Roger Scott Code Breaker Alerts Review – Is It Legit?

Code Breaker Alerts reviews are lauding Roger Scott’s trade ideas and extensive trading education. We wanted to know if the service really delivers, so we’re putting it to the test in our Code Breaker Alerts review.


Power Gauge Investor Review‘The EXACT Day Stocks Will Finally Bottom’

Goldman Sachs doesn’t know… Bank of America doesn’t know… Morningstar doesn’t know… but Marc Chaikin believes he does. He called the bottom in 2020, just 24 hours before the fastest bull market in history. Now, Marc has spotted the NEXT market bottom – and he’s sounding the alarm. Plus, he’s sharing the names of what he says will be the best- and worst-performing stocks of 2023.

Click here for the full details.

Roger Scott Code Breaker Alerts Review – What Is It?

Code Breaker Alerts is a brand new service helmed by Roger Scott where he uses algorithms to backtest explosive candlestick patterns on small and mid-cap stocks. Roger issues the individual backtest with each alert so traders can analyze the historic win rate, profit factor, and equity curve of every trade before they get in.

Imagine how reassuring it will feel to know that every trade alert issued will have a backtested win rate of 70% or greater!

In both BULL and BEAR markets!

And not only that…

But these Code Breaker Alerts will take place on some of the most explosive stocks in the entire market!

Forget slow-moving S&P stocks when you have the power of algorithmic backtesting in the palm of your hand.

Before each and every trade Roger Scott recommends, he will personally send you the backtest of that alert straight from the Code Breaker algorithm.

That way, you can see the analysis for yourself!

Profit factor, win rate, equity curve… It’s all there.

Once you decide to make the trade, you will have confidence knowing it has been a winning setup at least 70% of the time in the past!


Joel Litman Winning Sector Portfolio PicksThe Market Hasn’t Done This in 15 Years

Wealth has evaporated. Companies are announcing salary freezes and unpaid furloughs. The price of everything keeps climbing while the values of our most precious assets, like our homes and investment accounts, are depreciating. There’s a strange reason why, but Wall Street won’t tell you about it.

Click here to get the full story.

Who is Roger Scott?

As a commodity broker and hedge fund trader, Roger has 25 years of experience trading everything from corn futures to stock options and ETFs.

He ran his first fund with two Ivy League economists – both of whom have been advisors to the White House during multiple presidencies. Later he ran a fund with one of Richard “Prince of the Pit” Dennis’ original “Trading Turtles” – the group of beginners who earned $175 million in profits in 5 years. Over a 10 year stretch, Roger’s strategies turned $20 million into roughly $740 million. At one point, he had some $900 million under management. His clients have included one of the 10 wealthiest families on Earth.

In 2008, Roger started his first trading education and advisory company. He’s since helped thousands or traders and investors get an edge in the market. He’s been featured on CNBC, CNN, Forbes, Bloomberg and Fox Business. Now he’s the Senior Trader at WealthPress.

What’s Included with Your Code Breaker Alerts Subscription?

Now after you complete your membership, you can get started right away with The Code Breaker Masterclass.

The Code Breaker Masterclass

Here, Roger Scott outlined everything you need to hit the ground running in this getting started guide.

Inside you’ll find in-depth details on each pattern, when to get in and out of trades… and so much more!

But that’s not all you’ll receive when you join Code Breaker Alerts today…

24/7 Elite Members Only Portal

Every week you’ll receive at least two Code Breaker Alerts… Take every trade with confidence knowing it’s a high-conviction setup!

The Official Trade Tracker

Wonder how this research service compares to the S&P? No worries, Roger Scott will keep the trade tracker spreadsheet up to date so you can check in on the performance anytime…

The Basics Trading 101

Mega-library of 30+ video tutorials revealing the fundamentals and technicals behind Roger Scott’s most successful strategies!

LIVE Monthly Training Calls

Live monthly training calls where you can ask Roger Scott any related questions about Code Breaker Alerts.

Code Breaker VIP Hotline

Call the support team any time. A friendly member of Roger Scott’s support team is there to answer any subscription-related questions you may have.

The “Code”

The power of today’s state-of-the-art algorithms at your fingertips. Each time a setup is triggered, Roger Scott and his team run an individual backtest going back two years…

Then they send that backtest straight to you! You’ll see the equity curve, profit factor, and win rate of the trade before you decide to take it. Take each trade with confidence knowing your historic odds!

The 70 Guarantee

Roger Scott and his team will never issue a trade alert unless it has had a backtested win rate of at least 70% in the past!


Greg Diamond Get Out of Cash EventThe Man Who Nailed the 2022 Crash Issues a NEW Prediction

Get out of cash and back into the market. But it’s important you do this in a very particular way – which has nothing to do with buying stocks, bonds, cryptos, or any conventional investment. Ignore us, if you’d like… But this prediction comes from the man who called the 2022 crash a day before it began.

Click here to learn more.

Code Breaker Alerts Pricing

Here are the options as of moment of writing:

– 1 Year – $1,597 Annual Subscription

– 2 Year – $2,097 One-Time Payment

Code Breaker Alerts Refund Policy

Roger Scott Code Breaker Alerts service comes with 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.

If Roger Scott is not meeting YOUR stands of success within the first 30 days of your Code Breaker Alerts membership…

Give his team a call and they will give you a full refund on your membership no questions asked.

Should You Join Code Breaker Alerts?

Now, I realize Code Breaker Alerts is brand new… so if the incredible 70% guarantee isn’t convincing enough for you…

Just hear for yourself what some of Roger Scott’s happiest students have said about his work in the past.

“On $800 I made over $2,095 on this trade in two days. I love the fact that you give us the historical accuracy of the pattern, the profit factor, and the time in the trade is limited.”- Deborah S.

“I am now thinking it is possible to support myself from a fairly small account, long term.”- Ken R.

“I would have never understood the magic of these patterns without you! Another $1500 in less than 24 hours! (est. starting stake $2,500) I have shared this program with some of my other trader friends because they couldn’t believe their eyes!- Jason M.

“I have increased my trading account from $8,000 to $28,000… In just two months”- Germano

I now do this for a living with all the research you share… I couldn’t have done it without you.”- James C.

“I never had too much confidence before in my trading methods. Now I have backtested rules that are clear and remove emotional trading. It’s what I’ve always wanted. I have 13 straight winning trades. Thank you Roger and Matt for introducing me to the right way of trading!”- Gary G.

Remember, Code Breaker Alerts is a NEW service…

So locking in your membership also guarantees you as a “ground floor” trader here at Code Breaker Alerts! 


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