Income Intelligence Review – How’s Dr. David Eifrig’s Newsletter?

Get Income Intelligence Here – Best Offer + Bonuses

Replaced a couple other income-focused newsletters at Stansberry, including the long-running 12% Letter. Income Intelligence newsletter aims to offer “a full-service approach to income investing that covers stocks, bonds, and alternative investments.”

Dr. Eifrig writes for the Stansberry family of investment newsletters. He focuses on investing in income producing stocks that will stand the test of time. I have built an income producing portfolio with many of Eifrig’s picks as core holdings. Anyone interested in building income for the long run would be hard-pressed to find a source of investment strategies that rival Dr. Eifrig!


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Wall Street legend Marc Chaikin is unveiling a new cash vehicle 50 years in the making… making his biggest new prediction in 50 years… and explaining how it could double or triple your money if you move your cash immediately.

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What is Income Intelligence?

After years on Wall Street, Dr. David Eifrig uses his experience and financial acumen to seek out ways to generate safe income from savings. The lessons learned over those decades have helped to form Income Intelligence, a full-service approach to income investing that covers stocks, bonds, and alternative investments.

Dr. Eifrig determines what assets to buy and when, as well as institutional-quality research on the single best opportunity in each and every income market. With these techniques, the outcome is remarkably safe investments with near-double-digit yields.

Income Intelligence is designed for investors of every level, with simple explanations and investments that are easy to make in any brokerage account. Every month, you’ll have the opportunity to earn high yields on safe investments and understand all the financial forces affecting your income.

Who is David Eifrig – the man behind Income Intelligence Newsletter?

David Eifrig - Income Intelligence Newsletter
David Eifrig – Income Intelligence Newsletter

Dr. David Eifrig Jr., MD, MBA is the editor of Retirement Millionaire, a monthly advisory that shows readers how to live a millionaire lifestyle on less money than you’d imagine possible. “Doc” is also the editor of Retirement Trader, a trading advisory which shows readers a safe way to double or triple the gains in your retirement account, with much less risk, and Income Intelligence, a monthly investment advisory which shows investors how to expertly time their purchases to maximize their returns.

Before joining Stansberry & Associates in 2008, Dr. Eifrig worked in arbitrage and trading groups with major Wall Street investment banks, including Goldman Sachs, Chase Manhattan, and Yamaichi in Japan.

In 1995, Dr. Eifrig retired from Wall Street, went to UNC-Chapel Hill medical school, and became an ophthalmologist. Now, in his latest “retirement,” he joined S&A full-time to share his experiences and ideas with readers.


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Income Intelligence Review – Publication Overview.

Q: How often is this service published?

A: Monthly (third Thursday of every month) with e-mail updates as needed

Q: How much capital should I have to get started?

A: Approx. $5,000 / Great for investors of every level, retirees, and those planning for retirement

Q: What will we be buying?

A: Stocks

Q: Do you put on short trades?

A: No

Q: What’s a typical holding period?

A: At least 2 years and often longer

What you gonna get for your money with Income Intelligence subscription?

Here’s everything you’ll receive:

70% OFF Two Full Years of Income Intelligence

70% OFF Two Full Years of Income Intelligence

First and foremost, you’ll immediately begin receiving Doc’s most elite income research – at the best moment for income opportunities that you’ve seen in years. You’ll get the next 24 monthly issues, with new recommendations each month… plus Doc’s full model portfolio… every past issue and report Doc Eifrig published… his asset allocation guide… his monthly income triggers… ideas… special updates… and much more.

NEW SPECIAL REPORT: The 20% Strategy: How to Set Yourself Up for Low-Risk Yields That Can Pay for Your Retirement

The 20% Strategy: How to Set Yourself Up for Low-Risk Yields That Can Pay for Your Retirement

Showing you how to get started immediately with the single best income strategy Dr. David Eifrig ever uncovered at Stansberry Research – that could set you up for potential yields as high as 29% with Dr. David Eifrig’s World Dominating Dividend Grower model portfolio.

NEW SPECIAL REPORT: Three Ways to Earn 12%+, Right Now

Three Ways to Earn 12%+, Right Now

Of course, while snowballing 20%-30% future yields are terrific – why wait, when you could start collecting 12%… 13%… even 14% right now in Dr. David Eifrig’s favorite, low-risk, income-gushing ideas! These are investments that could start paying you every month, immediately. Better still, when interest rates fall (as Dr. David Eifrig expects they will) the value of these investments is likely to soar – while you keep getting paid.

The Intelligent Retirement Model Handbook

The Intelligent Retirement Model Handbook

The only guide you’ll ever need to feel confident about Dr. David Eifrig’s asset allocation plan. David Eifrig will show you what to do and how to get started with a model that’s dramatically outperformed the S&P 500 Index over the last 50 years… and beat the dangerous “60/40” model by even more. And you’ll always get every update to Dr. David Eifrig’s allocation plan – at least quarterly – from now on, as long as you’re subscribed to Income Intelligence.

Premier Access to Retirement Millionaire

Premier Access to Retirement Millionaire

Retirement Millionaire is unlike probably any other research you’ve ever read. It’s a guide not just to becoming wealthy with the world’s best stocks, but to living richly in retirement. That means saving money on everything… living and traveling in style… tips for optimal health, and much more. And Premier access means this research is yours from now on, as long as you’re receiving Income Intelligence – at no additional cost whatsoever.

Portfolio Booster: How to See Huge Gains (And More!) OUTSIDE the Stock Market

Portfolio Booster

This special bonus, featuring Dr. David Eifrig, Matt Weinschenk, and two other top Stansberry editors, was previously only available to members of Dr. David Eifrig’s top tier Alliance program, who pay upwards of $33,000 for access. It’s a perfect complement to this package today, and it could have a big impact on your success in 2023 and beyond.

Special Updates & Alerts

Throughout the month, Doc and Matt will email you updates as needed, telling you when to lock-in gains… add to or close a position… plus any new portfolio developments.

Doc’s Daily Newsletter

Doc’s Daily Newsletter

You’ll start receiving Doc’s daily newsletter, Health & Wealth Bulletin, chock full of timely topics and tips, delivered straight to your inbox Monday through Friday at 3:30 p.m.

Income Intelligence Subscription Fee

If you get in today, before this offer expires, you can receive one full year of Income Intelligence at the special price of just $1,500.

You’ll also receive a second year of Income Intelligence… FREE.


Extreme Value ReviewThe Biggest Commodity Bull Market in History?

“Commodities will be THE trade of the coming decade,” says the senior analyst behind 24 triple-digit winning recommendations. And it’s not just because they’re among the best ways to BEAT out-of-control inflation… but because they’re at the beginning stages of a massive cycle – one that could hand you quadruple-digit gains if you get in now.

He details his No. 1 favorite commodity play, right here.

Is There Any Guarantee or Refund Policy In Place?

You’re fully protected by a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee from Dr. David Eifrig and Stansberry Research.

You’ll have 30 days to look over Income Intelligence and Retirement Millionaire. You’ll receive full access to Doc’s recommendations and Intelligent Retirement Model for the next 30 days, along with everything else described above.

Stansberry Research does not offer cash refunds. But if you’re not satisfied – you can contact Customer Service team at 1-888-261-2693 within 30 days and receive a FULL credit refund which you can apply to any other product from Stansberry Research.

Ready To Try Dr. David Eifrig’s Income Intelligence? Click Here To Get The Best Price

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