Alex Green Reveals How To Build the Perfect Fed-Proof Portfolio

The Fed has created a mess. Record-high inflation led to steep rate hikes that have wreaked havoc on the economy… and created a rare “double decline” in both stocks and bonds. Many investors fear they’ll never reach their retirement goals.

But there’s a way to “Fed-proof” your portfolio. Our good friend Alexander Green – Chief Investment Strategist of The Oxford Club – is revealing a strategy you could use to dramatically increase your returns in the coming years… all by following FOUR simple metrics.

You can get all the details in Alex’s special online event, How to Build the Perfect Fed-Proof Portfolio, on Wednesday, December 6, at 1 p.m. ET.


Buy Alert: The 40x Recession Trade

There’s ONE trade that could have grown your money by 4,000% during the recessions of the past 40 years. It doesn’t involve trading options, cryptocurrencies, or anything highly speculative… But according to two Wall Street veterans, it could save your wealth in the early weeks of 2024. Here’s the No. 1 step to take with your money ahead of a recession.

Click here to prepare now.

How To Build the Perfect Fed-Proof Portfolio Training Course – What Is It?

Let me ask you one simple question.

Has your portfolio doubled in the past two years?

If you’re like most people, it hasn’t. The Fed’s interest rate hikes crushed both stocks and bonds in 2022 – the worst combined return in 150 years. And there’s no telling what might happen going forward.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, “stock-and-bond portfolios that worked for the past 40 years aren’t ready for what’s coming.”

A frightening warning.

But I can promise, if you follow what I’m about to show you, you will be ready.

It’s a portfolio Alexander Green specifically designed to succeed no matter what the Fed does going forward.

And the evidence is out of this world.

Alex tested it against virtually every historical condition going back over 20 years.

High and low interest rates.

Bull and bear markets.

Republican and Democratic presidencies.

And it was shown to work in all of them.

Here it is over the last year… 9 times better than the market.

Alex Green Reveals How To Build the Perfect Fed-Proof Portfolio


Here it is over the last three years… 16 times better than the market.

Alex Green Reveals How To Build the Perfect Fed-Proof Portfolio

And here it is over 20 years… with a total return of 6,570%! (versus just 491% for the S&P 500)

This is a true breakthrough.

And yet, it requires looking for stocks that follow just four simple metrics.

And these four metrics are as powerful as anything we’ve ever seen.

Using Bloomberg, Alex tested the Fed-proof portfolio versus the historical performance of the S&P 500 over time periods of one, two, three, five, 10, 15 and 20 years.

Here are a Few of the Highlights:

  • It grew the portfolio nine times faster than the S&P 500 over the past year.
  • It produced a return of 126% over the last two years… versus a negative return for the S&P.
  • It beat the market 16-to-1 over three years.
  • It beat the market in EVERY SINGLE TIME PERIOD.
  • And over 20 years, the total return was 6,570%… versus 491% for the S&P 500.

In other words, looking back, we see this strategy worked in every market.

And not just by a little.

It crushed the S&P 500.

This is why Alex says every single investor needs to know the four metrics behind the Fed-proof portfolio now.

I don’t want to steal Alex’s thunder.

I’ll let him reveal it in full during his training on December 6 at 1 P.M. ET.


Dan Ferris Major Market EventA Rare Market Event 50 Years in the Making Is Happening NOW

A predictable shift is playing out once again, which could hand you huge profits if you know what’s coming. A small number of folks have been preparing for this exact moment, but 99% of investors will miss out.

Click here for full details.

Who Is Alex Green?

Alex Green, a former money manager who’s helped his readers beat the market by 158% over the last 20 years… who personally bought stocks like Apple in 1996 and 1997… and who recommended Netflix in 2003… and Tandem Diabetes Care, which went up 17-fold in a year…

He bought Apple at a split-adjusted $0.19 in 1996 when nobody else realized Steve Jobs would return it to its former glory.

He invested in Netflix at a split-adjusted $2 in 2005, back when the idea of streaming movies online was a pipe dream. And he bought Amazon at $35 that same year, long before the stock went to more than $3,000 and Jeff Bezos became the richest man in the world.

Alex is currently the Chief Investment Strategist for The Oxford Club, and he worked as an investment advisor, research analyst and portfolio manager on Wall Street over the course of his 35-year career in finance.

He is a New York Times bestselling author and has penned four national bestsellers: The Gone Fishin’ PortfolioThe Secret of Shelter IslandBeyond Wealth and An Embarrassment of Riches.

What will Alex Green share through How To Build the Perfect Fed-Proof Portfolio Training Course?

This event is FREE to attend.

And Alex will reveal his system in full during the training.

None of the four metrics will be held back.

There will even be a demonstration on screen so you can see how to set it up for yourself.

During the special event, you’ll discover…

  • Every one of the four simple metrics proven to crush the market. (Fewer than 20 stocks in the entire market meet the criteria right now.)
  • Details on Alex’s top three stocks that meet all four criteria. (History shows they could produce 1,000%-plus gains in as little as a few years.)
  • A breakdown of which sector of stocks is likely to perform best over the next 12 months.
  • How a portfolio made up of these stocks has been proven to grow 6,570% over 20 years.


Joel Litman Crash WarningPrepare Now: A Massive Wave of Bankruptcies Is Coming

In 2009, Joel Litman warned investors about 57 different companies that were about to go bankrupt – 50 collapsed within days. Now Litman is stepping forward with another big bankruptcy warning. If you own a single share of stock – much less a business… a mortgage… or a loan of any kind – this will affect you.

Click here to learn more.

When Is How To Build the Perfect Fed-Proof Portfolio Training Course?

How To Build the Perfect Fed-Proof Portfolio Training Course has been scheduled to take place on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 @ 1:00 p.m. E.T.

Where to watch How To Build the Perfect Fed-Proof Portfolio?

Tune in here to watch Alex Green Reveals How To Build the Perfect Fed-Proof Portfolio.

Should You Attend How To Build the Perfect Fed-Proof Portfolio Training Course?

The Fed has created a mess for investors.

Due to 40-year highs in inflation… they had no choice but to jack up interest rates.

And it’s causing havoc all over the economy.

Home affordability is at its lowest level in decades.

Credit card debt just hit a record high.

Hardship withdrawals from 401(k)s soared a massive 36%.

And worst of all for investors, the Fed’s moves created a rare “double decline” in both stocks and bonds.

Investors worry that the 60-40 portfolio will no longer work going forward.

If you aren’t seeing the returns you want thanks to the Fed’s antics… Alex Green is hosting a special training course specifically designed to help you.

In short, through new and never-before-seen research, he has found a way to dramatically increase your returns in the coming years.

During this special training course, How to Build the Perfect Fed-Proof Portfolio, Alex Green will teach you how to create a new portfolio using just four simple metrics.

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