Eric Fry’s Investment Report Bear Market 2020: The Survival Blueprint

Bear Market 2020: The Survival Blueprint is the definitive volume on how to survive – and THRIVE – as we enter America’s next bear market. It was written by a 30-year Wall Street veteran Eric Fry – a man who probably knows more about market declines – and how to prepare for them – than anyone else in America today.

America’s #1 Stock Picker Reveals Next 1,000% Winner (free)

What is Eric Fry’s Investment Report Bear Market 2020: The Survival Blueprint?

Eric Fry’s Investment Report Bear Market 2020: The Survival Blueprint is a step-by-step guide to securing your financial future. The economic and stock market conditions right now share some eerily similar characteristics with 2008. But, you need to prepare for this TODAY. That means protecting yourself is your responsibility. No one is going to do it for you.

Bear Market 2020: The Survival Blueprint outlines what Eric believes are the 3 ESSENTIAL tactics every American should take right NOW.

Eric and many of his colleagues have begun taking these steps already with their own money…

The good news is, each one is easy to take and requires very little effort.


Mark Cuban Drops Huge Bombshell


Mark Cuban just did something insane.

The TV “Shark Tank” Billionaire doubled his investment in an odd technology.

One he believes “will dwarf Bitcoin.”

You can hear the story, and much more, in this video.

Click Here to Watch.

Learn Eric’s “Sneak attack” Technique To surviving any bear market

Investors spend their entire lives saving for retirement, but very few ever spend time thinking about how to protect their capital when things go south. Even a relatively minor decline of 20% could set your retirement back several years or more.

Of all the tactics that can help you survive and thrive during tough times, few are more powerful than Eric’s “Sneak Attack” technique.

He calls it that because this is what smart investors, (including Fry himself) used to preempt the devastating market crashes in 2001 AND 2008 – and survive with their portfolios not only unscathed, but AHEAD compared to just about everyone else in the markets.

No, this has nothing to do with buying gold, silver, collectibles, or real estate of any kind, yet it could be the single most important step you take to preserve your wealth, beginning today.

I think you’ll be shocked to see how effectively this one simple move can ward off financial harm. If you can’t handle the stress of losing 20% or more, simply employ this secret and your portfolio will be like an impenetrable fortress.

Eric will show you exactly how to take this critical step in Chapter 2 of Bear Market 2020: The Survival Blueprint.

Own the bear market “SURVIVAL weapon”

There’s no telling just how bad things are going to get as this bear market unfolds in America. The good news is there’s one asset you can own which will help protect you and your family from this chaos…

This investment is amazing – in the middle of a bear market, it performs like no other. Again, no… this is not gold, silver, an inverse fund or any kind of mining stock. Eric Fry calls it the bear market “Secret Survival Weapon” because it can not only preserve your wealth, but help it grow when everything else is collapsing around it.

Most Americans know absolutely nothing about, let alone own, this incredibly valuable investment, yet it could be the single most important step you take to growing your wealth.

Eric says: If you own just one investment in the coming bear market… make sure it’s this one.


His Crypto Picks Humiliate Stock Gains
(And You Can Get His New Pick Free!)


If you believe a 10-bagger – the rare investment that delivers 1,000% returns – is impressive, then check this out….


That is an actual gain from just one of Teeka Tiwari’s best crypto picks.

And you can get his next crypto pick for FREE!

Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

But a $100 investment into just this one pick would be worth over $151,000 today.

Click here for Teeka’s next top free crypto pick… no strings attached…

Earn HUGE “inflation-proo, “crisis-proof” income streams

If you’re like a lot of folks, you’re worried about inflation… and the danger it presents for people saving for retirement, or already in retirement.

But Eric will show you what is probably the biggest secret to generating huge streams of CONSISTENT and RELIABLE income during a bear market and beyond. Make this one simple move and you could set yourself up for a lifetime of “recession-proof” income.

This is one of the first moves you make as the bear market gets underway.

Bear Market 2020: The Survival Blueprint you’ll also learn…

The #1 Savings Mistake to Avoid at All Costs

Eric can not only help people avoid more and bigger losses in stocks… He can also help you learn how to save – and make — a fortune when it comes to choosing the right savings vehicles. Most people don’t know this, but choosing the wrong savings vehicle – even boring old cash – can hammer your retirement.

If you store wealth in a currency that suffers a big decline, your purchasing power evaporates.

Russians painfully learned this lesson in 2014 when their currency – the rouble – collapsed in value. The average Russian’s global purchasing power was hammered. Even the good old U.S. dollar occasionally goes through big downswings in value… which can hurt savers.

The dollar fell 25% in value from 2002 to 2008.

Imagine that…

You can get killed out there… in a boring bank account!

Eric will help you learn how to avoid these big currency hits. He’ll even show you a few simple moves that can make your savings soar in value… outside of stocks and real estate.

Everything you need to know is in his new guidebook, Bear Market 2020: The Survival Blueprint

The bottom line is, according to Fry, America will experience another bear market – and you need to take action NOW.

Which is why I’m urging EVERY American to read Fry’s groundbreaking new step-by-step blueprint on how to survive – and even prosper – during the next bear market.

You can claim your free hardbound copy as part of Eric Fry’s Investment Report subscription.

What Do You Get For Your Money with Eric Fry’s Investment Report subscription?

To sum up, here’s everything you’ll get with Eric Fry’s Investment Report subscription :

  • 12 Monthly Issues of Eric Fry’s Investment Report.
  • You’ll also get Eric’s Weekly Updates where he’ll keep you up to date on everything going on in the markets – as it happens.
  • His Flash Alerts when urgent market or stock news breaks, or his research shows it’s time to collect profits.
  • And of course, the definitive bear market survival manual: Bear Market 2020: The Survival Blueprint

Plus, these special bear market digital Bonus Reports…

2 Gold Stocks Every Investor Should Own (Even If They Don’t Like Gold).

When a bear market strikes, one type of stock is usually the first to go ballistic. I’m talking about gold stocks. The best part is, you don’t have to tie up large amounts of capital to see huge returns. These are the kinds of opportunities that could literally turn a small amount of money into a sizeable fortune as the bear market unfolds. Eric’s previous gold stock recommendations have soared 632%, 914%, even 1,058%. He’s done all the research and has pinpointed two low-priced gold stocks his research shows are primed to soar. This report is a must-have for any bear market survivalist.

3 “Brown Bag” Stocks That Could Kill Your Retirement.

In this special report, Eric identifies three stocks that prudent folks should avoid at all costs. All three of these stocks are facing competitive assaults on multiple fronts. All three companies are struggling with financially stressed balance sheets. What’s worse, many financial sites are touting these firms as great stocks to own. In short, you’ll want to be free and clear of these immediately!

3 ETFs You Must Own Today.

This Special Report details three exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that Eric believes every investor should own. All three focus on technologies and industries that are global, robust, and growing rapidly. In fact, these industries are growing much faster than any individual country or region. As such, they can act as a partial hedge against volatility here in the U.S. market.

Get Eric Fry’s Investment Report here – Best Offer+Bonus

How much does it cost?

As of moment of writing, you can claim your Eric Fry’s Investment Report Membership for $49. It includes:

  • 12 monthly issues of Fry’s Investment Report
  • Bear Market 2020: The Survival Blueprint 
  • Special Digital Bonus Reports:2 Gold Stocks Every Investor Should Own (Even If They Don’t Like Gold)
    3 “Brown Bag” Stocks That Could Kill Your Retirement
    3 ETFs You Must Own Today
  • Eric’s Weekly Market Updates and Flash Alerts
  • Access to the Fry’s Investment Report Support Team
  • 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Is there Refund Policy in place?

Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

You’ll have 90 days (3 full months) to check everything out. If you decide for any reason within those 3 months it’s not for you, just give Eric’s customer service group a call and they will immediately refund your complete payment for his research service. You may cancel your subscription by contacting Customer Service team at 800-219-8592 or by emailing


Warning to Everyone With a Cellphone

If you own a cellphone (or are considering buying a new one), you must see this… One secretive analyst has uncovered a shocking story that – if true (he believes this story will go mainstream any day now) – will send shock waves throughout the stock market. It has the potential to totally disrupt the way of life you’ve enjoyed for the past decade.

Take action now, while you still have time, right here.

Final Thoughts about Eric Fry’s Investment Report Bear Market 2020: The Survival Blueprint

I’m not here to tell you the sky is falling or how the COVID-19 virus is going to end the free market system as we know it. I will tell you we are at the end of a great run for the stock market…

Are you prepared?

Most aren’t.

To retire at 65 and live on an investment income of $100,000 a year, you’d need to have $2.5 million invested on the day you leave work. Keep in mind, this is just the average for everyday 9-to-5 Americans.

With the markets in for rough times ahead, the time to get ready is now…

Eric Fry has over 30 years of experience and friendships in the industry, and he has a track record of beating the market at its worst. Eric gained notoriety in the hedge fund world by calling nearly every major stock market move in recent decades:

  • The dot-com crash of 2000 — Eric Fry famously showed people how to make 13 times their money, not once but TWICE in the aftermath.
  • The housing crisis of 2008 — Eric is the guy who publicly stated Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and General Motors would all go bankrupt (they did) — and even showed people how to capture nearly 300% gains.
  • He also recommended buying resource stocks amidst the crisis, which went up as high as 914%.

He has shown his followers how to capture a 28-to-1 return… a 10-to-1 return… a 41-to-1 return… and even a massive 59-to-1 return…

To give you an idea of what these kinds of gains can do for you, realize that $5,000 invested in each one turns into a life-changing $670,000.

All signs and signals are pointing to a downturn. Do not wait, because the markets wait for no one.

It is your financial future that hangs in the balance, and it’s crucial to protect and to grow your money in today’s market.

This is why, for a limited time, Eric Fry’s offering you an opportunity to receive his new book, Bear Market 2020: The Survival Blueprint. It’s a step-by-step guide to securing your financial future.

Get Eric Fry’s Investment Report here – Best Offer+Bonus

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