Larry Benedict Money Shock Calendar – Legit Money Shocks Trades?

Larry Benedict Money Shock Calendar Event is where Larry will share how a coming market phenomenon known as “money shocks” could amplify your profits in 2023.


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What Are Larry Benedict’s Money Shocks?

Lately, the government has had an outsized influence on the stock markets. And that has handed traders a gift…

Because, according to Larry Benedict, 32 “money shocks” in the market are now primed to generate bigger gains than in years past.

Historically, from 2009 through 2011, Larry helped his fund make $81,208,050 in profit just by trading on the dates when these shocks occur.

And now Larry Benedict says that the profit potential he sees now is even stronger.

So while traditional investing may be on pause for many people this year… you don’t have to sit on the sidelines.

Even if you ignore the other 200+ trading days in the year, you’ll be ahead if you just pay attention to these 32 events…

That’s why Larry Benedict is planning to share which days he’s talking about… and the reason their profit potential is amplified… at his upcoming special briefing.

Larry Benedict is calling it the Money Shock Calendar. And it’ll go live on February 22, at 8 p.m. ET.

Larry Benedict Money Shock Calendar Event – What Is All About?

On one specific Friday in March, the United States government will release sensitive data – and all of Wall Street will be watching. By law, this event is 100% guaranteed to happen.

And when it does, market activity ticks up as much as 20x, and smart traders like Larry Benedict simply crush it…

Benedict made over $80 million trading these “shocks” in 2009–2011, before they abruptly ended.

But now they’re back.

Over the last 12 months Larry’s logged gains of:

  • 112% in 8 days
  • 38% in 2 days
  • 53% in 1 day
  • 125% in 11 days
  • 144% in 1 day
  • 145% in 3 days

Please understand…

These aren’t cherry-picked gains from during the frothy COVID bubble.

They were logged on the coldest days of this stock market’s winter — from January 2022 until now.

These gains are NOT ordinary for the type of market we are in.

And we do not know how long these “shocks” will continue.


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But as you’ll see on  Wednesday, February 22nd, at 8 PM ET  … what happens on these days — and these days ONLY — is the key to potentially making outsized gains in this ugly market.

Most people have never seen one of these “shocks,”
much less successfully traded them…

So Larry has created 4 videos to reveal exactly what these “shocks” are.

What’s important to know for now is that these dates will dominate 2023 (and possibly beyond). The other trading days won’t matter nearly as much as these 32 dates…

You could double or even triple your money in absurdly short windows of time, during these unique days.

That’s why Larry’s team has created a simple download that will populate your personal calendar with all 32 “money shock” dates for 2023 for you.

Larry is calling this the “Money Shock Calendar” because these dates are scheduled into the calendar by U.S. law.

Money Shock Calendar

And in a bear market like this — which most investors haven’t really lived through — for reasons you’ll learn in the videos, you really stack the odds in your favor by targeting, tracking, and trading these days.

There are only 32 of these days.

32 days, hand-selected by the Federal Government, could determine whether your year is “feast” or “famine.”

It’s 100% free, but you have to register for Larry’s Money Shock Calendar Streaming Event on February 22nd.

And you’ll have all of these dates at your fingertips for the rest of the year.

What’s Included into Your Money Shock Calendar event registration package?

Here’s everything you will receive in your registration package for Larry Benedict’s one-night-only Money Shock Calendar event:

  • FREE admission to Larry Benedict’s Money Shock Calendar event (Wednesday, February 22nd, at 8 PM ET): The government is interfering in the market in a way Larry hasn’t seen in 15 years when he made more than $80 million in profit. Now, it’s happening again. Already, Larry has recommended 153 winning trades around these scheduled “shocks.”And the next government shock is scheduled for one specific Friday in March, by law…
  • All 4 “Money Shock” videos: You’ll have access to here at this site over the next week.
  • Special VIP bonus: Event VIPs get a special gift from Larry.


Severe Stock Warning: A New Financial Crisis Is Underway

It doesn’t matter if you have money in the markets right now, or you’re waiting on the sidelines. The short period we’re about to enter could have the power to make – or destroy – fortunes. And what you do in the coming days could determine your wealth for the next decade. Here’s what’s happening and how to prepare.

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When Is The Money Shock Calendar scheduled to take place?

The Money Shock Calendar event has been scheduled to take place on Wednesday, February 22nd, at 8 PM ET. It is important to note here that this event has limited spacing, so the sooner one signs up, the more likely they are guaranteed a seat.

How To Sign Up For Larry Benedict Money Shock Calendar?

To get access to Larry Benedict Money Shock Calendar, all individuals have to do is enter their respective emails here.

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