill out to buy on your own.

    And, if you like, Shah Gilani will even send you a text alert letting you know to check your inbox – immediately – because there could be money on the table!

  • Cash Action Profit Alert – Anytime, anywhere, minute to minute, when there is significant money to be made, you’ll receive an urgent “Sell” message to help you capture maximum profits or cut any losses… at a moment’s notice.

    That’s why you’ll get full instructions, guaranteeing that you never miss a chance to ring up big returns – when others are still wringing their hands and wondering what to do next.

    Please understand: These Cash Action Profit Alerts are not for everybody. They are exclusively for those in Shah Gilani’s Money Map Report, and each second counts!

  • Model Portfolio – In between those exciting alerts, you will have full access to Shah Gilani’s Model Portfolio So any time you want to reference your track record, it’s just two quick and easy clicks away.

    That Model Portfolio comes as part of your 24/7 access to a confidential, encrypted, members-only web portal where you can see – in real time – how each of Shah Gilani’s recommendations is performing, how you’re doing, and where you ’re going.

    Plus, it provides you with a vast library of research, investment tools, video tutorials, and bonus guides designed to show you how to multiply your investment returns!

  • Weekly Money Map Report Investing Alerts – Every week, usually on Mondays, Shah Gilani will send you a quick, confidential insider’s email telling you what to look for in the markets in the week ahead.

    Shah Gilani;s goal is to keep you in the know and up to speed on where the smart money is going – so that you can be there before it arrives… and potentially walk away a winner palms up and hands down!

    You’ve heard the old market saying, “Trends are your friends.” Well, that’s only true if you know which friends to follow and which trends are hollow. With your weekly Money Map Report Investing Alerts, you’ll have it all at a glance, in advance.

  • Monthly Money Map Report In-Depth Newsletter – This will be printed and mailed directly to you with two new, easy-to-understand stock recommendations.

    This is what Shah Gilani calls “deep dive” that can turn even occasional investors into market mavens. It will tell you not only what to buy and sell in the short term – but how to invest in the long term – designed to minimize your risks and maximize your growing profits!

  • Up-Close and Personal Money Map Report Concierge Service – Whenever you need assistance with any questions about your membership, Money Map Report’s dedicated staff of highly qualified professionals will be readily available to provide you one-on-one expert assistance.


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Money Map Report Price

Normally, Money Map Report retails for $299 per year. But if you’re one of the first people to secure a membership today, you’ll pay just $39 – about 10 cents per day.

That’s about an 87% discount, and you’ll SAVE $260 by joining now!

Money Map Report Refund Policy

Your complete satisfaction is guaranteed. Your membership includes a 60-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee! If at any time over the next two months, you don’t like what you see, simply contact Shah Gilani’s team and you’ll receive a complete refund.

Who Is Shah Gilani?

Shah Gilani is considered one of the world’s foremost experts on the credit crisis.

He not only called for the implosion of the U.S. financial markets, he also predicted the historic rebound that began in March 2009. Shah’s open letters to the White House, Congress, and U.S. Treasury secretaries outlined detailed policy options that have been lauded by academics and legislators alike.

His experience and knowledge uniquely distinguish Shah as a “trader’s trader.” Shah ran his first hedge fund in 1982 from his seat on the floor of the Chicago Board of Options Exchange. When the OEX (options on the Standard & Poor’s 100) began trading on March 11, 1983, Shah was working in the pit as a market maker. And along with other traders, he popularized what later became known as the VIX (volatility index). He left Chicago to run the futures and options division of the British banking giant Lloyd’s TSB.

Shah went on to originate and run a packaged fixed-income trading desk for Roosevelt & Cross Inc., an old-line New York boutique bond firm, and established that company’s listed and OTC trading desks. Shah started another hedge fund in 1999, which he ran until 2003, when he retired to develop land holdings with partners.

Today Shah is the editor of Zenith Trading Circle, The Money Zone and The Money Map Report. He also writes our most talked-about publication, an e-letter called Wall Street Insights & Indictments, where he reveals how Wall Street’s high-stakes game is really played, and how to win it.

Shah studied economics and psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles.


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Closing Remarks On Shah Gilani’s 2021 Financial Freedom Action Plan

We’re in the midst of a generational shift right now.
The pandemic has changed the course of every single one of our lives, but we’ve shown that we’re more adaptable than we ever thought possible.
We’ve altered the way we work, learn, take care of our families, and, perhaps most of all, make and keep money.

Every day, you’re beaten over the head with a million new headlines claiming that X, Y, and Z are the next best stocks to buy, and then the day after, you learn that they’re the WORST ones you could add to your portfolio.

So, the question is: how to sift through the BS and pick the best stocks to add to your portfolio and how to determine which ones you should take out with yesterday’s garbage.

The information you’ll receive upon joining Money Map Report is invaluable; not only will you receive a dossier further detailing NetApp, GoDaddy, and Mitek Systems (along with two more bonus plays), but you’ll also receive four MORE dossiers:

  • Tricks of the Trade: The Ultimate Tools to Secure Your Profits
  • The Best Income Plays on the Market
  • 8 Stocks You’ll Want to Own Forever
  • Moonshot Stocks: Your Chance at the Biggest Returns on the Market

On top of that, you’ll receive weekly recommendations, monthly printed issues, and discounts for other research services you’ll only see if you join Money Map Report.

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