Mark Sebastian Expiration Trader Review – Is It Legit?

Mark Sebastian has been test-driving a brand-new trading strategy: Expiration Trader. And those trading alongside him could have turned a $1,000 account into $6,443 today. That’s a 544% profit – and he’s just opened up this strategy to the public.


How I Made $100,000 Overnight

It began with a mysterious phone call from a billionaire hedge-fund manager… desperate for access to Joel Litman’s stock market rating system before the next opening bell. What happened next would unlock a stock market phenomenon that spits out 10-, 20-, and even 30-baggers a few rare times per year. And right now, it’s happening again.

Just make sure you see this incredible story before tomorrow’s opening bell.

Mark Sebastian Expiration Trader – What Is It?

Thousands were there last week for Mark Sebastian’s live reveal

And since Wednesday night, hundreds have secured access to their first “Daily Double.”

In fact, on Day 1, over 300 people showed up in his live, private trading room to put on their first trade.

And let’s just say, after the chance to make 984 bucks in less than three minutes’ “work,” they weren’t disappointed.

Here are three reasons why I love Mark’s strategy:

  1. He is making the same trade
  2. At the same time of day
  3. On the same ticker.

Here’s why it works, and how $500 could’ve made you $984 this week.

Mark Sebastian:

Expiration Trader works, and it’s effective in today’s volatile market.

I know this from my own success, and real trades that got REAL results. Not just for my hedge fund clients–but for my inner-circle readers–everyday Americans from every walk of life.

Over my twenty years as a professional trader, all the way from the Chicago Board Options Exchange to running my own hedge fund…

I field-tested dozens–if not hundreds–of trading strategies.

But NOTHING comes close to the results I’m seeing from these daily expiration trades.

No matter if it’s my reader’s money, my family’s money, or my OWN money… there’s only one strategy I’m using right now…

What Are Mark Sebastian “Daily Doubles”?

Mark Sebastian “Daily Doubles” kicks off at 2pm SHARP – every day the market is open.

These “Daily Doubles” are trades on the same stock, at the same time of day, with the same type of trade.

And you can get into each one for around $140 bucks on average.


Economic Reckoning Coming to America

For most people, what’s coming will prove challenging. But while the majority of Americans will be caught off guard, one senior analyst says following a few clear steps today could position you to make triple-digit gains over the next six months.

See his brand-new prediction and what it could mean for your money right here.

Every Daily Double Play Has Just FOUR Simple Steps

Just four simple steps stand between you and aiming for a direct cash deposit of your profits at market close if the trade works out.

Step 1 – Set your “cash zone”

Step 2 – Sell half at 100% profit

Step 3 – Sell a fourth at 200% profit

Step 4 – Ride a fourth to expiration cash deposit

And the best part is that your trade setup will allow you to execute Steps 2-4 automatically.

You take three minutes to set up Step 1, and you’re done.

As long as you set up the trade correctly, Steps 2, 3, and 4 will trigger on their own. You don’t have to press sell, don’t have to do maintenance on the position, nothing!

And Mark Sebastian is going to execute every step, alongside you, LIVE!

Here’s how it worked on June 10th.

For just $136 you could have entered this trade.

We set our $30 cash zone, and anticipated SPX to close around $3,905.

We took our first profit on half our position at 157%…

Second profit at 229%…

And third profit at 698% when SPX closed at $3,900, just $5 away from our target.

Between our three automatic exits on the trade, our weighted return was 311%.

That’s $136 to $558 in less than two hours.

Not bad for three minutes of “work” to set up the trade.

Tommorow 2PM – that’s when Mark Sebastian is going to release his next Expiration Trader recommendation. And if you join him now–it will be your first your shot to see these kind of results.

Who is Mark Sebastian?

Simply put, Mark Sebastian is an options trading wizard.

With an intimate knowledge of the VIX and volatility in general, Mark has the ability to explain seemingly complex subjects in a way that traders can understand and learn from.

This is likely due to his vast experience discussing these matters, as he’s made regular appearances on CNBC, Bloomberg, and First Business News, while also serving as the Chief Investment Officer at the hedge fund Karman Line Capital, and founding The Option Pit.

In short, he is the go-to guy when it comes to volatility and options trading – including for none other than Jim Cramer.


Huge Recession Loophole (See These Charts)

Amid today’s market turmoil, THIS is one of the biggest and most bullish opportunities today: a red-hot sector with almost unlimited pricing power and a history of outperforming in recessions. It’s also the sector where our good friend Dr. David Eifrig spent half his professional life – meaning he’s extremely qualified to spot world-class opportunities today.

Take a look at the evidence here.

What’s Included With Your Expiration Trader Subscription?

Here’s What You Get:

Up to 8 Trade Alerts Per Week

Up to 8 Trade Alerts Per Week

With SPX expiration daily and XSP expiration 3 times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Mark Sebastian will hit you with his analysis of the daily market and you’ll have the opportunity to hit up to 8 Daily Doubles each week.

Some days you’ll have just SPX, and some days you’ll have both SPX and XSP alerts.

Over the course of the year, you could have access to up to 416 Daily Doubles if you made both trades.

Every time Mark Sebastian issues a trade alert, it’ll be sent directly to you via email and text.

Alerts will include Mark Sebastian’s full “Set it and Forget it” exit plan including…

  • Initial Strike Prices
  • 100% profit target
  • 200% profit target

Everything you’d need to know in order to set up this trade from start to finish. And if that’s not enough… Mark Sebastian is also going to show you how to set these up LIVE… WITH HIM … DAILY…

Daily Live Trade Execution Sessions

Daily Live Trade Execution Sessions

Every day the market is open, Mark Sebastian will pop into the Members Only Expiration Trader Chatroom.

Now, this chatroom is open 24/7, but each day at 2pm YOU and Mark Sebastian will put on your Expiration Trade together via live video stream

He will walk you through the strikes, how to make sure you get filled on the ENTIRE trade from the start, and you’ll actually WATCH Mark Sebastian do it in real time via his screenshare.

Any general questions you have, Mark Sebastian’s expert moderators will be on hand to answer and help you through the process.

There is NO REASON you can’t learn to do this…

Members Only 24/7 Chatroom

Members Only 24/7 Chatroom

Your Members Only Chatroom also gives you access to a like-minded community of options traders.

NO MATTER your experience level – if you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro – there is always something to be learned from this community.

Ask questions, get feedback, see idea flow on new opportunities.

Something goes south in the market and you’re not sure how it affects your trading? JOIN THE CLUB! You will have fellow Expiration Traders in the same boat, and now you have a common place to discuss your battle plans for the markets.

Live Portfolio

Live Portfolio

Your member platform also contains a picture of Mark Sebastian’s Live Expiration Trader Portfolio.

You’ll be able to see all closed positions (COMING SOON!) and all existing, open positions, so you can keep track of your progress.

Can’t make a daily 2pm session? No problem – check back in the portfolio and you’ll see the Trade Alert you missed.

Expiration Trader Training Course

Expiration Trader Training Course

The Expiration Trader Training Course contains 3 critical pieces of options education to get you up and running immediately.

You have the Foundations of Options Video Course, where you’ll learn the more advanced buying and selling strategies of options. This course will have video lessons, quizzes, and is something you can keep directly on hand, so you can return and review the material at any time.

Mark Sebastian also built the Expiration Trader Starter Kit, and a Video Tutorial on How To Place Your First Expiration Trade.

With all three of these together, you’ll be ready to go in no time.

Expiration Trader Subscription Fee

You can access ALL the Founding Member Premiums listed above for the next TWO YEARS for just $2450.

That comes out to less than $3 PER ALERT… All on trades that could Double Your Money or more.


  • $1750 for one year
  • $2450 for two years

I know which one I’d pick…

In fact, it’s a no brainer.


A New Way To See Which Stocks Could Double Your Money

Marc Chaikin Power Gauge Investor Review

We want to give you FREE access to the Power Gauge system ($5,000 value).

Claim FREE access to The Power Gauge Here

Expiration Trader Refund Policy

You’re covered by 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Test drive Expiration Trader for 30 days.

Try the alerts, review the education, and complete your Training Course, and if after 30 days you’re not satisfied with the trades, the education, or the service in general, just give Mark Sebastian’s VIP team a call at 855-509-6600 and they’ll refund 100% of your payment.

No hassle, no strings attached.

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