Tom Gentile’s Million Dollar Master Class – Is It Worth Your Money?

Tom Gentile: Add these 3 coins to your digital wallet today!

Tom Gentile’s Million Dollar Master Class – What IS IT?

Tom Gentile has helped more than 300,000 people realize their dreams and achieve their financial goals through investing.

He himself is a multimillionaire whose appearances in ForbesMarketWatchBloombergCNBC, and Fox Business are wildly rated. He’s the author and co-author of half a dozen books on investing, and at one time, his live radio show from Los Angles was second in ratings only to Howard Stern on Saturdays.

Here he shows regular folks how they can buy blue chips cheap during this phenomenon of the “Rising Money Line.”


Billionaires Swarm Quadrillion-Dollar Technology…


They aren’t friends…

They aren’t business partners…

And aside from the shared “Billionaire status” – these men have little in common.

So why are Elon Musk, Mark Cuban & Virgin Founder Richard Branson investing in the same strange technology?

Tech investing expert Jeff Brown sat down to take a deeper look in his recent interview with Chris Hurt.

Jeff is convinced this earth-shattering new technology will dwarf AI, Cryptocurrencies, Robotics, 5G – combined…

Click here to watch or read his full presentation while it’s still available.

In his Master Class Tom Gentile’s shows you his technique for supercharging your stock gains.

And when I say supercharging, I mean it. Because using the stock-buying technique Tom will teach you in his Master Class, you could set yourself up to make enough money to retire…

His only caveat is this: You’ll only have a small window to do it in. Because these markets are going to change fast. And when it turns, this phenomenon that’s handing us this huge opportunity today will be over.

So there are two things Tom Gentile is going to show you today. One is the Rising Money Line phenomenon. He calls this a phenomenon because it’s something he has only seen three times in his life.

And when that Money Line number rises, which it’s doing right now, it pays you very large amounts of cash, instantly, to buy stocks.


You heard that right…

You Can Get Paid to Buy Stocks.

A lot of money too – $1,000… $2,000… $5,000… even more. Not many people know that.

The second thing you’re going to learn is how to “negotiate” the price of the stocks you want to own. Regarding Tom Gentile, buying stocks at the “listed” price today is stupid. But getting them at 20%, 30%, or even 40% off their current list price makes a lot of sense.

Now, between number one and number two, you can make a LOT more money than the average Joe who doesn’t know what to do.

To show you how this strategy works Tom Gentile prepared 2 master classes.

To hit the biggest profits, you need to make bigger trades. Of course Tom Gentile can’t tell you or anyone else how much to risk or how much to invest. Only you know that for yourself. As safe as blue chips are, you should never invest more than you can afford to lose.

That’s why this strategy is best for people who aren’t afraid of owning large investments in the world’s top companies, getting in near what could be the lowest prices of a lifetime.

Again, never before have we had this opportunity. And we will likely never have it again.

Tom Gentile calls this his Rocket Wealth Strategy. And of all the option strategies he developed and use in his own accounts – he loves this one for accumulating great stocks at low prices.

Rocket Wealth Strategy is just ONE way to make staggering wealth in this market right now.

That’s why Tom has put together, for the first time ever, a series of his  most intense, most lucrative wealth-building strategies like this one.

And each one is detailed in his exclusive Million Dollar Master Classes.

That means every single month for the next 12 months, he’s going to take his subscribers deep inside his secure trading room and reveal the techniques he uses to profit in every market imaginable.

Once you’ve mastered Tom Gentile’s  Rocket Wealth Strategy, you’ll discover how to use his world-famous Money Calendar.

Money Calendar is the strategy that told Tom when to expect the profits – months in advance.

He literally had the dates circled on his calendar.

And guess what?

With great stocks now roaring back from their recent lows…

He already set Payday Appointments on more than a dozen specific dates when he could expect to collect more profits in the months ahead.

And here’s the best news:  As a subscriber of Tom Gentile’s Fast Fortune Club, you’ll get Tom Gentile’s  Money Calendar Master Class. And every month, you’ll get access to the most potentially lucrative Money Calendar recommendation that he has…

Plus, you’ll get all the coaching and instruction on how to place the trades if you want to follow along and watch him do it in real time…

And most importantly, you’ll have the potential to make 100% 150% 200% and more… on every single recommendation each and every month.

That’s two Master Classes you’ll get. One on Tom Gentile’s  Rocket Wealth Strategy… the other on his world-famous Money Calendar.


The Extra Income Project

Want the chance to put $2,500, $5,000, $10,000, or more in your pocket every Thursday?

Don’t Just Ask Me…SHOW ME!!!

What is Included with Your Fast Fortune Club Subscription?

Here is a full list of all 12 Million Dollar Master Classes:

Rocket Wealth Master Class

Tom Gentile’s  Rocket Wealth Master Class is the best place to start. In fact, his very next mega blue-chip recommendation is locked, loaded, and just waiting for you. The potential on this is crazy, crazy big. And you’ll get it within moments of signing up. In fact, you could see money hit your account in the next 15 minutes. Just by following Tom’s detailed instructions step by step.

It’s that fast. And with Tom Gentile’s  Fast Fortune Club at 74% OFF right now… it’s a no-brainer.

And remember…

Tom Gentile’s  Rocket Wealth strategy is just ONE of the pro strategies he will teach you in his Million Dollar Master Classes.

Money Calendar

Tom Gentile will teach you about his world-famous Money Calendar – where he shows you how to identify hidden patterns of extraordinary upticks in the stock market over and over again – and how to profit. In fact, you’ll get LIVE trade recommendations on this every month going forward.

Speed Gold Trade

Tom Gentile will teach you his  Speed Gold Trade, where you’ll discover a simple gold play that can let you “turbo charge” gold’s gains 10X, 20X, and even as much as 50X in days or weeks.

Money Dial

You’ll get an inside look at Tom Gentile’s exciting new Money Dial strategy, where daily repeating patterns in stocks can land you 24%, 28%, and 37% gains in a matter of hours! You’ll get new opportunities every month.


650 U.S. banks to offer Bitcoin?


It’s happening…

According to Nasdaq, “650 U.S. community banks can now offer crypto services.”

This comes hot on the heels of Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs letting their clients buy Bitcoin.

Nowadays, it seems like everyone wants in on Bitcoin.

However, according to the man voted “#1 most trusted source” among crypto experts…

This is not the best investment to make today.

What he’s suggesting will come as a surprise to many. And could go up as much as 2,400% more.

Click here for his #1 recommendation.

Flip Stocks

Tom Gentile will teach you how to Flip Stocks using “channel collisions” – a convergence of very powerful market forces that can signal the potential for massive and predictable upward jumps in a stock.You can use this as many times as you like after getting Tom Gentile’s Master Class.

Butterfly Trade

Tom Gentile will demystify this simple but extremely powerful Butterfly Trade – and show you why it’s been behind some of Fast Fortune Club’s biggest gains including partial closeouts – 150% in 68 days, 109% in 65 days, 126% in 23 days, and 172% in a little over six months to name a few. Go ahead, grab the profits when they pop up.

Condors, Straddles, and Collars

Condors, Straddles, and Collars. More mastery of pro trader secrets – including the one simple trading technique you can use during earnings season to lock in fast gains on nearly every big company reporting… quarter after quarter.

Calls and Puts

Why settle for ordinary stock gains when you can 10X your money using this very simple “one-click” options strategy with Calls and Puts? Tom Gentile will teach you everything you need to know about this investment staple.

Directional Analysis

Anticipate the future, and you can rule the market. That’s why you can’t afford to miss Tom Gentile’s Master Class on directional analysis featuring my 10/30 SMA Crossover strategy. It takes less than 15 minutes to learn and can make you money for a lifetime.

Small-Cap Tech Stocks

Tom Gentile will teach you how to 10X your gains in Small-Cap Tech Stocks in what is by far the hottest and fastest moving sector of the stock market. If you’re not trading tech, you’re missing the boat.

Credit Loophole Trade

Credit Loophole Trade. Learn how to cash in on these volatile times by collecting instant cash from the market – without having to buy any stock at all.


This little-known sector of the crypto market is on fire. Some of these new Microcurrencies are running up fast. Tom Gentile research shows jumps as high as 975% in as little as four days. In this unique Master Class, he will teach you how to identify and trade the hot runners for some of the biggest gains of your life.


The Wall Street Legend Who Picked Apple in 2003 and Bitcoin in 2016 – Shares #1 Pick for the 2020s


It’s not 5G, artificial intelligence, or the internet of things.

The answer will surprise you. And, for those who take early action, it could lead to an eventual $1.6 million payout.

See #1 Pick

Tom Gentile’s 7-Part Cash Course

Being a Fast Fortune Club member is all about winning in the stock market.

But it’s also about teaching you the strategies that can make you rich – so you have them for life.

And it all starts with the foundational expertise Tom Gentile’s industry-famous “Cash Course” will give you.

In these short, concise 10-minute lessons, Tom explains how to set up your trading account… how to make money from stocks, ETFs, and options… how to execute multi-leg trades… and more.

He gives you his personal plan that can show you how to make your first $1 million… and the second… third… and fourth over the coming years (depending on your bank roll). But you can get started on your journey to riches with as little as $2,000 on your first trade.

But there’s still more.

Progress Reports

As a Fast Fortune Club member, you’ll get Tom Gentile’s weekly Progress Reports – where he tells you in plain language how all of his  Fast Fortune recommendations are doing… and where he sees them going from here.

Fast Fortune Roundtables

Every month, you’ll be invited to one of Tom Gentile’s live, online Fast Fortune Roundtables – where he may be joined by some of his high-level trader friends and associates to discuss the biggest and best opportunities in the markets right now.

You’ll have full access to Tom Gentile’s world-famous Money Calendar – where you’ll have a bird’s-eye view of all Tom Gentile‘s upcoming, anticipated “Payday Appointments” and how much money he expects to pocket.

Tom Gentile loves keeping in touch with his  Fast Fortune readers. That’s why when something in the markets catches his eye – he will send you a Live Video Stream from his secure trading room where Tom shows you the opportunity… how much is at stake… and let you look over his shoulder as he shows you how to trade it.

And anytime Tom Gentile has news, a new recommendation, a new Master Class, or a new video to share with you, he can send you a text – with a direct link to whatever he’s sharing.

That way, you don’t have to be tied to your computer. You can be anywhere and not miss out on a single Fast Fortune member benefit or recommendation.

Fast Fortune Club Pricing

The regular retail price to join Fast Fortune Club is $499.

Through today’s Tom Gentile’s Million Dollar Master Class special offer, you won’t pay the $499 others will have to pay…

Your price today: $129 for a FULL YEAR of Fast Fortune Club membership.

That includes EVERYTHING : all Rocket Wealth and other recommendations, all Master Classes, all Roundtables, all Live Video Stream events, all 52 Weekly Progress Reports, text alerts, and, of course, full access to Tom Gentile’s  Money Calendar, and much, much more.




Here’s how to prepare for the biggest stock market event of the decade.

Including the name and ticker of the best-performing stock of 2020.

Click Here For Details

Is there any Guarantee or Refund Policy in place?

Yes. Tom Gentile is ready to offer you an incredible $120K Guarantee.

It’s very simple.

Agree to try Fast Fortune Club for a full 12 months at today’s deeply discounted price with ZERO subscription risk…

See at least 12 opportunities to collect instant cash with Tom Gentile’s  Rocket Wealth strategy – while you lock in your opportunity to own top-rated blue-chip stocks at 20%… 30%… 40%… even 50% cheaper than today’s prices…

Plus take advantage of all the other Master Class strategies you’ll learn, and check out the recommendations Tom Gentile’s will send you…

Then, if at the end of our 12 months together, based on Tom Gentile’s track record of recommendations, you don’t see the opportunity to add at least $120,000 to your wealth by investing no more than $2,000 at a time… simply let Tom Gentile’s team know…

And they will not only refund the $129 you paid, no questions asked…

But will throw in a second year of Fast Fortune Club – a $499 value – FREE!

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