Disruptive Profits Review – How’s Casey Research’s Blockchain Advisory?

If you’re interested in a brand-new way to make potentially life-changing profits—without touching stocks, or the same “cryptos” we all heard about last year—then I have important information for you:

Casey Research is launching a new advisory – Disruptive Profits.

What IS Disruptive Profits – The first Doug Casey-endorsed crypto research service?

Early last year, Doug was at a small, invite-only meeting where he heard a presentation about the next generation of cryptocurrencies. And in the months that followed, many of those “coins” soared by many multiples…

Like Dash (9,265%), NEM (29,842%), Stellar (14,441%), and so on.

You know the story…

Bitcoin soared 1,318%…

The market got frothy…

And then, like it has in 2013 and 2015, the market deflated, knocking out the mom and pop crypto traders overnight.

But Doug—ever the speculator—saw the space for what it truly is…

A maturing asset class that’s ripe for speculation…

A happy new hunting ground for the types of gains that helped put Doug Casey on the map…

Like Paladin (86,000%) and Diamond Fields (47,000%)…

In the months that followed, Doug began to explore the space. He befriended some cryptocurrency experts. He even gave $100,000 to a friend to invest in cryptos on his behalf.

But what he really wanted, above all, was to find the right cryptocurrency expert to be the go-to guide—the digital asset “Sherpa”—for you and other Casey readers.

But he didn’t want just a “crypto flipper.” Or someone relatively new to the party.

He wanted someone with roots in the digital asset revolution…

And someone who appreciated the libertarian ideals embodied in the concept.

So, Doug put out some feelers…

And eventually re-connected with a pioneer in the space…

A gentleman who was investing in digital currencies nearly a decade before Bitcoin was even an idea in some defiant programmer’s mind…

After months of searching, Doug Casey finally found his cryptocurrency guru.

His name is Marco Wutzer. Marco has been following digital currencies for decades. He was an early investor in bitcoin. And like Doug, he’s truly an “international man.” He made so much money from cryptos, he dropped everything and traveled the world for five years.

It’s no surprise that Doug handpicked him to spearhead Casey Research’s first blockchain-focused advisory, Disruptive Profits.

Who is Marco Wutzer?

Marco Wutzer - Disruptive Profits
Marco Wutzer – Disruptive Profits

He’s one of the original investors in digital currency.

In 1997, he was one of the first investors in e-gold, a US-based electronic currency that eventually grew to $2 billion.

In 2003, he invested in the Digital Monetary Trust, an anonymous banking system based on electronic money.

Both of these early experiments set the stage for what’s happening today… And plugged him into this fast-forming crypto community.

His early involvement in digital technology gave him an early understanding of the systems and protocols that are important to what’s happening today.

Most people don’t know this…

But “cryptos” are just one small part of a greater movement that’s re-shaping the global economy.

The real breakthrough is what’s called the Blockchain. It’s just now beginning to realize its full potential.

Over the next few years, the blockchain will fundamentally change everything…

As Marco said:

“Very soon, blockchain technology will form the foundation of 80% of the global economy.

It’s not going to be a question of where blockchain will be put to use, but rather where it won’tbe used, which is very few places. Blockchain will be ubiquitous.”

Whether or not you’ve heard the term before…

You should know the blockchain didn’t just suddenly appear.

It’s only possible because of the past 40 years of technological progress.

Specifically, I’m talking about two significant digital disruptions that you’ve already lived through.

  • The first disruption took place in the 1980s when the personal computer began to change our world. At first it was just for the geeky-inclined and the very rich.But by the mid-90s, it had spread to hundreds of millions of households around the world.And today, between smartphones, laptops, PCs, and tablets, there’s barely a person in the world who doesn’t have a computing-based device of some sort.
  • The second digital disruption took place in the mid to late 90s. Of course, I’m talking about the Internet, which connected all of these devices.

And over the past couple years, the third digital disruption has been getting underway.

Marco says the last “phase” in the development of the blockchain resulted in a slew of 300-baggers. And the next phase is just beginning. In his new letter Disruptive Profit,he’ll show you, step by step, how to bet on the best blockchain plays set to soar in the years ahead.

What do you get for your money with Disruptive Profit?

Here’s a breakdown of everything you’re going to get:

The New Ethereum: A Second Chance for 100X Gains

Inside, you’ll find the full details on FOUR tiny blockchain projects that could generate explosive gains for you over the next 12-18 months. Including the one that could be the biggest winner in crypto history.

In short: Nothing in the market is guaranteed. However, this could be your second chance to capture the kinds of gains that early investors saw in the original Ethereum. Today, even after the whipsawing of the past 9 months, the price is up 330X!

12 months of Disruptive Profits

Your issue of Disruptive Profits will arrive on the fourth Thursday of every month. In each issue, Marco will recommend a new blockchain project that he’s vetted to make sure it’s worthy of your investment dollars. He’ll give you a full breakdown of the project, the ownership, its purpose and how it fits into the overall world of blockchain. That’s at least 12 recommendations a year… meaning 12 chances for you to make 300-times your money or more.

Marco Wutzer’s Crypto Manifesto

For the first time ever, crypto pioneer Marco Wutzer shares his world view. Remember, he’s been around from the beginning. He’s invested in digital currencies since e-Gold in the 90s. And he’s had his finger on the pulse of the blockchain market since 2008. In this manifesto, Marco goes into even more detail about each layer of the blockchain – and specifically which one he thinks has the best chance to produce massive winners in the near future.

Real-time Updates and Alerts

The blockchain and crypto investing world moves quickly. There’s no time to wait a month for an update. Marco will keep you updated whenever there is any big news about his recommendations… or even in the blockchain market. Whether that’s on a Saturday at 4 p.m. or a Monday at 10 p.m., you can expect an update from Marco with full instructions for how to react with your blockchain investments.

The T4 Method: Your Guide to Becoming a Blockchain Millionaire

You don’t need to understand the intricacies of Marco’s system to become a blockchain millionaire. But it certainly helps. In this report, Marco will explain his T4 Method for separating the projects with a chance to profit… and projects that aren’t good enough for your money.

Getting Started With Cryptocurrencies

Marco has put together a four-part, how-to series for anyone new to investing in cryptos and blockchain coins. In this informational series, Marco will show you how to open a crypto account, how to safely store your cryptos, plus how to trade your Bitcoin and Ether for other, more obscure cryptos. This a must-read for new crypto investors and worth reviewing for even the most experienced crypto fans.

Plus, Exclusive Charter-Member Perks: Respond Before September 30th… And Receive Two Moneymaking Bonuses:

Bonus Briefing
Crypto Dividends: The Biggest Cash Grab in U.S. History

We’ve calculated a minimum of 473 million dollars scheduled to be distributed this year from the cryptocurrency market. In some cases, you can collect a portion of this cash weekly. In others: You can cash in every single week.

Bonus Service
Disruptive Profits quarterly conference call service.

Once a quarter, Marco will field your most burning questions on a live call. And while he can’t give personalized investment advice, Marco will share exciting developments from his secret blockchain network.

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