Tim Melvin’s Heatseekers Review – Is it Legit?

Tim Melvin is one of the most interesting men in finance. He’s a self-taught financial genius touting an undefeated track record: 30 years’ experience, with 0 realized losses these past five years.  Tim paved his own path to financial freedom. Instead of college, he sold vacuums door to door – but his desire to make a better life for himself quickly drove him to investing.

His unique investing strategy is what’s given him his undefeated portfolio – 100% of his closed positions are winners. Most of those have been double- and triple-digit winners.

And now, Tim’s had enough of the hogwash Wall Street sells everyday Americans. He’s tired of being the only undefeated person in the industry.

That’s why he’s started his one-of-a-kind research service – Heatseekers. To show Main Street folks how to invest like the bigwigs and fat cats on Wall Street… to help others achieve the American Dream in the same way he did.

In it, he shows readers how to turn “hidden gems” into double- or triple-digit winners, every Monday morning.

What is Tim Melvin’s Heatseeker Research Service?

Once you join, you’ll see a few areas of the site, it’s helpful to know what each one is for:

Heatseekers Portfolio

In the Heatseekers portfolio, Tim Melvin identifies the most underrated, underexposed, and underappreciated stocks and then shows you how to buy those stocks when they are cheaper than dirt. It’s the strategy that’s made Tim’s track record undefeated.

Heatseekers Alert

Every week, Tim will be releasing a new, uncensored video broadcast. In these broadcasts, he’ll reveal a new stock recommendation using the two secret metrics behind his undefeated track record. Tim will tell you exactly how the company ranks on his metrics and give you his complete analysis of the company.

When it’s time to pull the plug, Tim will send you a payout alert, telling you exactly what to do to exit your position. Tim can’t guarantee success with every trade, but if his history is any indication, you will never lose on a single one.

Heatseekers Research Reports

Tim’s an investment expert with more than 30 years under his belt – and during the past five years, he has realized zero losing trades. Now, he’s ready to share the secret to his outstanding track record with his Heatseekers members.

You can find his exclusive company analysis and profit reports on this page.

Heatseekers Media

Every week, Tim will be releasing a new, uncensored video broadcast. In these broadcasts, he’ll reveal a new stock recommendation using the two secret metrics behind his undefeated track record. Tim will tell you exactly how the company ranks on his metrics and give you his complete analysis of the company.

Tim Melvin hasn’t taken a loss on a single recommendation.

  • All 32 of his closed positions are winners. Not some, not most, ALL OF THEM
  • His average gain is 70%…
  • And as of August 8, 85 of his 87 open positions are up (the vast majority by double and triple digits).

This gives Tim a 98% WIN RATE.

The craziest part is, he has accomplished this incredible feat without ever using a single option.

Because Tim doesn’t need options.

He generates one massive winning play after another by converting every publicly traded stock into a single number that helps him determine the probability a stock will go up, by how much, and when it will happen.

And his method – as crazy as it sounds – is more effective than anything we’ve ever seen.

Once you see how this man makes money, you’ll likely fire your broker, withdraw funds from your financial planner, and sell every security you own immediately.

You will never want to invest the old way again.

What do you get for your money?

Here’s what you can expect as a member of Tim Melvin’s Heatseekers Advisory

    1. Heatseekers Video Broadcasts:Every week, Tim Melvin will be releasing a new uncensored video broadcast. In these broadcasts, he will reveal a new Sabermetric stock recommendation. He will tell you what its WAR ranking is, its Cost Per WAR, and give you his complete analysis of the company.


    1. Heatseekers Payout Alerts:Then, whenever it’s time to pull the plug, Tim Melvin will send you a payout alert, telling you exactly what to do to exit your position. He can’t guarantee success with every trade, but if his history is any indication, you will never lose on a single one.


    1. Heatseekers Sabermetrics Compendium:To make sure you understand every aspect of his Sabermetric investing methodology, you will get instant access to a 44-page compendium that explains the history of Sabermetrics, how he applies them to the stock market, and the math that goes into each of his calculations.


    1. Heatseekers Digital Enclave:As a member of Heatseekers, you will also get exclusive access to an online archive where you’ll find every video broadcast and payout alert. Tim Melvin will also be posting interviews, political commentary, feedback forums, pictures, personal stories, and much more.


    1. Heatseekers Boardroom Meetings:To keep you in the loop, Tim Melvin will also be holding regular virtual “boardroom” meetings for members. These meetings are your opportunity to ask him questions, and his opportunity to answer the most popular questions in as much detail as he can.


  1. Heatseekers Sacred Book Collection:As a token of appreciation, he will also be sending you a free book every quarter that Tim believes will have a direct impact on your wealth.

With your membership to Heatseekers, you will also receive copies of Tim Melvin’s two latest works…

  • The Boring Way to Get Rich in the Stock MarketThis book details Tim Melvin’s history with small-bank investing and explains why targeting these boring companies has made him the only undefeated person in this industry (that I know of).
  • 10 Tiny Banks with Huge PotentialThis report gives you 10 new bank-stock recommendations, each of which you can buy shares in right now.

Who the heck is Tim Melvin?

Tim Melvin’s Heatseekers Advisory
Tim Melvin’s Heatseekers Advisory

Tim Melvin is one of the most interesting men in finance. He’s a self-taught financial genius touting an undefeated track record: 30 years’ experience, with zero realized losses these past five years.

Tim paved his own path to financial freedom. Instead of college, he sold vacuums door to door – but his desire to make a better life for himself quickly drove him to investing.

There, he quickly developed the strategies that gave him his undefeated track record.

Melvin says he owes a great deal of that success to something he learned from his favorite pastime: baseball.

If you’ve seen the Hollywood hit “Moneyball,” then you know who Billy Beane is. By using baseball analytics (otherwise known as Sabermetrics), Beane was able to turn one of the worst teams in baseball into All-Stars. And Tim has figured out how to apply Sabermetrics to the stock market, using calculations ripped straight out of Billy Beane’s “Moneyball”playbook.

With 32 winning plays in a row, he has become an unstoppable force in the financial world.

For three decades, he managed money for some of the world’s wealthiest people as their broker, advisor, and portfolio manager. But he’s had enough. Now he’s here to help you become an undefeated investor.

That’s why Tim Melvin joined the investment newsletter industry – to show Main Street folks how to invest like the bigwigs and fat cats on Wall Street… to help others achieve the American Dream in the same way he did.

He’s turned countless “hidden gems” into winners. And just like Beane’s formulas led the Boston Red Sox to the World Series in 2004, Tim Melvin’s trading metrics led to an undefeated portfolio – 100% of his closed positions are winners. Most of those have been double- and triple-digit winners.

He has written and lectured extensively on the markets, with work appearing on Benzinga, Real Money, Daily Speculations, and more.

He has published several books in the Little Book of Investment Series and a Junior Chamber Course geared towards young adults that teaches Graham’s principles and techniques to a new generation of investors.

Today, he serves as the editor of Heatseekers and Max Wealth – and he’s the Special Situations Strategist at Money Morning.

Tim is 100% independent and receives absolutely no compensation from companies he writes about. His ideas and recommendations are completely his own.

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