Weiss Crypto Investor Bitcoin Bull Market – Legit Or No?

Have you heard of Weiss Crypto Zoom Conference, organized by Martin Weiss founder of Weiss Ratings? Martin and Juan Villaverde shared details about the new Bitcoin bull market that’s now underway.

Read further for everything you need to know to ride the new cycle for full benefits.

Weiss Crypto Investor: The Beginning of a Brand-new Bull Market

Juan Villaverde just declared the beginning of a brand-new bull market cycle. He believes it will continue for approximately three full years.

Markets can look pretty chaotic when you just look at prices. Follow Juan’s advice and tune out all the noise, stop reading the headlines, and just track the time. You will soon notice that crypto markets in reality are pretty regular.

What is the pattern? So, you start at the top and count 12 months. And the low will occur around that time.

Juan noticed that the bottom is always around a year from the top.

4 Cryptos up 200%. At least!

Weiss Crypto Investor: How Investors Can Tack The Time?

Juan gave the audience some clues how he goes about timing the market and how investors can do something similar.

His advice is to count the time between low and low. And this is what he does.

Because the time between top and top is not as regular.

Juan made a model to show his followers. Here are few words about it.

Weiss Crypto Investor Four Main Market Cycles

Here are the four main cycles that Juan has identified.

  • 20-day cycle.

Every 20 days, crypto markets make a low.

  • 80-day cycle.

Following his logic, if you add up four 20-days cycles, you will have 80-day cycle. Juan and his team consider 80-day cycle very important, and they base trends on it.

  • 320-day cycle.

Again, the same logic – you take four 80-day cycles, and you get one 320-day cycle. This is a nearly yearly cycle that is also very noticeable in cryptocurrency.

  • Four-year cycle.

It includes one bear year and three bull years.

Of course, there’s some variance in the duration of each cycle. Juan has it down to a science of sorts, but there’s a lot more that goes into it than just counting time. That’s why around big bottoms, he breaks it down into signals.

BREAKING: Huge news for Crypto Bulls

Juan’s Weiss Crypto Investor Market Signals

His first signal is a heads-up. It’s time to accumulate. It seems that the major bottom is in, close, or has already passed, and then…

His second signal is essential, and it tells us that the first signal has been confirmed. We have entered a new bull market.

Juan’s Forecast For The Next Cycle That Has Just Begun

The similarities are what you would expect:

  • Similarity #1. Super high volatility.
  • Similarity #2. Once the signal is confirmed, the market will not trade below that price ever. That is the most important thing.
  • Similarity #3. A select group of altcoins at the beginning is going to outperform Bitcoin by orders of magnitude. And then toward the end of the bull market, every altcoin will outperform Bitcoin.

At the start of the bull market people will buy anything with a low market capitalization simply because it is cryptocurrency. When you reach the frenzy stage, anything crypto with a silly name goes up faster than Bitcoin.

Juan and his team recommendation is to buy things that can fly high but are also good fundamentally.

Which Cryptos Will Be the Top Winners?

Juan has six names on his list…Bitcoin, Ethereum, and four more. They are very liquid, meaning they are easy to trade.

Keep in mind that the list can change. The more research you do, the better.

SuperETH Coin with a Remarkable Future

First, it’s not an altcoin competing with Ethereum. It’s probably the only one that builds on Ethereum.

All competitors, all other smart-contract platforms — and there are many — are all competing for Ethereum’s market share.

They’ve had some success, but it’s extremely difficult to outperform a cryptocurrency’s network effect.

SuperETH coin is not mainstream. It has great technology, and it’s getting a lot better. It trades very well. It has great prospects for mass adoption. And the team behind it really know what they are doing. This is one of Juan’s favorite projects.

Juan’s Top Coins to Buy

Bitcoin climbed 20x and Ethereum rose 54x from the day Juan predicted the last big bottom to the end of that three-year boom market. He believes that Bitcoin and Ethereum will not deliver that kind of performance this time around.

The reason is that these assets were not as liquid back then. As they grow more, and they get more liquid, their moves get smaller.

But this is not necessarily bad thing. People don’t always want super-duper soaring moves as an investment. They also want a little more consistency, because the rapidly rising moves are accompanied by deep collapses.

But if you want to mix with some of the newer names, here is Juan’s short list of top coins to buy: He has Bitcoin, the middle cap coin he called SuperETH, plus two other altcoins.

This is an open list, because there is a chance Juan and his team to include other names on it as the market develops.

What Is Juan’s Crypto Ratings Model

Juan and his team have their Crypto Ratings Model, which we utilize to determine the top assets. The Crypto Timing Model is then used to determine the ideal time to trade.

Their Crypto Ratings Model covers 3 Three Main Areas:

1. Technology — how the crypto is built.

2. Adoption — how it’s performing in the real world. Is it being used, or not?

3. Market performance — how it trades.

Their Crypto Timing Model is based on the cycles:

  • The 20-day cycle
  • The 80-day cycle
  • The 320-day cycle
  • The four-year cycle

This bull market is giving some incredible opportunities. Juan and his team have written some great reports about them. They cover an investment class that has already generated some of the greatest percentage gains of any sector of any economy on the planet. And it’s an investment that they predict could again greatly outperform other asset classes.

So, for investors with extra money to invest, who are ready to jump to this opportunity, Weiss Crypto Research suggests that now is probably the best time in the cycle to buy what could be one of the best performing asset classes in the world.

The 1K A Day Crypto Loophole Revealed – Click here for details

Weiss Crypto Investor Five Simple Steps To Take

Of course, each investor will take a different path, but these are the five steps Juan and his team believe make the most sense:

  • Step 1: Avoid the garbage coins. Weiss Crypto Investor currently rates over 1,000 cryptocurrencies. Majority of them do not get good grades. These are among the worst:
    • Ardor
    • Filecoin
    • Holo
    • Hyperion
    • Kusama
    • Mina Protocol
    • Wanchain

You can review the complete list in special report called “166 Cryptos To Dump Now.”

166 Cryptos To Dump Now

No investment can eliminate all risk, and this is especially true for cryptocurrencies.

That is why it is critical for crypto investors to concentrate on the few that are at or near the top of Weiss Ratings list. They have some of the lowest prices you’ll see in the three-year bull market cycle.

  • Step 2: Build a stake in Bitcoin. The big question here is not whether to own Bitcoin. It is when to buy Bitcoin. To help investors figure this out, Juan and his team put together a special report “The Ultimate Bitcoin Timing Guide: How to Pick the Big Bottoms and Big Tops with Confidence.”

The Ultimate Bitcoin Timing Guide: How to Pick the Big Bottoms and Big Tops with Confidence

With this report you will learn:

  • How to time the entire Bitcoin cycle …
  • How to recognize when the three-year bull market cycle is still in its early stages, like it is now, and it’s still a good time to buy, and later …
  • How to recognize when it’s ending, and it’s a good time to sell.

If investors can just learn more about those two important factors, I believe it will make a huge difference in the results.

However, Juan goes above and beyond in this report.

He also shows how he employs the 80-day cycle to help him identify intermediate bottoms and intermediate tops in the Bitcoin market.

As a result, if investors miss the big bottom or wish to buy more along the way, this information can assist them in identifying future buying opportunities.

  • Step 3: Learn All About the Crypto That Rose 234x. Making 234x gains may sound absurd, and it certainly isn’t normal, but in the recent three-year bull market, Juan and his team experienced 234x gains with one of their high-rated coins.

Download the third bonus report, “This Crypto Rose 234x: Can It Happen Again?”

This Crypto Rose 234x: Can It Happen Again

In this report you will find:

  • The name the coin that soared 234x …
  • How exactly it achieved the huge 234X gains in the last three-year bull market …
  • A forecast for its performance in this new three-year bull market that has just started.
  • A list of other cryptos that we are among the best candidates for large gains.
  • Step 4: Consider Buying the “SuperETH” Coin. Read all the details in the bonus report, “SuperETH: The Coin Running Circles Around Ethereum While Powering Its Growth.”

SuperETH: The Coin Running Circles Around Ethereum While Powering Its Growth

In this report, you’ll learn:

  • Why its technology is better than any other Ethereum type crypto.
  • How it benefits directly from the growth of Ethereum.
  • Its prospects for mass adoption.
  • Why getting all those big brands for their NFTs is so important and how it’s helping them grab up market share.
  • Exactly how and when crypto investors should buy this crypto.
  • How much to allocate in your portfolio compared to their other crypto investments.
  • Jump in the biggest technology megatrend, Artificial Intelligence. Juan and his team believe the most direct and rapid path to AI is via the crypto world.  They’ve created a research team dedicated to AI in the crypto world. They chose one AI-related cryptocurrency that they believe has the best possibility of becoming the overall winner.

And you can get all the information in their report, “AI Wonder: The World’s #1 Artificial Intelligence Crypto Today.”

AI Wonder: The World's #1 Artificial Intelligence Crypto Today

Inside they reveal:

  • How it’s already the number one performer so far this year.
  • Why its rise could be just the beginning of a multi-year growth.
  • The vast diversity of AI projects it has already undertaken successfully.
  • 3 new promising projects that it’s launching right now.
  • How just one or two of these projects could help propel its value higher.
  • Guidelines for how to fit this into a model crypto portfolio.
  • Where, when and how much to invest.

Should investors put all their money in these four cryptos? No, of course not.

But with the profit potential ahead, you won’t need to invest a lot of money to achieve results that can make a difference.

They now sell these reports separately for $79 each, but you can get them for free if you sign up for their flagship cryptocurrency newsletter Weiss Crypto Investor. Here is info about it.

What Is Weiss Crypto Investor?

Each month, Juan and his co-editor, Nilus Mattive, send fresh, hot moneymaking opportunities. Juan alerts subscribers to crypto trades that he believes could be among the best long-term plays. Furthermore, he warns about hyped-up cryptos that may appear promising on the surface but should be avoided based on the Weiss Crypto Ratings.

So far, they’ve had 74 Trades with an Overall Average Gain of 198.9% on Each Trade, despite two major bear markets.

How Much Is Weiss Crypto Investor?

Normally, one year of Weiss Crypto Investor is $129, which I think is a bargain, given the wealth of info it contains. But for a limited time just click here, and you’ll get 12 monthly issues for just $49.

Premium Membership for $69 will get you three extra benefits.

If you’re not absolutely thrilled with the results you achieve, just let them know, and they will give you full refund, even if it is the last day of your membership.

What is included in Weiss Crypto Investor?

Weiss Crypto Investor

Standard membership will give you a bundle with total value of $524:

  • 12 monthly issues of Juan’s “Weiss Crypto Investor,” normally $129.
  • The Ultimate Bitcoin Timing Guide: How to Pick the Big Bottom and Big Tops with Confidence (sold separately for $79).
  • 166 Cryptos to Dump Now ($79).
  • This Crypto Rose 234X: Can It Happen Again? ($79 value).
  • SuperETH: The Coin Running Circles Around Ethereum While Powering Its Growth (sold separately for $79).
  • AI Wonder: The #1 Artificial Intelligence Crypto in the World Today (sold separately for $79).
  • over 300 daily updates to our “Weiss Crypto Daily” e-letter.
  • Special video interviews with crypto experts and data scientists.

Premium membership includes also:

  • Premium Benefit#1: No-Brainer Altcoin for Billions of Users (sold separately for $79)
  • Premium Benefit #2: New Crypto Likely to Disrupt Amazon Web Services (sold separately for $79)
  • Premium Benefit #3: One year of premium access to Weiss Crypto Ratings (sold separately for $228)

Final Words

Based on Juan’s timing model, the Bitcoin bottom is behind us. Juan believes that we’ll never see prices as low as they are today. Hopefully we were able to help you understand the importance of Weiss Crypto Ratings to avoid junk coins and buy strictly the best of the best.

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