True Wealth Opportunities: Commodities – Thoughts about Steve Sjuggerud’s Service

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s State of the Melt Up Event

Steve Sjuggerud and his team have built an entire portfolio of 14 Masters of the Universe commodity recommendations – with specifics on what to buy now and what price to pay. He thinks “Commodities” are getting ready to go into full Bull mode.

What IS True Wealth Opportunities: Commodities – Steve Sjuggerud’s new Advisory Service?

Most Americans don’t realize that commodities as a whole are as cheap today as they were in 1991. While everything else in the financial world (including stocks, bonds, and real estate) has soared, commodities still offer great bargains.

And they are beginning to move up quick in value.

This is why Goldman Sachs released a report in May that said the “strategic case for owning commodities has rarely been stronger.”

Billionaire Jeffrey Gundlach, who founded his own mutual fund company, says there’s massive gains to be made in commodities. According to Gundlach, “What I mean by massive is not a 30% gain, it is 100%, 200% or even 400%.”

And according to Business Insider, “Commodities seem to be more undervalued than any time in the past 20 years.”

But what’s the best way to invest in commodities… and which commodities should you buy now?

Dr. Sjuggerud, who probably has a better track record over the past 18 years than anyone on or off Wall Street, is going to explain everything you need to know, in this FREE live presentation, on June 21st, at 8pm Eastern time.

If you missed out on the big real estate, bond, and stock market gains in recent years… don’t worry. This looming bull market in commodities gives you a second chance…

There have been essentially four big commodity bull markets over the past 50 years, and in each one of these, you could have made many times your initial stake, with the right investments. Look at the graphic below…

Steve Sjuggerud believes investors can easily make 500% – or more – during the coming commodities boom. He says this next bull market could be bigger than any we’ve ever seen before.

On a special Live Event Dr. Sjuggerud will explain why commodities are set to move much higher right now… and the best way to make these investments.

The point is, this is a huge opportunity. One that only comes around once or so every decade. It’s about to happen again… starting now… don’t miss out.

You won’t need to open a new brokerage or trading account. You can invest using just about any regular brokerage, IRA or 401(k) account.

On this event, you can listen in and potentially even ask questions. Please note: we do not give personalized investment advice.

It’s totally free of charge!

True Wealth Opportunities: Commodities Review – How it works?

Steve Sjuggerud believes that the opportunity we have before us today could lead to the biggest commodity bull market in history.

He believes that’s true for two reasons…

#1 First… we’ve simply never seen a commodity BUST like the one we’re coming out of. Most commodity busts are roughly 50%… the 2008 commodity bust however, was nearly 80%.

In other words: Prices have never fallen this far… for this long.

We’ve simply never seen a boom start from such a low base.

#2 The second reason he thinks this could be the biggest commodity bull market of all-time is that we are living in unprecedented financial times…

A decade ago, the world’s four most powerful central banks (The U.S. Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, and the European Central Bank) began printing trillions and trillions of dollars out of thin air… and artificially manipulating interest rates to the lowest levels in recorded history.

This is going to have major, major consequences.

And as he mentioned back in 2010, one of the consequences of printing so much money and artificially manipulating interest rates, is inevitably higher inflation.

This is the next phase of the “Bernanke Asset Bubble.”

We’ve seen stocks, bonds, and real estate take off… and as inflation begins to kick in, the U.S. dollar will fall… and the next asset to soar will be commodities.

All this cheap and easy money could push the prices of commodities higher and farther than we’ve ever seen before.

The point is, if you want to make a lot of money over the next few years, you must learn about the best way to own commodities, and you must make this investment soon.

This is why Steve Sjuggerud and his team have spent an incredible amount of time in recent weeks finding the best way to invest in commodities, and assembling an entire model portfolio of 14 commodity recommendations.

If you want to learn how to get in on these investments, everything you need to know is in their newest portfolio research service called: True Wealth Opportunities: Commodities.

Again: This brand-new research service – called True Wealth Opportunities: Commodities – is focused exclusively on the huge commodity bull market we see starting right now.

Steve Sjuggerud and his research team have done this several times before… establishing an entire model portfolio all at once… typically when they’re looking to go “all in” on a particular asset class.

When they were extremely bullish on China beginning back in 2015, for example, Steve created a full model portfolio of 19 positions.

Almost every one of these original positions has made money, with returns of 104%, 100%, and 108%, just to name a few.

Now,he’s doing the same thing, but focused exclusively on the best commodity investments from around the world.

His team of four analysts and researchers have spent many hours identifying the safest and most lucrative way to play this commodity boom.

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud is by far, one of the brightest investment minds in financial field. He’s also got one of the most impressive track records I’ve seen. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, he still holds several all-time gains records at Stansberry.

How he did that?

Every investment he recommends must check three very important boxes.

Here they are…

#1. First, Steve wants to find an asset that is extraordinarily cheap.

Commodities are as cheap as they’ve been in nearly 30 years.

Silver is down 65% from its 2011 high… for example.

Corn is still selling for less than half of its price six years ago.

And potash (a fertilizer used in farming) is still selling for nearly 70% less than it sold for 9 years ago. The entire commodity index is down 73% from the last bull market peak.

Commodities are cheap… no doubt… perhaps cheaper than they’ve ever been in history compared to stocks.

That fall in recent years has pushed this asset down to 1990 prices. And it’s creating a massive opportunity for you today.

#2. The second thing he looks for in every big investment trend is an asset that is “hated” by mainstream investors.

The best time to buy anything in life is when few others are interested… and the best time to sell is when everyone is in… and there’s no one left to buy. The same is true of investments.

Well, it won’t surprise you that, after the commodity indexes dropped as much as 80%, very few investors are interested today.

Back in 2005 and 2006, it was common to see articles in mainstream investment publications touting the potential for commodities…

  • Barron’s ran a story in July 2006 titled: “Playing Commodities’ New Era.”
  • Newsweek ran a story in August 2005 titled: “The Great Grain Rush; Commodities Are So Hot Stocks and Bonds Could Suffer.”

This article detailed a poll of 150 private banks, hedge funds, unit trusts and pensions… only a third of the funds surveyed owned commodities, but 89% were planning to buy in the next three years.

  • The Financial Times ran an article in Nov. 2005 titled: “Boom Sending Ripples Through World Markets.”

The first line of the article reads: “The commodities price boom is sending ripples through financial markets, the global economy, global trade and geopolitics.”

Today, we see nothing of the sort.

Instead, we see story after story about how low commodity prices are destroying so many businesses…

A Kansas corn and wheat farmer was quoted not long ago on Marketplace public radio. He said: “I’m losing money. So that means if it goes two years this way, then I have to work another four or five years to get back where I’m at today. So why carry on?”

The U.S. Department of Agriculture reported recently that net farm income went down for three years in a row, cut in half since 2013.

The website Betterment ran an article not too long ago titled, “The Case Against Commodities.” In the 2nd sentence the author said: “The volatility associated with commodities in particular makes this asset class a poor investment for most investors.”

A group called Palisade Research recently reported 75% of uranium producers are losing money.

This is exactly what Steve wants to see.

Back in 2009, almost no one believed me that it was time to get back into stocks in a big way. In 2011, very few people thought it was a great time to get into real estate. And in 2015, it was almost impossible for him to convince anyone to buy equities in China.

It’s the same with commodities today.

While no one was really paying attention, we have the final piece of the puzzle… the commodity cycle has already begun to turn.

And this is the third critical thing he looks for in every big investment…

#3. A clear uptrend.

Buying AFTER the uptrend has just started is critical… because you can lose a lot of money buying cheap assets that are still falling in value. You never, ever want to try to pick a bottom, especially with commodities.

Importantly, the uptrend in commodities is back…

Few investors have noticed, but prices are now clearly recovering. The uptrend is in place. And that is the exact moment you want to buy… because it could lead to tremendous gains.

Who is Dr. Steve Sjuggerud?

Steve Sjuggerud – True Wealth Opportunities: Commodities

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud is the editor of True Wealth, an investment advisory specializing in safe, alternative investments overlooked by Wall Street. It’s based on the simple idea that you don’t have to take big risks to make big returns.

Since Steve joined Stansberry Research in 2001, he has found super-safe, profitable investment ideas for his subscribers that the average investor simply never hears about… until the big gains have already been made.

For example, Steve recommended buying gold back when it was trading around $320 an ounce. True Wealth readers who took advantage of these recommendations could have made gains of 273%, 206%, and 182% in collectible gold coins, and 118% on Seabridge Gold.

Then Steve made one of his biggest, most important calls to date – the “Bernanke Asset Bubble.” After the 2008 financial crisis, when Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke promised to keep printing money to save the economy, Steve said:

The asset bubbles he creates will cause some investments to go beyond what anyone can imagine in the next few years. These artificial asset bubbles will end badly – someday. In the meantime, you could make a ridiculous amount of money…

True Wealth readers who took advantage of Steve’s “Bernanke Asset Bubble” call could have seen gains of 419% in health care, 133% in technology, and 96% in biotech, among others.

Steve was also one of the first analysts we know of to correctly call the bottom and recovery in the housing market – positioning his readers for gains like 191% in the Blackstone Group and 82% in the U.S. Home Construction Fund.

Steve is also the creator and editor of True Wealth Systems, which uses powerful computer software – similar to the kind found at hedge funds and Wall Street banks – to pinpoint the sectors most likely to return 100% or more. Using this system, he can rigorously test and maximize profits on virtually any investment idea he can think of. One major financial research-industry insider called True Wealth Systems “the most in-depth research service ever developed.”

And in 2016, he launched True Wealth Opportunities: China. In this monthly service, Steve explores the huge opportunity he sees building in Chinese stocks. Over the next several years, more than $1 trillion will flow into China’s stock market. Many of the best, most innovative companies there – in technology, real estate, banking, and more – will see their share prices rise by triple-digit percentages (or more). In True Wealth Opportunities: China, Steve shows readers the simplest – and best – ways to take advantage of all these ideas.

Throughout his career, Steve has addressed hundreds of financial conferences in the U.S. and around the world, including at the New York Stock Exchange. He has also appeared in the media, including Bloomberg, Fox Business News, the Wall Street Journal, and Forbes.

Steve holds a doctorate in finance and has worked as a stockbroker, vice president of a $50 million global mutual fund, and a hedge-fund manager.

What you gonna get for your money with Steve Sjuggerud’s True Wealth Opportunities: Commodities?

When you start a subscription, you will pay $2,000 for a year of this research and you will receive:

  • Complete access to the entire portfolio of 14 Masters of the Universe commodity recommendations – with specifics on what to buy now and what price to pay.
  • Research Report: The Next Great Commodity Boom Starts Now. Full details on why Steve knows this is the beginning of the next commodity bull market cycle, which assets you want to own, and why.
  • Research Report: The Masters of the Universe – The Best Way to Make 500% in the Next Commodity Boom. This 50+ page report is Steve’s full write up and research on each of the 14 companies they’ll be recommending.
  • Research Report: How to Build the Perfect Commodity Portfolio. Explains exactly what to buy now, how to structure your positions, and more.

  • Trade Alerts—Over the next few months,Steve Sjuggerud’s team will send you explicit instructions by email, notifying you exactly when to buy the other positions in this portfolio.
  • Portfolio Updates: Each month, his team will send you an update on the entire portfolio, and each quarter, you’ll get a detailed analysis of all positions.
  • As new opportunities arise… or if it becomes time to sell, you’ll receive an email alert, with specific instructions on what to do.
  • You’ll get Subscribers-only access to the Masters of the Universe Portfolio Tracker. This site updates prices, including returns, on every position in the portfolio.
  • And if you get stuck for any reason—there are several video tutorials as well as dedicated, US-based customer support to help you out.
  • SPECIAL BONUS #1: You’ll also get a 2-year subscription to Steve’s Flagship advisory service, which covers a lot more than just commodities. It’s called True Wealth and regularly retails for about $200 per year, so this is a $400 value.

If you are already a True Wealth subscriber, they ’ll simply add the 2 bonus years onto your current subscription, or you can choose one of their other research services as your free bonus.

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