Wealth Megatrends Review: Is Sean Brodrick AI Next Wave Legit?

Artificial intelligence stocks have surged this year. Five tech stocks with connections to AI have propelled the Nasdaq to the best first half in its 52-year history. With gains like that, you might think the AI stock boom is behind us. But Wealth Megatrends team believes it’s just getting started.

Get Full Details Here

What Is Sean BrodrickThree-Step Pattern

Sean Brodrick and his team from Wealth Megatrends identified a simple three-step pattern to every single technology boom in history – from the automobile to the internet. Artificial Intelligence is also following this path. In fact, it just moved from Step One to Step Two.

Sean believes this final phase may signal the start of the Next Wave of AI Stocks. Another exciting fact is that AI is moving faster than anything else before it.

Step One is the early adoption phase where a small group of enthusiasts are the only ones with access to the technology.

Wealth Megatrends Review

Step two is recognized when number of people that are able to use the technology have recently multiplied.

Wealth Megatrends Review

However, the technology’s application is still not significant or valuable enough to become widely used.

Step Three is mainstream adoption. This is when the things start to get truly exciting.

Wealth Megatrends Review

History has proven that a business’s profits begin to increase rapidly at a certain number of users, typically between 25% and 50%.

AI Technology Boom

The idea of artificial intelligence has been around since the 1960s. And during the previous ten years, there have been modest advancements that the general public has hardly noticed.

It was staying at step one until ChatGPT came along.

People are becoming more mindful of AI. However, only 14% of Americans have used it.

In the coming months, we anticipate number of users will rapidly grow.

But businesses, not individuals will be the main reason of AI advance to the last step. While the impact of artificial intelligence on our daily lives is inevitable, it will affect businesses a lot more. This trend has already started.

For a variety of sectors, AI’s capacity to sort through mountains of data and understand it is a gold mine. We are talking about healthcare and drug discovery, the military, manufacturing, retail, banking, financial services, transportation …

By 2030, PricewaterhouseCoopers projects that AI will generate $15.7 trillion.

That is greater than the economy of Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, and France put together.

And the AI businesses that disrupt the largest sectors will attract the most attention.


Legendary Forecaster: “Weird A.I. powered ‘M.A.P.’ going berserk”

Jason Bodner Quantum Edge Trader Pro

Go here and watch the first two minutes of this urgent briefing now.

Because this weird “A.I. powered M.A.P.” has helped legendary forecaster Jason Bodner nail some of the biggest calls of his career.

  • Accurately predict every market top and bottom of the last decade (CORRECT)
  • Identify the #1 stock of 2022 (CORRECT)
  • Pinpoint over 20 triple-digit winners last year (CORRECT)

Jason’s M.A.P. system even pinpointed peak gains of 2,120%, 2,230%, and 5,900%.

But now this system is going berserk over something else entirely.

If you own any stocks (not just A.I. stocks)…

You MUST make this move

Why the $7 Trillion Oil & Gas Industry Needs AI Now?

The oil and gas sector alone accounts for roughly 10% of the world’s GDP.

There is a perpetual need for energy. But for the majority of oil firms, discovering new sources of oil has been expensive – and frustrating.

The oil and gas industries are infamous for being slow to accept new technologies. But now this is changing. Especially when these companies realize how AI could make it much easier to find new sources of oil.

Oil and gas businesses may be able to reduce their exploration timeframe from nine months to as low as nine days with the aid of AI.

Giant oil and gas companies are currently pushing to use AI. Sean Brodrick believes he identified four companies that could prosper as a result of artificial intelligence’s impact on the oil and gas sector.

While he cannot promise a specific result, his goal is to share these four stocks with his readers and discuss how they have begun to use AI to their advantage.

Sean Brodrick Companies Set to Use AI To Disrupt the Oil and Gas Industry

All details about these four companies are included in a special briefing. It is called “How AI Will Transform the $7 Trillion Oil Industry.”

How AI Will Transform the $7 Trillion Oil Industry

Inside you’ll find the names, tickers, and explanation how AI is transforming these companies:

  • One company became the first to use autonomous drilling in deep water. Drilling system learns, adapts and evolves to consistently deliver wells at improved performance. This means increased productivity in far less time.
  • Second company is using AI to significantly expedite well development by cutting the time needed for seismic interpretations in half. The result is saving up to 40% in production costs.
  • Another company is already using AI and has already seen revenues jump 52% year-over-year.
  • The fourth company is implementing AI in efforts to optimize production off the coast of Newfoundland and other cold-water locations in Canada.

Oil and gas sector is not the only one poised to ride the Next Wave of AI.

What Is Sean Brodrick Advanced Microchips Boom?

During the presentation Sean Brodrick was also talking about Advanced Microchips. As he said, they are “the secret ingredient to the AI megatrend.”

Advanced microchips and semiconductors industry will soon be worth $1 trillion. Sean believes it will climb another 50% in the near future.

After extensive research, Sean found two companies positioned at the front lines of this next wave of the AI bull run:

  • First one dominates the global chips market. More than 90% of the advanced chips available are produced by this company. Existing clients have a combined market cap totaling more than $5 trillion.
  • The second company specializes in creating an integrated circuits for microcontrollers. These small computers go into everything from airplanes to data centers to consumer appliances.

Everything investors need to know is in a second report titled “The #1 Chip Stock of 2023.”

The #1 Chip Stock of 2023

Everyone interested in these two reports can get a hold of them by taking a completely risk-free subscription to Sean’s monthly stock market newsletter, Wealth Megatrends.

Wealth Megatrends Review: What Is It?

Sean and his team find stocks that are part of the biggest trends.  They cover a broad array of new technologies, including AI, driverless vehicles, big data, the Internet of Things, cloud computing and blockchain.

Wealth Megatrends gives readers the information to evaluate HOW and WHEN to jump on some truly earth-shattering ideas.

What Is Wealth Megatrends’ Secret?

Sean and his team keep close attention of all economic, geopolitical, social and cultural megatrends that shape current markets.

Investors that have access to this kind of intelligence, and years of experience, can get take the opportunity of some of the most interesting and exceptional possibilities available right now.

Wealth Megatrend only recommend stocks that pay a healthy dividend.

Their secret weapon is Weiss Ratings system.

Weiss Ratings is the only completely unbiased, independent ratings system that analyses over 50,000 stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, bonds and banks.

Dr. Martin Weiss and his team have been using their unique Weiss Ratings method for more than 50 years to guide investors through any crisis and help them position themselves effectively.

Using this system, the Weiss team can accurately evaluate risk versus profit and give any stock a clear “Buy,” “Hold,” or “Sell” rating.

How Much Is Wealth Megatrends?

Today, you still have the chance to get a full year of access for just $49.

And if you aren’t satisfied for any reason during your first 12 months, just call them and they’ll provide a full refund with no hassles.

What Is Included With Wealth Megatrends Subscription?

Currently the package includes:

  • 50% OFF 1 year of Wealth Megatrends ($99 value). This is the best price we’ve ever seen for this product, and it won’t last long. You’ll get a new issue of Wealth Megatrends with a brand-new recommendation from Sean on the fourth Friday of every month.
  • BONUS Report #1: How AI Will Transform the $7 Trillion Oil Industry. Inside are the names of four companies who are using AI to transform the oil industry.
  • BONUS Report #2: The #1 Chip Stock of 2023. In this report, you’ll get two microchips Sean and his team believe every tech investor should own. Plus, they’ll tell you the ideal time – and price – to get into chip superstar Nvidia.
  • BONUS Report #3: My Top Four AI Stocks. These four stocks are part of Sean’s AI Next Wave recommendations. This report includes a promising data and cloud computing company, a chip design specialist and two other unique AI companies that he believes have massive upside.
  • FREE Weiss Ratings Daily E-letter. This five times weekly e-letter is another way to stay informed about the latest.  Inside you’ll find information about the day’s news from the perspective of alternative investing. The team adds their own view of the information rather than simply repeat what you see on CNN. It frequently turns out to be the complete reverse of what the talking heads claim.
  • 24-7 Market Flash Alerts. These alerts are sent as soon as possible regarding critical time sensitive opportunities, massive swings in the market or any news on the recommendations.
  • Exclusive and Confidential Online Briefings. When the story is too big for just an email or a monthly issue, you’ll get on video with all the details.
  • 365-Day Refund Policy

Subscribers who remain after the first year will be charged $129 each year thereafter until they decide to cancel.


Must See: Incredible New Stock-Predicting AI System

Predictive Alpha Prime

The financial industry is the next in line to be completely disrupted by artificial intelligence. And leading that charge is a groundbreaking AI algorithm called An-E.

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