Joel Litman Winning Sector Portfolio Picks Revealed

The Winning Sector Portfolio is where according to Joel Litman to move your money in 2023. Joel believes it’s the single best blueprint in the world to help you make money right now. But is it legit? I’m putting Joel Litman Winning Sector Portfolio under the microscope to find out.

The top-performing bull market darlings stopped working this year. Now, Joel Litman – founder and chief investment strategist of Altimetry – says an economic event is coming that we haven’t seen in 15 years… And to avoid more pain, you need to be ready. That’s why he’s naming the three sectors that his systems say will likely crash in 2023, and the sectors that are best positioned to soar.

Get the full story here.

Joel Litman Prediction 2023 – What Is All About?

Joel Litman is out with a new presentation where he’s saying if you’re an ordinary investor or have any money in cash, you are grossly unprepared for what’s ahead in 2023.

The 2023 Market Crash?

According to Joel Litman – crises can be predicted.

Joel has been successfully predicting crises since the 2008 crash.

Not only that, but he’s simultaneously pinpointed which stocks to buy and avoid every year since, with remarkable foresight.

And in his latest presentation Joel details exactly how he looks at the market to spot massive turmoil BEFORE it hits…

In fact, if you implement what Joel Litman shows you today, you should never have a repeat of what happened in 2022.

This is the exact method Joel used to issue warnings before the last recession and throughout our current crash and what he used to warn people to stay away from 41 individual stocks in the last two years.

And now Joel Litman is seeing something massive on the horizon in 2023… something his systems haven’t picked up in more than a decade.

It has the potential to obliterate investors and retirees who aren’t prepared for it…

But if you pay attention, you’re going to walk away from this knowing exactly what’s going to happen… why… and the proven steps you can take right now to get your money in the best possible position.

Joel also shares the names and tickers of TWO companies, 100% FREE – one slated to soar… and one set to crash.

So, is the market going to crash in 2023?

Joel answers is that it really doesn’t matter, because he doesn’t look at the market the way most people do.

To Joel, it doesn’t matter if the market is up or down 5%… or 25%…

Most professional investors and traders – and the hundreds of institutions that follow Joel’s work – they don’t see the stock market as one big entity.

It doesn’t really matter to them if the market ends the day or the year way UP… or way DOWN.

What most professionals track and actually care about are the eleven (11) smaller interconnected markets that actually make up the overall stock market.

11 Key Sectors of the Market

  • Communication Services
  • Consumer Discretionary
  • Consumer Staples
  • Energy
  • Financials
  • Health Care
  • Industrials
  • Information Technology
  • Materials
  • Real Estate
  • Utilities

There’s no need to memorize this list…

All you need to know is that most professional investors are hyper focused on specific sectors and NOT the market as a whole.

In fact, most large firms with “buy side” and “sell side” functions hire and organize their companies along sector lines.

You want to think of the market almost like a pie…

Cut into 11 slices.

Each slice represents an area of the economy… and, understandably, some are much bigger than others.

Technology, for example… represents the biggest slice… and telecom the smallest – just take a look at the S&P’s make-up…

s&p 500 current sector weightings

But here’s the kicker…

A BIG truth about investing that’s not talked about enough – and is truly important for you to understand right now:

It’s a documented and proven fact that the sector a stock falls into is responsible for 50% of its OVERALL performance.

So you could pick the worst company in the best sector and still do OK and vice versa.

You could be the best stock picker in the world, but if it’s in a losing sector, the chances are it’s going to suffer – potentially big-time.

Huge investment banks, money managers, hedge funds, and traders pay fortunes for data and research indicating how each sector might perform.

Joel Litman has an entire proprietary system built to do just this, because nearly EVERY single year, there is a different winning sector…

So, if you simply know the right sector, even with just a little bit of money – whatever’s happening to the OVERALL market fades into background noise.

Joel Litman Sectors Best and Worst Sectors For Your Money

Joel Litman built an entire system to help him find best and worst sectors for your money

His systems analyze over 30,000 companies in every major market in the world to help him issue accurate predictions.

Today, Joel Litman is ready to name the absolute BEST – and WORST – performing sectors that his systems are flashing for next 12 months…

And according to him, this is the key to protecting YOUR wealth from a bloodbath repeat of 2022.

Joel developed an entire system to see this…

He calls it his Sector Analyzer and it’s a cornerstone of how Joel Litman makes his predictions.

Joel Litman’s Sector Analyzer –  How it works?

The way the Sector Analyzer works is, after scrutinizing a tremendous amount of data, it assigns a letter grade to each of the 11 sectors.

“A” and “B” grades are typically good… “D” and “F” grades, not so much.

If you look at 2013, for example… Joel’s system gaves an “A” to the Consumer Discretionary sector and an “F” to the Real Estate sector.

Those were the best and worst sectors to own that year…


Same with 2015… an “A” to the Health Care sector, which ended up being a top performer, and an “F” to the Energy sector…

market down .73%

Again in 2019… an “A” to the Technology sector, and an “F” again to the Energy sector…

market up 28%

Joel Litman and his team have issued grades like this for the last decade…

And watching this data has helped their clients get in and out of the best and worst sectors, year after year.

And today, Joel says that he can tell us that THREE of the 11 sectors are likely to crash in 2023.

You should avoid those entirely or allocate very little money to them.

But THREE of the 11 sectors ALSO seem ripe for massive gains in the next few months…

With dozens of highly graded stocks in each one.

How to find the best stocks in the winning sectors?

Responsible investors usually decide to buy a stock after evaluating a company’s financial health.

They’ll ask questions like:

  • Is the company earning profits?
  • How much debt do they have?
  • What’s their free cash flow?

All publicly listed companies are obligated to report their financial information to the general public and to regulators…

And they all have to use the exact same formulas and set of rules when doing it.

These rules are called the “General Accounting Standards.” What’s referred to as “GAAP accounting,” or “GAAP reporting”.

Joel Litman mentioned that he’s “actively… radically… and eternally OPPOSED to GAAP reporting!

The “rules” are riddled with flaws and inconsistencies…

They provide all sorts of legal loopholes that companies can take advantage of to ultimately mislead regulators and investors.

Joel calls these legal lies, “distortions”.

And hardly anyone talks about them or understands their potential!

But they’re a MASSIVE advantage for Joel Litman.

In short: Distortions are huge differences between what traditional GAAP reporting shows – what Wall Street’s looking at – and what’s actually going on when you use forensic accounting.

Distortions help you see exactly where to move your money.

The important thing to point out is that Joel’s system can do this forensic analysis on nearly every single stock.

All of that work is then “rolled up” into the grades you see in the Sector Analyzer.

How To Invest into Joel Litman’s Best Sectors and Stocks?

You can find every single stock in what Joel Lutman is showing as 2023’s top 3 winning sectors in a simple, new, done-for-you model portfolio.

This is exactly where to move your money in 2023.

It’s called The Winning Sector Portfolio.

Joel Litman believes it’s the single best blueprint in the world to help you make money right now…

And help you keep your money far away from the sectors due to crash in 2023.

Best of all, it’s all backed by his forensic accounting software…

That means it’ll be monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If there’s ever any data to suggest sector tides are changing… Joel can quickly alert you to get out of or into where you need to be.

What Is The Winning Sector Portfolio?

Using the Sector Analyzer, Joel Litman found that 3 of the 11 sectors are grading high for 2023 with “A’s” and “B’s”.

One of them is Energy sector which is ranking high for 2023… the first time in more than a decade that we could see three consecutive strong years in energy.

Joel is seeing a nice distortion on the entire sector…

See below how it’s growing more potentially profitable over time? GAAP accounting will not show you this opportunity, but forensic accounting sure does…

GAAP As Reported ROA vs Uniform ROA

Remember: This is an aggregated snapshot of all the stocks in that sector. That means there are likely many stocks in the sector with even more extreme distortions.

And the model portfolio includes those teed-up energy plays for you.

But here’s an even better story…

Here’s the distortion in the second sector Joel Litman is targeting for 2023…

2023 #2 Sector

This one’s going to take folks by surprise. It ALSO hasn’t been a top sector in more than a decade.

Joel’s system is absolutely giving it an “A.”

And here’s a distortion on one of the stocks in that sector…

This tells Joel that this company is earning almost 2x more money than GAAP reporting and the rest of Wall Street thinks it is…

GAAP 2x earnings chart

Joel thinks this stock could easily see triple-digit gains within a 12-month period for those who get into it now.

Joel Litman prefers looking for small stocks no one’s ever heard of.

He wants to find more Amazon’s (AMZN) when it was a $400 million company and its logo looked like this… before it became the $2 trillion company it is today…

amazon logo old

Joel’s software always showed it as far more profitable than what Wall Street was seeing in it’s early days…

These are the types of stocks that will go into the Winning Sector portfolio…

Where you can access Joel Litman’s Winning Sector Portfolio?

There’s only one place where Joel Litman will be publishing his full list of recommendations using the Sector Analyzer.

It’s also the only place where he’s planning to discuss these sectors and track them throughout the year.

That is Joel Litman’s elite research service called Microcap Confidential.

What Is Microcap Confidential?

Microcap Confidential research is where Joel Litman and his team are looking for small stocks… but with BIG distortions.

These stocks usually have 500% to 1,000%+ potential.

No matter what’s happening in the overall economy, nothing could make you more money than getting in early on these types of companies.

That’s why Joel Litman put it all together in a single sector-powered model portfolio for the first time ever…

And let me repeat: The distortions in what could be 2023’s top 3 sectors are massive.

So, Microcap Confidential is the only place Joel Litman specifically track sectors – and provide updates as the market changes…

And the only place where you can access the Winning Sector  model portfolio…

Remember: 50% of a stock’s performance comes down to picking the right sector.

It’s also where Joel Litman is publishing the stocks NOT to buy in each sector.

Discover the stock picks inside Joel Litman Winning Sector Portfolio Here

What comes with Your Microcap Confidential Subscription?

Here’s everything you’ll receive:

TWO FULL YEARS of Microcap Confidential

TWO FULL YEARS of Microcap Confidential

Each month, Joel will email you a new briefing with his No. 1 small-cap stock recommendation with the potential to make you 5 to 10 times your money using the same forensic analysis he’s taught to the FBI and the U.S. Pentagon. He’s hunting the next Home Depots (HD) and Apples (AAPL)… before anyone has ever heard their names.

FREE access to the new Winning Sector Portfolio

FREE access to the new Winning Sector Portfolio

For the last decade, Joel’s predicted the best and worst sectors for your money with remarkable success. Now for the first time ever, he’s doing the hard work for you and showing you the exact stocks to hold in each of 2023 Top 3 Sectors. He’s seeing extreme distortions in next year’s winners and explains it all in the new hand-picked never-before-seen model portfolio. Hedge funds pay millions for research like this, and to our knowledge no other product exists like this anywhere else.

TWO FULL YEARS of the Sector Analyzer system

TWO FULL YEARS of the Sector Analyzer system

Joel is going to give you TWO free years of access to the Sector Analyzer for the first time ever. Keep in mind, his clients (like the world’s 10 of the top 10 institutional investors and half of the top 300 biggest money managers) don’t get this, and it’s never been available to any subscriber at any price, until now. He suspects he’ll soon start to charge as much as $1,200 per year as other folks ask for this, but you’ll get it for free today. Remember… 50% of a stock’s performance comes from picking the right sector. And with access to the Sector Analyzer, you can see the grade and distortion for any sector at any time.

The 2023 Sector White Paper

The 2023 Sector White Paper

A special report to know exactly how to use the Sector Analyzer… and can hear more of Joel’s thoughts on the winning and losing sectors for 2023. This exact type of information and analysis is similar to what he’d provide to the Pentagon so they can have the chance to strategize around his economic forecasts. Now you can do the same with your own money…

TWO FULL YEARS of the Altimeter system

TWO FULL YEARS of the Altimeter system

Here you can type in thousands of stocks to run your own analysis and hunt for distortions just like Joel. With one button, the system will give you the chance to predict which stocks could soon surprise the market and rise 100% or more. This is the same analysis his clients pay him up to $100,000 a month to receive. We suggest you type in any stocks you may own into this tool as soon as you sign up.



2022 taught us that holding the wrong stocks could lead to devastating consequences. Take a look at the names on this list to make sure you’re nowhere near them. From companies claiming to cure Covid to trash Electric Vehicle suppliers, you’ll be shocked to see the dirt Joel’s found on these companies.

The Big Three: The Ultimate List of Stocks that All Three of the Biggest Investment Research Firms in America are Recommending Right Now

The Big Three

Joel’s systems pair perfectly with the research from our friends at both Chaikin Analytics and Stansberry Research. In this report, Joel gives you the names of the companies ALL THREE are bullish on right now.

Joel’s Sector Alerts and Predictions

Joel's Sector Alerts and Predictions

For 10 out of 10 years Joel has pinpointed some of the best stocks to buy and avoid in winning and losing sectors with remarkable success. He’ll be sure to send out warnings if his systems detect any “tsunami-like” events, as they have in the past. Plus, he can find you ideas and opportunities that are simply not on your radar.

Special Updates

Throughout the month, Joel will email you updates as needed, telling you when to lock in gains… add to or close a position… and any new developments.

A library of Special Reports and Issues

As an added bonus, you’ll immediately unlock Joel’s entire library of special reports and monthly issues. It’s a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips. Especially when half of the top 300 financial institutions and divisions of the FBI have turned to this man for his market predictions.

Your Special Mystery Gift

An absolute must-have for anyone with money in the markets right now who wants to understand how Wall Street gains an unfair advantage over investors everywhere. Use what you’ll learn here to level the playing field forever. Hundreds of people have paid thousands to access this.

Microcap Confidential Pricing

Microcap Confidential normally costs $5,000 for one full year…

But because Joel just released his grades for the Top Sectors for 2023, and exactly which stocks to buy in each…

He’s agreed to make you a special offer.

Joel wants you to have access to his data-driven research so you can make the best possible choices for your money in 2023…

If you get in today, you’ll receive TWO full years of Microcap Confidential at the special price of   $2,500.

This is the best price EVER offered for everything included here.

Joel Litman's Microcap Confidential

Is There Any Guarantee?

You’re protected by a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee from Joel Litman, Altimetry Research and Stansberry Research.

You’ll have the next 30 days to look over all of Joel’s new research. You’ll receive full access to all of  his new Winning Sector Portfolio Stock recommendations and free bonuses for the next 30 days.

Altimetry Research does not offer cash refunds. But if you’re not happy for any reason, you can contact the Member Services team within 30 days and receive a FULL credit refund for everything you paid – which you can apply to any current or future product from Altimetry Research or Stansberry Research.

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