Recovery Investing Event featuring Whitney Tilson is May 28, 2020

Recovery Investing Event by Whitney Tilson is an online event scheduled for Thursday, May 28th at 8pm EST.

The event is hosted by former hedge fund manager and investing legend Whitney Tilson, who has nailed the timing of the biggest financial events of the past 20 years:

  • The dot-com crash
  • The housing bust
  • The bottom of stocks in 2008.
  • And most recently, the bottom in stocks on March 23, 2020

You can attend Recovery Investing Event for free.

Is it worth attending Recovery Investing Event? What will you learn during the event? Let’s find out.


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It could put up to an extra $5,600 back in your pocket each year.

And will create more new millionaire investors than anything else on the planet.

Here Are The Facts

What is Recovery Investing Event?

Recovery Investing Event is an online event where former hedge fund manager and investing legend Whitney Tilson is going to show you a way of timing the markets that is SO precise…It would have alerted you to sell your stocks weeks before the crash. It’s a unique system that has helped more than 50,000 real investors determine the perfect time to buy or sell ANY stock in the market. Investors who use this system have a massive advantage.

That’s why Whitney Tilson is hosting this special event.

On May 28, he will show you how to get back into the market in the safest way possible. And if you’ve already started buying stocks, you’ll learn how to protect your profits as the economy starts to recover.

The event is 100% free, but you must register in advance


The Wall Street Legend Who Picked Apple in 2003 and Bitcoin in 2016 – Shares #1 Pick for the 2020s


It’s not 5G, artificial intelligence, or the internet of things.

The answer will surprise you. And, for those who take early action, it could lead to an eventual $1.6 million payout.

See #1 Pick

What Will You Learn During the Recovery Investing Event?

Just for signing up, you’ll immediately receive a copy of a brand-new report: “5 Ticking Time Bombs in Your Portfolio.”  This new report exposes five stocks that could not only take another plunge in the coming months – but fail to survive altogether. It’s possible that one or more of these stocks is still in your portfolio right now. These companies frequently lurk in ETFs and mutual funds, too, so we strongly encourage you to review this report right away.

“5 Ticking Time Bombs In Your Portfolio” is 100% free. You’ll receive it via e-mail immediately when you sign up below.

If you lost money in March, and want to recoup your losses as safely as possible…

If you’ve bought a few stocks recently, and want to confirm you made the right choices…

Or if you simply want to know where stocks are headed next – so you’re NEVER blindsided again… you must attend this FREE Recovery Investing Event.

You’ll walk away from Recovery Investing Event knowing:

  • Where stocks are headed next. Will the stock market continue to recover? Or will we soon see another crash?
  • The exact day to buy back into the world’s most popular stocks. You’ll learn a strategy for determining the perfect time to reenter your favorite stocks.
  • And what to buy right now. Including a stock that could soar as the financial markets recover. You’ll get the name and ticker symbol, absolutely free.


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Is Whitney Tilson’s Recovery Investing Event Free?

The Recovery Investing Event is free to attend. You just enter your email address into the online form, and you’ll receive a link to the webinar before May 28.

Then, you can go ahead and sign up for their free VIP text reminder service. To prevent you from accidentally missing the event, they ’ll send you brief text message reminders right before they go live on May 28.

When you become a VIP, you’ll receive instant access to an exclusive special report: This Embattled Stock is a Potential Nine-Bagger in Waiting

In this new report, you’ll find the name and ticker symbol of a hated stock that Whitney believes could soar triple or quadruple digits over the next few years.

He says, “The last time the setup was this good, I made 17 times my money.” This report contains information about the federal government that you likely won’t hear about in the mainstream media…

Including excerpts from an exclusive interview with one of the few experts on this unique type of investment.


THE WAR ON GOLD 2020: Emergency Briefing

Hedge Fund manager and New York Times Bestselling Author details how you position your gold stock portfolio right now will have a huge impact on your wealth in the coming gold bull market.

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Who Is Whitney Tilson?

Empire Financial Research founder and CEO Whitney Tilson is the editor of the Empire Investment Report, a monthly investment advisory that focuses on cheap, high-quality stock ideas.

Whitney graduated with honors from Harvard University and Harvard Business School, where he earned an MBA and was named a Baker Scholar. Whitney spent nearly 20 years on Wall Street, during which time he founded and ran Kase Capital Management, growing assets under management from $1 million at inception to a peak of $200 million.

Once dubbed “The Prophet” by CNBC, Whitney predicted the dot-com crash, the housing bust, the 2009 stock bottom, and more. Now, he’s sharing his secrets and strategies with followers of his latest endeavor, Empire Financial Research.

FAQ About Recovery Investing Event

Here is a quick recap summary about Recovery Investing Event by Whitney Tilson:

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”Q: What is Recovery Investing Event by Whitney Tilson? ” answer-0=”A: The world premiere of the Recovery Investing Event, a one-night-only broadcast, featuring investing legend Whitney Tilson and a surprise guest. They’ll give you clear, direct answers to your biggest questions: when to buy, what to buy, and where the markets are going from here. There is no other event in the world that can promise the actionable guidance you’ll get on May 28 – specifically a system of timing the markets that is so precise, it actually predicted the crash back in February.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”Q: Who is involved in the Recovery Investing Event?” answer-1=”A: Featuring Special Guest: Whitney Tilson: Whitney Tilson is the founder and CEO of Empire Financial Research. He spent over 20 years on Wall Street, where he founded and ran a hedge fund that he started in his bedroom with just $1 million and grew the firm to nearly $200 million. A regular guest on CNBC, Bloomberg, and Fox Business Network, Whitney has been profiled by the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Forbes, and more. He’s accurately predicted some of the biggest financial events in history, including the dot-com crash in 2008, the housing crisis in 2008, the collapse of bitcoin in 2018, and most recently – the bottom in stocks on March 23, 2020. Mystery Guest: Whitney Tilson isn’t the only expert you’ll hear from on Thursday, May 28. You’re also going to meet a surprise mystery guest who has NEVER been part of an event like this before. He’s never worked at a hedge fund or traded under any professional investors. But he’s taking the mic on May 28 to share a story unlike anything you’ve heard from us before. While the rest of the world was panicking back in March, he was perfectly calm. Why? Because he sold most of his stocks and was almost 100% in cash by February 28, 2020. Stocks began to crash a week later… and plummeted more than 30% by March 23. He is one of only 3,719 investors who knew the crash was coming. And on May 28, he’s stepping forward to explain exactly how he knew to sell… And the major market shift he’s preparing for next.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”Q: When is Recovery Investing Event?” answer-2=”A: Recovery Investing Event with former hedge fund manager and investing legend Whitney Tilson is taking place on Thursday, May 28 at 8 PM ET” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”Q: Where you can watch the Recovery Investing Event?” answer-3=”A: Investors can watch the Recovery Investing Event on a special website. They will receive the address after they finish their free registration ” image-3=”” headline-4=”h3″ question-4=”Q: What are the attendee bonuses?” answer-4=”A: Attendees will receive a special report with the exact time to buy back into 10 of the most widely held stocks in the world. Attendees will receive the name and ticker symbol of Whitney Tilson’s No. 1 Recovery Stock.” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]


Next Big Tech Trend Will Put Well Known Businesses in Bankruptcy

Legend who bought Apple at $1.42 says there’s a huge new tech trend coming to your hometown – which could make you a small fortune over the next few years.

And today he’s revealing the name and stock ticker symbol of his favorite way to make money from this trend.

You get his top pick for FREE, right here.

Final Word

To help you prepare for the big night, Whitney Tilson’s team have created a private website specifically for event attendees.

There you’ll find valuable research and resources to help you hit the ground running when they go live on May 28.

This includes…

  • A primer on the unique system you’ll learn during the event, including Case Studies from real investor portfolios.
  • Video messages from Dan Ferris, Dave Lashmet, and more about why May 28 holds the key to rebuilding and growing your wealth this year.
  • A daily series from legendary investor, Whitney Tilson. Every day leading up to the event, he’ll reveal a specific indicator he’s using to track the Stock Market Recovery.
  • Stories from real investors who have used this system and seen extraordinary results. (One investor, Theodore G., told us “This has profoundly changed the way I invest.”)
  • And your free report: 5 Ticking Time Bombs in Your Portfolio. This report outlines five stocks that could take another plunge in the coming months. Not only could these stocks be in your portfolio right now, but they also frequently lurk in ETFs and mutual funds.

Click here to watch Whitney Tilson’s Recovery Investing Event

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