Retirement Millionaire Review – Is Dr. David Eifrig’s Service Legit?

Is Dr. David Eifrig’s Retirement Millionaire worth the hype? Find out in this comprehensive Retirement Millionaire review that covers all the pros and cons of this trading program.

Get Retirement Millionaire Plus the Critical Resources to Position Yourself for the Most Important Financial Trend in America Today

Retirement Millionaire is a monthly advisory that shows readers how to live a millionaire lifestyle on less money than you’d imagine possible. It’s a financial newsletter offered by Dr. Eifrig and Stansberry Research.

Dr. Eifrig writes for the Stansberry family of investment newsletters. He focuses on investing in income producing stocks that will stand the test of time. I have built an income producing portfolio with many of Eifrig’s picks as core holdings. Anyone interested in building income for the long run would be hard-pressed to find a source of investment strategies that rival Dr. Eifrig!


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When this 50-year Wall Street legend releases his “Top Stocks” list for the year ahead, experienced readers drop what they’re doing and go grab a pen and paper. Marc Chaikin’s stock system would’ve helped you identify 44 of the top 50 stocks last year. In 2023, it flashed “bullish” on 44 of the top 50. Today, he wants to hand you two tickers for free.

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What is Retirement Millionaire Newsletter?

Dr. David Eifrig Jr., MD, MBA, is the perfect editor for a unique advisory letter like Retirement Millionaire. He started his career trading derivatives at Goldman Sachs for more than a decade. In 1995, he decided to switch careers and left Wall Street to become a medical doctor. Now he’s doing what he loves best… advising others on improving their health, managing their money, and how to enjoy a prosperous retirement. Since 2008, Doc has shared these ideas with nearly 100,000 readers of his monthly research service, Retirement Millionaire. “Doc” (as we call him) will show you how to invest without worrying about money again.

On the second Wednesday of every month, Dr. Eifrig publishes a new issue of Retirement Millionaire — covering new opportunities for achieving wealth in retirement… loopholes in the travel, medical, and financial systems… important new health studies… great opportunities to add to your income… and much more.

For example, issues of Retirement Millionaire have covered important ideas like:

  • How to boost your 401(k) or IRA by up to $333,000 in a way that your broker may not tell you about.
  • The best months of the year to buy… well… just about everything: frozen foods, sneakers, home theaters, office and home furniture, and power tools — at significant discounts. Write this on your calendar and it could save you hundreds to thousands per year.
  • A little-known tax credit that could lower you annual tax bill by up to $2,000 forever, if you qualify.
  • Why you’re likely missing out on “free” money because of your bank account and how you could collect more income by making this one simple switch.

And much, much more…

The fact is, if you’re not reading Retirement Millionaire, you are missing out on vital information that could lead to living a wealthier, healthier, and much more interesting retirement.


Brad Thomas Wide Moat ConfidentialUrgent Warning About the ‘Magnificent Seven’

Across his 35-year career, investor Brad Thomas has appeared on Bloomberg and Barron’s… interviewed more than 100 CEOs and high-net-worth investors… and acquired a deep contact list of multimillionaires and billionaires, including Kyle Bass and President-elect Donald Trump. Now, he’s warning that today’s economic environment is set for a major rotation out of popular stocks like the “Magnificent Seven” – and those unprepared could be blindsided by the fallout.

See the full warning here.

Retirement Millionaire Review – Publication Overview.

Q: How often is this service published?

A: Monthly (second Wednesday of every month) with e-mail updates as needed

Q: How much capital should I have to get started?

A: Approx. $1,000 / Great for beginning investors, retirees, and those planning for retirement

Q: What will we be buying?

A: Stocks

Q: Do you put on short trades?

A: No

Q: What’s a typical holding period?

A: At least 2 years, and often longer

What you gonna get for your money with Retirement Millionaire subscription?

Retirement Millionaire Review
Retirement Millionaire Review

When you sign up today, you’ll pay just $199 for an entire year of Doc’s work — entitling you to:

Retirement Millionaire publication as viewed on desktop and tablet devices

12 Monthly Issues of Retirement MillionaireHere you’ll find Doc’s latest investment recommendations, along with the current model portfolio… Doc’s market analysis… along with health, travel and personal finance tips you won’t find anywhere else.

Dr. David Eifrig's Big Book of Retirement Secrets

Dr. David Eifrig Jr.’s Big Book of Retirement SecretsThis 554-page book is a comprehensive reference guide containing more than 250 of Doc’s favorite health, wealth and retirement secrets. These tips alone could help cut your bills by up to 80%, boost your monthly income, or even save your life.

Retirement Millionaire special reports

Special Readers-Only Reports: In these in-depth guides, Doc exposes incredible opportunities, like: How to Get Extra Money Every Month — Without Working or InvestingThe 5 Second Dividend BoostThe Free Silver LoopholeThe Best Way to Ensure You Never, Ever Run Out of Money… and The Four Surprises the U.S. Government and the Pharmaceutical Industry Don’t Want You to Know.

Doc’s Training Videos: Doc walks you through some of his best trading and health ideas in this readers-only video series. They include his detailed analysis of Obamacare, including what it means for your life and investments… basic options trading (from a former Goldman Sachs options trader)… the list goes on.

Your personal online account: You’ll also be automatically issued a specific username and password that gives you access to all the research ever published in Retirement Millionaire since it first launched in 2008.

Retirement Millionaire DailyMonday through Friday, you’ll get Doc’s unique insights on health, wealth, and retirement. These daily emails cover relevant topics while teaching valuable skills like, how to supercharge your love life… how to survive a mass shooting… or how to protect your retirement from the taxman. You’ll get Retirement Millionaire Daily for free as part of your subscription.

**The Stansberry Digest: Every weekday, Justin Brill and Stansberry Research founder Porter Stansberry write up notes on interesting situations taking shape in the markets. This daily e-letter will keep you up-to-date on what’s going on with the Stansberry Research family: what we got right… what we got wrong… what we have planned… and more.

Remember, you get access to all this research the moment you sign up.

And you’ll have the next 30 days to make up your mind about the service.

Get Retirement Millionaire Plus the Critical Resources to Position Yourself for the Most Important Financial Trend in America Today

Who is David Eifrig – the man behind Retirement Millionaire Newsletter?

David Eifrig - Retirement Millionaire Newsletter
David Eifrig – Retirement Millionaire Newsletter

Dr. David Eifrig Jr., MD, MBA is the editor of Retirement Millionaire, a monthly advisory that shows readers how to live a millionaire lifestyle on less money than you’d imagine possible. “Doc” is also the editor of Retirement Trader, a trading advisory which shows readers a safe way to double or triple the gains in your retirement account, with much less risk,  and Income Intelligence, a monthly investment advisory which shows investors how to expertly time their purchases to maximize their returns.

Before joining Stansberry & Associates in 2008, Dr. Eifrig worked in arbitrage and trading groups with major Wall Street investment banks, including Goldman Sachs, Chase Manhattan, and Yamaichi in Japan.

In 1995, Dr. Eifrig retired from Wall Street, went to UNC-Chapel Hill medical school, and became an ophthalmologist. Now, in his latest “retirement,” he joined S&A full-time to share his experiences and ideas with readers.

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