High-Income Alert is Dr. Mark Skousen’s longest continuously active trading service. In fact, at 15 years and counting, it may be the oldest trading service available today. And the only reason it’s been around so long is that it works. High-Income Alert makes money by trading a type of investment that often goes overlooked by today’s investors: dividend-paying stocks.
Sadly, these traders are missing out on not just one, but potentially three ways to profit from every High-Income Alert recommendation: dividends, stock appreciation and options. Of course, it’s up to you whether you follow all three recommended ways to profit, or just two, or even one. But isn’t it nice to know, if you do want a triple-crown of profits, High-Income Alert has delivered for 15 years?

High Income Alert Review – What IS It?
The beauty of this program is that Dr. Skousen does all the work for you: He tells you precisely which income stocks to buy and which option opportunities exist at the same time.
Over the past 30 years, he’s developed his own proprietary method for identifying the ideal investments for generating maximum option profits with minimal risk.
He’s tested and retested his high income trading strategy over and over again in the High-Income Alert model portfolio.
This system is specifically designed for conservative investors who want to see capital appreciation AND regular cash income.
With Dr. Skousen’s time-tested High-Income Alert program, you can…
- Help protect your portfolio from market downturns, while also getting the returns you need to enjoy retirement prosperity…
- Enjoy a current average annualized return of 71.41% on all winning and losing positions…
- Potentially earn up to 30% every few weeks on the underlying stock recommendations… and up to 300% on the option plays…
- STOP WORRYING about the market and enjoy life!
One more thing: Unlike other options advisories, Dr. Skousen’s High-Income Alert gives you investing and trading opportunities to fit any account size or investment goal.
As I mentioned, often Dr. Skousen’s option recommendations are for options that sell for mere pennies. This means you can control 100 shares of a potentially winning stock for as little as $50.
Best of all, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
You can take advantage of Dr. Skousen’s nearly 38 years as one of the world’s foremost economists… his decades of experience as an investment adviser… and simply do what Dr. Skousen recommends.
Plus, you can start slow… even with very little money… and simply watch and learn.
Once you get used to seeing your core holdings rise in value month after month… on top of the enormous profits from the options trades… you may consider bigger investments.
Remember, in just one 60-day period recently, you could have earned…
- $6,120 from an initial investment of just $2,000 (a 306.2% profit)!
- $6,160 (282% profit) again on a $2,000 initial investment…
- $5,500 (275% profit) on the same initial money.
That’s a total profit of $17,780 in just two months!
Something else:
Whether you’re working at a full-time job… already retired… or run your own business… one of the great things about the High-Income Alert approach is that you can live your life.
You don’t have to be glued to your desk chair, anxiously watching computer screens all day long.
It takes just 15 minutes per month to make the investments and trades Dr. Skousen recommends.
He gives you only the biggest and best opportunities, usually in his weekly hotlines.
When there is a special opportunity that pops up, he will contact you via email.
The other big benefit of the High-Income Alert is peace of mind.
With a stock market as volatile as ours has been in recent months, you’re always going to be thinking about your money.
But unlike buy-and-hold strategies, the conservative high-income strategy that Dr. Skousen follows with High-Income Alert provides significant protection for your portfolio.
The highly profitable companies that form the core of this service tend to fall far less during market downturns… and, as we’ve seen in this message, they typically rebound far quicker and much higher than other investments.
What do you get for your money with Mark Skousen’s High-Income Alert Program?
Here are price options at the moment of writing…
-1-Year for $995
– 2-Years for $1,695
– Convenient Quarterly Billing – Rather than pay all up front, you credit card will be charged $275 quarterly.
Once you become a High-Income Alert member, here’s what you’ll get…
Stock and Options Opportunities that Have Proven Profitable for More than 15 Years
Each month, Dr. Skousen will send you approximately 2 to 3 new recommendations. That’s between 24 and 36 money-making opportunities over the course of the entire year. Each recommendation will meet the rigorous criteria laid out in the presentation. You’ll see big earnings growth, share buybacks, new technologies, and, most importantly, high income pushing the stock price higher.
In addition, every alert you receive will have detailed instructions on how to trade.
You’ll see what price to pay for the stock… and for those who want to get more aggressive, you’ll have access to Dr. Skousen’s special options plays, which can supercharge returns. These options often cost as little as $50 to control 100 shares of stock… yet have the potential for triple-digit profits in just weeks.
In just the past 90 days alone, we’ve had 6 triple digit winners with gains ranging from 100.89% to a whopping 953.43%. That’s how fast High-Income Alert can make money.
But it’s not all you’ll get…
Weekly Hotline Updates
Along with Dr. Skousen’s hotline alerts guiding you on each play, you’ll also get weekly updates on each of the current positions in the portfolio. Plus, you’ll get Dr. Skousen’s current take on the economy and stock market as a whole.
And something else: Dr. Skousen does all of the necessary homework to make sure his recommendations and updates are “actionable.” He tries to make sure every one of his recommend stocks and options are liquid enough to ensure you can get in at the recommended price.
Many investment experts don’t even do that, but Dr. Skousen goes further still with these additional benefits for members…
Recommendations for Limiting Risk
Dr. Skousen believes in using protective stops, and he provides you with very specific instructions for setting and raising your stop prices on investments.
In other words, you’re never left on your own.
You always know what the stop prices are for every recommended position in Dr. Skousen’s High-Income Alert portfolio.
Password Protected Access to the Secure Member Website
The best way to keep track of everything is on the High-Income Alert website.
You’ll find archived issues, a daily look at the portfolio, special reports, new buy and sell recommendations, and anything else you need.
A Member Services Team You Can Count On
The instructions in every weekly hotline alert are clear and precise. You can just read them, word for word, to your broker — or enter the symbols into your favorite discount online broker.
Nevertheless, Dr. Skousen knows that you may have questions. With this premium service, you can ask your questions to a member of Dr. Skousen’s dedicated member services team ASAP.
Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee!
Dr. Skousen believes that you have to see the results for yourself before making a decision about whether this service is right for you.
That’s why he’s agreed to give you a full 30 days to kick the tires and see how his conservative income recommendations hold up in the real world.
You’re not risking a single penny. If you decide that High-Income Alert is not for you during those first 30 days, just let us know and you’ll get a full refund of the subscription price…
Who is Mark Skousen – the editor of the High-Income Alert?
MARK SKOUSEN, PH.D. is a financial advisor, professional economist, university professor, and author of more than 20 books.
For the past 30+ years, Dr. Skousen has been the editor of the award-winning newsletter Forecasts & Strategies. He is also the Chairman of the Winner’s Circle and editor of four trading services: Skousen’s Five Star Trader, Skousen’s High-Income Alert, Skousen’s Fast Money Alert and his newest trading service Skousen’s TNT Trader.