Hi-Tech Trader Review – Will Bryan Perry’s service Help Your Investments?

The year ahead has a lot in store for the dedicated investor and trader who is trying to gain an edge anywhere possible.

One of the most talked about and promising areas for improving the probability of success is the implementation of artificial intelligence, or AI. The technology is advancing rapidly, holding Moore’s Law true to form as the capacity of AI is doubling every two years, if not faster.

Adoption of artificial intelligence in many industries will take hold and dominate how certain things are made. Adapting AI to the financial markets will require more time and sophistication than something like Siri finding information on your iPhone or your Amazon Alexa finding you a ride from Lyft.

With that said, the hedge fund community is investing vast sums of capital into AI to help generate consistent performance with lower volatility that has real potential of outpacing the benchmark indexes year after year.

That’s where Bryan Perry’s Hi-Tech Trader service comes.


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What is Bryan Perry’s Hi-Tech Trader service?

Bryan’s Hi-Tech Trader is a brand new service, where he looks for stocks that are in technical upside breakouts and they are looking to book profits inside 30 days.

He also recommends a corresponding call option strategy to leverage the stock recommendation for those that prefer to trade options.

Bryan Perry just launched the Hi-Tech Trader service back in mid-December 2017 and has already booked fantastic gains in Texas Instruments, Twitter, STMicroelectronics and PayPal.

Having a market-tested AI model at your disposal is not just a handy tool, it’s an engine of constant information that provides what Bryan calls “a peek around the corner” of what to expect over the short- and intermediate-term. It’s exactly why, when you walk into the offices of the biggest hedge funds in the world, there is a growing presence of super-bright software engineers working day and night on streamlining in-house AI models with the aim of bettering portfolio performance.

The problem for the individual investor is that the price of entry into a hedge fund as a customer can run into the millions of dollars. At Hi-Tech Trader, Perry brings you the same AI capabilities where access to real-time forecasting is available within a highly favorable price structure. When your AI toolbox pays for itself in the first month of investing, you’ve found the right system that will serve you well for months and years to come. That place is Hi-Tech Trader, and the power of AI is right here at your fingertips.

Hi-Tech Trader is an advisory service dedicated exclusively to tech stocks, but these are not just ordinary technology picks.  Hi-Tech Trader focuses primarily on the really BIG breakthroughs that will change the world as we know it.

The way the Internet changed the world… and the smartphone… and digital video. In Hi-Tech Trader, they  are looking for the Amazons, Oracles and Qualcomms of tomorrow – the kinds of stocks that can multiply your investment by 10, 20, even 50 times or more. Which is why, this is definitely a “swing for the bleachers” type of service.

What’s more,they don’t just hold these stocks for the long haul gains.  Bryan Perry has developed a specialized strategy for boosting gains in the short-term as well, with low-risk options plays.

So that’s essentially what Hi-Tech Trader is: a way to take advantage of the technological revolutions that will transform our day-to-day lives over the coming decade… and the specific stocks that will profit from them the most.

Who the heck is Bryan Perry?

For over a decade, Bryan Perry has brought his expertise on high-yielding investments to his Cash Machine subscribers. Before launching the Cash Machine advisory service, Bryan spent more than 20 years working as a financial adviser for major Wall Street firms, including Bear Stearns, Paine Webber and Lehman Brothers.

Bryan co-hosted weekly financial news shows on the Bloomberg affiliate radio network from 1997 to 1999, and he’s frequently quoted by ForbesBusiness Week and CBS’ MarketWatch. He often participates as a guest speaker on numerous investment forums and regional money shows around the nation.

With over three decades of experience inside Wall Street, Bryan has proved himself to be an asset to subscribers who are looking to receive a juicy check in the mail each month, quarter or year.

Bryan’s experience has given him a unique approach to high-yield investing: He combines his insights into dividend-paying investments with in-depth fundamental research in order to pick stocks with high dividend yields and potential capital appreciation.

With his reputation for taking complex investment strategies and breaking them down to easy-to-understand advice for investors, Bryan also provides an upgrade to Cash Machine called Premium Income which gives subscribers a unique way to generate additional income on the Cash Machine stocks.  He also has three other services to generate a juicy income flow and quick capital gains by using a variety of other strategies in his Quick Income TraderInstant Income Trader, and Hi-Tech Trader services.

What You Gonna Get when you invest your money in Hi-Tech Trader Service?

The moment you join Hi-Tech Trader Service, you’ll get immediate access to:

  • “Tipping Point Trades: The Best High-Tech Plays for 2018” Portfolio: This is Bryan’s portfolio of world-changing technology recommendations. These businesses are reshaping the world we live in. These are the type of opportunities that you can expect to discover:
    • The giant auto-industry supplier that dominates the emerging self-driving market with advanced driver-assist systems…
    • The electronic navigation conglomerate that provides commercial vehicles with “centimeter accurate” GPS systems that will be the backbone of driverless cars and trucks…
    • The data communications company that makes sure the vast amounts of data produced by driverless vehicles can be passed along the digital superhighways of the future…
    • The cell tower giant that puts in the infrastructure for massive sensor networks that are 100 times faster than 4G, and essential for self-driving cars, advanced robotics, telemedicine, automated factories, smart cities, etc.
  • Weekly Flash Updates: Updates with full details on the newest tech opportunities he discover, including full instructions on every recommendation he makes. You’ll be fully updated on any action he recommend.
  • Urgent Action Alerts: Up-to-the-minute action alerts on all of his positions… which means you won’t miss out on a single cent of profit. Most of Bryans’ positions don’t require quick action, but whenever there is a special situation or opportunity that he thinks just can’t wait, you’ll get an email to alert you to what’s going on.
  • Options Recommendations: Instant access to Perry’s exclusive options recommendations on tech plays that can easily double your money in a matter of weeks, turning a $1,000 flyer into $2,000… or $5,000 into $10,000.
  • Protective Stops: Specific recommendations for strictly limiting your risk. Bryan believes in using stops, and he provides you with very specific instructions for setting and raising your stops and limit orders on all of his recommendations.
  • Performance Review: Bryan follows ALL of their recommended high-tech opportunities on an ongoing basis. Periodically,he will send you updates on all of their positions to help you stay on top of all the opportunities they’re tracking, and all the profits they’re seeing.
  • Members-Only Website: This is where he posts any and every recommendation that fits his exacting criteria.

In addition – you’ll also get a free electronic copy of Bryan’s most-recent special investment report. It’s called, The AI Revolution: How Machine Learning and Robotics Can Make You Rich.

All of these benefits working together make this Hi-Tech Trader an incredibly valuable asset for any investor, no matter how big or small the portfolio.

Hi-Tech Trader FAQ

QUESTION: Some of the bigger online brokerage firms like E*TRADE and TD Ameritrade are offering members Artificial Intelligence trading as well. Is Bryan’s D.A.T.A. (Deep Analysis Through AI) system just like these others?

Bryan’s Answer: First, the online brokerage systems are essentially just robo-advisors. Sure, they make trades based on what’s happening in the market.

However, for the most part, they’re designed to let you match the market… not beat it.

My AI-based D.A.T.A. trading system is light years ahead of these systems. Our readers won’t just match the market – my system promises to let them double their money 12 times over the next 12 months.

QUESTION: Wall Street’s been using computers for Quantitative Analysis for years now. How is this system any different?

Bryan’s Answer: Good question. It’s true, Quantitative Analysis systems – or QA – have been used for years on Wall Street. However, here’s the difference between Quantitative Analysis and my D.A.T.A. system:

QA uses mathematical models to make specific trading decisions, but these models are static. They can only do what they’re programmed to do. They don’t learn from the market, and they can’t make adjustments on the go.

My D.A.T.A. system is dynamic.

It can assimilate millions of individual data points, like market history, social media, professional ratings analysis, and current market conditions. And it actually learns from what’s happening in the markets so it can adjust its strategy based on what it’s learning at that time.

QUESTION: I read the book Flash Boys when it came out – about computerized high-frequency trading. Is this like that?

Bryan’s Answer: High-frequency trading, or HFT, systems are built to make literally hundreds of thousands of trades in a second. One system can make a trade every 85 nanoseconds. That’s a lot of trading. But HFT is only concerned with speed, and using that speed to get in before the other guy to eke out fractions of a penny in profits.

My system is designed with the guy at home in mind. Instead of thousands of trades every second, my system concentrates on a small handful of stocks to find the one or two every month that could double your money in 22 days.

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