TradeSmith Trade Cycles Review: Are The Pivot Points Real?

Keith Kaplan and the team at TradeSmith recently published a research report on the Trade Cycles trading algorithm, and the special “Pivot Points” that shows the best times to buy, sell, or trade individual stocks with startling accuracy. Let’s dig into this Trade Cycles review to find out if this “Pivot Points” live up to their reputation.

Keith Kaplan “Pivot Points” Details

TradeSmith CEO Keith Kaplan released a brand-new research report on what he calls “Pivot Points”

They show the best times to buy, sell, or trade individual stocks with startling accuracy. You can use these points to lock in gains before a stock turns down — or hold off on a purchase until prices get cheaper.

But Keith Kaplan and his team at  TradeSmith have been taking this special indicator a step further — pairing it with a powerful moneymaking tool to leverage quick stock moves into quick triple-digit gains.

TradeSmith has taken the secrets of the world’s greatest Pivot Point traders… and automated them!

When Keith Kaplan and his team at  TradeSmith set out to truly discover how history’s greatest traders were nailing EXACT pivot points in the market they didn’t expect to go from an underground 1986 documentary back to 1750s Japan.

Yet in the process of compiling as much data as they could about how to actually time the markets — they uncovered an iron-clad formula for finding pivot points by borrowing the most effective aspects of the world’s greatest pivot point traders.

Keith and his team took Paul Tudor Jones’ method of using seasonal cycle correlation to pinpoint upcoming trend changes in the market…

Jesse Livermore’s method of analyzing volume action at “the pivotal point”…

And the price action analysis of the inventor of candlestick charts — Munehisa Homme…

And they combined it into something they call…The Trade Cycles Algorithm.

TradeSmith Trade Cycles Review: How it Works?

Here’s how it works:

The algorithm locates a “pivot point” in the market – where the price of a stock is set to change direction — by utilizing three criteria.

To illustrate how these three criteria work together, here’s a recent real trade example from Ford.

Criteria #1: Locate A Statistically Significant Seasonal Cycle

A “seasonal cycle” is a recurring stock market pattern that happens roughly around the same time of year for multiple years in a row.

Often these can occur at a 70% up to a 90% success rate over the course of 15 years, 30 years, or even 50 years or more.

For example, with Ford TradeSmith Trade Cycles systems found a seasonal cycle between August 25th and September 15th.

This showed that Ford moves up an average of +5.07% at an 87.5% success rate.

Now — in the past, information like this used to be incredibly difficult to find and compile.

Yet, Keith Kaplan and his team figured out a straightforward way to let ANYBODY see these cycles on ANY stock in the market with just the push of a button.

Take a look…

See that blue shaded area that the price of Ford approaches?

This is called a “Valley Zone” — this indicates that, according to the data, Ford is statistically likely to rise starting in that area right on August 15th.

Now do you see that orange shaded area? That’s called a “Peak Zone” — this is the date range that Ford is likely to rise into.

As you can see Ford moves down into that blue shaded area and up into the orange shaded area where it then loses momentum — that’s because the bullish cycle has ended by then.

Ford went up during this time 5.9% — right in line with the historical average.

Isn’t that amazing?

But this is only the first criteria of finding an ultra high-quality pivot point. This criteria is the one that TradeSmith’s team borrowed from Paul Tudor Jones’ strategy — the same one he tried to keep “hush-hush” for years.

Now  you may be wondering why these seasonal cycles happen.

Here’s the answer — IT DOESN’T MATTER.

All that matters is that they happen because – for whatever reason — the collective participants in the market buy or sell so much during those specific periods that it causes the price to go up or down during that exact time frame for years and even decades.

TradeSmith Trade Cycles algorithms automatically detect these zones.

Remember — price action is a reflection of all the market participants’ psychology.

You don’t need to know “why” they’re doing what they’re doing — only that they’re doing it.

The second criteria comes from legendary trader Jesse Livermore…

Criteria #2: Find The High Volume “Pivotal Point.”

Jesse Livermore was adamant that you FIRST find the trend — bullish or bearish — then you wait for the price of the stock to hit the “pivotal point” and trade in the direction of the trend.

Well in this example for Ford — TradeSmith team know what the trend is likely to be.

It’s bullish because the seasonal cycle on TradeSmith Trade Cycles algorithm shows that Ford has gone up nearly 90% of the time between August and September.

But the question is — what did Jesse Livermore mean by the “pivotal point”?

Well, we know that Jesse Livermore looked at VOLUME.

Specifically, Keith Kaplan and his team at TradeSmith discovered that areas of VERY high volume indicate a “turning point” once the stock price hits that level.

So, they set out to find a way to visualize these incredibly high-volume areas.

They call it the “Volume at Price.”

Now that may all seem complicated — but here’s the great thing. You don’t need to fully understand the ins and outs of volume analysis like Jesse Livermore did.

Just like the Paul Tudor Jones’ seasonal cycle methodology, Keith and his team have created a simple visual that you can put on any chart for virtually any stock with the push of a button.

Once you do — you’ll EASILY see where the “high volume” pivotal point lies.

Do you see that big long rectangular bar?

THAT is the single price range at which the most amount of volume has been traded.

And do you see how the price of ford “bounced” off that high volume pivotal point?

Well — that’s exactly why these price levels are so vital.

Now — without worrying about all of the deep-level volume analysis expert traders like Jesse Livermore engage in, you can simply click a button and see if the price is at a “high volume pivotal point” in a matter of seconds.

Finally, we come to the third criteria, borrowed from the father of candlestick and order flow analysis himself…

Criteria #3:Make Sure The Price Is At A Support Or Resistance Line

Take a look at this chart — the price of this stock hits $12 and then falls. Then hits it again — and falls. Then does it again for a third time and falls.

THAT is a level of “resistance.”

It means there’s a lot of people in the market SELLING at $12.


Who knows! But they are — and that’s what matters.

Now take a look at this stock — when it goes to $10 it bounces up. When it gets back to $10 it bounces up again. And it keeps doing this.

This is called SUPPORT.

It means there’s a lot of people buying at that level. You can see these price patterns over and over gain in any standard candlestick chart…

Homma called this pattern the “Three mountains” for example.

Today — we refer to these levels as “support” and “resistance.”

Again — in the past — it would take substantial work to individually find these support and resistance areas — even in today’s modern world.

But now — with the click of a button — our algorithms will detect them automatically.

Just as it did with Ford…

It draws a simple series of lines on any chart where support and resistance are highly likely to take place.

It just so happens that Ford’s price was trading at one of these support lines.

In other words…

  1. Ford goes up an average of 5% between August and September
  2. The price was trading at a “high volume pivotal point”
  3. The price was at a strong level of support

Individually these signals are powerful. When combined — it creates an extremely powerful and highly reliable BUY signal.

What’s Included with your Trade Cycles Subscription?

When you add Trade Cycles to your membership – you’re instantly going to receive everything you need in order to find “$100 million pivot points” like the greatest traders throughout history…

So that you can potentially profit in any market.

But here’s the best part — not only are you going to receive the Trade Cycles Algorithm that allows you to quickly and simply scan through thousands of assets and find your own pivot point opportunities…

You can also follow along with weekly pivot point trade alerts sent directly to your inbox or to your phone through the TradeSmith app.

Or you can do a combination of both — acting on Trade Cycles system’s trade alerts and also finding your own opportunities.

Let me just break down all of the amazing membership benefits you’ll have access to IMMEDIATELY.

High Probability Pivot Point Trade Alerts, Weekly Analysis, and Monthly Game Plan

Fishing around in the market for your own opportunities can be stressful and time consuming — even if you do have all the right tools there to make it easier. Sometimes you just want all the heavy lifting done FOR you — quality trade alerts with all the information you need in order to make an informed decision.

Fortunately, with your Trade Cycles membership you’re going to receive exactly that.

Each week you’ll receive between one and three pivot point trade alerts. Each alert will break down in detail why the trade has been qualified, where the pivot point is, and also how long you can expect to be in the trade.

You’ll even receive statistics on how likely the trade is to be a winner based on the same type of historical market data Paul Tudor Jones used to make his “pivot point” decisions…

And when it’s time to get out of the trade — don’t worry — you’ll also receive a timely trade alert notifying you of when it’s time to book your potential profit.

And don’t worry if you are usually busy during market hours  with Trade Cycles most trade alerts are sent after market close.

That way you have time to look over the trade alert in the evenings when you have more time to relax and pay attention.

And then you can simply enter the trade the next morning after the market opens.

You will NEVER be left wondering where you stand on any active position in Trade Cycles.

Every week on Monday evening you will receive a full recap of all open positions — why those positions are still valid (or why not), an analysis of the price action, whether or not the pivot point is still “in play” and more.

PLUS you will receive high level market insights along with each weekly report’s position updates.

Monthly Game Plan Video Reports

On the first week of each month, you will also receive a high level “game plan” for the month in video format — presented by TradeSmith’s pivot points trading expert and analysts.

Each monthly video analysis will walk through the broader market, show you what cycle you are in, map out pivot points on various major assets and then take you through which assets you’ll be following that month.

This way you always know what’s in store for the month ahead, whether to be bullish or bearish, and also understand which “trade cycle” you’re actually in.

But this is just the beginning, because you’ll also receive the actual Trade Cycles algorithm that TradeSmith’s world class team of programmers, traders, and data scientists created…

Premium Access To The Trade Cycles Algorithm For Self-Directed Pivot Point Analysis

Not satisfied to just be handed some of the best, highest quality trade alerts and analysis in the world?

Want to get out there and do a little “fishing” in the market yourself?

No problem!

That’s why you’ll also get DIRECT premium access to TradeSmith Trade Cycles algorithm, which includes…

High Level Screening Capabilities

Are you looking for buying opportunities in this market?

Quickly filter through THOUSANDS of stocks to see which ones are in a “valley” according to TradeSmith Trade Cycles Algorithm, which means they are primed to move up.

Click on each company to bring up your custom Trade Cycles chart to show when the next peak is so you can determine how long the trade cycle is likely to last.

Instantly display volume at price and pivot points.

Are you looking for a chance to make money on falling stocks? You can quickly screen for opportunities like that as well.

Analyze Any Stock To See What Cycle It’s In

Do you have some long-term investments and you’re looking to buy more, but you’re not sure if it’s the right time?

Well, with access to TradeSmith Trade Cycles algorithm, you can look up any ticker and instantly see what cycle it’s in on various time frames…

  • Short term cycle
  • Medium term cycle
  • Long term cycle

Depending on how long you’re looking to hold the stock, you can use these cycle lengths to determine a good time to buy (or sell) shares.

With Trade Cycles on your side, it’s like having an “X-Ray” into the invisible pivot points for each stock so you’ll never be left wondering if it’s a good time to buy or sell.

Quick-Start Educational Resources To Get You Finding The Next “$100 Million Pivot Point” FAST

The Ultimate Trade Cycles Strategy Guide

Think of this as your “owner’s manual” where Keith Kaplan will walk you through the entire Trade Cycles system and how to use the Trade Cycles Algorithm.

You’ll discover…

  • How Trade Cycles powerful algorithm services up ideal trades
  • How to set profit targets with support and resistance
  • Why cycles even work!
  • The ULTIMATE secret to making TONS of money as an active trader (rather than a “passive” investor)
  • Clear and concise PRO position sizing and risk management rules to give you the best chance of staying profitable
  • How to grow a small account
  • Finally — what you need to get started trading pivot points TODAY.

Pendulum Profits Playbook: How To Take Advantage of Opportunities Both Long and Short

In this easy-to-understand educational report you’ll learn how to narrow your focus to ONLY the highest probability trades. The market “swings like a pendulum” — and you can make money when it swings both UP and DOWN.

But most people only BUY the market and never learn how to make money when it goes down.

To be honest — this is a lot like driving a car that only goes forward (but can’t reverse or turn around).

You’re severely limiting your potential profits if you’re not playing BOTH directions of that “pendulum” swing.

So, in this report not only will you learn the tricks to make money when the pendulum swings UP — you’ll also discover risk-defined ways to make money when it swings DOWN.

And don’t worry — it’s not complicated or overly risk. In fact, most of the fears entered around making money when stocks go down are completely unfounded.

After you read this report, you’ll be ready to make money in ANY market conditions.

Trade Cycles Subscription Fee

The typical retail price of Trade Cycles is $5,000 per year.

However — believe it or not you’re not even going to be paying THAT.

Today – during a special limited-time promotion – you can get access to these powerful pivot point trades for just $2,500.

That means you can immediately add this suite of tools, trade alerts, analysis, and education onto your membership at a 50% discount to the retail price.

Trade Cycles Refund Policy

As a part of the current promotion – Keith Kaplan and the team at TradeSmith will give you a full 90 days to “test drive” the Trade Cycles system.

Put these pivot points to the test – run your stocks through the analysis… Use the Trade Cycles algorithm… See what opportunities await you.

And act on up to 12 high-quality pivot point trade alerts for gains of 20%… 60%… or 100% in just a matter of a few short days or weeks.

And if — for any reason whatsoever – you find that Trade Cycles by TradeSmith is NOT for you, then just contact TradeSmith‘s Customer Success team within 90 days of purchasing and you’ll be issued a full credit that you can use for ANY other TradeSmith product or service. Note: there are no cash refunds for this offer.

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