Andy Snyder’s Great Devastation of 2021: Manward Letter Review

Andy Snyder has launched a new marketing campaign Great Devastation of 2021 for Manward Letter Research.

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The Great Devastation of 2021 – What Is It?

Worse than the Great Recession…

Worse than the Great Depression…

According to my colleague Andy Snyder at Manward Press, we’re about to see the WORST disaster in our nation’s history.

Thanks to the economic lockdown triggered by the coronavirus, America is on its knees.

  • Unimaginable numbers of jobs are gone.
  • Entire industries are on the verge of collapse.
  • Millions of Americans are at risk of losing their homes.
  • State and local governments could face bankruptcy.

And Andy says it’s about to get much worse…

He believes that history textbooks will call what’s about to happen next the Great Devastation.

It will have the power to erase years’ worth of hard work and savings. If you don’t know what to do next, your wealth could be caught in the devastation.

And so could your family’s future.

That’s why it’s so important that you discover the five steps you must take today to protect your wealth and your family.

Because even though the coming devastation may ruin the financial dreams of countless Americans…

YOU don’t have to be one of them.

Some experts say that we could be facing a decade-long financial crisis. But Andy believes it could last even longer.


America’s #1 Stock Picker Reveals Next 1,000% Winner (free)

He’s found 40 1,000% or higher stock market winners.

He beat 650 of the world’s most famous investors (including Bill Ackman and David Einhorn) in a trading contest.

And today, he’s revealing the critical top trend to watch and his next potential 1,000% winner for free, right here.

No credit card, email address, or subscription required.

Andy Snyder’s Five Steps You Must Take To Protect Your Wealth

According to Andy Snyder, the best thing you can do today to protect your wealth and your family’s future is to take control.

To be the hero that your family will need in what could be America’s darkest hour.

And to do that, you must follow the five critical steps:

Click Here to Take Full Advantage of Andy Snyder’s Special Offer Today

Step 1: Buy These 3 “Devastation-Proof” Stocks

Some stocks are going to do extremely well in this new “free money” environment.

But others will crash and burn.

We’ve already seen that.

That’s why Andy spent countless hours of research pinpointing the three BEST “devastation-proof” stocks on the market today.

You won’t hear about them on CNBC or Bloomberg…

But as people invest their stimulus checks, these companies will essentially get cash pumped in by the Fed… sending stock prices higher and higher:

  • The Google of the Finance World? It’s a critical gathering point for investors. One major outlet called it “the most powerful company you’ve never heard of.” They even compared it to blue chips like Apple and ExxonMobil. It touches just about every major commodities trade. And it doesn’t matter how the market moves. You could win either way.
  • The New Face of Unlimited Tech Growth. Like Apple, Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway and Google parent company Alphabet… this company recently announced a massive buyback plan. These are like superchargers that make good stocks great. It’s stock market magic. You simply won’t find another Big Tech stock that has the potential to not only double your money in 18 months during this devastation… but also increase its dividend payout by double digits – at a time when others are slashing theirs.
  • The Deal(maker) of the Decade. Data is the future of banking. Without it, banks can’t know who is creditworthy. And this company is set to become the leading data provider for the banking sector. It recently launched a unique software that spots and evaluates potential risks for banks in real time. In plain English, that means helping financial institutions see things like bad loans a mile away. It’s the type of advantage “old money” banks can – and will – pay for.


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Step 2: Discover the NEW Gold Standard

The coming devastation is going to wreck the dollar.

If you hope to grow your wealth… then you need to know how to protect it. And there’s a simple way to do both: move your money into hard assets.

And in times of extreme risk, dysfunction and uncertainty…

When the economy is shut off and the dollar is on the verge of total collapse…

You can’t beat gold.


THE WAR ON GOLD 2020: Emergency Briefing

Hedge Fund manager and New York Times Bestselling Author details how you position your gold stock portfolio right now will have a huge impact on your wealth in the coming gold bull market.

Watch The Emergency Briefing Now

Step 3: Use “LibertyCoin” to Secure Your Wealth and Privacy

Andy Snyder thinks it’s pretty clear that the government is using this pandemic as an opportunity to ban cash. By making money fully digital, they’ll be able to track your every move and stop you from making any transactions they can’t see.

But there is a way to take control of your money and maintain your privacy. There’s a new digital currency designed for this very purpose.

Perhaps you’ve seen that cryptocurrencies are red-hot again…

Demand is soaring. Some have seen their value surge by as much as 330% in the first few months of the pandemic.

Well, there is one digital currency you must own during this devastation.

I call it “LibertyCoin.”

It’s a great inflation hedge… it protects your privacy… it is easy to store and transfer…

And it is rocketing higher in value.


Millionaire’s Big Prediction From Living Room Couch


Teeka Tiwari – America’s No. 1 Investor – just made an outrageous prediction.

Recorded live from his living room couch…

He blasts Congress, reveals nasty truths about America…

And reveals one technology set to radically change our nation.

Already, 400,000-plus viewers have checked it out.

WARNING: This video may make you furious.

Watch His Urgent Video Now

Step 4: Don’t Fall for These “American Icons”

As the devastation continues, even more companies will be ruined. And just as we saw during the Great Recession, some of them will be American icons.

Only this time it will be much worse.

Forget Washington Mutual and General Motors. These will be even bigger household names – the kind of companies that were once a “sure thing” for Main Street investors.

The bigger they are, the harder they will fall. And if you don’t know which ones to avoid… you could lose everything.



Buy This One Stock Before The End Of The Year

The clock is ticking on the biggest financial event in 20 years.

And if you want to take advantage, you must position yourself before 2020 comes to an end.

Click Here For Details

Step 5: Own the No. 1 Tech Stock of the Decade

There is ONE single tech stock that needs to be the cornerstone of your retirement.

Andy Snyder believes it has the power to supercharge your investment account in the year ahead and beyond… no matter what the economy – or our country – looks like.

Here’s why…

As lockdowns have tanked the economy in recent months, more people are online than ever before. Home internet bandwidth usage has skyrocketed.

When the lockdown began, internet activity shot up by 25% in a matter of days. Total traffic surged by up to 70%. Demand for videoconferencing was up by 240% in a matter of weeks.

And experts say this trend is going to continue in the years ahead.

That’s why Andy believes one small Arizona-based company is poised to become the “gatekeeper of the entire internet.”

It will be the most important tech company of the coming decade.


The firm that called the EXACT PEAK of the Dot-Com boom
has just issued another major prediction.

If you’ve got money invested in the market – and especially in popular tech stocks – this is critical information for the days ahead…

Watch the Video

You can get the full details – and much more – by subscribing to Andy Snyder’s elite research newsletter Manward Letter.

What is Andy Snyder’s Manward Letter research newsletter?

Manward Letter is monthly entry level newsletter by Andy Snyder and Manward Press. It’s in-depth research and commentary every month that gets to the truth of what it means to live a rich, healthy and fulfilled life, along with stock recommendations hand-picked for one of our two market-leading model portfolios.

Is Andy Snyder’s Manward Letter research newsletter Legit?

Manward Letter is the flagship newsletter of Manward Press. It is legit. Andy Snyder offers legit advice based on his 20 years’ experience as an investment analyst.

His insights are speculative, characterized by bold claims concerning the future of the economy.

It is important to note that his records or achievements do not mean that his advice is 100% accurate.

Click Here to Take Full Advantage of Andy Snyder’s Special Offer Today

What is Manward Press?

The idea for Manward Press first came to Andy Snyder during his time in Alaska. He was living and working in some of the state’s most remote wilds – no roads, no electricity, nothing on the radio dial.

His clients – mostly men – came from all over the world, paying thousands of dollars to learn what he does and how he does it. Most of them came to him feeling unfulfilled and jaded about the lack of control in their lives. But after just a couple of days together – and after teaching them just a few simple skills – they left with a renewed sense of purpose and vitality.

The change in such a small amount of time was nothing short of amazing.

Andy was doing powerful work. Sensing a much larger problem, he wanted to do more.

The truth is, most men are helpless on their own. Because of this, the average modern man lacks a sense of true fulfillment.

The typical man lacks the skills and knowledge to meet his full potential. He can’t survive on his own. He has great trouble building (and keeping) wealth. He can’t maintain strong relationships. And he’s frustratingly constrained by modern society.

He’s a far cry from his primal self… the way we were created to perform.

Andy Snyder founded Manward, an ultra-unique publishing company, as a full-on attack on that debilitating notion. It was his way of “scaling up,” going from changing hundreds of lives to changing hundreds of thousands of lives.

To bust through the barriers created by modern society, Manward focuses intently on just three scientifically proven ideas that all men must master in order to reach true fulfillment.



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Who is Andy Snyder?

Andy Snyder is the Founder of Manward Press. He worked for one of the largest brokerages in the country, a firm with nearly $100 billion in assets under management. And he spent more than a decade as a researcher and investment analyst for the largest financial publisher on the planet.

But Andy’s expertise extends far beyond the world of finance. He also has a background in law enforcement, is an award-winning columnist and is a best-selling author of several books, including:

  • Nature’s Miracles: 72 (New) Alternatives to Modern Medicine
  • Be Good, Be Wise: Using Ben Franklin’s 13 Virtues to Become a Better Man

As a guide in Alaska’s remote wilds –50 miles from the nearest telephone pole –he taught men from all walks of life how to survive and thrive by developing and relying on their own skills and relationships.

These days, when he’s not tending to his 30-acre farm with his wife and two kids, he’s penning issues of his popular monthly financial newsletter, Manward Letter, and doling out winning investment ideas to subscribers of Manward Trader and Codebreaker Profits… all the while entertaining readers of Manward Digest with his wide-ranging and thought-provoking essays.

Manward Letter Research – What’s Included With Your Subscription?

You’ll get instant access to:

First, you’ll get 12 monthly issues of Manward Letter.

This is the only place to get all of Andy’s latest updates on the Great Devastation… and his best ideas to grow your wealth. Andy Snyder will send you a new issue every month.

As a new member, you’ll also unlock access to…

  • Andy Snyder’s exclusive subscriber-only model stock portfolios
  • Manward’s entire archive of past issues and full library of special reports
  • Andy Snyder’s urgent weekly updates.

Andy will also send you these FREE bonus gifts immediately…

Reports bundle

  • Special Report No. 1: “3 Perfect Stocks for ‘Devastation-Proof’ Wealth”
  • Special Report No. 2: “Manward’s Guide to Owning and Profiting From Gold”
  • Special Report No. 3: “LibertyCoin: The Perfect Crypto for Building Wealth and Liberty”
  • Special Report No. 4: “The Bankruptcy Watch List: Six American Icons on Suicide Watch”
  • Special Report No. 5: “The #1 Tech Stock of the Decade”
  • FREE Book: The Manward Guidebook: 47 Skills for Modern Life


How To Find Extremely Profitable Trades

Every Monday, Kyle Dennis releases his highest-conviction trade idea for the week.

Learn how to receive Kyle’s next Fast 5 Trade Here

Manward Letter Research Pricing

As a part of Andy Snyder’s Great Devastation of 2021 marketing campaign, you can get one year of Manward Letter Research for discounted price of $49.

Manward Letter Research Refund Policy

You’ve got nothing to lose. If for any reason you decide over the next 365 days that Manward Letter is not right for you, simply call Andy Snyder’s team up. You’ll receive a full, prompt refund of your subscription fee. And you’ll keep all of your free gifts. You can reach Andy Snyder’s Support Team at 800.682.5210 or 443.353.4263.

Final Word

This Great Devastation could leave millions of American lives in ruins.


[BREAKING NEWS] Popular Watchlist Leaked

Jason Bond is revealing his watchlist of stocks that he thinks will gap up this weekend for profits on Monday.

He calls them his Monday Movers… and tomorrow morning his entire list will be “leaked” to thousands of traders who are members of his Monday Movers service.

It’ll look something like this: Click Here For Details

It doesn’t have to be that way for you or your family.

There’s still time to act… but you must take the five simple steps I’ve outlined for you today.

What we’re about to face will be worse than the Great Recession and even the Great Depression.

Andy Snyder predicts the damage will be catastrophic.

And he firmly believes that if you don’t take action right now, you could lose everything.

Click Here to Take Full Advantage of Andy Snyder’s Special Offer Today

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