Rickards Uncensored: New Update Regarding “Biden Bucks”

A big development in Jim Rickards’ thesis has just occurred.

If you’ve been following the “Biden Bucks” story and are worried about CBDCs and the future of our country then you can’t afford to miss this.

That’s why, on Friday at 10 AM Eastern, Jim Rickards and his team will be hosting a LIVE Zoom call… to break down everything you need to know about this change to Jim’s thesis.

After all, this is critical information that you must know about to prepare for the months ahead.

Jim Rickards New Update Regarding “Biden Bucks” Details

What: An urgent Zoom call

When: Friday, January 20 at 10 AM Eastern.

Where: Attend right from home via Zoom


Joel Litman Winning Sector Portfolio PicksThe Market Hasn’t Done This in 15 Years

Wealth has evaporated. Companies are announcing salary freezes and unpaid furloughs. The price of everything keeps climbing while the values of our most precious assets, like our homes and investment accounts, are depreciating. There’s a strange reason why, but Wall Street won’t tell you about it.

Click here to get the full story.

Starting Friday, January 20 at 10 AM, you’re invited to an urgent Zoom call Jim Rickards is hosting exclusively for all of his readers.

If you already have something scheduled for that date then I suggest you cancel…

Because if you don’t make this call, you’ll miss out on an urgent update about Jim Rickards investment thesis…

It really is that important that you make it.

Let me explain…

With markets crashing, a breakdown of the supply chain and a potentially major depression underway… right now is harder than ever to be an investor. It’s the most dangerous time in our country, and the entire world, since the 1930s.

And you need a game plan to carefully navigate it every step of the way…

After all, you KNOW that you can’t trust the imbeciles in Washington D.C.…

The crooks and “elite” on Wall Street…

Or the slanted narrative of the mainstream media…

That’s why Jim Rickards is hosting this Zoom… to give you a REAL, uncensored look into what comes next.

As Jim Rickards will show you, between everything that’s going on… the next few months are set to be extremely turbulent.

And you need to know how to navigate what comes next, or you risk losing everything.

Since the start of the meltdown in early 2022, more than $3 trillion in retirement savings has been wiped out as stocks, crypto, bonds and more have all begun to implode.

But according to Jim Rickards – that’s just the beginning…

It’s not a stretch to say that your entire financial legacy is on the line over these coming months.

Fortunately, on this Zoom call Jim and his team have scheduled, you’ll hear everything you need to know to prepare.

And you’ll be getting all of the facts that you don’t hear anywhere else, regardless of how controversial they may be…

Because you know as well as I do that it’s almost impossible to get the truth from the mainstream liberal media…

And at the same time, if you say the wrong thing on social media, you’ll get cancelled by the woke mob.

That’s why Jim Rickards is holding this urgent Zoom on Friday.

Rickards Uncensored: A Brand-New UNCENSORED Way For You To Access Jim Rickards Research

These days, with so much happening, Jim covers a lot for his readers…

Across all of his services, Jim and his team talk about geopolitics, gold, macroeconomics, the stock market and more… every single week.

But today, Jim Rickards is announcing a big change to his research…

And it all has to do with the upcoming Zoom call that we mentioned above.

Jim Rickards created a unique opportunity which brings you behind-the-scenes and gives you a more in-depth look at everything that he covers each week…

As you’re about to see, this is for the most serious readers who want to go even deeper into the research Jim provides, week after week, every single Friday morning.

Jim is calling this new opportunity Rickards Uncensored

And the way it works is simple.

Let’s say, for example, that one week in Jim’s research he talks about a coming rate hike, the energy crisis and the situation in Taiwan…

Well, through this new Rickards Uncensored opportunity one of Jim’s top analysts or personally Jim will be going live at the end of that week on Friday to provide an urgent deep dive into everything they talked about…

You’ll get UNCENSORED insight surrounding Jim Rickards’ investment thesis… and critical updates on investments, politics, markets, America and more.

In other words, you won’t only be gaining access to Jim Rickards … you’ll also be getting access to his entire team.


Gre Diamond Get Out of Cash EventThe Man Who Nailed the 2022 Crash Issues a NEW Prediction

Get out of cash and back into the market. But it’s important you do this in a very particular way – which has nothing to do with buying stocks, bonds, cryptos, or any conventional investment. Ignore us, if you’d like… But this prediction comes from the man who called the 2022 crash a day before it began.

Click here to learn more.

Introducing Jim Rickards’ Team

Here’s a look at Jim’s full arsenal of analysts and researchers that work alongside him.

Dan Amoss, Jim Rickards’ Senior Analyst

Dan went from humble beginnings on a small farm to one of the top experts on Wall Street today.

Due to his background as a CFA and his unique ability to spot accounting red flags, Dan was able to sound the alarm on the housing crisis years in advance.

In 2008, he then showed readers how to bet against Lehman Bros. – delivering huge gains as the stock went from $45 to $12.

And he warned American Airlines was headed for bankruptcy before the stock went from $6 to just 26 cents.

And of course, that’s just the start…

Dan is just one of many top experts that works with Jim

Up next is Byron King.

A Harvard graduate who served as an aide to the United Chief of Naval Operations, Byron has built up one of the most impressive rolodexes I’ve ever seen.

He’s been featured on Fox Business, CNBC and PBS and many more…

He’s made appearances with people like Larry Kudlow and Glenn Beck…

And his analysis has been published in the Financial Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and more.

These days, Byron works hard to track down the best opportunities in the natural resource sector… and share them with readers like you.

He regularly visits exploration sites, mines, rigs and plants to do “boots-on-the-ground” research and get a first-hand account of things.

Then we have hedge fund insider Zach Scheidt.

Zach got his start managing money for some of America’s wealthiest elites…

People like a famous oil tycoon, an heiress to the Coca-Cola fortune and more.

And along the way, he learned the little-known strategies and secrets that the rich use to grow their money…

Today, he shares those same insights with everyday Americans like you.

And lastly, we have Sean Ring.

A graduate of the London Business School, Sean spent years at the highest levels of Wall Street… including Lehman Bros., Credit Suisse and more…

And his work has sent him all around the world, researching new opportunities.

Today, Sean serves as the editor of The Rude Awakening, which you likely receive every morning.

Put together, you can trust that you’re getting the full, uncensored truth that you aren’t hearing in the mainstream media.

Rickards Uncensored – How It Works?

Jim Rickards and his team we’ll be LIVE every Friday at 10 AM Eastern, and that’s on purpose.

The markets will be open – and they’ll have a LIVE look at how the week is shaping up and any urgent investment moves you should make.

During their LIVE call, you’ll get REAL TIME investment and trade ideas. Plus, more complex trade ideas whenever possible… such as derivatives which could deliver explosive returns.

Imagine the power of being on a LIVE Zoom call with Jim Rickards or one of his top analysts. And the satisfaction of knowing you’re in good hands during the uncensored, roundtable calls.

But unfortunately, Zoom only has a maximum capacity of 3,000 people on a call.

To ensure that these limited 3,000 spots go to people who will take action rather than tire-kickers, Jim Rickards’ publisher suggested that Jim will charge a small fee to join him on the weekly Rickards Uncensored Zoom calls.

Jim Rickards’ publisher settled on a small $39 monthly fee to gain access (which can be cancelled within the first 14 days for an immediate refund.)

That’s less than $10 a week!


Huge Recession Loophole (See These Charts)

Amid today’s market turmoil, THIS is one of the biggest and most bullish opportunities today: a red-hot sector with almost unlimited pricing power and a history of outperforming in recessions. It’s also the sector where our good friend Dr. David Eifrig spent half his professional life – meaning he’s extremely qualified to spot world-class opportunities today.

Take a look at the evidence here.

Rickards Uncensored: What Do You Get For Your Money?

As soon as you subscribe to Rickards Uncensored, you’ll be given a special password you can use to login to the Zoom call on Friday.

You’ll also get UNCENSORED insight surrounding Jim Rickards’ investment thesis… and critical updates on investments, politics, markets, America and more.

Because you know as well as I do that it’s almost impossible to get the truth from the mainstream liberal media…

As soon as you fill out the form you see on the registration page, Jim Rickards will immediately send you an email containing the link for Friday’s call as well as the special password you’ll need to login…

That way, you’ll be ready to go as soon as Jim is going live.

During this LIVE call, you’ll get REAL TIME investment and trade ideas. Plus, more complex trade ideas whenever possible… such as derivatives which could deliver explosive returns.

You take no risk with your decision to try out Jim’s new weekly Zoom live calls.

You can unsubscribe at any time, and as soon as you do you’ll be taken off the monthly billing immediately.

In other words, you can cancel at any point you want with absolutely no risk to you…

You’ll never be locked into paying for this and you can get your money back right away.

When you first sign up, you can even get your money back if you aren’t satisfied — you just need to let Jim and his team know within the first 14 days.

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