Manward Money Report Review: Shah Gilani’s Artificial Super Intelligence Stocks Revealed

Is Shah Gilani’s Artificial Super Intelligence Stocks worth the hype? Find out in this Manward Money Report Review that covers all the pros and cons of this trading program.

Shah Gilani and his team spent the last year researching every aspect of AI, including Singularity. This is the final transformation from artificial intelligence to Artificial Super Intelligence.

They put together a plan to start right now to protect you and your family. Their mission is to help regular Americans understand the repercussions of what is about to take place with ASI. You must act now and set yourself up for a chance to make a fortune… or you risk losing everything.

What Is Shah Gilani Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)?

Giant shifts of money are nothing new. Particularly in the tech industry. ASI is different from all the other trillion-dollar transformations – because it will be the biggest shift in wealth ever-$15.7 trillion over the next decade.

There have been eleven breakthroughs thus far. However, the importance of each innovation doesn’t really matter. The rate or frequency at which AI advances is what matters. With AI’s compounding nature, there is less time between breakthroughs.

The first significant advancement in older AI systems was made by Google in 2017 with the release of its Transformer Neural Network. The next was three years later – in 2020 – when the creator of ChatGPT-J reported the software was as smart as a human.

The new version of the AI is improving faster. We saw the first breakthrough in February of this year when the software wrote its own code to move robotic arms. There were three breakthroughs in March – with the introduction of Google’s PaLM-E, OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4, and Microsoft’s TaskMatrix.

AI went from one breakthrough every three years to three giant leaps in a single month.

These quick advancements bring the question: What will happen when the Singularity takes place? And how will that affect you?

Shah Gilani has simple answers for these questions.

Shah Gilani’s Warning – Is It Legit?

According to Gilani this AI boom is exactly like the internet bubble in the ‘90s. Back then we saw a critical new technology change the world overnight.

But Gilani is warning us about the trap most investors are falling. Do not – under any circumstances – go out and just start buying AI stocks. There are scam companies out there using this technology as a marketing gimmick to snatch up investor’s cash.

It’s almost impossible to know which company will be the next Microsoft and which company will be another tombstone in the graveyard of bankruptcy.

Gilani and his team spent a year researching every aspect of AI. They ranked every industry on the New York Stock Exchange based on a single metric – direct correlation to AI’s unprecedented rate of improvement.

Naturally, just as every sector is connected to the internet, almost every industry will eventually be connected to artificial intelligence.

More than 48% of organizations have already integrated AI into their operations. Furthermore, ChatGPT attracted 100 million users in just two months, shattering all previous records for adoption rates.

Shah Gilani’s Recommendation

While working on their thorough research, Shah and his team identified a single business that will expand at the same exponential rate as artificial intelligence. So, when ASI blooms in as little as three months, this parallel industry simply must skyrocket. With other words – AI – the fastest-growing technology in history – is 100% dependent on this industry.

And even though this industry is growing parallel with AI, it’s completely off the radar for most investors.

The timer is running out. When the ASI is fully released, which might happen in three months, fortunes will be won and lost. Make sure you are on the winning side.

Gilani and his team spent one year to develop the “ASI Profit and Protect Playbook.” It’s their three-step plan to leverage the Singularity.

The “ASI Profit and Protect Playbook”

The “ASI Profit and Protect Playbook” is so simple it should only take you about 10 minutes to read it, and another 15 minutes to put it into practice.

Buy For Profit

Manward Money Report Review - Buy For Profit

AI’s power is limited by the data it could access. The more data AI can use, the smarter it gets. Furthermore, as it becomes more intelligent, it requires more data to advance.

That means the growth of AI is 100% dependent on the growth of data companies.

The data sector is filled with far safer investments and is selling for up to 97% less than large tech stocks. In contrast, the new AI industry is divided between risky startups and massive, costly stocks like Apple and Google.

Gilani is currently focused on three data stocks that are ready to leverage AI to the max:

1. Let’s take a look at the first company that he believes could break every growth record on the stock market.

As of today, this company is worth $30 billion. This March, the company secured a $100 million government contract for data management.

Additionally, they secured a $460 million contract in June by another government body to enhance AI and data processing.

This company’s stock price has, of course, already doubled this year. Gilani’s analysis indicates that this data company might rise from $15 to $185 per share by 2030 as a result of the AI invasion. That is an increase of 1,100%.

The federal government using AI to work in five fields: cyber defense, predictive traffic congestion, immigration application processing, criminal identification, and real-time translation services.

It’s unclear which AI business to invest in because these tasks will probably be distributed across several AI systems. However, all these government agencies can trust one data business with their confidential data.

That’s why Gilani expects AI to push this company’s stock up by 1,100%. And at $15 a share right now, this stock is a steal.

2. The second company launched a project called Edge, embracing the newest cloud technology. It directly partnered with some very powerful tech companies like Lenovo, CDW, and Broadcom.

Because of company’s small size right now, Gilani believes this stock can grow by over 12,400% by 2030.

3. The third company focuses on clean AI data. Don’t mistaken it with the green energy.

AI needs someone to clean up all the data, with data usage expected to reach 181 zettabytes by 2025—enough to store 7.5 trillion songs.

Because of this, Gilani believes that this data cleansing company’s share price has the potential to increase by nearly 4,700% by 2030. This would allow every $500 invested to become $24,300.

You’ll find full details of these three companies in a simple report called Buy for Profit, including the ticker symbols for each company, along with a detailed analysis and action steps. You’ll also get a brief rundown of each company’s history, stock chart, and even a comparison to the growth of AI.

You could improve your life if you act right away. It’s wise to have a safety net in place though, as Goldman Sachs projected that AI might automate 66% of employment in one way or another.

This is why there is another approach…

Hold for Income

This is the name of Gilani’s second report. He emphasizes that the only thing more important than growing your money is protecting it. Specifically, one asset is prepared to provide a stream of passive income. Since 2020, its price has more than doubled alongside the growth of AI.

Manward Money Report Review - Hold For Income

Gilani expects ASI to launch in the next few months. His projections are this asset’s value could match that growth and jump over 3,200% by 2030. This means turning a simple $500 investment into an outstanding $16,600.

It’s required by federal law to pay dividend. Currently dividend yield is 4.5% but it could grow exponentially as the company’s revenues skyrocket.

Another outstanding source of reliable income, if you want to diversify your portfolio, is an American company moving data across the country. They expect to double their service area this year. Gilani is recommending this stock for its strong dividend yield of 5.7%. And because he expects the share price to grow over 1,490% by 2030.

Bottom Line: AI is causing businesses to either make billions of dollars or go bankrupt. This trend is going to expand tenfold when ASI goes live in a few months. Better own the stocks listed in this report.

Sell To Survive

Manward Money Report Review - Sell For Survive

Few businesses are currently struggling due to AI, like the billion-dollar online learning platform Chegg. Actually, millions of American own companies that will be destroyed by AI.

Chegg offers services for test preparation, tutoring, and homework assistance. Still, ChatGPT offers all of that and more at no cost. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that Chegg’s stock price dropped a month after the most recent ChatGPT was issued.

LegalZoom is in the same boat. It’s clear that an AI that offers free customized legal documents can destroy a business that sells boilerplate legal documents.

There are 12 more companies included in the third special report: “Sell to Survive.” And if you own any of these stocks, you’ll want to purge them from your portfolio immediately. Including a tech company with deep ties to the Biden administration.

How To Get Gilani’s Reports?

There are three parts of Gilani’s “ASI Profit and Protect Playbook”.

Gilani’s “ASI Profit and Protect Playbook".

First is “Buy for Profit” where you’ll see the three top data stocks directly linked to the growth of AI systems.

Second is “Hold for Income,” where you will discover how to obtain the hard asset that is legally mandated to provide you with income as long as it is profitable in a specialized market known as the physical epicenter of artificial intelligence. Plus, you’ll get details on the two additional stocks designed to safely increase your cash flow year after year.

Lastly, the third part of this report is “Sell to Survive.” It includes 14 doomed stocks to purge these from your portfolio immediately.

The entire package is yours – completely free of charge. Just accept Gilani’s personal invitation to join him in a special venture he has begun at Manward Press.

What Is Manward Money Report?

Manward Press was founded in 2017 as an independent financial publisher. Since then, Gilani and his team have shown over 100,000 Americans how to take complete control of their financial futures by profiting from some of the biggest disruptions on Wall Street.

“Manward” means – for the benefit of all mankind. This is their mission – to help their subscribers achieve financial freedom by finding stocks investments with the highest potential returns.

Members of Manward Money Report receive two brand-new stock recommendations every month.

Each recommendation includes critical facts and details about the company, its leadership, its revenues, and its share price potential. A timeline for making money is always included.

Here is more information about this membership.

What Is Included with Manward Money Report?

Every month, subscribers get anywhere between two and four hand-picked trades backed by a team of professional researchers and award-winning editors. Here is a list of everything included:

Manward Money Report

  • 12 monthly research issues with recommendations.
  • Investment tutorials and educational videos.
  • Instant text alert service.
  • Members only website with online model portfolio, plus all past issues of Manward Money Report and complete research library.
  • A 24/7 customer service line for any questions you have about the service.
  • The AI Singularity Playbook with a three-part investment strategy that’s critical to making money from the $15.7 trillion AI boom.
  • Bonus Report: Going Nuclear: The Ultimate AI Energy Stock features the most politically connected company in the entire sector – its CEO is a former U.S. Secretary of Energy. This nuclear stock is underpriced and primed for new levels of profits.

Shah Gilani admits that he has never given so much for so little. Here is the pricing:

How Much Is Manward Money Report?

Right now, on their website, you can buy a subscription to Manward Money Report for $249 a year. Use this link for up to 68% discount with 365 days guarantee. If you’re not happy for ANY REASON, you will get Money-Back Guarantee for up to a full year…

Here are the subscription options:

  • One-year basic subscription (good deal) for $79.
  • Two years standard subscription (great deal) for $99.

Is Manward Money Report Right For You?

If you want to be prepared for AI taking over the world– you want to protect and grow your wealth – now is the time to act.

$50.7 trillion is up for grabs. The next 12 months can be your time to shine.

If you decide this service is what you wanted, great. You’ll continue working together to find more ways to target these huge profit opportunities day after day.

If you decide it’s not for you, just give them a call and you’ll get a refund… no fine print – no questions asked.

Plus, you can still keep everything you received with your subscription. This will be your gift to you for trying out Manward Money Report. In other words, you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

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