What Is Nick Giambruno’s Covert-23: The Casey Report

The World’s First Financial Pandemic is Here! It’s called: “COVERT-23”. And it’s set to infect portfolios the globe over. The most significant, new financial study to come out in decades reveals never-before-told insights into why we are NOW closer to a complete systemic collapse than we have ever been.

That’s why you need to
inoculate your assets with this investment NOW!….

Click Here To Watch Nick Giambruno’s “Covert-23” Presentation

What Is Nick Giambruno’s Covert-23 Presentation?

Nick Giambruno and his team at Casey Research believe that the  most significant event unfolding in the financial markets right now. The event they’re referring to is the unprecedented rise of what they call the ‘COVERT-23.’

The ‘COVERT-23’ is that secretive and notorious new band of Super Corporations — who in just the last generation alone have managed to silently and swiftly take over the global markets. This new breed of Super-Corporation has enjoyed growth — both on a scale and at a rate — never before seen by ANY empire (corporate or otherwise) in ALL of history.

Combined, they are a Corporate Colossus beyond reckoning.

They currently have, at the very least, $183 TRILLION worth of assets under their control, which means they probably influence one out of every two investment dollars you spend!

Yet they have zero regard for what’s best for you — and your future.

In fact, you may be unwittingly betting your retirement on a number of them. Via back door moves, corporate loopholes, and the exploitation of a number of perverse policies and practices, these corporations have been able to grow maniacally out of control.

They have been able to bypass regulations, avoid antitrust laws, and take over market after market, rigging the game again and again in their favor, to the detriment of their clients and their competitors.

They now have free rein to buy up and monopolize almost anything they desire. What’s more, they often do it, with the full backing and funding of the Fed — using money created out of thin air!

Today, the ‘COVERT-23’ are now vast giant global holding companies. They’re like nothing the world has ever seen before…But the kind of maniacal growth rate they have enjoyed for a generation now CANNOT be sustained.

It is mathematically impossible.

The ‘COVERT-23’ Bubble Will Blow! And when it does, it will be a misfortune beyond imagining.

“Too Big to Fail Banks” will become “Too Big to Bail.”

It won’t just mark the end of Greenspan’s extravagant “Era of Easy Money,” it could mark the “End of Empire” itself (at least as we have known it).

America and much of the civilized world could be plunged into one of the worst depressions since the 1930s…

Nick Giambruno believes the coming depression may be like no other that has ever come before it… for this new crash, for the first time in history, will include all civilizations at once…

But the coming “Greater Depression” need not rattle you. On the contrary, you can come out of it many times richer than you ever imagined possible.

We stand on the cusp of what we believe will be an epochal shift in the way power will be distributed among nations, and among men…

This shift promises to unleash one of the greatest wealth transfers in all history.

If you get on the right side of this wealth shift now, you can position yourself for big returns…

If there’s one thing we know from history, it’s that when a once-in-a-lifetime financial event happens most people get wiped out… but the select few who understand the momentous changes that are unfolding — and who are quick to reconfigure their finances accordingly — can watch their portfolios soar even as everything else around them slumps.

That’s why Nick Giambruno and the team at Casey Research have been busy working around the clock to get their latest ‘COVERT-23’ Survival-of-the-Fittest Package to you.

This package will help guide you safely and profitably through the turbulent times we see ahead.


Look who’s getting banned in America. Will you be next?


According to MarketWatch, ordinary Americans are being put on “restriction lists,” being banned from using certain businesses.

Why is this happening? And what does it mean for you?

Widely-followed geopolitical expert Nick Giambruno explains:

“This is just the beginning of a much larger movement I’ve been watching unfold for years in the United States.

Law-abiding Americans will soon have a critical decision to make.”

Will you be banned next?

Go here to find out

What’s Inside The Casey Report ‘COVERT-23’ Survival-of-the-Fittest Package?

Your package will include 3 of Casey Research latest and most important new reports starting with:

#1: Your ‘COVERT-23’ Inoculation Program: How to Survive the Coming Collapse of Western Civilization.

In it you’ll learn:

  • The Exact Names of the Super-Corporations That Make up the ‘COVERT-23’ and how they, in as little as a generation, secretly and swiftly took over the global economy –  monopolizing the Media, the Military, and the Money Supply.
  • Why These 23 Super-Stocks are About to Become Super-Shocks – and why you need to sell them now!
  • How to Take Back Control of Your Own. It is imperative you understand that all retirement accounts and pension funds and all savings accounts and even money market funds (and especially ETFs!) should be regarded as money controlled by the ‘COVERT-23’. The sooner you cash out of these investments, the sooner you can begin to inoculate your finances from the macro-risks now inherent in the system.
  • 3 Must-Do Money Moves That You Need to Make Immediately
  • The Next 3 Big Shake-Out Winners! A “survival of the fittest” battle is coming that will determine the leaders for decades to come. In the last Great Depression most investments got slaughtered, but a small clutch of cash-rich dividend kings who instigated aggressive marketing strategies and expansion plans back then, like Melville Shoe Corp (now CVS), Barker Bros. Corp. and Skelly Oil (now Chevron/Texaco) became ever more dominant while their competitors floundered. They delivered their shareholders 7,791%, 10,257%, and 16,578% through one of the worst periods in stock market history. In this special report, Nick Giambruno and the team at Casey Research reveal the companies that they believe are poised to become the Next 3 Big Shake-Out Winners!
  • ‘The Tech Trade of the Decade!’ Most things got slaughtered during the last Great Depression, but the tech sector continued to soar ahead. Back then the tech of the day was typewriters. Through the inflationary ‘70s, it was computers. And through the 2020s the new “typewriter” and “computer” will be the radical and revolutionary new technology Nick Giambruno and the team at Casey Research will tell you about in this special report.

And this is just the first of three vital reports Nick Giambruno and the team at Casey Research will email you – when you subscribe for The Casey Report monthly newsletter.

In the next two reports you will learn about two of the greatest crisis investment opportunities available on markets today.

The first one is on the exceptional opportunities Nick Giambruno and the team at Casey Research see arising in the gold patch right now.


Tech Expert: “S.A.V. Will Be Huge”


S.A.V. – that’s Elon Musk’s next big project that will shock the world.

And after months of research, this tech expert finally found the company that’s behind this new project.

This is all part of a $30 trillion trend that’s set to dominate this decade.

But hurry – all the big players are already getting in.

For example, Warren Buffett has already invested $15 billion in this trend… and said he’s ready to invest $15 billion more.

There’s no time to waste… click here now and get all the details

#2:The Biggest Gold Mania in History: Casey’s Next 6 Great Gold Plays!

In all of history, gold really hasn’t had much competition. It’s been the ultimate crisis investment and safe haven for thousands of years. But the bull market Nick Giambruno and the team at Casey Research see coming in gold is not just your average garden-variety cyclical type. The coming bull market could be EPIC!

Nick Giambruno and the team at Casey Research believe we are on the cusp of something truly historic.

And there are two powerful new trends that are driving it.

The first trend is the government’s misguided reaction to the coronavirus. Governments the world over have begun to print money in quantities — and at rates — never before seen. They have tossed the last scraps of any kind of sane monetary policy out the window… and are now shredding their currencies. But the Fed’s fiscal recklessness is not even the biggest trend that we believe will drive the coming epic bull market in gold.

The second one could be the re-monetization of gold!

Gold, for the first time since 1971 may return to its rightful place – at the center of the global monetary system. You see, for the last 50 years, governments and mainstream economists have tried to minimize the importance of gold in favor of their inferior paper currencies.

It has only been since 1971 that most of the world has completely abandoned any kind of Gold Standard. People today think that the Dollar Standard and the fiat currency system are here to stay. But that’s only because that’s all they’ve ever really known…

Gold has been around since the dawn of time… The dollar, on the other hand (and paper currencies ) have barely been around since the dawn of the Printing Press…

The stars are aligning for a bull market in gold the likes of which we’ve never before seen. When gold lust spreads from the contrarians to mainstream investors to the general public, then you’ll truly see that there is no rush like a Great Global Gold Rush.

Crescat Capital — one of the best-performing hedge funds in the world — said that buying gold today could be part of: “The Trade of the Century…”

Once the Gold Price starts to reflect its true fundamentals, it will expose fiat currencies (and many of the other Ponzi Schemes that the ‘COVERT-23’ have conjured up) for what they really are…

The coming meteoric rise of gold, and its historic move back to the center of the global monetary system, in our opinion will ignite one of the greatest bull markets of all time.

And nobody knows better than Doug how to ride a bull market in gold. He’s done it twice before…

In the ‘70s, he watched all of his 40 gold investments climb an average of 600%.

And in the first decade of this millennium, while most stocks tanked, Doug showed readers how to make triple-digit gains across more than a dozen gold-mining stock recommendations…

In decades of travel and trading, Doug has built a vast network of global contacts that the team at Casey Research utilize in order to help find opportunities that most people would probably have never even known existed.

You can learn about some of Nick Giambruno and the team at Casey Research latest and greatest new gold recommendations in your copy of The Biggest Gold Mania in History: Casey’s Next 6 Great Gold Plays!

While gold will be one of the strongest ways to inoculate your portfolio from the ‘COVERT-23,’ another asset is emerging right now that we believe is about to give even gold a run for its money.

You’ll learn all about it in the third report we will send you.


Billionaire: This Ticker Is “Like Investing in Google Early”


There’s a mad rush right now into this one ticker symbol…

Experts are projecting gains as high as 1,530% by the end of this year.

Click here and get the ticker, no strings attached

#3: The New Crisis Currency: Why Every American Should Own At Least $100 of the Hardest Money Ever Known.

Think of an asset’s hardness in terms of its scarcity. If it is scarce and relatively difficult to produce in the quantities required to meet public demand, then that asset would be considered hard. For instance, at today’s production rates, it would take almost 60 years to double the world’s gold supply. So that makes gold a very hard asset.

Dollars, on the other hand, can be produced almost instantly in infinite quantities just by pressing a few buttons on a keyboard. The dollar is NOT a hard asset. Its value can be easily inflated away.

Gold’s value cannot!

Gold has preserved its value for thousands of years.

But for the first time since the dawn of civilization there is an even harder and safer asset to own than gold. It actually shares many of the same attributes as gold. It’s durable, divisible, convenient, consistent, and has tremendous value as a transfer mechanism.

This asset is actually the antithesis of fiat currencies and paper profits built on Ponzi schemes…

It’s also universal! But it is not controlled by any cartels or cabals. In fact, it has no central authority. Nor does it rely on so-called “trusted” intermediaries or third parties. It boasts no counterparty risk…

What’s more, its supply cannot be manipulated or corrupted. This makes it extremely attractive, not just as an asset, but also as an emerging new form of money…

That’s why people everywhere are starting to use it as a new form of monetary exchange.

It is helping them break free from the shackles and the tyranny of state-controlled money monopolies.

There is no other asset like this in existence. Nor has there ever been one like it before, nor may there ever be one like it again.

Nick Giambruno and the team at Casey Research believe it will be one of the greatest investments of the decade. You’ll learn all about it, and the best ways to get in on it, in your copy of The New Crisis Currency: Why Every American Should Own At Least $100 of the Hardest Money Ever Known.

When you sign up today, you’ll also receive 12 issues of The Casey Report, delivered to you on the second Thursday of each month.

Along with The Casey Report entire model portfolio…

Plus, instant access to The Casey Report complete library of dozens of back issues and special reports.


“Penny Trade” Pays Warren Buffett as Much as an Extraordinary 4,429%?


“Penny Trades” are cheap and explosive…

Warren Buffett grabbed 46 million of them for 1¢ a pop.

Right now, he’s up as much as a rare 4,429% on this trade.

But “Penny Trades” aren’t reserved for billionaires like Buffett.

Thanks to SEC loophole 30.52, you can play them in your brokerage account.

  • One of these “Penny Trades” shot up 183% in one day…
  • Penny Trades can pay far MORE than stocks…
  • Our readers just saw a 19¢ trade shoot up as much as a rare 5,100%…

Here’s the No. 1 “Penny Trade” for RIGHT NOW

The Casey Report Pricing

The regular price for a one-year subscription to The Casey Report is $199. But as a part of Nick Giambruno’s “Covert-23” presentation offer, you can subscribe for $49.

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If you don’t find The Casey Report perfect for you in every way, simply contact Customer Service team at 888-512-2739 within the first 60 days of your membership. They will issue you a full refund, no questions asked.

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