Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s State of the Melt Up Event: This Could Grow Your Money 1,000% In The Coming Months

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s State of the Melt Up Event Offer: Get Your FREE Bonuses Here

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s State of the Melt Up Event has been scheduled to take place on Wednesday, October 21st at 8pm Eastern, when Steve will make a major announcement about what to do with your money before the end of the year. You’ll learn exactly where to put your money next – including the name and ticker symbol that could grow your money as much as 1,000% in the coming months.

What Is Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s State of the Melt Up Event?

Just three weeks after the S&P 500 hit its all-time high – the COVID-19 crisis killed the longest bull market in history.

And the Melt Up we were waiting for came to a grinding halt. Since then, stocks have recovered 50% as the federal government tries to right the ship.

But as we approach the most contentious election in recent history with 8% of Americans out of a job and incredible high civil unrest…

Something big is brewing in the financial markets.

And it’s not the Melt Up Dr. Steve Sjuggerud first saw coming back in 2015.

He says,

“It feels like the crisis changed everything – how we do business, shop, even spend time with our families.

But most importantly for your money: It changed the Melt Up.

So it’s time to throw out the old playbook.

And prepare for a MUCH wilder ride…”

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud has been tracking a string of strange anomalies in the stock market. And he finally got the signal he was waiting for. He hasn’t seen anything about it in the mainstream financial media. Even though some of the biggest players on Wall Street just quietly changed their short-term market forecasts.

But on October 21st, the truth about what’s headed for our country’s financial markets is finally coming to light.

While it could be a day of reckoning for millions of Americans who don’t know what’s coming…

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud believes it could be historic day for you and your money – if you follow his exact instructions.

For the first (and only) time Dr. Steve Sjuggerud will share the full details on Wednesday, October 21st at 8pm Eastern – at his State of the Melt Up event.

If you’ve been watching stocks climb higher and are wondering what happened to Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s Melt Up thesis – he has some surprising new developments you need to know about.

Because if you have any money in the market today, this will directly impact the way you think about your wealth.

Even if you’re familiar with Steve’s Melt Up work – we guarantee you are not currently prepared for what’s coming. As you’ll hear on October 21st, new political, economic, and social forces are combining to create a perfect storm in the stock market.

As a result, the decisions you make in the coming weeks could affect your wealth for the next 10 years.

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s State of the Melt Up Event – Claim YOUR FREE Spot Here

Meet Dr. Steve Sjuggerud

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud is an editor of True Wealth, an investment advisory specializing in safe, alternative investments overlooked by Wall Street.

He believes that you don’t have to take big risks to make big returns.

Since Steve joined Stansberry Research in 2001, he has found super-safe, profitable investment ideas for his subscribers that the average investor simply never hears about… until the big gains have already been made.

For example, Steve recommended buying gold back when it was trading around $320 an ounce. Then he made one of his biggest, most important calls to date – the “Bernanke Asset Bubble.” – when Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke promised to keep printing money to save the economy. True Wealth readers saw gains of 419% in health care, 133% in technology, and 96% in biotech, among others.

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud gained national attention for accurately predicting the dotcom crash, the housing bust, Dow 20k, and the raging bull market of the past 11 years.

But what’s coming on October 21st is likely to be the biggest prediction of his career. And you’ll learn exactly where to put your money next – including the name and ticker symbol that could grow your money as much as 1,000% in the coming months.

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s State of the Melt Up Event – Claim YOUR FREE Spot Here

When Is Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s State of the Melt Up Event?

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s State of the Melt Up Event has been scheduled to take place on Wednesday, October 21,2020, at 8 pm ET (or 5 pm PT, 6 pm MT, and 7 pm CT). It is important to note here that this event has limited spacing, so the sooner one signs up, the more likely they are guaranteed a seat.

How to Sign Up For Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s State of the Melt Up Event?

To get access to Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s State of the Melt Up Event, all individuals have to do is enter their respective emails here. When you do, Dr. Steve Sjuggerud will send you a brand-new special report that answers one of the most common questions he received over the past few weeks:

Is the Melt Up Back?

Please be sure to read this before next Wednesday. It contains critical information you need to get the most out of Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s State of the Melt Up Event.

Upon entering, those residing in the U.S. (or have a U.S.-based phone number) will also be presented with the chance of becoming VIPs. When you become a VIP, you’ll receive instant access to an exclusive special report, called: Steve’s No. 1 Gold Pick.

Now that Central Banks around the world are printing money at unprecedented speed, Steve has released a new gold recommendation to help you profit and protect your savings. And the only way to learn about it is in his comprehensive new report: Steve’s No. 1 Gold Pick.

This is an opportunity you can invest in right now – without having to wait for October 21st. And this special report isn’t available to the general public. Typically, only Steve’s paid-up readers are given access.

But as a “thank you” for joining the VIP list, Dr. Steve Sjuggerud will send you a free copy.

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s State of the Melt Up Event – Claim YOUR FREE Spot Here

Final Thoughts

To help you prepare for the big night, Steve’s team has created a private website specifically for event attendees.

There you’ll find valuable research and resources to help you hit the ground running when Steve goes live on October 21st.

This includes…

  • Your free copy of Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s new special report: Is the Melt Up Back?
  • A daily video and essay series on the Contrarian Indicators that Steve and Matt McCall are tracking right now. These are the trends, hidden signals, and warning signs that the financial media is NOT reporting on right now.
  • Why the “Melt Up” is back in the mainstream media – and why they’ve got the story all wrong.
  • Stories from Steve’s followers, including one man who tripled his net worth following Steve’s recommendations.

Click here to access the exclusive attendee website.

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