Radical Technology Profits Review – Thoughts On Michael Robinson’s Newsletter

Radical Technology Profits is an investment and trading research service run by tech expert Michael Robinson.

The timing couldn’t be better to join. Right now mind-blowing new technologies are hitting the market faster than ever before. These go way beyond simply new, or innovative, or even astounding; these are truly radical technologies. Ones that have the power to sweep across the globe and change the very fabric of our lives.

For those who see the vision and get in early, these technologies can create life-changing wealth.

That’s precisely what Michael aims to do for you with this service.

What’s inside the Radical Technology Profits Newsletter?

The Radical Technology Profits newsletter and trading service comes straight from 34-year Silicon Valley insider Michael Robinson, who has uncovered nearly every major tech breakthrough since the personal computer, making a fortune for his readers in the process. Radical technologies like these, for those who see the vision and get in early, can create life-changing wealth. That’s precisely what Robinson aims to do for you with this service.

You’ll get a weekly email “alert” from Michael to your inbox. Most alerts will provide an overview of the tech markets, what’s moving them, a look at any exciting developments, and a portfolio review that covers the latest on each stock we hold in the portfolio. This is where you’ll learn what actions to take, like when to “buy” or “sell,” where to install your protective stops, and how to execute your trades for a chance at the biggest gains.

From time to time, Michael will get in touch with urgent news or instructions for one of the positions in the portfolio. These will show up in your email inbox too.

You’ll have 24/7 access to the Radical Tech Profits website, too. Once you sign up, you can use your secure username and password to log into this valuable resource anytime.

How much money should I invest?

We get this question a lot, and it’s impossible to answer, because every investor’s objectives and risk tolerance are different.

The short answer: That’s entirely up to you and your broker.

In general, we do recommend two risk management principles: 1) following a “position sizing” discipline that works for you and 2) using trailing stops to protect your principal and your profits. Beyond that, we can’t offer any advice about how much to invest in any position.

One rule of thumb you may want to follow is to make certain you don’t have any more than 2% of your risk capital exposed to any single investment (unless specifically advised by the editor).  Studies show that this helps keep risk down to palatable levels, while still allowing you to build a diversified risk portfolio capable of stellar performance over time.

When your 2% max investment is combined with a 25% trailing stop, you should never lose more than 0.5% of the value of your total portfolio on any one play. Let’s say you have $100,000 to invest. The max you would put into any position is $2,000. And with a 25% trailing stop, the most you could ever lose in that play is $500 (1/200th of your total).

When it comes to controlling risk and position sizing, there are many rules, but one trumps them all… don’t play the game if you don’t have the cash to back it up.

Who the heck is Michael Robinson?

Michael Robinson was there when, according to Forbes, “an astounding 25% of the Forbes 400 made their billions in technology.” In fact, Michael helped make those fortunes happen!

As a Pulitzer-Prize nominated writer and venture capitalist, he was one of five people involved in early meetings for the $160 billion “cloud” computing phenomenon. He was on the scene as Lee Iacocca and Roger Smith, the CEOs of Chrysler and GM, led the robotics revolution that saved the U.S. automotive industry. And as cyber-security was becoming a focus of national security, Michael was with Dave DeWalt, the CEO of McAfee, right before Intel acquired his company for $7.8 billion.

But Michael wasn’t content. Because while so many connected insiders were getting rich, Michael knew that the average investor was getting shut out.

So Michael left the labs and board rooms of Silicon Valley and began sharing his investing knowledge, contacts, and 35 years of experience with Main Street investors.

Now these average folks are making fortunes of their own, and once again Michael Robinson is there helping to make it happen.

Just ask Ryan Jared:

“Michael, I have a wife and two kids. You have helped my young family recover from the 2008 crisis where we lost everything, including our home. Thanks to you I have been able to rebuild my nest egg.”

Ryan is not alone in his praise of Michael Robinson. Since joining Money Morning in late 2012, Michael has uncovered 42 double- and triple-digit winners for readers like Richard Wolrz:

“Because of you we have probably made close to $5,000… and we are not done yet. Many thanks.”

Michael Robinson can so consistently spot winning technology stocks because he is the consummate insider, with a “platinum Rolodex” filled with the leading names in science, technology, and venture capital.

Now each month in Radical Technology Profits, Michael leverages his skills and connections to bring you small-cap technology stocks that are poised to double or triple in value. We believe a few minutes spent with Michael Robinson each month will pay off for you the way it did for Robin Pipes:

“These stocks have made us a ton of money. Thank you as always.”

What you gonna get for your money when you subscribe to the Radical Technology Profits?

As a Radical Technology member, you’ll enjoy regular installments of:

Radical Insider where you’re going to “meet” some of Michael’s closest friends on a very intimate level.

In short,Michael will be conducting a series of one-on-one sit-downs with technology insiders, the high-profile movers and shakers who run Silicon Valley! You’ll be in the front row, watching via video, as Michael grills these insiders on the latest breakthrough technology to upcoming mergers and everything in between.

Armed with Radical Insider nothing will happen in the world of technology without you being among the FIRST to know!

Plus you’ll also get access to every actionable piece of research Michael publish, including:

  • Radical Tech Profits Weekly Communiques! These weekly communiqués are the same type of correspondence he send to his network: Entrepreneurs, scientists, researchers, academics, venture capitalists, and even CEOs. These private briefings will give you an INSIDE VIEW of the biggest profit plays in Silicon Valley.
  • Weekly Portfolio Updates. You’ll never be left wondering what’s up with any stock he’s recommending. Every day Michael is in touch with technology experts, on the phone with venture capitalists, and company officials – so you know everything relevant to the company’s success.
  • Immediate Action Alerts. Every time Michael comes across a breakthrough opportunity and his extensive process confirms that the timing is right, he will issue an immediate “buy” alert, via email, with all the details – including recommended buy prices, where he sees the stock moving both in the short and longer term, and when to sell.
  • Text Message Alerts! If you choose, you can have text message alerts sent to your cell phone to notify you as soon as new updates are released.
  • “Live” Model Portfolio Tracking. Any time you want to check the price of the stocks in the Radical Technology Profits model portfolio, simply log on and you’ll see real-time prices for all the picks. That way you always know where we stand with every single recommendation.
  • Members-Only Web Access. The instant you join, you’ll get your members-only password access to Radical Technology Profit’s exclusive site, where you’ll find my most recent recommendations, all past alerts, every single update, and a link to the “live” portfolio track record.

As you can see, there’s so much value that comes with being a Radical Technology Profits member…

And you can try it all risk free…

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