A.I. Advantage Review – Is Louis Navellier The New Intelligence Good? [I Bought It!]

Louis Navellier recently presented his MASSIVE breakthrough. In a special presentation he gave details on how to triple every $10,000 investment you make in the market. All within just 12 months. Here’s how … “The New Intelligence” can predict where any stock will trade in 21 days. Its accuracy rate is up to 82%.

Read further this Louis Navellier A.I. Advantage review to learn for all you need to know about this program.

Early Warning Summit 2024: Power Portfolio Stocks Revealed

Behind The Scenes Of The New Intelligence

Keith Kaplan is CEO of one of the largest and most prosperous financial technology companies in America. He has spent his professional life assisting clients in maximizing the returns on their investments.

Keith and his team of programmers recently created so-called “living” computer program. They wanted to predict the price of almost any stock 21 trading days from now and outperform Louis Navellier.

And in the process, he’d come across something Louis has been after all his life, a new form of artificial intelligence.

If you’ve followed Louis for a while, you probably know about his incredible results.  Here is a brief overview of the profits he has made in more recent years. You’ll find numerous chances to multiply your money by three to six… simply by using the “plain old system” he has been using since the early 1980s.

Louis Navellier A.I. Advantage Review

Keith Kaplan ran his New Intelligence across Louis’ model portfolio. The result was amazing: that Artificial Intelligence program less than one year old outperformed the 40-year-old system Louis built his reputation on.

Here’s a snapshot of ALL the gains over the past 3 years you could have found by COMBINING Louis’ system with the New Intelligence.

Louis Navellier A.I. Advantage

You will notice triple, quadruple, even 6 times your money in some cases. It is incredible.

Whatever your thoughts on artificial intelligence may be… whether you believe technology will ruin humanity or be a benefit to society, the truth is:

We cannot compete with this stuff as humans. Certainly not in the world of investments.

A.I. can use data to perform tasks that neither humans nor systems with human training can do independently. We just DON’T HAVE the same ability to analyze the information.

In fact, their algorithms now track over $30 billion invested in the stock market – among the 94,000 people who follow their work.

How Exactly The New Intelligence Works?

No human analyst is able to calculate data in the way that the New Intelligence does, allowing it to produce predictions with up to 82% success rates.

Analyses take into consideration interest rates, GDP growth, stock market volatility, consumer sentiment, inflation, profit margin, revenue growth, price-to-sales ratios, relative price strength, moving averages – you name it.

When an A.I. system makes an error, it analyzes more than a billion data points against real-time market data. That’s how it improves its algorithms. It learns from its errors… We refer to this as “machine learning.”

Then, it incorporates that error as a fresh data point into its enormous database for forecasting the share price of a specific stock.

See The New Intelligence In Action Here

What Factors Are Considered?

Throughout Louis’ career he has determined the key elements in deciding whether a stock will go up or down. Here are the main eight factors he takes into consideration:

  1. Sales growth
  2. Operating margin growth
  3. Earning growth
  4. Earnings momentum
  5. Earnings surprises
  6. Analyst earnings revisions
  7. Cash flow
  8. Return on equity.

By using this system, he is limiting his ability to make calculations. This is because he is ignoring many other factors that affect the stock over short term. Things like the stock’s relative strength, analyst opinions, bizarre stuff like the rise in Covid deaths, number of commercial flight cancellations, and many more. This is more data than any human brain can calculate all at once.

But with A.I., it’s different.

The New Intelligence can calculate all 8 factors, along with 112 other variables… ALL AT THE SAME TIME, updated daily with all the latest data, with bizarre findings. A human can’t compete with this. This A.I. program could maximize your profit on every single stock move – UP and DOWN.

Bottom Line: Louis believes that soon all American Mom & Pop investors will start using A.I. to find stocks. But as of right now, it’s still early enough that using this approach, BEFORE it becomes popular, will give you a MASSIVE ADVANTAGE.

Louis Navellier’s Big New Prediction

Louis stepped forward during the event and shared his prediction that we are entering another massive, long-term bull market.

You can make money in a bull market without artificial intelligence. You could just choose the top stocks, like Louis has done for the past 40 years, and hold on tight.

But you might not want to wait years for the possibility to double or triple your money if you’re getting older and closer to retirement.

Here comes the second part of Louis’ big prediction – It’s not going to be a smooth ride. There could be months of flat action, as we’ve already seen this year.

You don’t need to quit being a long-term investor.

But by combining Louis’ system with The New Intelligence, there’s a way to begin with as little as $500, and potentially make a bigger profit in a single year than you’d ever imagine possible. It is not difficult to do it by making a single stock trade every week… with an 82% success rate.

Why Focusing On Short Term Investments?

Generally short term is easier to predict than the long term.

The longer your time horizon is, more things can happen to a company. Both good and bad.

The secret to this approach is to make money over and over again, every single month.

Again, there’s an 82% success rate… Which means there’s an 18% chance of failure.

How To Start Using The New Intelligence?

If you’re interested in learning more, Louis and his team have produced a thorough research report. It explains the New Intelligence functions in details. And how you can incorporate it with Louis’ personal trading system to get the best trading approach.

It’s called The New Intelligence: How to Triple Your Money on Stock Trades Using A.I.

The New Intelligence: How to Triple Your Money on Stock Trades Using A.I.

Inside, you’ll discover:

  • How to see where any of nearly 3,000 stocks are going next using A.I.
  • How to time the optimal point to buy or sell any stock.
  • The 120 variables programmed into machine-learning software to predict a stock’s 21-day trading pattern… and more.

This report will give you an overview of how this A.I. system works. But I agree with him… It would be overwhelming to do the analysis yourself, on 3,000 different companies, updated every single day.

This is the reason why they are launching a brand-new research service. It combines Louis’ system with A.I. to find the best stocks to own over the SHORT TERM. It’s called Louis Navellier A.I. Advantage.

What To Expect from Louis Navellier A.I. Advantage?

Louis is planning to run his own personal system each week to find the top-graded A stocks.  And then he’ll run them through the New Intelligence to see which could make the most money over the next 21 trading days.

Start with however much capital you want and get into a single stock weekly recommendation. The holding period will be no more than a month or so. Their goal is to triple their subscribers’ portfolios or better over the next year.

So far they have a fully built model portfolio of 5 stocks they recommend you to buy immediately.

How Louis Navellier A.I. Advantage Works?

Each Wednesday, you can expect the details of their newest recommendation. Including how each stock fits into their A.I.’s view of the market. Most importantly, when the system says to sell, they’ll alert you on when to close your position for the biggest potential gain.

How Much Is Louis Navellier A.I. Advantage?

One year of Louis Navellier’s A.I. Advantage will be selling for $5,000. If you get in right now, using this link, you’ll get 50% OFF the price.

Louis Navellier A.I. Advantage Review

This means you can become a charter member of Louis’ brand-new A.I. Advantage right now for $2,500.

This offer includes a suite of bonuses, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. InvestorPlace does not offer cash refunds. But if you are not happy with your order for any reason, you can contact them within 30 days of your purchase for a full credit refund. This credit can apply to any other product from InvestorPlace.

What Is Included in Charter Membership?

1 FREE year of access to the lite version of Predictive Alpha

Keith Kaplan and his team have designed a The New Intelligence way for you to type in any of 3,000 tickers and, with the click of a button, see exactly where the stock is going next. It could save you weeks of research. It has 82% success rate. Then conduct your due diligence and pull the trigger with greater confidence. Read more about Predictive Alpha here.

Predictive Alpha Prime Review

“The New Intelligence” is contained in a product called Predictive Alpha. Normally, the full version of this system costs $5,000. But through this special offer, you’ll receive free access to an entry-level version of the system for the next 12 months. With the entry-level of Predictive Alpha, you’ll be able to search 1 stock per week.

Through the Predictive Alpha product, you’ll even receive 2 new and urgent buy recommendations every month. These recommendations are on top of the recommendations you’ll be getting from Louis each week.

1 FREE year of access to Portfolio Grader system

Portfolio Grader system

In this system you can type in any stock ticker, and see its current grade from A to F.

A stock graded “A” is one that you can comfortably invest a lot of money into. These are stocks with potential to bring gains as high as 100% or better. A stock graded “F” is one you should avoid or sell immediately.

BONUS: The Top 3 Small-Cap A.I. Stocks to Buy Immediately

The Top 3 Small-Cap A.I. Stocks to Buy Immediately

These are Louis’ three favorite little companies using A.I. to transform society. They are long-term picks you should buy today.

BONUS: Louis’ A.I. Master Class ($2,000 value)

This Master Class will teach you exactly how to combine Louis’ system and analysis with the New Intelligence.

Louis Navellier A.I. Advantage Model portfolio

A Model portfolio of stocks to buy immediately.

BONUS: Welcome Gift (worth $2,000).

Louis’ new research report, The New Intelligence: How to Triple Your Money on Stock Trades Using A.I.

Special Updates

Throughout the week via email.

Video Chats

What Is Louis Navellier’s FREE AI Recommendation?

Here is Louis Navellier’s #1 stock to buy. It is Axcelis Technologies. Ticker ACLS.

Louis Navellier A.I. Advantage Review

It’s a semiconductor equipment maker with a strong A grade in the Portfolio Grader.

Louis’ advise is to buy shares of this stock right now, and hold for at least the next 21 trading days.

Louis Navellier’s #1 Stock To Avoid

It is a medical device company called Sensus Healthcare. Ticker: SRTS.

Louis Navellier A.I. Advantage Review

Louis Navellier A.I. Advantage Review – Is It Worth It?

Most people these days are just buying the dip on the winners from the LAST bull market, hoping for a long-term payoff. And that’s a terrible strategy right now.

Why try to speculate on how the market will look in a year or two when you can just use artificial intelligence to accurately forecast the price of certain stocks during the next 21 trading days?

The Benefit is you will perform it repeatedly each week while earning the same amount of money as a long-term growth investor.

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