America’s First Options Millionaire Summit With Hall of Famer Options Trader Jon Najarian

Is it possible to build a $1 million next egg by trading options that cost cents…

All by next year?

We’re about to find out…

Because on September 18, Jon Najarian will finally reveal what made him a legendary options trader…

One of the very few who were inducted in the options hall of fame.

Jon will show you how he’s been using infrastructure that’s only available to institutional investors…

Something that allows him to get a critical piece of information directly from the market exchanges…

Information that can tip you off about big market moves a few days before they happen.

Combining that information with options that be as cheap as $0.85, $0.40 and even $0.15…

You’ll see how it’s possible for you to retire next year with a $1 million or more in the bank…

Even if you’re starting with a small retirement account.

Jon has already shared this secret with a small group of people who follow a blog that he runs with his brother and other top traders…

And they’ve reported incredible results.

You can see some of their stories popping up on your screen right now!

And for the first time ever…

Come September 18 at precisely 1:00 P.M. EDT…

You’ll see exactly how you can make this work for you.

If you’ve never been able to consistently make money with options…

Or if you’re not trading options because you’ve been afraid of trying something new…

This FREE summit could completely change your life.


Just a year from now you could have $1 million in your account or more.

Imagine how that could change your retirement?

This is all possible because these extremely cheap options have the power to explode faster than anything you’ll ever see.

After all, an option that’s trading for as cheap as a dime just needs to go up another dime…

And BOOM… you double your money.

Jon will show you how you could do that every week.

If you have a job, this could be like collecting an extra paycheck every week…

Without doing any kind of “work!”

And if you’re retired, great!

You could earn MORE money in a single week than you’ll earn waiting all month for your social security or pension check!

Join Jon Najarian for this hour long live summit video conference and you’ll discover…

  • How Jon has been able to predict market moves over and over again on LIVE TV. (we’ll even plan some clips for you)
  • The exact math behind turning a small retirement account into a seven-figure nest egg… all by using options that can trade for just cents on the dollar.
  • How the game is rigged against the little guy… and how you’re NOT getting a critical piece of intel from the market exchanges.
  • The proprietary strategy that catapulted Jon into the options hall of fame, a feature achieved by less than 0.01% of traders in America.
  • And much, much more…

We’ve never seen an easier way to make money every week.

Some people have paid over $5,000 to watch an options training with Jon’s team.

So I’ll bet we could easily sell out tickets for this event for that price.

But you can attend in the comfort of your own home, online, for free.

We anticipate thousands of people will reserve their spot.

If you don’t secure your spot right now, you may be left out.

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