Jeff Clark America’s Darkest Hour Event Review

America’s Darkest Hour Event is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, August 17th at 8 pm ET when Jeff Clark is going to reveal a brand-new way of making money — even during a recession.


Huge Recession Loophole (See These Charts)

Amid today’s market turmoil, THIS is one of the biggest and most bullish opportunities today: a red-hot sector with almost unlimited pricing power and a history of outperforming in recessions. It’s also the sector where our good friend Dr. David Eifrig spent half his professional life – meaning he’s extremely qualified to spot world-class opportunities today.

Take a look at the evidence here.

Jeff Clark America’s Darkest Hour Event – What Is All About?

Jeff Clark predicted the 2008 Financial Crisis — 8 months in advance… He showed you the “World’s Most Predictable Stock…”

Now, on Wednesday, August 17th, Jeff will share his latest prediction…

A new crisis…

100% predictable… And 100% guaranteed to happen.

And when it does, more wealth will be lost than in 2008 — in a single hour.

Jeff Clark calls it: AMERICA’S DARKEST HOUR.

For many people, this event will ERASE YEARS of wealth and retirement savings…

But for YOU, it’s the opportunity of a lifetime.


The 44-Day Retirement Accelerator

Jeff Clark’s 44-Day Retirement Accelerator

Thanks to federal law 73-291, this strange market anomaly will give you a chance to double your money over and over again, sometimes in a matter of hours… even if stocks are crashing…

Click Here For Details

We’re living through the WORST stock market in over 80 years… And it’s about to get much, much worse…

Soaring inflation… Layoffs… A housing market that’s ready to snap…

The ghosts of 2008 have returned…

And now, Jeff Clark says AMERICA’S DARKEST HOUR is coming…

Only this time, the consequences will be much worse than anyone expected.

Already this year, we’re seeing record-breaking losses…

We haven’t hit bottom yet.

Because according to Jeff Clark, starting next week, everything will be ACCELERATED.

Jeff believes more wealth could be destroyed — FASTER — than the entire 2008 Great Financial Crisis.

Not in a year… Not in a week… But in a single hour.

But a crisis also creates an opportunity.

Or as Jeff likes to call it, a “special situation.”

This “Special Situation” Allows You to Double Your Money Daily For the Next 42 Days — Starting August 17th

As you’ll see during the event, this crisis has opened up what Jeff calls a “special situation.”

A short window that will allow you to potentially double your money every day for the next 42 days.

What Do You Get Just For Attending Jeff Clark America’s Darkest Hour Event?

Register now to discover a brand-new way of making money during a recession.

  • FREE: ADMISSION to Jeff’s Private Broadcast: AMERICA’S DARKEST HOUR
  • BONUS: 1 VIP VOUCHER to Claim $1,893 in Free VIP Bonus Gifts (Limited Time, Register Now to Claim)
  • HIGH PRIORITY: During the Event, Jeff Will Share an “ACTIVE” Trade Recommendation That Could Double Your Money — In 60 Minutes or Less!
  • FREE ACCESS: Jeff’s “ADVANCED PREPARATION” Video Series to PREPARE You For COMING Market Volatility
  • FREE: Extended Q&A With Jeff Clark Following the AMERICA’S DARKEST HOUR Event

When is the Set For Life Summit scheduled to take place?

America’s Darkest Hour Event has been scheduled to take place on Wednesday, August 17th at 8 pm ET. It is important to note here that this event has limited spacing, so the sooner one signs up, the more likely they are guaranteed a seat.

How To Sign Up for Jeff Clark America’s Darkest Hour Event?

To get access to Jeff Clark America’s Darkest Hour Event, all individuals have to do is enter their respective emails here. Upon entering, those residing in the U.S. (or have a U.S.-based phone number) will also be presented with the chance of becoming VIPs. As a VIP, you’ll receive complimentary text messages before the event to make sure you don’t miss out on the evening of August 17th.

When you UPGRADE to the free VIP reminder service… You will AUTOMATICALLY UNLOCK Jeff Clark’s “ADVANCED PREPARATION” Bundle, a $1,893 value.

Joining the free VIP list is the ONLY way to unlock Jeff’s “ADVANCED PREPARATION” Bundle.

It is NOT available any other way, so be sure to join now for free while you still can…


This bundle will share details on how Jeff finds extraordinary profit opportunities during a crisis. And it could be critical to you protecting — and growing your wealth — in this new recession.

Even better, Jeff will show you — with 100% confidence — the EXACT HOUR this new crisis is set to unfold…

And how you could potentially DOUBLE YOUR MONEY DAILY — for the next 42 days.

On Wednesday, August 17th at 8 pm E.T. Jeff will reveal everything.


How I Made $100,000 Overnight

It began with a mysterious phone call from a billionaire hedge-fund manager… desperate for access to Joel Litman’s stock market rating system before the next opening bell. What happened next would unlock a stock market phenomenon that spits out 10-, 20-, and even 30-baggers a few rare times per year. And right now, it’s happening again.

Just make sure you see this incredible story before tomorrow’s opening bell.

Bottom Line: Should You Join Jeff Clark America’s Darkest Hour Event?

You do not want to miss this event…

On August 17th at 8 pm ET, Jeff Clark is revealing his newest market prediction… AMERICA’S DARKEST HOUR.

A new crisis that will reshape everything — From Wall Street to Washington D.C. — in just 60 minutes.

And why, for many people, this event could destroy years of wealth and retirement savings…

But for YOU and Jeff Clark — it’s the opportunity of a lifetime.

A chance to potentially DOUBLE YOUR MONEY — every single day — for the next 42 days.

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