Chaikin Power Tactics Review: Power Gauge Neutral+ Stocks Revealed

Marc Chaikin and his team have created a special situation model portfolio containing 6 Neutral+ stocks. It’s a part of Marc Chaikin’s and Pete Carmasino’s brand new research Chaikin Power Tactics. What are these 6 Neutral+ stock picks? Is this service the real deal? Read our Chaikin Power Tactics review to find out.

Marc Chaikin Prediction 2023

Marc Chaikin just went live to share his new Prediction 2023. A “sneak peek” has already reached 8.4 million people and 30 TV channels.

If you missed Marc Chaikin Prediction 2023, here you will find the essential information that was shared plus the world premiere of Marc Chaikin’s brand new research: Chaikin Power Tactics.

Who Is Marc Chaikin?

You probably heard of Marc Chaikin numerous times and already know that Marc is founder of Chaikin Analytics. During his 50-year career on Wall Street, he developed one of most popular indicators.

He also created three new indices for the Nasdaq, where he rang the opening bell.

As you may know, Marc spent most of 2022 warning the public about the expected panic.

For instance, in April 2022 he predicted a bear is close, just before the S&P 500 fell 20%.

Before the creative tech sector fell by 50%, his research indicated a tech bear market as early as 2021.

And he issued warnings on 21 other stocks, some of which afterwards had crashed down to 81%, including what became 9 worst tech stocks of the year.

Power Gauge 6 Neutral+ Stocks

Power Gauge 6 Neutral+ Stocks Review

What Are Power Gauge 6 Neutral+ Stocks

Power Gauge Neutral+ Stocks Exposed

Marc also predicted the 20 best stocks of 2022, even before the panic began.

Marc Chaikin Net Worth

And now, as we are getting closer to 2023, Marc is stepping forward with his plan of simple action you MUST take before Monday, January 2nd, 2023.

Marc Chaikin Prediction: What will happen on January 2nd, 2023?

Marc’s prediction is that we all going to see a historic reset of the U.S. financial system. It could lead to RUN ON THE BANKS in 2023.

The chances are… you have no idea what a huge impact this event could have on your wealth, especially if you have large amounts of cash in the bank.

Many people have seen big losses in the stock market this year. Marc believes it is going to get worse in 2023.

The good part is that for people that know what is coming – 2023 could become the best year of their financial life.

The simple action Marc is recommending is to move your money into vehicle 50 years in the making that has the potential for huge gains.

Marc Chaikin Warning: Get Out of Cash Now

Marc believes the cash is no longer a safe haven.

It is not enough to get out of markets and stay in cash. In the last two years, more money has been created than in the previous 200 years put together. Globally, we’re talking about more than $15 trillion!

When Feds print money, it means the price of EVERYTHING goes up. A $100,000 salary earned in 2018 is now worth just $82,000 today.

If you’ve been holding cash, it is the equivalent of a stock that has dropped 20% since 2018.

Would you EVER choose to invest your entire life’s savings in a stock that has fallen by that much, even though it was formerly considered as “secure” and “protected by the government”?

Obviously not. Such a stock is a loser. You would take a loss and leave.

Even if we experience a protracted bear market and recession, there is a MUCH BETTER approach to protect and grow your wealth!

Marc suggested new vehicle: What Is It?

In short – it’s a very particular type of stocks.

These are stocks of totally “random” companies that get little attention from the press. It doesn’t matter what business they are in.

Moreover, these stocks almost don’t have anything in common. Except the particular cash flow pattern picked up by Chaikin’s Power Gauge System.

Marc and his team pick up on abnormally large volumes of cash moving into or out of a stock. Using a special algorithm, they measure the relative strength of these accumulations. They measure the exact strength of the cash flow pattern against the S&P.

Chaikin Money Flow system is showing exactly where the most amount of cash was accumulating. Look at the green blotches – they show an inflow of cash.

Chaikin Money Flow system

Are you curious where the cash is coming from? Simple – it is coming from hedge funds, banks, investors, etc.

Marc and his team do not pay attention where the cash is from, only that it is building in volume. They measure how strong is this cash flow by using an algorithm, Marc has developed over 50 years ago.

During the live event Marc refused to give details what exactly is this algorithm and how it works. But he has always been transparent about the factors he is taking into consideration.

If you are familiar with Marc Chaikin’s work, you probably know the 20 factors Power Gauge is using to issue stock’s rating. They are divided into four categories: Financials, Earnings, Technical, and Experts.

Marc Chaikin’s new way to invest in 2023

When a sell-off happens, there is a brand-new way of using the Power Gauge. Marc and his team have never revealed it before.

It allows you to find which stocks could become 2 to 3 times higher than the most bullish-rated stocks.

That’s why the sell-off in 2022 could become one of the best things for your wealth. Just stay focused to learn how to play what is coming beginning of 2023.

Power Gauge NEUTRAL+ Rating Explained

Power Gauge has two main ratings: BULLISH or BEARISH.

There’s a third rating called “NEUTRAL.”

And identifying the biggest winners in 2023 will depend on this rating, which is the most overlooked on the Power Gauge.

These are the stocks that may wind up earning you two to three times as much as Marc’s conventional technique.

In short: Every time there’s a sell-off, you could end up making multiple times more money by looking for stocks rated as NEUTRAL. A stock with a Power Gauge rating of NEUTRAL is not likely to increase or decrease.

The Power Gauge is fine-tuned to pick up on the flows of cash every day. But sometimes a stock isn’t fully bullish yet. It’s right at the edge of becoming bullish.

And when that happens, the Power Gauge assigns a very special rating. And that’s “Neutral+.”

It meant we knew a lot of cash was beginning to pour into the company, for reasons that are not fully understand yet.

This Neutral+ secret works especially after a sell-off, like we’re seeing today.

Some people might even consider Marc’s new approach as cheating. But really, it’s just a clever way of seeing where the MOST money is moving next… and getting there ahead of up to 99% of other investors.

Bottom line: This is a new way of using the Power Gauge during uncertain moments in the market – when nobody knows whether being BULLISH or BEARISH is the right move at all.

How a Stock Moves from Neutral+ to Bullish?

The market is never completely bullish or bearish.

The Power Gauge does something very interesting: If a stock is about to become BULLISH, it’s rated Neutral-positive.

Power Gauge Neutral-positive

If a stock is about to become BEARISH, it’s rated Neutral-negative.

Power Gauge Neutral-negative

The Power of Neutral+ Stocks

Marc’s prediction is for massive bull market for 2023. Just like the gradual collapse in 2022… at first it may not be obvious what’s happening.

Note that totally different stocks will soar compared to the last bull market.

But by using the Power Gauge, Marc and his team have identified exactly where the BULLISH changes will occur most dramatically… and the Neutral+ stocks to buy BEFORE that happens…

Marc believes this process has already begun. And on January 2nd (the first trading day of the new year) it is going to accelerate.

The important thing is to isolate which stocks will see the BIGGEST moves and to get in BEFORE the market-wide shift is complete.

And the Power Gauge enables you to achieve that. The key is to identify the top Neutral+ stocks.

Bottom Line: The point isn’t to nail the exact turning point… but to simply get into the Neutral+ stocks that will lead the way to the biggest gains, as the overall market climbs higher and higher in 2023.

Marc Chaikin: Buy These 6 Neutral+ Stocks Right Now

Marc and his team have created a special situation model portfolio containing 6 Neutral+ stocks. These are stocks they recommend you buy immediately – RIGHT NOW… TODAY. Before the huge reset Marc is predicting for the market when people get OUT of cash and popular stocks.

To help you get started, they issued a new research report, containing information exactly how their system works and what it is saying for 2023.

It is called Chaikin Power Tactics: A New Way to Multiply Your Money Over the Next 12 Months.

Chaikin Power Tactics: A New Way to Multiply Your Money Over the Next 12 Months

Inside you will find the following information:

  • How to spot huge flows of cash in 5,000 stocks.
  • How to time the perfect point to buy or sell any stock.
  • How to use Neutral stock ratings to uncover the biggest and often the fastest money-making opportunities in 2023… and more.

Top 10 Power Picks for 2023

Marc Chaikin run the Power Gauge across the current open stock recommendations at Stansberry Research. All of their stock research newsletters at price from $149 a year to $5,500 a year.

He pointed out the 10 most bullish recommendations and he released his special portfolio in a special report called Stansberry’s Top 10 Power Picks for 2023.

Top 10 Power Picks for 2023

You can get FREE access to all 10 picks through this special charter offer. This special bonus is valued at $2,000.

Who is Marc Chaikin’s partner in mission?

Pete Carmasino is a tactical specialist and longtime colleague of Marc. He is a Managing Director of Chaikin Analytics.

He came up first with this totally new clever way of using the Power Gauge. This is more a tactical, special situations tool. Not the long term buy-and-hold investing Marc is known for.

Together they came up with a special model portfolio using Pete’s short-term approach of using the Power Gauge to potentially double, triple or quadruple your money in a time frame of 12 months or less.

Marc and Pete are going one step further to offer a brand-new product called Chaikin Power Tactics.

Introduction to Chaikin Power Tactics

Chaikin PowerTactic is a brand new research helmed by Marc Chaikin and Pete Carmasino.

Marc is opening the doors to a powerful new way for you to access his analysis and all of his top recommendations yourself, by applying the Power Gauge with a new tactical strategy developed by his specialist, Pete Carmasino.

…to see which stocks could go up 100% or more over the next 12 months… in 21 different sectors.

Each month, Marc and Pete will name a stock with the potential to double or triple your money, as the result of their tactical analysis of cash flow throughout the stock market.

As CNBC’s Mad Money host Jim Cramer once said, back when he was still the toast of Wall Street TV: “I learned a long time ago not to be on the other side of a Chaikin trade.”

He went on to say: “I want to explain why I love Marc’s stuff. It’s simple, it’s understandable, it’s rational, it’s not emotional, and I use it constantly and I almost never want to go against it.”

Although… Jim ended up going AGAINST the Power Gauge recently when he recommended Amazon, and boy oh boy, has it hurt him! He should’ve listened to Marc…

So, as you can imagine, this new research isn’t cheap.

But today, we’re inviting you to become a charter member of Chaikin PowerTactics through a special offer we urge you to take advantage of.

In Chaikin PowerTactics, Marc and Pete will look to find the best stocks to buy as these BULLISH PERSONALITY changes unfold across a variety of different sectors. With a holding time of 12 months or less. Sometimes even weeks, because many of these special situation stocks abruptly change ratings.

In addition to the model portfolio they are recommending, every single month Pete and Marc will be applying the Power Gauge across the market to find the best short-term opportunities to potentially double your money or better. They consider these “special situations.”

How much is Chaikin Power Tactics?

One year of Chaikin Power Tactics will cost $5,000. For short period, during the initial opening access, use this link for special charter offer $2,500. This is 50% OFF regular price.

How to start using Chaikin Power Tactics right now?

Here is Pete’s favorite strategy on how to find tactical opportunities on Chaikin Power Tactics:

First, type the ticker. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the stock’s rating. Is it Bullish, Bearish, or Neutral?

You don’t need to understand all other technical. Pay attention to “relative strength” indicator that measure how strong the stock performing relative to S&P stock market index.

It turns out that a stock’s relative strength is telling us how strong the cash flows are.

The way their tactical strategy works, all they ever know is the WHEN, not the why. The why often comes out much, much later. All that matters is WHEN to get in.

Remember: company insiders can keep the most exciting news to themselves. But they can’t hide the money flow. You won’t need some fancy announcements from the executives. The price action tells everything.

7-year market cycle

Greg Diamond is a special guest at Prediction 2023 event.  He is the man who famously predicted the EXACT WEEK of the 2020 crash back when nobody had ever heard of COVID-19.

He follows something called the 7-year cycle. In short, every seven years, the market repeats itself.

According to the 7-year cycle, 2023 will essentially repeat 2016. In 2016 we saw a major low following the Chinese market collapse and the presidential election… A low that gradually led to new highs.

7-year market cycle

Go back 7 years from 2016, and what do you have?

2009, a major low following the financial crisis, and the start of what became the longest bull market ever.

7-year market cycle

Greg’s opinion of the Power Gauge is that it is a “fantastic system for anyone who wants a detailed look inside more than 5,000 stocks… to see where it’s most likely to move next”.

What is included in Chaikin Power Tactics Charter offer?

Here’s everything you’ll receive today:

One full year of Chaikin PowerTactics

One full year of Chaikin PowerTactics

Each month, Marc Chaikin and tactical specialist Pete Carmasino will e-mail you a new briefing with their #1 stock recommendation with the potential to make you 2 to 5 times your money in 12 months or less, according to their tactical use of the Power Gauge. Along with their constantly updated model portfolio of the top stocks to buy now.

Special Updates

Special Updates

Throughout the month, Pete will e-mail you updates as needed, telling you when to lock-in gains and any new developments.

Pete’s Watchlist

Pete’s Watchlist

Once a month, outside of his PowerTactics release, Pete will share his favorite investment ideas. Including: stocks on the verge of a breakout… ETFs to buy and avoid… tactical insights on major market events… and more.

Video Chats

Video Chats

Pete will occasionally hold public briefings on the state of the market and what he sees coming.

Master Class

Master Class

A 5-video crash course on using the Power Gauge system with Pete’s favorite tactical strategies.

The Power Gauge System

The Power Gauge System

Where you can type in any of 5,000 different stocks and run your own analysis. With one button, the system will give you the chance to predict TOMORROW’S stock ratings on Wall Street… TODAY… by giving you a “Bullish,” “Neutral,” or “Bearish” rating, and a 6-factor breakdown of exactly how the system evaluates the stock.

The Discovery Engine

The Discovery Engine

A first-of-its-kind system based on Netflix-pioneered technology. Type in any stock… and instantly see a list of similar stocks with the same potential to rise or fall.

Marc and Pete’s warnings and predictions

Marc and Pete’s warnings and predictions

Marc predicted the 2022 crash… predicted the collapse of 21 different stocks… the 2020 crash… called for the Covid rally to continue… called the corrections back in 2018… the collapse of… and more. His Power Gauge system will even warn you about events most people can’t see coming, which Marc and Pete will monitor each month and share with you as they develop.

Stansberry’s Top 10 Power Picks for 2023

Stansberry’s Top 10 Power Picks for 2023

This could easily be its own new product. Marc and Pete will give you the names of the top 10 stocks to buy today from across Stansberry’s most expensive and sophisticated products right now, according to the Power Gauge. Hundreds of people have paid $2,000 for model portfolios like this, but you’ll get it free of charge with today’s charter offer.

Chaikin PowerTactics: A New Way to Multiply Your Money Over the Next 12 Months

Chaikin Power Tactics: A New Way to Multiply Your Money Over the Next 12 Months

Inside, you’ll learn:

  • How to spot huge flows of cash in 5,000 stocks.
  • How to time the perfect point to buy or sell any stock.
  • How to use Neutral stock ratings to uncover the biggest and fastest money-making opportunities in 2023… and more.

You can think of this as your own personal “handbook” to using the Power Gauge, containing all of the tricks and techniques Marc and Pete have developed, which you can use on your own, every single day.

Top 5 Popular Stocks to Avoid Now

Top 5 Popular Stocks to Avoid Now


Do you own any these major companies? If so, you should get out immediately. You shouldn’t wait for them to “break even.” Pete and Marc explain why, using the Power Gauge, in this new special report written for the post-2022-crash market.

The 24/7 Trader

The 24/7 Trader

A gift for all new members (including a gold recommendation). This could reshape the way you approach the market this year. Others paid $2,499 for it, but you’ll get it free of charge, while this charter offer lasts.

Chaikin Power Tactics Subscription Fee

Today, we’re making you a special offer.

We’re offering you 50% OFF one full year of Marc’s new research service, Chaikin PowerTactics

  • Plus one FREE year of his Power Gauge system ($5,000 value).
  • Plus one FREE year of his Discovery Engine.
  • Plus one FREE year of Stansberry’s Top 10 Power Picks ($2,000 value).
  • Plus one FREE year of Marc and Pete’s special reports and model portfolios.
  • Plus one FREE year of Pete’s Watchlist.
  • Plus FREE access to Top 5 Popular Stocks to Avoid Now.
  • Plus FREE access to the Power Gauge Training Videos.
  • Plus one FREE year of Pete’s video chats.
  • Plus FREE access to Portfolio Boost ($2,499 value).

Click here to review this special offer.

Just remember: This charter offer expires soon.

Chaikin Power Tactics Subscription Fee

So if you like what you’ve seen, and you want to receive ALL of the bonuses listed above, please click here and give us your final answer.

Chaikin Power Tactics Refund Policy

You’re protected by a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee backed by Chaikin Analytics:

You’ll have the next 30 days to look over Chaikin PowerTactics. You’ll receive full access to all of Marc’s and Pete’s recommendations and their system for the next 30 days, along with everything else described above.

This offer doesn’t offer cash refunds. But if you’re not happy for any reason, you can contact your Member Services team within 30 days and receive a full credit refund for everything you paid today, which you can apply to any other product from Chaikin Analytics.

Final Words

Looking at all the information available on the Power Gauge may confuse you that system is very complex.

Many people without finance background may ask themselves how will handle it.

Take this advice from Sandy, Marc’s wife who had no experience when she fired her money manager and started using the Power Gauge.

She said, “Just look at the “checklist”. You type in the stock ticker up here… click here for the checklist… and voila!

The Power Gauge pops up with the final rating right up here, with all the information you need. You don’t need to bother with anything else. The rating is all you need to make a decision.”

What is easier than this?

Sign Up To Chaikin Power Tactics Here and Get Power Gauge Neutral+ Stocks Now

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