Weiss Ratings Safe Money Report 4 Urgent Steps to Shield Your Money from Fed Control: U.S. Government Docket No. OP — 1670

The Federal Reserve is about to acquire new powers to track and even control your money …

Starting as soon as May 2023!

The Fed calls its new program FedNOW.

I call it Fed Control.

Why? Because it not only aims to centralize private payments systems — like Apple Pay, PayPal, Venmo, Zelle and others — for the sake of making them “more efficient” …

It also could give the Fed direct surveillance access — and ultimately control — over nearly all banking transactions by individuals and private enterprise.

Finding it hard to believe our government would snoop around in your personal transactions? Really?

Then just remember what the NSA and FBI did under their so-called PRISM program that spied on the personal emails, chats and videos of millions of Americans who were not even suspected of any crime or bad behavior!

FedNOW will give the Federal Reserve access to data that is even more critical — on virtually every penny you spend, receive or transfer.

Fortunately, there are four basic steps you can take to protect your money.

I lay them out in my free emergency broadcast.

Just click here, and my presentation should start playing on your screen immediately (no registration required).

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