Retirement Trader Review – How’s Dr. David Eifrig’s Newsletter?

The strategies Dr. Eifrig uses in Retirement Trader are so safe, he went more than three years without closing a single losing position in the advisory’s model portfolio!

Retirement Trader Review – What is Retirement Trader Advisory?

Before he came to Stansberry Research, Dr. Eifrig was part of an elite team of traders at Goldman Sachs where he created sophisticated investment vehicles for private clients and other traders at the firm.

Access Doc Eifrig’s Retirement Trader at the Lowest Price Ever

In Retirement Trader, Dr. Eifrig takes what he did for Goldman Sachs and, in plain English, shows readers unusual ways to make large, safe gains in the stock and options markets… whenever and wherever these opportunities arise.

Twice a month in Retirement Trader, you’ll have the opportunity to start safely doubling or tripling the gains you’d normally make in your retirement account, with much less risk. Once you see how simple this strategy is, you’ll never look at stocks and options the same way again.

Retirement Trader – Publication Overview

Q: How often is this service published?

A: Twice per month (second and fourth Fridays) with e-mail updates as needed

Q: How much capital should I have to get started?

A: Approx. $50,000 / Great for retirees and those planning for retirement

Q: What will we be buying?

A: Stocks with options

Q: Do you put on short trades?

A: No

Q: What’s a typical holding period?

A: 2 – 3 months.

Retirement Trader Newsletter – Real Customers Reviews

“This was my introduction to trading options. Though pretty much limited to selling covered calls and naked puts, Dr. Eifrig’s picks are almost guaranteed. The contortions he goes through to recover from stock price drops have educated me on how to exit trades successfully, which is the most difficult trick to learn. Now, with the help of the Blue Collar Investor, and using the techniques learned by following Retirement Trader for a few years, I am able to chose my own trades successfully. The lifetime subscription seems like a bargain, now that I have recovered that cost.” – jimaker

“This is a great newsletter, except for the price!
Sure it’s Naked Put and Covered Calls, But the picks are virtually guaranteed not to fail. Well almost. You might roll it over, etc. but by the time you have closed the position you’ve made some money. At least so far.
And it’s for Retirees. Who want something easy and not take a lot of time.
And yes, I am now going for one month more often than two. But I have a very low transaction fee. If I were still trading Options with Schwab, and with my position sizes, 2 months might be the way to go so that the fees don’t eat up so much of the gains.
Over all I don’t know how many stars. Price would be 1 or zero, the rest would be 5 stars- what does that add up to?” – doc327hank


Get Dr. David Eifrig’s Retirement Trader – Best Offer + Bonuses Here

What do you get for your money with Retirement Trader?

Here’s a breakdown of everything you’ll receive when you join Dr. David Eifrig today:

ONE FULL YEAR of Retirement Trader

ONE FULL YEAR of Retirement Trader

Twice a month, Dr. David “Doc” Eifrig will email you his newest briefing, detailing the model portfolio and all of his newest recommendations. You could instantly collect hundreds to thousands of dollars on each recommendation and walk away. He’s booked a 94% success rate since 2010 through his unique strategy.

Special Updates


Throughout the month, Doc will email you updates as needed, telling you when to lock-in gains and how to close each position.

One Full Year of Income Intelligence

One Full Year of Income Intelligence

Where each month Doc will recommend low-risk investments that could earn you double-digit yields on your money with 100% or more capital gains potential. You can read our full Income Intelligence review here.

Options Trading Master Class

Options Trading Master Class

Where you’ll learn everything you need to know about options trading. In this simple, easy-to-watch 7-video course, Doc will show you how to set up your brokerage account for selling put options, conduct a live demo on his personal computer, and demonstrate the “twist” that allows you the chance to close almost any position for a profit.

Model portfolio of trades to make immediately


Since 2010, Doc has booked 651 winners out of 691 positions for a 94% success rate with this strategy, through bull markets, bear markets, flat markets, manias, crashes, and everything in-between.

SPECIAL REPORT: How to Unlock Your Brokerage Account for Instant Cash

How to Unlock Your Brokerage Account for Instant Cash

Inside, you’ll learn:

  • How put selling works…
  • How to make the trade available in your brokerage account…
  • How to collect the biggest payouts… and Doc’s “twist” on how to almost always close for a profit.

Retirement Trader Calculator

Retirement Trader Calculator

An online feature where you can input any trade and calculate exactly how much money you’ll collect, the trade’s time span, your potential annualized gain, risk level, and more.

Education Portal


Where you can access Doc’s complete archive of research reports, dating back more than a decade. Including his public briefings and video updates on the state of the market, Q&As, and more.

High Income Retirement

High Income Retirement

The book that helped launch Doc’s career as a national retirement expert, detailing his favorite tricks, secrets, and techniques for earning 12% to 20% on your savings, with the least amount of risk.

Welcome Gift

A surprise gift for all new members. It contains all of Doc’s secrets for living a better and wealthier retirement. Plus a special bonus others paid $2,499 to receive.

Get started with Retirement Trader here

Retirement Trader Subscription Fee

Retirement Trader normally costs $5,000 for one full year.

But because today’s market has multiplied the payouts higher than normal… and because it’s so important to collect income right now…

If you get in today, you can receive one full year of Retirement Trader at the special price of  $2,000.

Plus, you’ll receive one FREE year of Income Intelligence, where each month Doc Eifrig will show you how to earn double-digit yields on your money with 100% or more capital gains potential.

Plus, FREE access to Doc Eifrig’s Options Trading Master Class, a 7-video course on how to sell options. Including Doc’s “twist” on how to close almost any position for a profit.

Plus, FREE access to Doc Eifrig’s complete archive of research reports.

Plus, FREE access to Doc Eifrig’s education portal, where you can find Q&As on the state of the market and Doc’s current predictions.

Plus, FREE access to the Retirement Trader calculator, where you can input any trade and calculate exactly how much money you’ll collect, how long the trade will last, your potential annualized gain, risk level, and more.

Plus, a FREE e-copy of Doc’s classic book, High Income Retirement: How to Safely Earn 12% to 20% Income Streams on Your Savings.

Plus, a one-time welcome gift Doc Eifrig never shared before, which others have paid $2,499 to access.

But you must get in today, before this limited-time offer expires, to receive all of these bonuses. Once it expires, this special offer – with all of the bonuses included here– will no longer be available.


Retirement Trader Refund Policy

As a part of this offer you’re also entitled to Doc’s EXTENDED 90-Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

Take the next 90 days and review everything Doc send you, including all of Doc’s special reports, his recommendations, and his entire model portfolio.

If for any reason you’re not satisfied with Doc Eifrig’s work, simply call Stansberry Customer Service team at 888-863-9356 and you’ll receive 100% of the money you spend right now back to you in the form of Stansberry Credit.

This credit can be applied toward any of the other 25+ Stansberry Research products of your choice over the next year.

There’s no cash refund.

Who is David Eifrig – the man behind Retirement Trader Research Advisory?

David Eifrig - Retirement Trader
David Eifrig – Retirement Trader

Dr. David Eifrig Jr., MD, MBA is the editor of Retirement Millionaire, a monthly advisory that shows readers how to live a millionaire lifestyle on less money than you’d imagine possible. “Doc” is also the editor of Retirement Trader, a trading advisory which shows readers a safe way to double or triple the gains in your retirement account, with much less risk,  and Income Intelligence, a monthly investment advisory which shows investors how to expertly time their purchases to maximize their returns.

Before joining Stansberry & Associates in 2008, Dr. Eifrig worked in arbitrage and trading groups with major Wall Street investment banks, including Goldman Sachs, Chase Manhattan, and Yamaichi in Japan.

In 1995, Dr. Eifrig retired from Wall Street, went to UNC-Chapel Hill medical school, and became an ophthalmologist. Now, in his latest “retirement,” he joined S&A full-time to share his experiences and ideas with readers.

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