Eric Fry and Louis Navellier Tech Crisis 2022 Event

Tech Crisis 2022 Event is where Eric Fry and Louis Navellier are going to reveal a simple way that could help you outperform the markets by 10X or more over the next year. Tech Crisis 2022 Event is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, March 16, at 4:00 p.m. ET.

Tech Crisis 2022 Event Replay – Watch It Here

The Tech Crisis 2022 event has officially launched.

If you missed it, you can watch the replay by going here.

And if you want to learn how inflation, rising rates, war in Europe, and many other concerns will impact your wealth moving forward…

You need to go here now.

Eric Fry and Louis Navellier revealed new research that could help you drastically outperform the markets during these uncertain and turbulent times.

More specifically…

They just issued new URGENT BUY recommendations on 7 stocks that could help you beat the S&P 500 by at least 10X over the next 12 months.

They also extended an incredible offer for people who want to discover how to take advantage of the opportunity laid out in this video.


Louis feels so strongly about the opportunity you have right now, that he’s giving away a FREE year of his high-end Accelerated Profits research service.

This service retails for $2,500 for a single year but you can have it FREE as part of this offer.

Louis is only willing to do this because he feels strongly that there’s never been a more important time in history to access this powerful new research, given everything going on in the world and markets today.

Tech Crisis 2022 Event – What Is All About?

Since the start of the year, the markets have been spiraling out of control, leaving millions of Americans and retirees concerned about where the markets are heading next…

Concerns and fears of inflation, a market crash, a new war in Europe, rising interest rates…

The list is truly endless.

We’ve seen all three major indexes slide into correction territory this year.

And the sector that has typically pulled the markets out of despair over the past decade has been getting hit the hardest: technology stocks.

In the past, uncertain and fearful investors have found safe shelter from the markets in tech stocks.

But today, a different picture is emerging for this market-driving sector as tech stocks have gotten pummeled this year.

Many are left wondering…

Is the worst over?…

Or is the worst still ahead of us?

Is the tech trade finally over and should people look elsewhere during these uncertain times?

To give you the answers and clarity you deserve, two legendary growth investors, Eric Fry and Louis Navellier, will sit down to give you their take during the Tech Crisis 2022 Event on March 16 at 4 p.m. ET.

Together, these two highly respected stock pickers have over 70 years of investing experience and have helped their readers make huge gains in every type of bull and bear market scenario imaginable.

Which is why…

Despite everything going on in the markets…

Eric and Louis are going to reveal a simple way that could help you outperform the markets by 10X or more over the next year.

Regardless of what happens next.

To prove it, Eric and Louis will reveal two FREE stock picks that recently went on sale and could soon begin to quickly soar to 500% or more gains.

Tech Crisis 2022 Event – Meet The Experts

Who is Eric Fry?


Man Who Predicted Collapse of 70 Stocks: DO THIS

Wall Street legend Eric Fry has predicted the collapse of more than 70 stocks over his career…

Here’s what he says you need to do to prepare in 2022.

Eric Fry is one of the world’s top experts on “macro-trend” investing. Among his many big calls during his 30-year career were the 2000 “ Tech Wreck,” the 2007-2008 housing meltdown, and even this year’s market volatility that followed the pandemic panic.

Eric worked his way up from the old-fashioned way starting 3,000 miles from Wall Street.

His first job at a traditional style brokerage didn’t even pay.  Eventually he made his way to Europe for a paid investment research job, to a hedge fund in California, and eventually went on own a boutique firm on Wall Street.

While in New York, Eric joined the Wall Street-based publishing operations of James Grant, editor of the p    restigious Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, research geared toward professional money managers.

Along the way, he also outdueled countless billionaires with his market predictions. He even won an investing competition with against some of the most known money managers in the world – including billionaires Bill Ackman and David Tepper – that netted him more than $40,000 (which he gave to a charity).

These days, Eric trades and invests in the markets from one of his home offices, where he continuously monitors and analyzes the market’s biggest trends to uncover the next big 1,000% winner.

And he’s remained for years a go-to expert for some of the top independent financial research firms in the world. He has made frequent appearances on FoxNews and CNBC, and been a source for key analysis for the The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, and Bloomberg Businessweek.

The next thing on his radar: finding his FORTY-SECOND career 1,000% trade recommendation.

Who is Louis Navellier?


10 Ticking Stock Market Time Bombs

Millionaire stock picker comes clean on Wall Street’s dirty little secret. Why he believes some stocks will soar … and others are ticking time bombs.

Must-see video.

Dubbed the “King of Quants” by Forbes magazine, Louis Navellier has been analyzing the stock market using computer-based systems since the 1970s.

He got his start in college after writing an algorithm that – over a period of time – went on to beat the S&P 500 by a factor of nearly 3-to-1…

And hasn’t looked back since.

Using quant-based systems he personally derived, Louis is famous for finding many of today’s household-name companies when they were trading for peanuts…

Like Home Depot when it was trading for 73 cents per share… Microsoft at 38 cents… Nike at 39 cents… and Intel when it was just above $3.

As you can imagine, early calls like these led to extraordinary returns for Louis’ followers.

What’s more, over a 15-year period his investment fund turned every dollar into $41—a 4,000% return that bested even Warren Buffett.

Even though he’s considered by many as one of the greatest investment minds of our time, Louis shuns the spotlight…

Flying under Wall Street’s radar finding 500% winners, again and again with incredible precision.

Despite managing to stay out of the mainstream, the financial media has picked up on Louis’ success over the years…

He’s been called “one of the most important money managers of our time.”

CNBC called him “The Earnings Whisperer.”

The New York Times said he was “An icon among growth investors.”

And MarketWatch called Louis “the adviser who recommended Google before anyone else.”

Today, Louis is a multimillionaire with a home on the South Florida coast, a second home in Reno and a fleet of luxury vehicles.

With the kind of success he’s had, most analysts would hang up their hats and call it a career…

But not Louis.

In many ways, he’s “just getting started…”

Year after year, Louis has continued to “push the envelope” developing newer and more powerful trading technologies to help him find many of the highest-growth stocks on the market.

When Is Tech Crisis 2022 Event?

Eric Fry and Louis Navellier Tech Crisis 2022 Event has been scheduled to take place on Wednesday, March 16 at 4:00 p.m. ET. It is important to note here that this event has limited spacing, so the sooner one signs up, the more likely they are guaranteed a seat.

How To Sign Up for Tech Crisis 2022 Event?

To get access to Eric Fry and Louis Navellier Tech Crisis 2022 Event, all individuals have to do is enter their respective emails here. Upon entering, those residing in the U.S. will also be presented with the chance of becoming VIPs. As a VIP member, the following extra bonuses will be sent out immediately:

– Free report, “8 Tech Stocks That Will Never Recover” 

8 Tech Stocks That Will Never Recover

You’ll also start to receive your digital updates from Eric’s e-newsletter Eric Fry’s Smart Money.

Bottom Line: Should You Join Tech Crisis 2022 Event?

I’ve never seen people THIS concerned about where the markets are heading and how they should position their investments during these uncertain times.

Look, 2022 has already been a crazy year!

We’ve seen new surges in inflation…

Fears of rising rates sending all three major indexes into correction territory…

And a new war unfolding in Europe.

But despite all of this … I’m urging you… DO… NOT… PANIC.

The worst move you could make right now would be to let fear drive your financial decisions.

Instead, I recommend you attend a special market update – Tech Crisis 2022 event – that Eric Fry and Louis Navellier are holding next Wednesday, March 16, at 4 p.m. ET.

Eric and Louis will be talking about the events that will impact the markets moving forward and how you should position your investments during these crazy times…

And they’ll reveal a new development unfolding in the markets that could help you beat the markets by 10X or more, no matter what happens next.

You’ll also learn the names and ticker symbols of two specific stocks Eric Fry and Louis Navellier believe could soar during these uncertain times.

This event is FREE to attend, and I highly encourage all our readers to sign up.

And if you have any money in the markets at all, you need to attend.

You can sign up for free right here.

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