A key part of successful investing is how you respond to market volatility. And there’s no question, 2018 has been a wild ride. That’s really what makes Dr. Richard Smith’s latest project CryptoTradeSmith so intriguing.
He’s assembled a tool that helps investors focus on cryptos that are more mature and less volatile while taking a smaller stake in more risky, speculative positions. And in a head-to-head back-test – he says his program outperformed “buy and hold” Bitcoin investors by 5 to 1.
What is Richard Smith’s CryptoTradeSmith Program?
Richard Smith’s CryptoTradeSmith Program is a complex system that includes 3 key elements:
Pure Quant: This is the tool that lets you follow your favorite Crypto Analysts… and build a model portfolio based on their recommendations. With just a few keystrokes — you can use it to build a portfolio suited for your risk tolerance.
CryptoTradeSmith team took all the most successful features from their proven TradeStops program — and tweaked and applied them to cryptoassets.
The first is called Pure Quant…
And it’s designed to solve a huge problem.
If you subscribe to multiple financial newsletters like me — you may have wondered, “Which investments should I buy — and how much money should I put into them?”
It can be a frustrating experience…
Two people following the same newsletter can reach wildly different investment results — depending on what recommendations they choose to buy… and when they choose to buy or sell.
That’s where Pure Quant comes in.
You can simply click on the name of a research letter you subscribe to…
Type in how much you want to invest in cryptos…
And it will help build you a customized portfolio.
Within seconds, it can help you figure out how much of each cryptocurrency to buy — down to the penny.
For example:
If you subscribe to Teeka Tiwari’s Palm Beach Confidential… or any other popular crypto newsletter — Pure Quant will pull from those newsletters and help you build a model portfolio — based on how much you’d like to invest.
Or you can simply build a custom portfolio from 1,000+ different cryptoassets we track.
Then, all that’s left for you to do is make the actual trade.
Crypto TradeSmith will help you decide how much to buy…
It will allow you to set a stop loss.
Then, send you an e-mail or text alert when it’s time to sell.
It will even help you determine when the tide has turned and it’s safe to get back in.
So you can protect yourself on the downside. And never have to worry about missing a big move higher.
Hyper VQ: Which helps you understand the normal behavior of 1,500+ different currencies — so you can make an informed decision. This helps you focus on cryptos that are more mature and less volatile. And take a smaller stake in more risky, speculative positions.
You’re probably familiar with the term “IQ” or “Intelligence Quotient” — which is a measurement of how smart a person is.
Well, you can think of Hyper VQ in a similar way — only instead of measuring intelligence, it measures volatility. Which is how fast and how far an asset moves, up and down over time.
In other words… it calculates when something out of the ordinary is happening and presents you with a clear signal.
Think of it this way…
Let’s say you’re driving home on the highway and a guy in a sports car speeds past you.
The speed limit’s 65 M.P.H.
And he’s doing 75 M.P.H.
Is there anything weird about that? No. You see it all the time.
On the other hand, what if the same guy zoomed past you, going 105 M.P.H.?
Then, you might react differently. For good reason. He’s now driving much faster than the flow of traffic.
In other words, it’s an alarm… a red flag.
Let’s take it one step further.
And I hope you never see this…
But imagine if a school bus blew by you at 105 miles an hour?
Now you’re really going to notice… Heck, you would probably pull over and call 911… worried about those kids.
It’s easy to know what’s “normal” on the freeway.
But for most people, it’s a lot harder to know what’s normal with their investments.
And that’s why Richard Smith’s CryptoTradeSmith program can give you such a huge edge. It knows the normal parameters of behavior forjust about every cryptoasset… and it tells you when its behavior gets out of whack.
The Crypto Calculator: This tool helps you decide how much to invest in a cryptocurrency — based on how much you are willing to risk.
They’ve developed another feature and they call it the Crypto Calculator.
How much should you invest in one crypto or another?
On your own, that can be a tough decision to make.
But the Crypto Calculator makes it so easy.
Just type in the name of the Cryptoasset you’d like to buy.
Enter the amount you’re willing to risk…
And hit the “calculate” button.
Within seconds, it will tell you the right amount to invest — based on your stated risk tolerance.
For example, say you want to take a small stake in NEO — which has been called “the Ethereum of China.”
You’d simply type “NEO” into the field here.
Then, enter what you’re willing to risk… Let’s just say $1,000.
Then hit the “Calculate” button… and in seconds, you’d know precisely how much Neo to buy… and the exact point at which you should consider selling.
So if you decided to risk $1,000 and followed these simple instructions, you would buy 29.74 units of Neo… for a total price of $1,594.93.
Then you’d set your “stop” price at $20.01, again, so your maximum loss would be $1,000.
And the program would alert you if and when Neo were to drop to that price.
Who is Richard Smith – the creator of CryptoTradeSmith Program?
Dr. Smith has brought his passion for simplifying the complex to the financial markets by developing several web-based services for investors and traders. With his background in mathematical theories of uncertainty combined with his own personal investing and trading experience, Dr. Smith has an acute sense of the critical role that risk and money management play in successfully navigating the financial markets.
When Dr. Smith discovered that many of the world’s top private investment advisors and richest traders had been using a mathematical formula for years to determine when to buy and sell with incredible results, he decided to try it out. After running some numbers on his previous trades, the results were clear: no matter if the market rose or fell, the investment formula would have earned him bigger and faster gains on all his trades.
Applying this formula to an entire investment portfolio by hand was difficult, so he developed a program to do that work automatically – and TradeStops was born.
What You Gonna Get when you invest your money in CryptoTradeSmith Program?
Crypto TradeSmith is the only program of its kind. It’s designed to help take the unnecessary risk out of trading cryptos – WITHOUT limiting your upside potential.
Inside, you’ll find a number of patent-pending tools, including:
- PURE QUANT: This will help you build a custom portfolio based on your favorite Crypto newsletter recommendations. With just a few keystrokes, you’ll know exactly what cryptos to buy… how much to put into each one.
- THE CRYPTO CALCULATOR: Pick any one of 1,000+ cryptos trading today. Enter how much money you’d like to risk – and within seconds, you’ll know how much to buy and when to sell.
- CRYPTO STATE INDICATORS: This proprietary Red Light, Yellow Light, Green Light system helps you analyze thousands of different crypto assets and see which ones are in the green “buy” zone and which ones are red – or “best to avoid right now.”
- THE CRYPTO RISK REBALANCER: This will help you automatically buy MORE of the right cryptoassets – and less of the kind that could potentially blow up your portfolio.
- CUSTOM EMAIL and TEXT ALERTS: So you are never caught off-guard by a big move.
- WEEKLY INSIGHTS: Every Thursday, you’ll receive in-depth education articles from Dr. Smith team, covering crypto, markets, stocks, and how to use CryptoTradeSmith to “make more and risk less” in this important new asset class…
- NEWSLETTER CENTER ACCESS: Import model portfolios from your favorite growing list of newsletters and indexes. Use Dr. Smith’s Tools to create your own custom portfolio.
- AND FREE, UNLIMITED TECH SUPPORT: Their Tampa, Florida-based team will spend as much time as it takes to help you get up to speed with this software.
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