Whitney Tilson “TaaS 2.0” Event Review – Is It Legit?

When Whitney Tilson made his first TaaS prediction, he had no idea it would go viral, racking up millions of views… But then, a group of “TaaS” stocks soared 447% on average in 2020… PROVING his investment idea is already underway.

Now, on March 25, Whitney went live again with a new prediction on this story he’s calling “TaaS 2.0.”

Whitney Tilson and Enrique Abeyta TaaS 2.0 Event Replay Is Available

Last night, Whitney Tilson and Enrique Abeyta hosted their “TaaS 2.0” event…

It was all about Whitney Tilson’s and Enrique Abeyta’s biggest idea at Empire Financial Research: The rapid development of electric vehicles (“EVs”) and autonomous vehicles (“AVs”) will lead to an entirely new industry called “TaaS” – “Transportation as a Service.” And this exciting future is coming sooner than almost anyone expects.

During the event last night, Whitney Tilson and Enrique Abeyta discussed…

  • The name and ticker symbol of their favorite TaaS stock.
  • Why the sector is about to see as much as $2.5 trillion invested over the next several years… and the move you need to make before this second wave of investment is unleashed.
  • How to access the name and ticker symbols of Enrique’s two favorite EV stocks, which he says each have 500% upside potential.

You don’t want to be caught on the sidelines of this massive trend… If you missed last night’s event, you can still catch the replay right here.

What’s TaaS 2.0 Event Offer?

TaaS 2.0: Profit From the Second Wave of the EV/AV Megatrend

Limited Special Offer:

Act Now to Receive…

  • 50% OFF 1 year of Empire Elite Growth. For a limited time – you can get 1 year of Empire Elite Growth for $2,500.
  • Your FREE Report, TaaS 2.0: Profiting From the Second Wave of the TaaS Megatrend.
  • Enrique’s Performance Agreement: See at least 3 doubles in Empire Elite Growth’s model portfolio, or receive a second year FREE.

Get Empire Elite Growth Here – 50% OFF

What Is Empire Elite Growth?

Empire Elite Growth is a brand-new service, launched just about a year ago…The idea is to show you which growth stocks could gain 500%-1,000% over the long term.

Whitney Tilson and Enrique Abeyta are very forward-thinking at Empire Elite Growth. That means you’ll get research on cutting-edge technologies and ideas that could change the world in the future.

Just like the electric and autonomous vehicle technology that Whitney and Enrique Abeyta have been telling you about.

How Empire Elite Growth Works?

Let me show you exactly how Empire Elite Growth works…

  • Once a month, Enrique Abeyta will boil down his research on the best growth stocks that could realistically earn 500%-1,000% returns over the long term and e-mail you his findings in an official write-up. That’s 12 issues of Empire Elite Growth from Enrique Abeyta, with his top stock ideas.
  • You’ll get 24/7 online access to all Enrique Abeyta’s previous reports and issues, along with a model portfolio.
  • If it’s ever time to exit a recommendation, you’ll receive instant alerts and portfolio updates as needed.
  • You’ll hit the ground running with Enrique Abeyta’s new report, “TaaS 2.0: Profiting from the Second Wave of this Megatrend.” Here is where Enrique published all his research on the two new recommendations in the electric vehicle space. As Enrique Abeyta mentioned, both of these companies are patiently waiting to go public via a SPAC.If you decide to act, you’ll want to be in as early as possible – BEFORE they officially announce their potential mergers. In Empire Elite Growth, Enrique Abeyta will show you exactly how you can invest in these companies.
  • You’ll also get Enrique Abeyta’s ironclad performance agreement: If you don’t see 3 doubles in Empire Elite Growth model portfolio, you’ll get a second year of Empire Elite Growth, FREE.

Get Empire Elite Growth Here – 50% OFF

What Is Whitney Tilson’s “TaaS 2.0” Event?

TaaS is the idea that advances in electric self-driving vehicle technologies could soon result in fleets of electric, autonomous cars serving every major U.S. city that experts say could go 500+ miles without charging… and can drive 100,000+ miles a year, with little maintenance.

This will allow most Americans to hail a vehicle via an app on their phone, just like they do today with Uber and Lyft.

Whitney Tilson believes this will transform America – and the world – as we know it.

Most families won’t need a second car… and many won’t need one at all! TaaS could put nearly $6,000 back into the pocket of the average American household. Parking lots will disappear. Real estate values will change. The implications are simply extraordinary…

When Whitney Tilson first uncovered this story in 2019, I had no idea just how popular it would become.

After doing extensive research, he put a video presentation with his findings online in early 2020. And soon after, it went completely viral.

It’s now been viewed more than 10 million times…

And grew into an entire community dedicated to learning about and potentially profiting from TaaS.

At the same time, shares of publicly traded companies working on TaaS technologies also went vertical.

One basket of 20 TaaS stocks returned an average of 447% in 2020.

And while those were not Whitney Tilson’s picks, his own TaaS recommendations showed his readers how to double their money on two separate occasions last year.

But what worked in the past won’t necessarily work in the future.


Incredible L.O.C.K. System Predicts Crash Before April

Joel’s L.O.C.K. system predicted the March 2020 crash… Now it says another crash could be coming before April. And most Americans are woefully unprepared.

Click Here For Full Details.

There are going to be some massive developments in this space over the next 12 months.

For example, chip maker Intel presented its vision for a world-wide autonomous vehicle rollout at last month’s Consumer Electronics Show.

And as Forbes recently said, “The Future is Taking Shape Before Our Eyes” with respect to this trend.

Finally, Bank of America now estimates that a $2.5 trillion wave of investment could flow into this market over the next decade.

Make no mistake, we’re entering into a second phase of the TaaS story, and Whitney Tilson wants you to be a part of it.

This future is coming sooner than almost anyone expects.

That’s why Whitney Tilson is holding an online event, “TaaS 2.0,” on March 25th at 8 p.m. Eastern time. There, Whitney Tilson and his colleague Enrique Abeyta will share everything you need to know about the state of the TaaS trend in 2021 and beyond…Along with a special offer that will only be available that night to folks who tune in.

It’s completely free to attend — you simply need to sign up below to reserve your spot.




The clock is ticking on the biggest financial event in 20 years.

And if you want to take advantage, you must position yourself now.

Click Here For Details

What will Whitney Tilson share through the “TaaS 2.0” Event?

During this live broadcast, you’ll discover:

  • Whitney’s bold prediction for the red-hot electric and autonomous vehicle markets, which have exploded in the past year and helped Empire Financial Research readers see gains of 100% or more in just a matter of months…
  • Why a second wave of TaaS stock gains could be right on the horizon…
  • A FREE stock idea from Whitney and Enrique to take advantage of this huge money trend…
  • A special gift ONLY available to those who tune into the event LIVE on March 25 at 8 p.m.


#1 Investor Says: “America’s Tech Boom 2.0 Is Here”

Thanks to the rare convergence of three economic triggers, the clock is ticking down for a once in a lifetime wealth building opportunity.

Here’s how to play it.

When Is Whitney Tilson’s “TaaS 2.0” Event?

Whitney Tilson’s “TaaS 2.0” Event has been scheduled to take place on Thursday, March 25, at 8 p.m.. It is important to note here that this event has limited spacing, so the sooner one signs up, the more likely they are guaranteed a seat.

How To Sign Up for the “TaaS 2.0” Event?

To get access to Whitney Tilson’s “TaaS 2.0” Event, all individuals have to do is enter their respective emails here. Upon entering, those residing in the U.S. or have a U.S.-based phone number will also be presented with the chance of becoming VIPs.


FINALLY… Elon Musk’s Secretive Supplier Revealed?


Forget Tesla. It’s the company that’s been supplying…this key piece of tech to Elon Musk that will shock everyone.

This is all part of a $30 trillion megatrend.

And I’m not talking about blockchain, artificial intelligence, 5G, robotics, or the Internet of Things.

This trend is BIGGER than all of those things COMBINED!

And if Elon Musk mentions this company in a tweet, there’s no telling how high shares could go.

Click here and get all the details before it’s too late

Closing Remarks On Whitney Tilson’s “TaaS 2.0” Event

TaaS, or “Transportation as a Service,” has quickly become the most popular investment idea here at Empire Financial Research.

On March 25, at 8 p.m. Eastern time, former superstar hedge-fund managers Whitney Tilson and Enrique Abeyta will update their readers on this lucrative market opportunity, streamed LIVE.

As Whitney says…

“This is no longer a speculation. This is happening right now.”

Here’s what you must do to maximize your value…

Make sure to show yup about 15 minutes early and have a pen and paper handy to write down notes…

Especially so you don’t miss the free stock ideas from Wall Street legends Whitney Tilson and Enrique Abeyta.

Whitney Tilson “TaaS 2.0” Event – Claim Your FREE Spot Here

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