What Is Christian DeHaemer’s Spatial Computing: Bull and Bust Report Review

I just saw a live demonstration of what is easily the coolest technology I’ve seen in 10 years. I had no idea it even existed. But it turns out Big Tech has been quietly investing huge amounts of cash in this technology for YEARS.

Mark Zuckerberg is in for $50 billion… and leading venture capitalists have piled in another $45 billion. Insiders say this tech is worth $350 billion… and is going to lead the next big tech revolution.

Bull and Bust Report’s top analyst, Christian DeHaemer, has been closely following these developments. And he just uncovered a great way to pull in some GIANT gains.

I’m talking the chance for 10,000% profits — or even more — in just a few years.


Billionaires Swarm Quadrillion-Dollar Technology…


They aren’t friends…

They aren’t business partners…

And aside from the shared “Billionaire status” – these men have little in common.

So why are Elon Musk, Mark Cuban & Virgin Founder Richard Branson investing in the same strange technology?

Tech investing expert Jeff Brown sat down to take a deeper look in his recent interview with Chris Hurt.

Jeff is convinced this earth-shattering new technology will dwarf AI, Cryptocurrencies, Robotics, 5G – combined…

Click here to watch or read his full presentation while it’s still available.

What Is Spatial Computing?

One of the best ways to make money in the stock market is to find a dominant technological trend and buy the leaders.

At Christian DeHaemer’s newsletter Bull and Bust Report we have profited from the 5G megatrend. Broadcom is up 98%, Qualcomm is up 174%, and SBA Communications is up 54%.

We have profited from fintech. Visa is up 169%, PayPal is up 105.36%, and Mastercard is up 16%.

The next five-year megatrend we are going after is something you might not have heard of before… It’s called spatial computing.

Spatial computing is the merging of several technological fields. It takes big data, the internet of things, artificial intelligence, 5G, blockchain, and augmented reality and combines them into a tool that will change the world.

It is currently used in video games, surgery, driverless cars, on-site construction management, and major warfighting machines like the sixth-generation fighter jets and tanks.

Spatial computing will change the factory floor, diplomacy, and how things are built and manipulated.

It is a merger between the real world and the digital world. In other words, spatial computing expands the concept of “traditional computing” by adding an object’s location in space in relation to other objects or locations.

Here are a few examples of how millions of us are already using spatial computing:

  • Google Maps, which employs GPS to show just where you are in relation to your neighborhood, city, state, or even the world — and also brings you virtually to almost any place in the world in a matter of seconds.
  • Location tagging on social media apps such as Instagram, where you can let your followers know exactly where you were when you snapped that great pic of a buffalo out in the wilds of Wyoming.
  • Pokémon Go, in which you use an app to try to find virtual creatures almost anywhere in your environment.

And here are a few other examples of more advanced applications:

  • Engineers can now see an image of complex wiring directions — a “digital twin” — right on top of or next to a picture of an airplane engine or huge wind turbine.
  • Doctors can viewinternal organs virtually before they go in to perform surgery, which could help make these procedures less risky as well as speed them up.
  • Shoppers looking for furniture can virtually install a couch or loveseatin their homes using spatial computing before buying it and finding out it doesn’t really fit in… or maybe even fit.
  • Fighter jets are using linked swarms of drones for protection and attack.

Within the spatial computing market is the virtual reality sector. These are the companies that make the hardware and software needed to interact with the computer. And this market is expected to have a compound annual growth rate of 42.2% over the next five years. That’s a big number!

Jeff Bezos is betting his own money that this technology will completely revolutionize the e-commerce industry.

The world’s biggest tech companies… Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Google and others… have already invested tens of billions of dollars in this technology.

They’ve filed over 50,000 patents related to this new technology… and they are just getting started…

That’s because this technology is set to generate a massive $350 billion in new revenues in a few short years.

This $350 billion spatial computing revolution has the potential to deliver an unheard-of 100 TIMES your money.

Starting with three unique opportunities Chris has uncovered today. To walk you through each of them and give you all the details you need to profit, Christian DeHaemer put toghether 3 special reports:

  • “How to Make a Killing on Spatial Computing’s ‘Killer Apps’”
  • “How to Make Colossal Gains on the Spatial Healthcare Revolution”
  • “The Rise of the Digital Twin: Cashing in on the $127 Billion Business Revolution”.

You can get them for FREE when you subscribe for Christian DeHaemer’s newsletter Bull and Bust Report.


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Who Is Christian DeHaemer?

Since 1996, Christian DeHaemer has shown his readers the fastest, safest ways to make money and grow their retirement savings. He traveled the world to find the kinds of life-changing profit opportunities.

After all that research…50 companies made his short list.

Then Christian DeHaemer met with the big players, interviewed the owners, had beers with workers after their shifts…

He analyzed financial reports and internal documents and interrogated the management teams…

And after all this work, Christian whittled the original list of 50 down to just five companies.

Any reader who took his advice booked triple-digit profits on every single one of them.

Like the 759% gain on Petro Matad (PRTDF), a Mongolian company most people had never heard of.

Or the 411% stock explosion on Africa Oil, at a time when most stock pickers were staying away from it.

Readers snagged another 381% win with Africa Oil the second time he recommended it.

Join him and he will tell you what happens next each week in Energy and Capital and through one of the world’s greatest financial newsletter, Christian DeHaemer’s Bull and Bust Report.

What Is Christian DeHaemer’s Bull and Bust Report?

Christian DeHaemer’s Bull and Bust Report is monthly stock-picking newsletter, priced as an entry-level letter — says it aims to help readers “profit from… bubbles… and escape the subsequent busts.” Formerly called Bubble and Bust Report.


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Tech Futurist who uncovered Tesla says: New “Forever Battery” is here and it is disrupting the $3 trillion EV Revolution in 2021.

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What’s Included With Your Bull and Bust Report Subscription?

Special Report #1: “How to Make a Killing on Spatial Computing’s ‘Killer Apps’”

Discover the “radar” sensor company that makes spatial computing applications possible. It scans the physical world around you and maps it… so your virtual sofa ends up on the floor in your living room and not suspended from the ceiling! You’ll also learn about a tiny software company that creates spatial shopping apps for the world’s largest retailers. We’re talking about an $8.8 billion market here. As more and more retailers go spatial, this company is sitting in the sweet spot.

Special Report #2: “How to Make Colossal Gains on the Spatial Healthcare Revolution”

Get the inside scoop on this tiny tech company bringing lifesaving spatial computing to the $117 billion first-responder market this year. Once its solution hits the market, you could see colossal gains in record time. Plus, uncover the ONLY spatial computer approved for the spinal surgery market. Its virtual monopoly could make you rich.

Special Report #3: “The Rise of the Digital Twin: Cashing in on the $127 Billion Business Revolution”

Find out how companies like GE, Microsoft, and Boeing are capitalizing on digital twin technology to save millions… and the leading software company that’s helping them do it. This software player stands to capture the lion’s share of the projected 15X growth in the spatial enterprise market. And investors who strike now will be in line to pocket 1,745% gains. Take advantage of this hot startup investing opportunity. This stock is only $1.15 today… This company is a game-changer in the market, creating spatial software that builds digital twins of buildings, neighborhoods, and entire cities.


#1 Investor Says: “America’s Tech Boom 2.0 Is Here”

Thanks to the rare convergence of three economic triggers, the clock is ticking down for a once in a lifetime wealth building opportunity.

Here’s how to play it.

Hot New Profit Opportunities in Every Issue of Bull and Bust Report

Get ready for a steady stream of hot recommendations as spatial computing explodes — along with many other opportunities to profit.

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Closing Remarks On Christian DeHaemer’s Spatial Computing

We’re at a pivotal moment in history here. One that could make you very, very rich.

It’s like “I bought Apple in 1980” kind of rich. If you’d invested $10,000 in Apple stock back then, you’d have a cool $12 million in your bank account today.

Right now, you have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to turn back the clock… and make gains of as much as 10,000% starting today.

But if you want to take advantage of this “do-over” opportunity, you have to hurry.

Because the next generation of computing is here. It’s called spatial computing. And it’s about to revolutionize dozens of industries, from health care to gas and oil, and transform the way ordinary Americans work, live, and play.

The “Big Five” tech companies — Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft — are going all in. Right now, they are pouring in billions of dollars in a race to control this spatial revolution. Already, the big players hold over 50,000 spatial patents — that’s a 10X increase since the “space race” began.

And venture capitalists have already poured a whopping $45 billion into spatial computing startups. They know the market for spatial computing is about to explode — from $25 billion today to $350 billion just six years from now.

The signs are everywhere… You just have to know where to look.

Spatial computing is already changing the way we shop. It’s changing the way manufacturers design and repair everything from cars to airplanes. And it may have already saved the life of someone you love.

And if you get in now, you could ride this $350 billion wave of wealth to 100X gains.

When you agree to give Bull and Bust Report a try today, you’ll find out exactly how you can get in on the ground floor of the next generation of computing… Including the names of six under-the-radar profit opportunities that could let you ride the spatial computing market all the way to the top.

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