Tom Gentile’s 4 Days to $400 Challenge – Is It Legit?

Tom Gentile’s 4 Days to $400 Challenge is the best way I’ve ever seen to generate instant income from the markets. Check out a few things you need to know before it kicks off.

Tom Gentile’s 4 Days to $400 Challenge – What Is It?

Tom Gentile wants to show you how to steadily and predictably earn income using a little-known investing strategy – one that Wall Street brokers don’t want you to know about – inside his very first 4 Days to $400 Challenge.

To date, Tom Gentile only shared this strategy with his highest level of subscribers who regularly pay him up to $4,000 to learn it…

And it’s absolutely worth the money.

Since April 2020 alone, Tom Gentile has been using this EXACT strategy to regularly help these subscribers add as much as $500, $1,000, or even $1,500 to their accounts on a near-weekly basis.

But for the first time… in just one hour a day – for four days – Tom can show you everything you need to know to earn that kind of cash too without the $4,000 price tag.


Severe Stock Warning: A New Financial Crisis Is Underway

It doesn’t matter if you have money in the markets right now, or you’re waiting on the sidelines. The short period we’re about to enter could have the power to make – or destroy – fortunes. And what you do in the coming days could determine your wealth for the next decade. Here’s what’s happening and how to prepare.

Click here for details

What will you learn during Tom Gentile’s 4 Days to $400 Challenge?

During Tom Gentile’s 4 Days to $400 Challenge,
you’ll learn:

  • How to set up your brokerage account with the right level of clearance…
  • How to fund your account and get it ready for action…
  • Exactly how this strategy works, what to look for, and when to take action…
  • How to trade with the lowest possible risk…

Tom Gentile guarantees that you’ll SEE HIM earn at LEAST $400 during the four days you spend together.

He will EVEN show you how to turn “losing” trades into incredible deals that may actually benefit you in the end.

When you join the challenge, Tom will be right there with you – practically holding your hand as you make your first trade using this strategy. It might even feel like cheating on your homework. The answers will be right in front of you while you take the “test.”

You’ll be able to ask Tom general questions in real time so that you can get everything just right before submitting your trade…

The best part is that Tom Gentile will be able to see the look on your face and feel your excitement when you see the instant cash show up in your brokerage account.

This is the opportunity you’ve been looking for to dip your toe into the market way – without sacrificing big returns or being scared of the current market dip.

Is Tom Gentile’s 4 Days to $400 Challenge right for You?

Take a look at all of those questions….

  • Have you thought about trading before but have NO IDEA where to start?
  • Do you have money in the stock market already but feel FEARFUL of the current market conditions?
  • Do you want direct access and coaching from a 30-year trading veteran to help you learn a recession-proof strategy and answer any nuts-and-bolts question you have?
  • Are you trying to find a way to add some security to your portfolio?
  • Are you convinced that now is the time to buy into the market but don’t know what steps to take?
  • Are you about to make your first trade and want to make sure it’s the best one possible?

If your answer is “Yes” then Tom Gentile’s 4 Days to $400 Challenge is right for you.


Market Meltdown 2023

What happens in the coming weeks could make or absolutely break your retirement. That’s what history has shown when stocks are falling, inflation is rising, the Fed is raising rates, and economic activity is slowing. But Dan Ferris just stepped forward with an insanely simple solution to protect your wealth.

Full details here.

Tom Gentile’s 4 Days to $400 Challenge – How It Works?

Once you join, you’re going to get an email directly from Tom Gentile.

Inside of that email is going to be a link to join him inside of a private Facebook group that only challenge participants and Tom Gentile’s team can access.

Tom is going to host all of his sessions right there – inside the group.

You’re going to have the ability to ask general questions inside the group and Tom’s team, and personally Tom Gentile will be able to answer them almost instantly.

Before the challenge even starts, Tom and his team are going to show you how to make sure you have a brokerage account set up, funded, and ready to go.

You’re going to join Tom Gentile LIVE for an hour each day – for four days – starting on Monday, November 14, 2022.

(Also, you’ll be able to catch the recordings from each day if you absolutely need to.)

After each session, Tom Gentile is going to share with you a simple homework assignment to make sure you walk away with the ability to do this on your own…

The homework is optional – but if you DO complete the homework correctly, there could be a very special prize in it for you.

On day four, you’re going to join Tom Gentile on your last and final video call together – and you’re going to make your first trade using the information you’ve learned in the previous days.

If you follow along and make the trade exactly as Tom shows you, you’re going to walk away from that call with $400 extra in your pocket to do whatever you want with!

That money is YOURS to keep no matter what.

So what’s the cost?

It’s only $47 to join Tom Gentile’s 4 Days to $400 Challenge.

That’s probably less than your weekly coffee bill… but it could be the opportunity that changes your life forever.

You’re getting so much more than the challenge though…


Major Announcement From Dr. Steve Sjuggerud

“This is what I’m doing with my own money right now. I recommend you do the same”.

In a brand-new update, Dr. Steve Sjuggerud explains his No. 1 recommended sector that could reliably make you hundreds-of-percent gains in the coming months, no matter what the market does next.

See Steve’s urgent new message right here

Here’s What You’re Going to Learn during Tom Gentile’s 4 Days to $400 Challenge?

Before the Challenge Starts

Tom and his team are going to make sure that you’re set up for success by walking you through the setup of your funded brokerage account of at least $10, You’ll be able to show up on day four knowing that you’re ready and able to make the trade and make the $400 instant cash!

You’ll get to know a little about Tom Gentile, his track record, and how this strategy came about many moons ago…

Tom will also going to talk about why this strategy is PERFECT for the current market conditions and why it will continue to produce a consistent result even if things get WORSE (and they WILL)…

Day 1: A View From the Top – Creating and Charting a Power Stock List

Look – if you follow along with Tom Gentile, you’re going to make $400 during the challenge…

That’s not enough though.

Tom’s goal for you is to learn what the strategy is, how it works, and WHY it works.

It’s important to have all of this information so that you can continue past these four days together and repeat the process over and over and over – so that the dollars keep on rolling in.

The first thing you need to know is what stocks Tom Gentile works with. There are over 10,000 stocks that are traded on various exchanges. Tom is going to show you how to work this down to just a few hundred – which he calls First-in-Class Stocks. They are the best of the best…

Stocks that have liquidity… stocks from the Penny Pilot list… and stocks that have the most options that trade around them… the popular stocks.

Also – on day one, Tom Gentile will show you how he set up his charts… not just a candlestick chart with volume – NOPE…Tom Gentile is going to show you something called probability charts and show you the All-in-One Stock Chart – where everything you need to know is at your fingertips.

Day 2: Options 101

Tom Gentile and his team will do a quick review of day one, then talk about getting started in options. Tom Gentile will discuss what an option is and the important details of an option.

Then, you will discuss calls and puts, the costs, risks, and rewards of owning call and put options. Then Tom Gentile wants to show you – using his Power Stock Lists and his brokerage account – how to set up a simple call or put trade.

So, Tom Gentile will reveal why most people lose money trading options and how he is going to turn this.

Day 3: The Reveal, the Upside, and the Downside

Tom Gentile is going to cover the positives and negatives around long-term stock buying so that you see the potential and understand the downside (which isn’t really a downside) involved in this strategy.

Tom will show you the single-best way to build real wealth in the stock market – using the strategy most brokers use with their own money.

He’s going to show you how to get paid to trade so that you can reap all of the benefits without having to spend decades learning like he had to.

Tom Gentile will show you why this strategy is better for traders than buying shares of stock outright – so that you can really understand why this strategy is kept secret for those “in the know.” With every investment strategy, there is an upside. (In this case, it’s instant cash in your brokerage account.) And there is a downside.

It’s important that you know both.

Tom Gentile is going to spend an entire session on it so that you know exactly what you’re getting into.

Now… before you continue reading, I want to be clear. No strategy works 100% of the time.

If anyone promises that to you – RUN.

With that being said, there are strategies like this one that have a lot going in their favor.

For example, this strategy allows you to pocket instant cash that you get to keep NO matter what…

That cash is YOURS!

What other strategy can say that?

It also happens to be the best way to put yourself in position to build generational wealth in the stock market – no matter the market conditions.

Tom Gentile will cover how you win two ways on trades and show you examples of REAL trades that his subscribers have been able to take advantage of THIS YEAR to earn instant cash.

Now, the Downside

Tom Gentile is also going to cover the worst-case scenario for this strategy and how (if you use it correctly) the worst case can actually allow you to purchase stock you like at a STEEP discount!

He’ll cover what to do if trade moves against you and how you can lessen your risk with a few little-known tricks.

Plus, Tom is going to show you REAL examples of losing trades, what went wrong, and explain what it means for the investor.

Lastly, Tom Gentile and the team are going to cover ways to cut your risks if the trade is starting to show signs that it might not go as planned.


It’s that simple!

Tom Gentile will go ahead and do all of the research ahead of time and have a trade picked out.

You’ll be able to stroke a few keys on your keyboard – and you’re done!

In less than two minutes, you could have added $400 of cash to your account!


Huge Recession Loophole (See These Charts)

Amid today’s market turmoil, THIS is one of the biggest and most bullish opportunities today: a red-hot sector with almost unlimited pricing power and a history of outperforming in recessions. It’s also the sector where our good friend Dr. David Eifrig spent half his professional life – meaning he’s extremely qualified to spot world-class opportunities today.

Take a look at the evidence here.

Tom Gentile’s 4 Days to $400 Challenge Requirements

In order to get the MAXIMUM result from the challenge, you must have access to the following:

  1. Access to a computer, laptop, or tablet…
  2. A solid internet connection and a personal Facebook account…
  3. An online brokerage account funded with a minimum of $7,500 inside…
  4. Most importantly, you need to be able to dedicate one hour a day for four days to learn how to generate instant cash.

Sounds manageable, right?

If You Do Meet These Requirements, the 4 Days to $400 Challenge Starts on Monday, November 14, 2022

Tom Gentile’s 4 Days to $400 Challenge – Frequently Asked Questions

What is the daily schedule for the challenge?

The challenge takes place over four total days – from Monday, November 14, 2022, through Thursday, November 17, 2022. You’ll have calls every day – Monday through Friday. Each call takes place at 2 p.m. (ET).

How much time will it take each day?

Each call takes approximately 60 minutes. There will also be suggested daily homework that should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete. (Some only takes a few minutes.) So throughout the challenge, expect a 90-minute or less time investment per day.

What will I be learning?

You will be learning exactly how to trade options for instant income. On day four of the challenge, you’ll get EXACT instructions and a ticker symbol to place your own option trade that’s guaranteed to earn you $400 (or more) in less than two minutes!

How much money do I need to make at least $400 in instant income?

You will need a funded brokerage account with at least $7,500 in it. You will also need to get your brokerage account set up to trade options level 1 or 2, depending on your broker. (Tom Gentile will show you exactly how to do this in the pre-live training materials.)

How do I access the content?

Tom Gentile will be emailing you everything you need – and everything takes place inside of a private Facebook group. You will get access to the group as soon as you purchase. In the group, Tom Gentile will host the live daily calls, upload the recordings, and post any additional training materials. Also, this is a great way to network with fellow challengers and help each other along the way!

How long do I have access?

After the challenge ends, Tom Gentile and his team will “archive” the training videos and reports so you can review them whenever you want. The Facebook group itself will remain active for one week following training.


How I Made $100,000 Overnight

It began with a mysterious phone call from a billionaire hedge-fund manager… desperate for access to Joel Litman’s stock market rating system before the next opening bell. What happened next would unlock a stock market phenomenon that spits out 10-, 20-, and even 30-baggers a few rare times per year. And right now, it’s happening again.

Just make sure you see this incredible story before tomorrow’s opening bell.

Bottom Line: Should You Join Tom Gentile’s 4 Days to $400 Challenge?

Absolutely Yes!!!

You can learn this strategy and use
it to make instant income – even If…

  • You have NO experience in the stock market
  • You’ve never made a single trade before
  • The market is good
  • The market is bad

Click Here to Join Tom Gentile’s 4 Days to $400 Challenge

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